Ubuntu :: Installed Using "minimal Install CD" ... But Where Is "open As Root" On Right-click

Jul 9, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx 10.04 minimal install CD & installed XFCE. But when I right-click something, there is no "open-as-root", I need this because I need to edit the "/etc/interfaces/network" file to set my static ip address. How can I accomplish this~?? ps-= I previously had Linux Mint 9 Isadora installed, but there forums kept crashing for hours on end. I decided to install Ubuntu Lucid Lynx w/ XFCE

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Ubuntu :: Install A Minimal Gnome Setup Without Any Of The Usually Installed Apps

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to install a minimal Gnome setup without any of the usually installed apps. Last time I tried this it worked fine but that was a couple of years ago (see this thread if you're interested). The closest I've got so far is to install a CLI system from the alternate install CD and then run:

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude -y full upgrade
sudo aptitude -y install xorg gdm gnome-core plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo ubuntu-artwork jockey-gtk network-manager synaptic

The problem is that one of these packages (I think that it's gnome-core) installs Epiphany, Evince, Evolution, Gwibber and Ubuntu One which I don't want. how to get a minimal system installed without these apps?

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Fedora Security :: Minimal Install - Encrypted Root Fs?

Dec 2, 2010

I like to do a minimal install, and then run some of my own scripts to install the rest of the packages I need, so to keep a lean system. When installing F14 with a partitioning scheme as follows:

/boot - 500MB
- swap - 2048 MB
- / - 15GB
- /home - Rest of file system - Encrypted

Everything works fine and the encryption works with no problem. However, as a friend pointed out to me, if you partition as follows:

/boot - 100MB/ - Rest of filesystem - Encrypted You are not able to boot the system when doing a minimal install. Meaning: you get up to the point to where you need to enter your password to decrypt the filesystem, and then nothing but..., well, nothing. However, and here it gets interesting, if you use the same partition layout, and you install the "Graphical Desktop", everything works fine. As I can not understand why this happens, I am currently testing a partition setup like so:

/boot - 100MB
LVM - Encrypted
- / - Rest of filesystem
Just to see if that works.

Anyhow: to make a long story short: It seems that the minimal install "forgets" to add some packages which are needed to decrypt the filesystem. Does anyone know which package this could be or why this occurs, so it can be added as part of the minimal install?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install A Minimal X/windows Manager On Server - Can't Open Display

Sep 18, 2010

trying to set up a very minimal X on my 10.04 64 bit version of Ubuntu running nothing but Open SSH and acting as a firewall/router, making a PPP connection. The reason, is that I want to set up KVM/Qemu and run a virtual machine. The virtual machine will have a graphical environment and will be connected to my TV so that I can watch movies, stream TV etc. using it. So far, I have done the following:

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core miwm

When I try to run miwm the error message is:

(null): can't open display.

I have no DISPLAY variable set, but even when I set one myself using export DISPLAY=:0.0 it makes no difference.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Netbeans Via Synaptic But When Click 'NetBeans' It Doesn't Open

Mar 24, 2010

Installed netbeans via synaptic but when I click 'NetBeans' it doesn't open... no error nothing

Tried running 'netbeans' in terminal and it's the same!

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OpenSUSE :: Datacrow Installed From One Click Install For 11.2?

Mar 28, 2010

Datacrow installed from one click install for openSuse 11.2Problem: can't open image file.message: 02:37:52 - An error occured while reading the image02:37:52 - javax.imageio.IIOException: Invalid argument to native writeImage

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Ubuntu :: Click To Open Directory It Uses Movie Player To Open?

Apr 12, 2011

So when I click Places in the Main Menu and then any directory like Desktop or Documents or Pictures the Movie Player starts, and all the files that the directory contains are in the playlist. The only way around is to click Computer which would bring me into the file manager as normal.

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General :: Minimal Installed Server, Put A GUI And VNC Via Command Line?

Apr 14, 2010

Total, total noob here, but I would like to know if this is possible, and maybe some tips on how to do it if it is.I just got myself a dedicated server, and I guess I assumed I could just remote control it via my own screen, much like using vnc or remote desktop, but that wasn't the case.The server has Debian 5.0, a "minimal install" is what they called it, I assume it's just installed and not configured at all.1. Connect to the server, and I guess the only way is via telnet? Since I have no VNC or remote desktop (yeah, microsoft, I know, but I don't know what it's called for Linux/GNU).2. Can I install VNC or somehow "activate" or "open" the GUI via telnet, much like a remote desktop kind of solution? I have used Debian's GUI on my laptop a couple of times, and I'm a total Windows-user, but I can navigate the graphical interface. I'm just COMPLETELY nulled when it comes to command line.So yeah, I guess I'm wondering how the heck I can remote control the server via a GUI, preferably VNC, and if I can install it via telnet or however I'm supposed to connect to the server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create A New Server Package And Leave Minimal Minimal?

