Ubuntu :: KDE Desktop Disabled After Installing AWN?

Oct 1, 2010

restore my kde desktop? Mine got switch back to the old GNOME desktop after installing AWN. I already uninstalled AWN but im still having problems restoring it back.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disabled After Using / Installing VPN?

Aug 7, 2011

Everything was working fine today and for many days before today. (this is a pretty fresh install of 10.10 Maverick).

I installed a VPN connection (PPTP) to connect to work.

That worked fine. i connected, remoted into the machine I wanted and did what I had to do.

I was ABOUT to disconnect from the VPN and when I clicked on the network manager icon BAM it said DISCONNECTED. saved me another click or 2. But now I have no networking at all.

The network manager icon says "Networking disabled"

I tried: warm booting a couple times cold booting a couple times

I also tried:

service restart networking
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart


I would really just like to delete/uninstall anything that has to do with VPN's and see if that works. Or maybe reinstall network manager. Are those reasonable places to start?

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Ubuntu :: [9.10 And Later] Desktop Effects Disabled?

Jul 26, 2011

I have been trying to enable desktop effects but it seems that there's some problem with intel graphics driver. Ubuntu 9.04 and older versions perfectly support desktop effects, everything works great. But with Ubuntu 9.10 and later releases, I am having similar problems.

Ubuntu 11.04 shows this message just after logging in : "It seems that you do not have the hardware required to run Unity. Please choose Ubuntu Classic at the login screen and you will be using the traditional environment." While Ubuntu 9.10, 10.04 and 10.10 shows following message while enabling effects : "Desktop effects could not be enabled." I did lot of searches, tried everything but no luck.


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Ubuntu :: Disabled Too Much With Desktop Effects?

Jun 14, 2011

I was playing around with my desktop effects and kinda blew it. Not really sure what I did or how to fix it. I was trying to enable some effects and I guess that I hit OK a few too many times and now when I login I no longer have the top tray or the icon menu on the left side. If I hit ALT-F2 nothing happens. I have no idea how to get back into the compiz settings to fix any of this.

If I login under a different account I'm fine, just can't get anything done with my account. Is there a package that I can remove via the command line to simply put everything back?

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effect Always Disabled After Boot

Oct 22, 2010

After boot process, desktop effect always disabled. I have checked "Enable desktop effect" but still disabled. So I have turn it on manually. Whats the problem with my desktop effect? I'm using Kubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Zoom Is Disabled By Default

Dec 20, 2010

How many of you knew that desktop zoom (super+mouse wheel) is now disabled by default?

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Ubuntu :: Mistakenly Disabled Desktop Cube / Enable It?

Aug 11, 2011

I'm running 11.04 with Unity and enabled Desktop Cube in Compiz Settings Manager. I ended up disabling services, i think "largedesktop" and enabling others like OpenGL and composite. Anyway, unity no longer works including the bar above and the icons to the left. Any idea how I can fix this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Disabled After Installing B43 Drivers

Jan 30, 2010

I installed the b43 drivers to enable the monitor mode for using kismet. but after installing, it shows "Device not Ready".

The dmesg | grep b43 output shows:
[ 86.449430] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: requesting b43/ucode15.fw
[ 146.449335] b43 ssb0:0: firmware: requesting b43-open/ucode15.fw
[ 206.448146] b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode15.fw" not found
[ 206.448153] b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43-open/ucode15.fw" not found
[ 206.448158] b43-phy0 ERROR: You must go to [URL] and download the correct firmware for this driver version. Please carefully read all instructions on this website. How to re-enable my wireless connection.

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Ubuntu :: Installing NVIDIA Card - Disabled The Onboard Video

Jun 17, 2010

I installed Edubuntu 9.10 on a Dell Optiplex GX260. This system has onboard INtell 846G series video. I want to install an NVIDIA video card. I popped it in the case, diabled the onboard video. I get the POST, the GRUB, no problem. But once I get past the GRUB, all I get is a blank screen. The HDD does not sound like Ubuntu is loading.

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General :: Gnome Desktop Effect Disabled After Reboot?

