Ubuntu :: Java When Playing Yahoo Games

Jun 28, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu. I am trying to play yahoo pool in a java environment. It loads and I can play, but it wont let me type in the chat area. Ive tried firefox and chrome. I havent tried other yahoo games besides Pool but I'm sure its the same story.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Java With Playing Yahoo Pool

Sep 23, 2010

I got this working before, but now I have a freshly installed Ubuntu 10.04 and I wanna play yahoo pool and I followed all those crazy insane commands they posted but they (java) didn't help at all, their support and help is really poor as I get errors like directory does not exist or no such file. I basically installed the jre-6u21-linux-i586.bin file in my home directory like and used all their commands like cd /home and all that. Here is my ls output they say always to check, but it seems like I installed it but I can't get it installed with firefox together.


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Ubuntu :: Yahoo Games Wont Play

May 9, 2010

I try playing text twist on yahoo games or monopoly on pogo and it wont play help

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Ubuntu :: Performance Drops While Playing Games?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm currently running Windows 7 but I would like to switch to Ubuntu. I would like to know if I will see any performance drops while playing games under linux through Wine. I play cod2 and cod4 and I achieve 125 fps constantly, will I see this drop under Ubuntu through wine?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Sound While Playing Games Under WINE

Nov 1, 2010

I am having sound issues while playing some games under WINE. for this I will use World of Warcraft as it has options for different sound engines. The problem is that I will have sound running fine for a while after a fresh reboot. It will seem fine for a good half hour to an hour and then suddenly it will stop. It will still be present in the applications list in sound preferences listed as 'ALSA plug-in [wine-preloader]'. muting/unmuting and adjusting the slider has no effects. Enabling and disabling sound in the game also has no effects. Here is what I have tried thus far to try to remedy it:

tried all of the various sound options in winecfg (some simply don't produce any sound at all on a fresh reboot - OSS, for instance) tried with and without padsp tried the various sound engines in Config.wtf tried WINE from the Ubuntu repositories and the developer's PPA tried lowering the sample rate and the bits per sample in the audio tab of winecfg tried fiddling with the sound preferences applications controls I am not adventurous enough to try to install OSSv4 so that doesn't seem like an option for me. it is important to note that sounds not coming from WINE function as normal even while WINE is producing no sounds.

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Ubuntu :: Black Bars When Playing Games / Get Rid Of Them?

Feb 23, 2011

I get 2 black bars on the sides when playing games.

I have tried all resoulotions but nothing works.
It was same in windows, but I could just change a small setting by right clicking on my desktop. but how do I do it in Ubuntu?

I mean... My screen look good, and have right res when I'm not playing a game. But when a game starts it gives me 2 black bars. D:

I use 12800*800. It was standard and it is the only one that works.

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Ubuntu :: Falls Asleep While Playing Games

Mar 9, 2011

Whenever I'm playing games using my gamepad, the OS Falls asleep after a while. As if I were doing nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid 64x Just Restarts Randomly When Playing Games

Oct 11, 2010

when I start playing some medium-intense game the computer just restarts randomly. I made a lot of search on it and even tested various things. I have been having this system for about a month and the problem appeared just one week ago.I am a big fan of "Spring: TA" and that's the easiest way to reproduce the problem, by playing that game(and the most annoying). The funny thing is that when I just start the game the gpu temperature raises very fast. If after some time the pc doesn't reboot on itself the temperature just gets lower and lower. I was suspicious that the problem had to do with temperature so I made some scripts and logged the temperatures in every instant time.

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Shuts Down When Playing Online Games?