Feb 17, 2010

After a long time I tried ubuntu(9.10) again on my fileserver, I have some remarks; why does a minimal server installation include X/openoffice? I don't need document conversion on a fileserver and I bet a lot of people don't. Wouldn't it be better to create a new server package and leave minimal minimal? low memory installs (64mb) don't work unless you configure swap by hand in between things, 64mb ram is a lot in my eyes. I mean, not to be rude but if I wanted all this I could've better installed Solaris.

That said it's stable and running fine. Since it's my home fileserver I tried to convert my previously created raid10 mirror on an adaptec 1200 card to a softraid 5 solution. This is wat I did:


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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Gnome After The Minimal Server ( Console Based ) Install?

Feb 2, 2011

Tried to install Gnome after the minimal server (console based) install.I would like to install a graphical GUI now What to do? wich packages? tried zypper gnome-desktop (or something similar) but it wasn't enough.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Add 'run As Root' Command To Right Click Menu?

May 7, 2010

is there a way to add a 'run as root' command to the right click menu? so i could right click on a launcher, or a file in /usr/bin(or some other no editing folder) and easily run as root?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installed Amarock But It Won't Launch When Click On It?

Jun 27, 2010

I just installed Amarock, but it won't launch when i click on it.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Installed Services Not Showing Up On Right Click

May 24, 2010

I installed a few services using the dolphin tools menu (configure dolphin) but they're not showing up on right-click, how can I enable them.

Here's my setup:
-Ubuntu Lucid GNOME
-Dolphin 1.4
-All dolphin dependencies and issues resolved (I think) by using:
sudo apt-get build-dep dolphin
sudo apt-get install dolphin

My second problem is file search, the feature that comes with nautilus is way too slow, and catfish is lacking so many feature, I'm kind of a sucker for eye-candy, and when I tried beagle it stuck out like a sore thumb! Is there a good looking, well-developed file-search feature for the gnome desktop?

My third question is regarding the update in Lucid, it keeps telling me the following when I run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
The following packages have been kept back:
linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic
Is there a new kernel that it's not allowing me to use? if so, how do I get past this message?

My last issue is with nautilus, I have many large directories with tons of subdirectories (especially my music folders), and nautilus can only view them as icons, list or columns, is there a way to install a script or plugin for nautilus to make it faster and/or include some form of miller columns like in dolphin (I believe it's the best way to view large folders).

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Slackware :: Configure Mouse Click Interval Since A Single Click Is Recognized As Double Click?

Apr 29, 2010

I try to configure mouse click interval since a single click is recognized as double click by doing it from KDE mouse configuration in system settings; but my attempt doesn't work even (I set the click interval to 2 sec, but doesn't change anything). What is the best way to do this in slackware?

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Debian :: Root Access And Desktop Disabled \ Couldn't Open The Root Terminal?

Feb 19, 2011

I was using the latest stable release of Debian, dual-booted alongside Windows Vista, with the GNOME desktop, installed via netinst, trying to build and install a library that I knew and trusted, when suddenly I couldn't open the Root Terminal. I clicked the link (in Applications->Accessories (I think, whatever the top one is)->Root Terminal), and in the taskbar I saw an item that said "Starting Root Terminal". A few seconds later, that went away, but the terminal still wasn't open. I tried the regular user terminal, to see the same thing happen. Unsure of what was happening, I tried restarting my computer, since that's always the first step you should take in computer problems.

When I restarted, GNOME wouldn't start. The screen would flash a bit for a few seconds, then a dialog box would appear over a background of static that said "The greeter application is crashing. Attempting another one...".t would then go back to the DOS-style kernel, wait a second, and then the same thing would happen. After several of that, I would get a blue screen which said something to the effect of "It has been detected that the desktop environment has crashed six times in the past 30 seconds.

Waiting two minutes before trying again." When it did that, I tried logging in as root to assess the problem. I gave it the correct password, but it said that it was an incorrect login. After several tries (to ensure I didn't mistype the password), I logged in as myself. Same problem. I tried the su command, with the correct password, and it said it couldn't authorise it.

