Ubuntu :: Installed Drivers Can Be Moved / Copied To Windows?

Feb 22, 2011

But I'm curious as to if drivers installed on Ubuntu can be moved/copied over to windows. I have been trying for weeks to get my sound card to work in my system. It's a kind of older Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 card and windows will not recognize it nor will any drivers I install work. To my surprise, I was messing with the audio options after my first ever install and test of Ubuntu (thoroughly impressed and excited btw), I noticed that my sound card was listed as a hardware option. I'd use ubuntu 24/7 if other computers, my HTPC, xbox, ect could connect to my media. I use windows for games, and such, so having the sound card installed would be a huge plus.

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General :: Set Default Permissions For Files Moved Or Copied To A Directory?

Jan 25, 2011

How to set the default file permissions on ALL newly created files in linux - but differs in important ways:

I want all files created in (or copied to or moved to) a certain directory to inherit a set of default permissions that is different from the system default.

Rationale: The directory in question is the "intake hopper" for an application. Users in a group place files in the directory, and the app (running under another user id in the same group) takes them and processes them. The problem is that the owner of each file placed in the directory is the user that placed it there, and the permissions are defaulting to "rw-r--r--"; I want to change that to "rw-rw----". The app doing the intake can't do that explicitly, because the user id the app is running under doesn't own the file in question, and the default permissions don't allow the app to chmod on the file! Obviously, the user could do a chmod after putting the file there - but I want to keep the "drop" by the user as simple as possible. (These folks are not linux-literate, they just drag and drop the files from their windows desktop to a (Samba) network share - i.e. they don't even know they are interacting with a linux system.)

umask seems too powerful: I don't want to set default permissions for every file created anywhere by these users - just those created in (or placed in) this directory.

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Ubuntu :: File Names With Spanish Accents / Copied From Windows And Don't Work

May 18, 2010

we have two work computers, one with windows and one with Ubuntu. We are going to change the windows computer to Ubuntu, and put them on a network. So we copied all of the documents on the windows computer to the Ubuntu computer as a first step. The problem is, with the documents and folders that we copied, if they have spanish accents we can't open them.I tried looking on the forum but I didn't find anything about exactly that problem. One post suggested that the "locale" might be the problem, but our locale seems to be the correct one for our country and language.

The accents show up as white question marks inside a black diamond. If I open a file inside a folder with an accent, or a file with an accent, it tells me that the file doesn't exist.But when I change the name of the containing folder or the file, and replace the question marks with accents, I can open the folders and files.But we have lots and lots of documents, and it would take a really long time to change the name of all of the folders and files. How can I fix all of them at the same time?

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Security :: Debian Shows File Permissions Change When Copied To A Windows Partition?

Dec 10, 2010

Some time back using this computer a SucKit rootkit was found. Having dd urandomed the drive, flattened CMOS battery, flashed BIOS, run Knoppix live CD 6.1,using no flat pack battery (laptop), and memtested the RAM, I am still having problems with what I suspect is a javascript file that tries to reload the rootkit from? firmware. I suspect the firmware as everything else should have eradicated it??

Also it or a hacker via a backdoor then corrupts the drivers so devices malfunction. Windows security programs and rootkit detectors don't seem to pick it up. Fresh install of Windows or linux after the above still show this problem, though internet not used. The person who admitted rootkitting this machine is capable of writing java programs or using javascripts to do all this.

When viewed using Ubuntu 8.4 files and dates on a Windows partition appear normal both in file manager and terminal. However booting using Knoppix CD these files are all green, and I cannot change their permissions, even as root. ie: everything is green including text files etc. If I copy them to a linux partition, I can change their permissions and make them nonexecutable and nonwritable. Also on the Windows FAT32 partition the . directory has the date 1 Jan 1970.

If I disable any green files, I can shutdown and reboot cleanly. If I don't I start having problems shutting down [/usr/sbin/init ?] And always these follow a pattern:

Can't remember details as I have now corralled the beast but error messages relating to:


are the start of these.

