Ubuntu :: Installing The OS Into Usb Flash?

Oct 1, 2010

I was tryed to burn ubuntu iso file into dvd i used Ultraiso to perform this task, it gave me that it was buruned successfuly but when I tryed to boot from the dvd it give me nothing... no eny resopne when choosing "try ubuntu without any change to my computer" or "install ubuntu" or any other option so I decided to boot from flash I tried to use "Universal usb installer" to install ubuntu into my 2G "my falsh" falsh driver but it didnot work too...

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Fedora :: Adding Flash On A Browser - Installed After Installing Flash

Oct 1, 2010

I am using F13, and I successfully installed Adobe Flash Player.

So, here comes the problem - I installed Google Chrome browser after that, and whenever I try to view flash content it says "missing plugin".

get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ says:

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Ubuntu :: Installing Flash Player In 10.10

Nov 20, 2010

I am still fairly new to the Linux world. How do I install this latest and greatest flash player?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing From Flash Drive ?

Jan 10, 2010

Yesterday I installed Ubuntu Linux from a flash drive, and it worked perfectly. While I was on it, everything froze so I restarted, but when I restarted, the window to install Ubuntu from flash drive, or run it from flash drive, etc popped up even though I had already installed it. I chose to install it, but it wouldn't work. I tried to turn the computer on without the flash drive in, but it said to insert system disk, etc. I went into the Advanced BIOS and it was already set to first boot from harddrive.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Netbook Remix From Flash?

Jan 12, 2010

i was in the process of trying to put the latest version of netbook remix on a flash drive (2gb Kingston), but failed mid-process. I had forgotten to format to FAT32, and thus ran into problems in the middle. I'm now left with a flash drive that is partially written to, and completely write-protected. And I can't get rid of anything on the flash drive. Nothing I've tried (Killdisk, re-formatting, MS-DOS) has helped me erase the flash drive permanently (every time I try Windows returns the message that the device is write-protected). Neither can I re-run the USB installer, which I downloaded from the pendrivelinux folk.

Either in erasing my flash drive completely, and starting again -- or in re-doing the making of this flashdrive into a boot disk for the netbook remix version of ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Programs From A Flash Drive?

Mar 31, 2010

My Jaunty has always had problems about connecting to the internet. Only one person I know of has been able to help me connect it to the internet and I can't find him anywhere, (Not ont he internet, in real life) so I figure that instead of trying to connect to the internet to get all my favorite programs, I should just download the programs to a flash drive and put them on that way. Only problem is that Once I get the program onto the flash drive How do I tell my computer to install from the flash drive? what to type int he terminal. I don't even know what most of the terminal type stuff means.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.04 Onto USB Flash Drive?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 onto my 8GB flash drive using these instructions. I've run the install and installed GRUB2 and 10.04. However, selecting 10.04 on GRUB doesn't work.

On the instructions, it says this:


You will also need to manually edit the menu.lst file of the new USB installation to change the boot references to /dev/sda, rather than /dev/sdb (or /dev/sdc etc.). This can be done by booting to the live distro mode of the Ubuntu install CD and editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst file on the USB stick. You can mount the USB stick using the Places menu -- once mounted, it can be found at /media/disk.

I'm not sure what the equivalent step would be for the GRUB2 files.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Adobe Flash Player On Xubuntu

Feb 26, 2010

I installed the player from both the Add/Remove Applications and downloading with install when asked by Firefox, but neither option works. It shows as installed but Firefox keeps asking me to install it whenever it needs it.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Adobe Flash Player In Opera?

May 18, 2010

Just a little question about installing the Adobe Flash Player. I downloaded the Flash Player library in tar.gz format directly from Adobe. I want to install it in the default plug-in directory for Opera, which is /usr/lib/opera/plugins. When I try to copy the file, I get an error saying that I do not have the sufficient permissions to copy a file to that directory. Does anyone know how to copy the file using the command line, using the SUDO command?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 - Installing Flash Player Plugin?

