Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Not Detecting 4GB RAM With 64bith OS

Apr 14, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 9.10 x64 and have 4GB RAM (as detected by my bios). However, when i run free -m, it reports:

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3271 915 2355 0 69 333
-/+ buffers/cache: 512 2758
Swap: 7812 0 7812

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Ubuntu :: Priority To Hard Disk Containing Kubuntu Login To Kubuntu But Can't Get In To Windows7?

Sep 15, 2010

I have two OS in my system. Windows& and Kubuntu. Both are in separate hard disks. I was using both. In between i have upgraded my system. now when i am giving priority to hard disk containing kubuntu, i can login to kubuntu, but cant get in to windows7. i have upgraded grub but not working. when i am giving priority to hard disk containig windows7 it enters and work properly. but not working in the previous.

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Ubuntu :: XP / Kubuntu - If Delete Kubuntu What's Happen To My Boot Cycle

Mar 31, 2010

XP Pro SP3
Ubuntu 9.10
Kubuntu 9.10

Tri-booting. They were installed in the order I listed above. I ran into a few bugs with Kubuntu, so I no longer want to use it. I want to use GParted on a LiveCD to format Kubuntu and expand my Ubuntu home partition to sit on top of Kubuntu's space right now. If I nuke Kubuntu, will Grub still exist with my Ubuntu/XP entries to boot?

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Ubuntu :: Point To Kubuntu CD Instead Of Kubuntu Repository?

Mar 7, 2011

I would like to apply KDE on my Kubuntu because the current one blew up. But each time I to sudo get-apt it seems to be fetching from the cloud. Is there a way I can make it to read from my local Kubuntu CD? I have both Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Kubuntu Live CDs.

I believe the local disk read should be faster to translate than to bite the bytes across thousands of miles over the wire right?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Not Detecting USB Keyboard

May 3, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 via Wubi (Dual-boot with Win 7; everything went smoothly; was able to install Nvidia drivers, various packages and everything went silky smooth overall. This morning I attempted to log-in to my Profile (on Ubuntu) and I found that my Keyboard would not respond; I attempted to unplug and replug the keyboard back in, restart the computer, everything; yet it will not detect my keyboard.

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Ubuntu :: Not Detecting SD Card?

May 18, 2010

Okay well I have inserted my SD card into my pc.. but ubuntu doesnt seem to be picking it up? It's not showing any signs, i remember it use to show a little icon with the name of the card on the desktop or in the "places" menu but I dont see it.

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Ubuntu :: USB Modem Not Detecting?

Dec 4, 2009

In my laptop, ealier in XP OS whenever I was connecting USB Modem, it was giving message "Power surge on USB Hub Port". Now, I have put new hard disk with a single partition and installed Ubuntu 9.04 on it. After installation, it was detecting USB for a day or two and I/net was working fine. But now the system is not detecting USB Modem et al. Is it because of some hardware problem or is there anything that I can check into Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Not Detecting USB Mic?

Aug 10, 2010

Well I have this really shweet Samson C01U usb studio condenser mic. When it is plugged in before I boot my machine, everything works like a charm, and I can sound like a rockstar recording my stuffs in UbuntuStudio 10.04 x64.But when I'm not being a rockstar, I'm using my normal Lucid distro to go about my everyday tasks. So when I decide to call someone on skype, I plug the mic in, and nothing happens. The sound config window does not show the device? I do not want to reboot every time to use the mic (and that's all that works), and I do not want to leave it standing on my desk either.

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Ubuntu :: Not Detecting Any USB Or HDs Connected To It?

May 3, 2010

My name is Shim and currently im using Ubuntu 10.4 LTS well currently i've been facing an irritating problem it actually also happened in my previous ubuntu version,well the problem that i've been having is that my system doesn't detect any USBs or external HDs attached to it. I have check around already but still couldnt find any solution to this problem, but i noticed that in other forums they would post their results using the command "dmesg" well here is mine:

[ 0.182802] vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:01:00.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
[ 0.182805] vgaarb: loaded


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Fedora :: Not Detecting Windows - Ubuntu

May 9, 2011

I have just installed Fedora 14. But my boot loader is not detecting Windows 7, Ubuntu and Debian which I have installed in other partions..

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Grub2 Not Detecting Win 7 Installations

Mar 10, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 and Win7 both installed on my desktop. I use Windows for gaming (when I actually have the chance...) Anyway, for some reason update-grub is not detecting my Win7 installation, neither is os-prober. I attempted to add a custom Grub2 entry to point to Windows 7, however, when I select it from Grub, I simply get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the upper-left, after waiting 20 minutes, Windows still hadn't loaded.