After a lengthy conversation with a friend of mine who was very good with computers, he basically summarised that he had no clue, but that his best guess would be a virus. Upon running the Linux installer, I found the Repair option. Not being particularly familiar with Linux, I used it simply to backup my important files onto a flash drive. I then tried running the Install option, in an attempt to simply write over my existing Linux and make it new again. The installer, however, consistently froze up when trying to start the partitioner, on the "Checking disks..." stage. I figured it was a problem with my partition. In my naivete, I simply used the Windows tools to clear that partition... It destroyed GRUB too, so I couldn't run any OS. I figured my computer was pretty well screwed, and at that point just decided to bring it into the shop and have them completely wipe it.

my computer was backed up onto an external hard driven I brought it back, I reinstalled Windows. Upon restart, it said that it was still looking for GRUB, which made no sense to me. After messing around with it a bit, I decided to just reinstall Linux too. To my lack of surprise, that fixed the problem. Both OS' now ran just fine. The first thing I did on Debian was to install the Clam Anti-Virus, which I understood to be one of the best Linux anti-viruses. However, within about 10 hours, got the same problem as originally. I wasn't doing any of the same things, and between the lack of consistency in activities and the fact that I had an anti-virus running,figured it wasn't a virus. Not knowing what to do, I just left it and have been using Windows since.

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Ubuntu :: After Right Click When Go To Properties Then In Tab Of Permission It Says Not ROOT User?

Dec 27, 2010

when i move to /usr/share/backgrounds/ and after right click when i go to properties then in tab of Permission it says I am not ROOT user. through TERMINAL I changed the root password using commands (sudo passwd root ) tthe changes has been made succesful eventhough it does not give me root user status.When i connect to internet then after click of connect button ,a pop up appears and says "Enter password to unlock your login keyringThe password you use to log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring."

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Ubuntu :: Right Mouse Click Freeze / When Right Mouse Button To Open Options Menu It Freezes And Does Not Open Menu?

Oct 14, 2010

just want to report "Right Mouse Click Freeze" on Ubuntu 10.10. When I click on anything with my right mouse button to open options menu it freezes and does not open menu. Sometimes when I shake my mouse left/right a bit it opens that menu, but this does not work always. It seems like xserver issue, but I'm not sure since I'm not expert in linux yet. It's very annoying issue that I would like to resolve asap.

My System Specs:
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
CORSAIR XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
Western Digital 250 GB Hard Drive
Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit (Kernel Linux 2.6.35-22)
(Used Desktop Install CD)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Click On The Menu To Open ME-TV And Nothing Happens?

Jan 10, 2011

Me-TV was working fine. Now it will not open.

I click on the menu to open ME-TV and nothing happens.

Newish desktop with NVIDIA card. Again it was working fine, now it stopped.

Also, where do I find the error file in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Right Click Open As Administrator Does Not Work

Jan 28, 2011

Strange. After a recent update, I can no longer right click on a folder and open it as Administrator. I get this error message:

Unable to determine the program to run.

The item you selected cannot be open with administrator powers because the correct application cannot be determined.

I don't quite get this but why is it looking for a program to run? I only want to open a folder, not run a program. Anyway, I have done an uninstall and re-install of nautilus-gksu but that did not solve the problem. I have googled but no answers I could use.

Again, all I want to do is open a folder as Administrator so I can perform other operations that require root permission on files in that folder.

using: 10.04 LTS fully updated

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Ubuntu :: Can't Click On A Desktop Icon And Get It To Open

Feb 7, 2011

10.10....can't click on a desktop icon and get it to open...for example a mounted drive BUT if I right click and select open it will but none of the icons in the open drive will then open upon clicking...this is a relatively new install and it worked fine until very recently...I've swapped the mouse and moved it to another usb port.

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Ubuntu :: Minimal 10.10 Install - Can't Install The ATi Video Card Drivers

Oct 15, 2010

I just installed a minimal version of Ubuntu 10.10 (with Openbox) over 10.04. Mainly everything's ok, but I have three problems:

1. When shutting down or rebooting, my speakers make a loud pop. Upon googling around, I found this topic on the Arch forums. Running


Before rebooting/shutting down works. I, however, would like to have this permanently fixed so I don't have to run these commands every time before rebooting/shutting down.

2. I can't install the ATi video card drivers. I downloaded the correct driver (10.9) from the ATi website and made sure I had the packages found here installed. I also made it executable by running


When I run the installer, using


I get this output:


3. When booting, I get a message saying something like "intel_ips can't find i915 symbols, so graphics turbo is disabled". When googling for this, I see this is a kernel related issue. Since I don't have any understandings of kernels, I thought this is a little too high up for me. What does it mean and how can I fix it, as it slows my boot down quite a bit?

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General :: Resizing Ubuntu Root Partition Installed In "Install Inside Win" Mode

Jul 5, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop i386 using "Install inside Windows" option. In the installation i dedicated 3GB for the root parition. Now i have a Windows 7 and a Ubuntu.