Jun 27, 2010

I am very new to Ubuntu, decided to try it again with the new 10.4. I really need to have flash player plugin installed, but I get this error:
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.
I even tried to go through the software center and the extra install through the help site from the firefox browser, but still get the error message.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Error While Installing Adobe Flash Player

Sep 8, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu and I'm learning this new OS. Using 10.04 Desktop Edition Ubuntu. I want to install adobe flash player on this OS tried every thing present to solve this problem of mine on this forum but couldn't get it. Its giving me this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 116, in _process_transaction self.update_cache()
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 426, in update_cache self._cache.update(progress, raiseOnError=True)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apt/deprecation.py", line 103, in deprecated_function return func(*args, **kwds)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apt/cache.py", line 309, in update raise LockFailedException("Failed to lock %s" % lockfile)
LockFailedException: Failed to lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

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Ubuntu :: Opera Browser Installing Flash Player?

Jun 12, 2011

i'm trying to install adobe flash player so i can view ..... videos in opera browser. without going into detail i have tried every possible way from all various instructions, even in the initial install it is suppose to install the flash player plugin from the software centre

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General :: Installing Portable Ubuntu On USB Flash Drive?

Feb 14, 2010

After reading some download documentations, I'm still confused on how to install Ubuntu Linux onto a USB Flash Drive so that it is portable and not connected to a single computer.

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Software :: Installing Adobe Flash Player On Ubuntu 10.10

Feb 27, 2011

I am using ubuntu 10.10, I am trying to get adobe flash plugin to install and cannot get it installed tried from adobe.com took me to software center and says available from the "maverick-partner" source then clickable link use this source. That don't work. Tried in terminal "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer" installed but no function. also tried "flashplugin-nonfree" in software center and installed but no function after that either.

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Fedora :: Trouble Installing Flash

Jan 15, 2010

Everytime I try to install Adobe Flash, I have problems. I go the RPM route or the YUM route and still have problems. I've even tried yum a 2nd time and it says its already installed, but if I go to a website that requires Flash, it says pluggin missing. On the other hand, if I go and install JAVA it somehow installs the pluggins and everything works from there on. Can someone tell me what I'm missing on the original install ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Missing Audio On Installing Adobe Flash?

Apr 11, 2010

I just installed Adobe Flash on my Ubuntu OS, and the audio disappeared. I hit an error on installing the adobe Flash, the first attempt I have, I mistakenly downloaded and installed the version for 8.x, and hit an error on installation. After that I installed the version for 9.x and video runs, but audio is missing.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Adobe Flash Plugin - RPM Package File

Aug 17, 2010

I am a 'newbie' to ubuntu (with 45+ years as a 'computer nerd'). I am trying to follow the instructions for installing the Flash plug-in so I can view some of the action on webpages. I get on terminal and the prompt is mike@mike-laptop. The instructions say to key in "# rpm -Uvh <rpm_package_file>". I have tried as many variations of this command as I can think of with no response. I am assuming that my interpretation of <rpm_package_file> is incorrect.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound In Maverick After Installing Flash Player

Oct 17, 2010

I fresh installed Maverick and had sound for buttons and Rythymbox. After installing flash all sound is gone.I have checked most of the suggested possible causes but have not come up with the reason for this.
ALSA info: [URL]

!!ALSA Information Script v 0.4.59
!!Script ran on: Mon Oct 18 00:42:07 UTC 2010
!!Linux Distribution
Ubuntu 10.10
!!DMI Information
!!--------------- .....

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installing Flash Player On Netbook Remix?

Jan 6, 2011

Can anyone explain to me how to install the newest flash player on netbook remix? I am pretty rusty with linux and want to put it on my netbook. I currently have it on a flash drive. I want to make sure i can do everything I need on it before I wipe Windows.

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Debian Multimedia :: Installing Flash In Squeeze 64 Bit

Apr 29, 2010

I've tried a few threads about install flash and haven't found the correct one.What is the correct way to install Flash on Debian Squeeze 64bit?

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Fedora :: Tutorial For Installing Adobe Flash

Sep 16, 2010

Can you direct me to a tutorial for installing adobe flash?