Here are hopefully all the relevant files:
sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x059c059c .....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Not Detecting Network With 9.04

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to get my friend's laptop(acer travelmate 2200) to connect to his wireless network. I just installed a new hard drive and installed a dual boot windows xp/ Ubuntu 9.04 setup.

His laptop still connects fine with the old hard drive with windows XP installed, so I know the hardware is working.

When I click on the network manager , however, I don't see anything. Normally , I'd just hit the network manager and I'd see the available connections , but on this laptop I'm not detecting any.

The only thing I can think of , is that Ubuntu doesn't have the proper drivers needed for the wireless card in the laptop. But I don't know how to go about checking this since whenever I've done this before it's always just worked automatically.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Not Detecting /dev/sdb On Install ?

Apr 7, 2010

Obviously I can't install to it if I can't select it from the drop down menu. Not that it really matters, but this happens with both 64 and 32 bit versions, clean disc, no errors. I've also tried xubuntu 32-bit.

I can install Slackware on it, or for all I know every other OS. I can find it with cfdisk, fdisk, gparted, etc. I can format it in windows and use it as a drive If I try to install ubuntu from windows on it once I boot into ubuntu to finish the install it goes in an infinite loop of something like 'no root filesystem please reconfigure (or something like that), hit ok, repeates the message until I get tired of hitting ok and reboot. Always lists it under places as '500gb filesystem' even if there are no assigned partitions on it. I've rebuilt the partition table with fdisk analyzed it with disktest (drivetest? something test or testsomething) I've considered giving up and using another distro...

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Not Detecting Onboard 3g?

May 7, 2010

I have a Lenovo W510 loaded with Ubuntu 10.04 but it does not detect my onboard 3g modem

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Ubuntu :: Not Detecting Wireless Card?

Jul 23, 2010

Decided to have a bit of a clean, and moved the computers out the way (unplugged and stuff) to hoover up and that around the floor, but not the inside of the computers.

Now ive put everything back together, my main pc with linux on doesn't detect the wireless card.

I turned it off, then checked the card hadnt been knocked out. It did appear to be, so i put it back in properly, and it still wont detect the card. (its basically a pcie card with an antenna sticking out the back).

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Ubuntu :: Not Detecting Wireless Network?

Aug 3, 2010

Not detecting wireless network

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Lucid Not Detecting USB Mic

Aug 10, 2010

Well I have this really shweet Samson C01U usb studio condenser mic. When it is plugged in before I boot my machine, everything works like a charm, and I can sound like a rockstar recording my stuffs in UbuntuStudio 10.04 x64.But when I'm not being a rockstar, I'm using my normal Lucid distro to go about my everyday tasks. So when I decide to call someone on skype, I plug the mic in, and nothing happens. The sound config window does not show the device? I do not want to reboot every time to use the mic (and that's all that works), and I do not want to leave it standing on my desk either.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Detecting NAP On Wireshake?

Jan 2, 2011

I have Windows7 installed Oracle Virtual machine. On VirtualMachine i installed BackTrack4. I'm using datacard (India,Reliance ZTE EVDO3.1mbps) for my internet. I'm able to get internet on my backtrack OS via share using NAT. But when i try to use wireshake to trace my data i'm unable to trace the data send from my windows7 OS.

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Ubuntu Networking :: USB Modem Not Detecting

Jan 30, 2011

I have a USB modem working in windows. But no luck to connect using Ubuntu 10.04.

I have setup usb-modeswitch and other stuff. The modem is attached to port ttyUSB0. But when i run "sudo wvdialconf" it displays message like this.

Editing `/etc/wvdial.conf'.

Scanning your serial ports for a modem.

Modem Port Scan<*1>: S0 S1 S2 S3
WvModem<*1>: Cannot get information for serial port.
ttyUSB0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- failed with 2400 baud, next try: 9600 baud
ttyUSB0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- failed with 9600 baud, next try: 9600 baud
ttyUSB0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- and failed too at 115200, giving up.

Sorry, no modem was detected! Is it in use by another program? Did you configure it properly with setserial?

read the FAQ at [URL]

If you still have problems, send mail to <wvdial-list@lists.nit.ca>.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Detecting Disks 10.10

Apr 9, 2011

I am attempting to install ubuntu 10.10-alternate-i386 that was burned on a cd.

Motherboard: SOYO SY-K7ADA v1.0-2AA1
Main Processor: AMD Athlon 1700+
Primary Master: WDC WD800AAJB-00J3A0 0.103E01

The HDD is brand new and hasn't been formated, partitioned, or previously had any other OS on it. The HDD is recognized in the BIOS.A list of possible drivers are listed in which don't match, except for two, but they don't lead to anywhere beneficial in order to complete the installation process.At this point, I have no idea how I must proceed.