Currently, I need more space for the Ubuntu root parition (just 50MB freespace remained!). I realized the it is a simple 3GB file in the Windows and root parition is virtually in that file.

So it should be possible to increase the size of the root parition. But i cannot find any way for this.

I do not want to reinstall the my Ubuntu or add another partition. Is there any painless way to just increase the size of root parition?

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Ubuntu :: Right-click Open With Menu Entries Removal?

May 26, 2010

I had Microsoft Office installed with wine and after I removed it I still get Microsoft Office Applications in the Right-click open with menu. Does anybody know where to edit those entries for removal?

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Ubuntu :: Right-click Terminal Open In Kubuntu, Impossible?

May 16, 2011

I want to right-click on the desktop and open a terminal. I have spent HOURS trying to find a way to do this, and I cannot. What am I missing?When I right click, the "standard menu" opens up and I don't know how to add items to this menu

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General :: How Do I Add Right Click Open With WINE

Jan 10, 2010

1. In windows, you can create batch files. I know Shell files are the equivalent of that in linux, but how do i create one?I tried creating a text document, typing echo Test, and saving it as .shell but it came up with a empty terminal.

2.How do i add the Right Click> Open With WINE, like there was in Ubuntu. I currently have to go through terminal and type Wine ProgramName, which i am fine with, but I want shortcuts (reason for asking about batches)

3. Finally, how do i add programs to the KDE Menu? I made a custom menu, but when i try and send a program to it, it works unless its a windows executable, which what i'm using is, how can i still add it?
The Program is Brutus AE2, and i want to add it the KDE with the command "Wine" so when you click it it launches a terminal, enters Wine BrutusA2.exe and runs?

4. Also, my search wont work. dunno

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OpenSUSE :: Root Trying To Open Flashplayer In KDE Getting Cannot Open Display

Feb 18, 2011

We have a digital signage appliance built on SUSE 11.3 with a LAMP server that uses the flashplayer application to play a .swf file from localhost. It is a AOpen GP7A mini pc that has the nVidia drivers loaded. We have lots of customers that have been running the exact same system for over 6 months (we image the drive for each sale).

For some reason, my last customer is seeing the following problem shown below, and this linux configuration is way over my head. Everything else is working (local LAMP server is working, communicating with our production servers to get information works, etc). I have verified that it is screen 0 that is running (at least it shows with Ctrl-Alt-F7). I thought that it may have occurred because of updating the software with zypper up. I had the customer rebuild from the image being careful not to upgrade the software. The result was the same. The pc is a newer version compared to my bench pc, but there are multiple other customers running that same version just fine. So I am not sure if it is

The command is issued by a php script that is run in a root cron job. As I said, it works great on all other customer pc's including my bench system. I also tried to execute the command on a ssh terminal as the root user with the same result. I also upgraded my bench pc and it still worked properly.

The command being executed is sudo env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/svision/.Xauthority flashplayer http://localhost/flash/sign.swf &

the result (when run in terminal) is: No protocol specified (flashplayer:15077): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Panel Icon - One Click To Open?

Jun 15, 2010

I used to be able to open the Rhythmbox window by just clicking the Rhythmbox icon in the notification area. Now in Lucid it brings up a menu (isn't that what right click is for??) and I have to select "Show Rhythmbox", and sometimes I accidentally click on "Quit" and I have to start Rhythmbox again. It's a real PITA. Is there any way to make it the way it was before? I've looked at the Rhythmbox options and can't find anything about it. (Why do GNOME applications always have barely any options?)

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Ubuntu :: One Click Will Open A Document As Opposed To Double Clicking?

Nov 4, 2010

Is it possible to set up Ubuntu 10.10 where one click will open a document as opposed to double clicking?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Have An Option Appear To Open The On Screen Keyboard When Click In A Text Box?

Dec 1, 2010

I would like to find a way to have an option appear to open the on screen keyboard when I click in a text box.the moment I am using a ginn multi-touch gesture to bring up 'onboard', is there another way do this?

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Ubuntu :: Allow To Single Click To Open A Folder/launch A Program?

Mar 5, 2011

I've looked, but no luck. Coming from Debian, 5.02, is there a setting in Ubuntu 10.10 that will allow me to single click to open a folder/launch a program. I don't mean the one i am using now that is set up with the mouse setting where it seems to be an assistive technologies application where there is a slider to set the dwell time (when i use this one, i get a menu opening at the same time as the application launch), but the one where the pointer turns to a little hand when it moves over the icon, and opens/launches the program when the button is released.

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