May 12, 2010

desktop effect is disabled after reboot after reboot and go to : system->prefer->desktop effect , the box show the enable desktop effect button already clicked ! but no effect .i use F11 ,and the lspci shows:


01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 9200M GS (rev a1)

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Slackware :: Running Without Plasma / Desktop Activities Disabled

Dec 5, 2010

Is there anyway to run KDE without Plasma?At install I opted out of the kdebase-workspace package, but then didn't have the xwmconfig option to run KDE.Duplicating, then commenting out the original, and on the uncommented line: removing everything after 'Exec='. Taking the 'plasma.desktop' out. ...Deleting the entire file will only get it rewritten again by the system..Now it loads into beautiful void.I still have my GUI, complete with any kApps you might want: konsole, konqueror, and even krunner; but no panels or Desktop Activities.Is it still loading plasma only no longer implementing it? Am I losing precious RAM'CPU usage with plasma getting loaded without being used?

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General :: Wireless Disabled After Installing Update And Restarting (dual Boot Ubuntu/win7)

Jun 21, 2011

the only issue that i have: the wireless is always disabled.

when i install new updates, the wireless comes back enabled and everything is fine but when i restart ubuntu its disabled again !!

i have a DELL studio 1537 laptop (broadcomm wifi card)with a win7 service pack 1/linux ubuntu 10.04 LTS dual boot.

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Debian :: Root Access And Desktop Disabled \ Couldn't Open The Root Terminal?

Feb 19, 2011

I was using the latest stable release of Debian, dual-booted alongside Windows Vista, with the GNOME desktop, installed via netinst, trying to build and install a library that I knew and trusted, when suddenly I couldn't open the Root Terminal. I clicked the link (in Applications->Accessories (I think, whatever the top one is)->Root Terminal), and in the taskbar I saw an item that said "Starting Root Terminal". A few seconds later, that went away, but the terminal still wasn't open. I tried the regular user terminal, to see the same thing happen. Unsure of what was happening, I tried restarting my computer, since that's always the first step you should take in computer problems.

When I restarted, GNOME wouldn't start. The screen would flash a bit for a few seconds, then a dialog box would appear over a background of static that said "The greeter application is crashing. Attempting another one...".t would then go back to the DOS-style kernel, wait a second, and then the same thing would happen. After several of that, I would get a blue screen which said something to the effect of "It has been detected that the desktop environment has crashed six times in the past 30 seconds.

Waiting two minutes before trying again." When it did that, I tried logging in as root to assess the problem. I gave it the correct password, but it said that it was an incorrect login. After several tries (to ensure I didn't mistype the password), I logged in as myself. Same problem. I tried the su command, with the correct password, and it said it couldn't authorise it.

After a lengthy conversation with a friend of mine who was very good with computers, he basically summarised that he had no clue, but that his best guess would be a virus. Upon running the Linux installer, I found the Repair option. Not being particularly familiar with Linux, I used it simply to backup my important files onto a flash drive. I then tried running the Install option, in an attempt to simply write over my existing Linux and make it new again. The installer, however, consistently froze up when trying to start the partitioner, on the "Checking disks..." stage. I figured it was a problem with my partition. In my naivete, I simply used the Windows tools to clear that partition... It destroyed GRUB too, so I couldn't run any OS. I figured my computer was pretty well screwed, and at that point just decided to bring it into the shop and have them completely wipe it.

my computer was backed up onto an external hard driven I brought it back, I reinstalled Windows. Upon restart, it said that it was still looking for GRUB, which made no sense to me. After messing around with it a bit, I decided to just reinstall Linux too. To my lack of surprise, that fixed the problem. Both OS' now ran just fine. The first thing I did on Debian was to install the Clam Anti-Virus, which I understood to be one of the best Linux anti-viruses. However, within about 10 hours, got the same problem as originally. I wasn't doing any of the same things, and between the lack of consistency in activities and the fact that I had an anti-virus running,figured it wasn't a virus. Not knowing what to do, I just left it and have been using Windows since.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Java6 On 10.04 Desktop

May 11, 2010

I am having a problem installing java6 on my Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. I already enabled "multiverse". Waiting for your reply.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get To Desktop After Installing XBMC

Jun 6, 2010

after I boot the system, it would get to XBMC automatically, and when I tried to exit XBMC, it returns to login screen with two choices for Sessions, XBMC and xterm. xterm just gets me a terminal. So I tried to remove xbmc by using command line. Now, whenever I start the system, it takes me to the login screen, and after entering my credentials, the screen will go black for 1 or 2 seconds, then return to the login screen again, in an infinite loops. How do I get my Gnome desktop back? I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Not Installing On Desktop HDD