Jul 16, 2011

This is a weird one. I have Xubuntu on my computer and it shuts down when I play online games. I doesn't do so right away, but it happens randomly after some time (like 5-20min.). And any game will do the trick at some point. why and what to do about it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound And Mouse Glitch When Playing Games?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm running Lucid 10.04, kernel 2.6.32-26, 64-bit, Intel 3400 series chipset. Whenever I run Hedgewars and The Mana World, the volume fluctuates really fast, and the sound applet flashes. Then the mouse pointer freezes up for a second, then moves really slowly. Once I quit the game, everything returns to normal. I've tried disabling desktop effects, changing game settings,

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Ubuntu :: Watching Videos, Or Playing Games With Wine - CPU Usage 100% ?

May 9, 2011

I've a problem while I'm doing some stuff like watching videos, or playing games with wine or **** like that, my PC starts to lagg or I cant play... Because,when i do that things my CPU usage begins to fly (100%),and then is when I ask myself:

Whats happening?????

I've found a thread about this same problem but I cant understand it (here is is)


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Ubuntu :: Java Games Running Slow?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm having some trouble with Java based games. I am running 11.04 64x and I downloaded and installed the latest sun-jvm. I know my hardware can run these two games very well (Minecraft and Spiral Knights). I'm wondering if maybe sun isn't my default plugin.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash / Java Games - Crashes And Cannot Reload

Jan 18, 2010

I play two online games. One uses flash (Habbo), the other java (RuneScape). With the flash one, it loads everything up until the part where it loads the interactive elements (hovering navigators, interactive chat rooms etc), then it crashes and tells me to reload. With the java one, everything loads up until the login screen, but when I actually go to log in, it just sits there and tells me it's connecting but doesn't do anything.

I've asked the support team on Habbo for assistance, but I got a reply telling me to clear my temporary files with instructions for windows machines, even though I specified I was on Ubuntu. I did what they instructed me to (which was clearing everything from my DNS cache to my temporary files), with no amazing results. Runescape was pretty much the same. I think it's something to do with my internet... I'm not really an expert at this.

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General :: Loading Java Chess Games Chokes

Apr 16, 2011

I've tried Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Firefox and Google-Chrome. Loading chess games in Chesslab by Game Colony almost always chokes (Chrome shows the "He's Dead, Jim" page). Never happens in Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running Java And Playing Movies?

Oct 15, 2010

I am Dharmendra newbie to Ubuntu 10.04 OS and looking for how to install java (jdk1.6) on Ubuntu and also want to play the video and the problem is that i don't have an internet connect so is there any other way to get pacakages or plugins to install the above software reply me soon am waiting for that.

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Programming :: Java Package To Use For Playing Music With Different Kind Of Instruments?

Jul 23, 2009

Does anybody know any Java package that can be used for playing music with different kind of instruments. Is any package which implements the java.sound api http://java.sun.com/products/java-me.../doc-midi.html

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General :: Command To Check The Java Version: Java -versionand Got :bash :java: Command Not Found?

Jul 26, 2010

I've just installed java (jre-6u21-linux-i586.bin) on Red Hat 4.4 AS and issued this command to check the java version: java -versionand got :bash :java: command not found

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Ubuntu :: Install Latest Java Version - Java SE 6 Update 24?

Feb 18, 2011

If you are interested, Java SE 6 Update 24 is available. The Check Java Version link in my signature will tell you if you are up to date or not. The Update Java Version link in my signature will tell you how to obtain and install the latest version. The 32 bit version install directions are on the left side of that page and the 64 bit instructions are on the right side.

Just remember to remove the current version before installing the new one as it says in the instructions. The remove instructions are below the install instructions. Also, in Step 9 - "Now you'll want to tell the system, that there's a new Java version available." See the note below it that says if you get an error upon entering the command once, enter it a second time. I have to do that and sometimes forget. Just thought I would mention that. These instructions are already setup for version 6 update 24, but they can be modified for any update and they will work. I have been using these instructions for a couple of years and they work.

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Ubuntu :: Install Java And Firefox Java Plugin On 10.10?

Jan 28, 2011

How to install java and firefox java plugin on Ubuntu 10.10?