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Fedora :: Installing Adobe Flash On F15 - Getting Errors

Jun 1, 2011

I'm a complete newbie to Fedora and am just trying F15. I am trying to install Adobe Flash Player and am getting no-where fast. I have searched in the forums and on the web, copying and pasting the entries I have found but keep getting all sorts of errors because basically I don't know what I am doing.

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Fedora :: Software Manager And Installing Flash

Jul 25, 2011

I just moved to Fedora and absolutely love it so far. I have two questions... 1st, are there any other software managers available besides the default one? I could not find them. 2nd, I am having the worst time installing flash. It seems like it is not installed by default. The first time I installed fedora was about a week ago and afterwards I installed flash and it worked. Later on I erased everything from my computer and reinstalled fedora although now I cannot add flash to save my life. I've tried a bunch of different links with directions on how to do it but I cannot figure it out this time.

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General :: Installing Flash Player 10 With IceWeasel?

Mar 10, 2010

I have barebones Debian Lenny, with bare bones Gnome Desktop. I'm using IceWeasel for a browser. I have downloaded the file install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz. from the Adobe website. I have unpacked (I guess) the file using the command
tar -zxvpf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz

Now according to the instructions at Adobe - Flash Player 10: Installation instructions
It should be unpacked to a directory with an installer that can be run, but all I get is a single file called libflashplayer.so, and I haven't a clue what to do with it. .so is like a .dll file I guess. IceWeasel has a built in service that installs plugins, but this failed with flash.

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General :: Installing Multiboot ISO On Flash Drive?

Jun 7, 2010

I've been trying to install multibootisos.exe on to my flash drive. Instead of getting the menu like in the picture I get a black screen that looks somewhat like a command prompt. I am using an 8G PNY Attache flash drive.

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General :: Having Trouble Installing Flash Player 10

Jan 10, 2010

I have linux linpus lite and I am having trouble installing flash player 10. Once it gets into my downloads I open it and get a message asking me "do you want to install the update patch?" I click ok and it then says "the patch file does not available."

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General :: Installing Adobe Flash On F14 - Sudo RPM

Mar 16, 2011

I just installed Fedora 14 and I need to install adobe flash. I found a few thread explaining how to, but when I type:
[jlb@xxx ~]$ sudo rpm -ivh [URL]

It tells me that I am not in the sudoers file. This is the message I got:
jlb is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

What is this error mean? When I installed fedora yesterday, I was prompted to setup a root user password, which I did. I also need to install schockwave player and it is the same.

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General :: Installing Flash Player 10 On Debian 5.0

Jan 10, 2010

I tried googling how to install Flash player on Debian 5.0, but I end up not being able to..Can anyone give me a link, or show me how to install flash player? thanks

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General :: Installing Flash Player On Knoppix 6.0

Aug 14, 2009

i have recently gotten the Knoppix 6.0, and have installed it on my usb flash drive. finally i can browse the internet again on that laptop, but alas, i can't watch any videos because flash player isnt installed yet. i tried to install it by myself and followed adobe's instructions but i just dont get why it won't install. here are my questions:

1. in the adobe instructions, it is said that i need to unpackage the files. and when i unpackage it, a new directory/folder is supposed to appear. but why does it always unpackage on the desktop? no folders are created when i unpackage it.

2. it is said that i need to navigate to the newly created directory and type a command. how am i supposed to navigate to a non-existent directory, huh? and how do you even navigate to certain directory? i typed help in the terminal (i'm using LXTerminal by the way) to look for a hint but i saw nothing there. so, how do you "navigate" using the terminal?

I really need to install the flash player. I've also tried using the Install components in start > system tools > install components and selected the 'flashplugin-nonfree: Flash support for your browser' but when i clicked install, nothing happens.

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General :: Installing OpenSUSE 11.2 - Using A Flash Drive

Jan 6, 2010

I have a bit of a "problem" you can say. I have a computer with no cd/dvd drive nor a floppy drive. It does however have USB ports and ability to boot from LAN or USB-FDD, USB-CDROM, USB-HDD in the Bios setup menu.

I've been searching for a way to install openSUSE 11.2 on this computer using a flash drive I have but I'm not being able to even after following a number of suggestions from posts on the internet.
Anyone have any idea on what I should do?

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