Apr 29, 2011

I am new to ubuntu and the forum system. I downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 to make a live usb. It booted correctly and everything seemed fine. I explored Ubuntu a little further and liked it very much. Satisfied with Ubuntu I began to tried the installation process. The Ubuntu installer opened up and asked what language I would like I chose english, then the next screen popped up, Which was titled "Preparing to install ubuntu". followed by, for best results, please ensure that this computer:

(xmark)Has at least 4.4 GB available drive space
(check)Is plugged into a power source
(check) is connected to the Internet

I want to use the HDD that windows is installed on, it won't show up at all. I even went through System>administration>GParted Partition Editor. And the only thing that is there is the USB which is a 2gig. Why won't it let me install on the HDD?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Nothing But Another Desktop Environment?

May 13, 2011

I'm running a regular installation of Ubuntu 10.10 with Gnome.I would like to try LXDE and other desktop environment,BUT without installing the entire Lubuntu.Last time I tried something like that,I installed the kubuntu-desktop package which came with a ton of software I didn't want.I couldn't even remove it easily, so I followed a tutorial which made me remove some of the software I had BEFORE messing with KDE.So what I'm asking is simple-is there a standalone package that installs nothing but another desktop environment? I also want to be able to remove it with a simple apt-get remove.

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Ubuntu :: Error Installing Xubuntu-desktop?

Jun 5, 2010

I've just installed ubuntu and am trying to install xubuntu desktop. when I run the command: aptitude install xubuntu-desktop...here's what I get:The following new packages will be installed:grub-efi{a}0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 will not be upgraded.Need to get OB/818KB of archives. After unpacking 2269 KB will be used.Do you want to continue ? Yetc etc.

dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/grub_ef1_-1ubuntu_i386.deb
trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/grub-mkimage' which is also in package grub-pc
dpkg-deb subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)


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Ubuntu :: Installing Software From EXT HDD To Main Desktop?

Jul 17, 2010

i have install ubuntu 10.04 inside my external hard disk, and it work nicely.I update and upgrade the ubuntu inside the EXT HDD. and installed some software inside. Is there a way, that I can install the software that I have install inside this external hard disk into my desktop computer that have low or none internet connection. Can I update and upgrade my desktop computer via the ubuntu on the external hard disk? and install some software.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.04 LTS ONLY, BOTH On Desktop & Laptop?

Nov 10, 2010

Plan installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ONLY, BOTH on my desktop & laptop.1. How do I proceed........as to how many, types, sizes, file systems of partitions.......I think would need /boot, /root, /swap, /home (on a separate partition)?2. Size of HDD are 290 GB & 100 GB respectively.3. Once partitions are created & Ubuntu installed would like to create a full back up image just in case?4. If the Linus OS files get corrupted or need a reinstall is it possible to just install it in the /root with out changing/recreating other partition structures?5. Is Ubuntu version stable enough, any advantage of any other version or 64 bit vs 32 bit, since want to install once & have a peace of mind for some time......no Linux genius just a retired old MD.6. Suggestions as to what kind of security steps to be taken & what software to use to create a full back up & where to save the backup?

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Ubuntu :: Sound Is Not Coming In Desktop After Installing 10.10?

Feb 15, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10.10 in my HP Desktop, But in sound preferences under output tab two options are showing .namely,

1.analog headphones

i selected analogoutput but sound is not coming .

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Ubuntu :: Installing Gnome Desktop Environment On 10.04?

May 24, 2011

I've just rented a dedicated server from [URL]

Its a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to be able to use gnome desktop environment and connect to it with NX Client from my windows 7.

I have done the basics..

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment

I have done this installations a couple of times before and everytime it's been working for me.

I emailed their support about it as well.

They told me it should work by just doing these first steps, but since it didn't they asked to take a look at it. So they did.

I got this mail back from them:

It seemed that your server is missing some packages/services.

Therefore, I need to ask you first if you acknowledge the ability of being charged with the additional support fee of 37,25 Euro per 15 minutes support?

I will never pay more for 15 minutes of support then I payed for the server thats for sure..

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Ubuntu :: Only Desktop Wallpaper After Installing Compiz?