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Debian :: Install The Java Plugin But The Java Test Pages Show Not Installed

Jun 13, 2011

I try to install the java plugin but the java test pages show not installed. I have tried the openjdk-6-jdk package and the Oracle/Sun 1.6.0_26 version to no avail.

Is there some good instructions page someplace? I have yet to find a set of instructions that provides something clear that works.

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Slackware :: Installing Java Error - When Trying To Run A Java App With The Firefox Plugin - Browser Crashe

May 29, 2011

Code: ~ $ /usr/java/jre1.6.0_25/bin/java -showversion Error occurred during initialization of VMjava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

That's the error I get. When trying to run a java app with the firefox plugin, the browser simply crashes if it's the 64bit java or tells me it's not installed if it's the 32bit version.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. I think it has something to do with leftover gunk from a previous version I misinstalled(Is that even a word?) Anyway, the only thing that google could come up with was a solution for windows which laid blame on Bill Gates for having a bunch of pf (java prefetch) files stuffed into c:windows for no apparent reason. The solution was to delete them, but I can't seem to find the java prefetch folder in linux. The method I used is downloading the rpm from java.com the rpm2tgz then installpkg then cp libnpjp2.so to firefox plugins folder.

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Debian Installation :: Java Programm To Install And The Installer Is GUI Java Based?

Feb 18, 2011

This is my first post and I'm pretty new on Debian. I had used Ubunu for a while now and I've decided to move on Debian Squeeze.But I've one problem: I've a Java programm to install and the installer is GUI Java based. When I run the script, I've the next message:

Preparing to install. Extracting the JRE from the installer archive.Unpacking the JRE.Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive.Configuring the installer for this system's environment.Launching installer Graphical installers are not supported by the VM. The console mode will be used instead. Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation. But this program is not able to run the installation in console mode.

I've tried to install sun-java6-jre but without success.Has anyone an idea to help me install this programm? My Configuration: Debian Squeeze 6.0 amd64.

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General :: Enter The Command Java -version It Shows Java Is Not Found?

Jan 19, 2010

Java is installed in linux machine and when I enter the command java -version it shows java is not found.At the same time when i run from the folder where its installed with ./java -version it works.

first of all why its not working from any other place? also why do I need to give ./ from the folder?

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General :: Java JRE Installed So End-users Don't Have To Install It To Run Java Applications?

Jan 29, 2010

Do Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and all Linux distributions have Java JRE installed so end-users don't have to install it to run Java applications?

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CentOS 5 :: Java Not Working In Firefox After Java Upgrade

Apr 5, 2010

After upgrading java (jre) to 1.6.0_19, the java plugin no longer loads into Firefox. All the rest of my plugins from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ load fine.Java can be a pain such a pain the neck!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log Into Yahoo Account

Oct 26, 2010

I get this error with a Java applet : "poppinlockin" - Invalid username/password combination. If you continue to get this error, try entering your email address as your username.

I have tried dozens of times to change the password/username and still the same! I try to log in manually and it won't log in. If i am on a different machine it is no problem so there much be somewhere the info is stored and i can delete it and redo it?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Install JAVA JAVA BRIDGE PHP

May 1, 2010

I have installed CENTOS / PHP 5.1.6 / JAVA 1.5.0_20. Now i want to install JAVABRIDGE for PHP and JAVA title should list in the PHP_info page.

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin Setting For Msn And Yahoo?

Feb 7, 2010

Im using ubuntu 9.10. i resides in a university hostel and using the internet with LAN. i am unable to configure setting for yahoo and msn on pidgin.

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Ubuntu :: Using Pidgin : Add An Account In Yahoo?

Mar 9, 2010

I want to add an account in yahoo. I am using Pidgin. How can I add an account(i.e. mail address of friends)

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Ubuntu :: Yahoo Messenger Not Working On 9.04?

May 10, 2010

ubuntu 9.04 pidgin 2.5.5. yahoo messsenger not login in. changed server addresses also to cn.scs and scsa.Also used gyache still messenger do not work.

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