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Ubuntu :: Not Detecting Hard Drive

Apr 9, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my IBM T60. I want to remove it and install Windows XP due to a lot of compatibility issues. I booted the computer with the windows CD and it said that the hard drive cannot be found.

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Ubuntu :: No Detecting Flash Drive / Get That?

Apr 9, 2011

I know the flash drive works as my Xbox 360 will detect and use it... Ubuntu won't detect nor mount it.

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Ubuntu :: Grub 2 Not Detecting Win7?

Jun 14, 2011

I just reinstalled grub 2 to / from the live cd, ran sudo update-grub, but it didn't detect windows 7.

Partitions: 100GB - NTFS
200GB - Extended
100GB - Ext4 ( Media )
15GB - Ext 4 ( / )
6GB - Swap
80GB - Ext4 ( /home )

I installed Ubuntu first, then Windows 7.

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Ubuntu :: Detecting Wireless Networks Just Like The Host OS?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm dual booting BT4 and Ubuntu 9.10. My question is, rather than me having two separate partitions for this, could I just put BT4 in VMware and still be able to detect wireless networks from it? Just out of curiosity, does VMware machines have the capability of detecting wireless networks just like the host OS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Live CD - Not Detecting Windows 7?

May 7, 2010

I am attempting to Dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook. When i boot the Live CD from USB, and then go to the installation, then when i get to the partition part, it does not detect windows at all. It says that i have no operating systems installed. Is anyone else having this problem? Sorry if there is already a thread on this, I could not find one with a search.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 X64 NOT Detecting As Gbit, Only 10/100 Most Of The Time

May 24, 2010

~$ sudo mii-tool -v eth0
eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok
product info: vendor 00:07:32, model 17 rev 2
basic mode: autonegotiation enabled


Sometimes my network will be gbit, others it wont. Its quite annoying when trying to transfer large files to and from my server. Hardware is Asus K7 series laptop, which works "sometimes". Can't really determine when it wants to choose gbit.

If i mii-tool -r (renegotiate) it doesnt get better, and -f (force) doesnt provide the option for 1000baseT, only 10baseT and 100baseT.

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Ubuntu Security :: Vnc/ssh Server Behind Nat - Detecting Real Ip?

May 29, 2010

broadband cable -> Linksys RTP300 router -> Firestarter -> Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop

sshd and vnc installed and working fine when enabled but the only way is to add my routers ip as a trusted address or add individual port entries for on the linksys i, of course, have the appropriate ports forwarded to the Ubuntu static ip, so basically anyone can try to connect... how can i make the router forward the internet ip of the person trying to connect, so I can lock it down better?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Detecting Partitions Correctly?

Jul 18, 2010

I've been running ubuntu 9.10 until this week without any problems. I've just done an in-place update to 10.04 and now cannot boot my windows XP partition.

looking at grub.cfg it appears to be referring to sdb1 as the XP partition whereas the disk utility says the correct partition is sdb5.

sdb1 is a data partition formatted ntfs but not bootable.

When I choose XP from the grub menu all I get is a black screen with a flashing cursor at the top, which would suggest it is trying to boot the data partition.

I've tried update-grub and also startupmanager and it makes no difference. I would just try to edit grub.cfg but the next update would presumably wipe out my changes.

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Not Detecting Display Properly

Aug 10, 2010

I am new to Ubuntu.I have used Gentoo Linux for about ten years, but got to a point in my life where fixing problems is not as much fun as it used to be. I just need something that works, and so I switched to Ubuntu.So recently, I decided to hook up my desktop computer to my 40" LCD TV. It's running an onboard Nvida geforce 7150 with 256 MB of RAM. It's got an HDMI out put that I'm running directly to my TV. The problem is, it's not detecting the size of the TV quite properly, and I lose the top and bottom of the screen, where my gnome menus and icons are. I can't boot into recovery mode because it no longer shows me my grub menu. I can't reconfigure X because I can't stop X from running. Not sure that it would help anyway. I do still have the LCD that it worked with before that I could hook up if need be, but I'd really prefer not to have to move it to where the TV is.I'm running the latest Ubuntu for AMD64, with a 1.6GHz Core 2 Duo and 2GB of RAM. Any advice?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Is Not Automatically Detecting The Wireless Connection?

Oct 10, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 and it is not automatically detecting the wireless connection and showing message firmware missing. how to connect to wireless. I installed on the laptop.

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