Jun 23, 2011

installed compiz but it didn't work! , i rebooted and logged in again..all menus disappeared .i can't access my apps,net ..... any idea what caused that and how to fix please?

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General :: Ubuntu-desktop Package Is Not Installing?

May 14, 2010

I am using ubuntu for a month. Yesterday i tried to upgrade it from 9.10 to 10.0. Then i had to shut down the pc for electricity failure. After that ubuntu came into halt in boot time and something like recovery shell came. It advised me to use "fsck" and i did that. All were again fine (Except some icon goes from left to right ). Then today i was trying to install "Virtuabox" and it says i need to remove "devicekit-power" package. i did it with synaptic package manager ( with my newbie wisdom , didn't knew it would crample my system ). Then the Empathy gone, shut down button gone ). I then installed some lost package

- gnome power manager
- indicator session
- indicator applet session

but ubuntu-desktop package is not installing. Whenever i try it says to fix broken package and i tried the option in synaptic, but no luck. also tried in recovery mode to fix broken package but it says the same. now i got the empathy and the green sign back ( after installing those 3 package ) but not like it was ( they are now separated , and uglier ). Same problem installing devicekit-power package. it says it is not in repository.

1. Did the 10.0 failure upgrade was behind this thing?

2. Any help installing Virtuabox? it first installs fine ( downloaded deb package ). then it tries to download some extra packages and always fails to download them. tried in command shell as instructed in its website and also treid in ubuntu soft centre but no luck.

3. Is there any way i can install the missing ubuntu-desktop and devicekit thing?

4. Would be very glad if someone tell me about a linux soft that protect my system from my wild exploration and destruction

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General :: Installing On A 233 Mhz Desktop With A 6 GB HD And A 4 GB HD?

Mar 18, 2011

I have an older desktop with 233 Megahertz processor and one main hard drive 6 GB and a second internal hard drive 4 GB, with only 64 megabytes of RAM. I have installed Windows XP Professional on the main drive. It runs but too slow. I want to wipe/delete the partition and format the hard drive(s) and install a light version of Linux. The computer will be used only for internet and email and light word processing.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disable X Startup After Installing Desktop?

Jan 2, 2010

I've just installed the ubuntu server system on an old PC i'm going to be using as, you guessed it, a server. Because I like (some) graphical tools while configuring I also installed ubuntu-desktop on it afterwards.

The only problem is that I want to keep ubuntu-desktop, but that I don't want to boot into the (memory consuming) graphical interface by default.Does anyone know how to do that? (set the default boot to command-prompt). Also, does anyone have tips on packages I c an safely remove to clear up space and memory? (Like: openoffice, Evolution,Rhythmbox etc. are very obvious, but maybe some more hidden services and alike? Networkmanager e.g.?)

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts After Installing Kubuntu-desktop?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using Gnome in Ubuntu 9.10I install kde but it's runied my firefox fonts -- ONLY FirefoxI tried to remove Firefox upgrade install everything, but nothing works here's snapshot of my Firefox and fontsat 2010-01-29I don't like this font i want the original one

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing Vnc And Remote Desktop Connection?

Apr 9, 2010

i have installed ubuntu 9.04 and desktop xubuntu. i want access the sever from my windows xp using either rdp or vnc. i am able to use the ssh but thats only command line. i need the gui desktop. i have installed x11vnc,tightvnc etc. but whenever i try to connect from my vnc manager,its giveout error.machine actively refused it. i havent configured any port or anything like that.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Error While Installing Deny Host On Desktop

Aug 25, 2010

I have deny host installed and working on my laptop, running Lucid. On attempting to install it on my desktop, also running Lucid I get the following message when trying to start the service
graham@graham-desktop:~$ sudo service denyhosts start
[sudo] password for graham:
starting DenyHosts: /usr/bin/denyhosts.py --daemon --config=/usr/share/denyhosts/denyhosts.cfg
sh: /usr/bin/denyhosts.py: not found
Its very strange as on the laptop denyhosts.py is not used.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Build-essential On 3 Year Old Desktop 8.04?

Apr 16, 2011

I want to start some C++ development on my 3 year old, un-updated 8.04 ubuntu desktop machine. I tried,sudo apt-get install build-essentialand got,

sudo apt-get install build-essential
Reading package lists... Done


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