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Ubuntu :: After Formated Windows Partition Using GParted - Unallocated And Moved Under Extended Partitions

Oct 18, 2010

After I formated my windows partition using GParted it became Unallocated and moved under Extended partitions. I can't create the unallocated partition as primary one, or drag it out of the extended ones. I tried GParted live CD also, but nothing worked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Use NTFS Partition In Windows 7 64 Bits And GPT Secondary Table Moved

May 22, 2010

I have a 6TB external eSata bay (Lacie BigQuadra). I made a GPT table with only one big ext4 partition. All was ok. I resized the ext4 partition and I created a 1TB NTFS partition. I can use it on Kubuntu but Windows 7 tell me the partition is not formated. When I go back to Kubuntu, parted tell me that the secondary GPT table is not at the end of the disk and tell me it's probably an other OS that thinks the disk is smaller that its real size. It seems Windows 7 thinks the disk size is 2 TB (and modify automaticaly the GPT table and create a secondary GPT table on the middle of the disk).

What can I do to make my NTFS partition visible in Windows 7? What can I do to prevent Windows 7 to move the secondary partition table on the middle of the disk and to modify the primary GPT table ?

gdisk informations
$ sudo gdisk -l /dev/sd
sda sda1 sda2 sda3 sdb sdb1 sdb2 sdb3 sdb5 sdb6 sdc sdd sdd1


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Adjust Campiz - Windows Wobble When Moved - Workspaces On A Cube

Jun 21, 2010

i install fedora 13 in virtual box. i enable campiz feature. but it have two choice:

1-windows wobble when moved
2-workspaces on a cube.

does campiz have only two option ?or does it have settings window?

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Fedora :: Trash Does Not Show My Files/folders I Moved From NTFS Windows Drive

May 25, 2011

I am an Ubuntu refugee. Allow me to explain what happened. I am dual booting with Windows 7 and F15 x64.

(1) I wanted to created a shortcut of my "Documents" folder in my Windows in Nautilus
(2) I opened the Windows drive by double clicking the drive under Devices, and navigated to my "Documents" folder (F15 already has ntfs-3g installed so no hassles there)
(3) I then dragged the folder to the sidebar to place it under the Trash icon--but for some reason, it would not let me do this, and accidentally got placed in the Trash bin.
(4) problem is I can't see this folder in the Trash bin (it is not even hidden)
(5) To check if the Trash bin actually captures items when we move files/folders to Trash, I tried sending a folder from my Home directory to Trash, and the folder appears in the Trash; it can even be restored to Home.
(6) Only files/folders from the NTFS formatted Windows drive do not appear in the Trash folder if sent there.
(7) I have Google searched this problem, but to no avail.
(8) I even thought that because the drive is not mounted 'officially' I would mount it using command line:


(9) But still I can't see the folders in the Trash
(10) Interestingly, when I try to unmount the Windows drive 'formally' then I get a message if I want to "empty the Trash"--I obviously chose not to--so I know there is my Windows Documents folder in there somehere.

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General :: Configure Kde 4 To Resize Windows To Half Desktop Size When Moved To Side Of Screen?

Feb 7, 2010

I have just noticed a nice feature in Windows 7 - when you drag a window to the edge of the screen (the mouse pointer must touch the edge), windows offers you to resize the window to exactly half of the screen size. This is actually very handy on the wide screen monitors.

Is it possible (and how) to configure Kde 4 to do the same thing?

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Ubuntu :: Moved Data To A Pc With Windows XP - Created File Is Named With A "~" At The End

Mar 11, 2010

So I just recently moves a lot of data from ubuntu to a pc with windows XP. I do a lot of html editing and I noticed, for many of the HTML documents I have, a duplicate was created that is named with a "~" at the end.
What are these files? Is it safe for me to delete them?

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General :: How To Stop Files Moved - From Windows Via USB Being Marked "executable"?

Sep 27, 2010

When I move files from Windows to Linux using a USB drive, all files are marked as executable. Then double clicking on a ".txt" file gets you the ridiculous dialog box asking whether you want to display the file or execute it. (NOTE: The /etc/fstab entry for the USB mount includes the "noexec" option already and it hasn't helped.) Now that my wife and daughters are moving files back and forth between the two OSs, I'm getting pestered for a solution to this and I haven't been able to track anything down. Yet.

What can one do -- presumably on the Windows side of the transfer -- to prevent these files from being marked executable? Or is it a hopeless problem caused by some dainbread decision made by a Windows developer?

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General :: Moved File Partitions - File System Check Failed On Fedora, Windows Will Not Boot

Dec 16, 2009

my partitioning layout was as follows

Vista Recovery
Windows 7
-->Fedora 12 (ext4)

so, I shrunk my recovery in Windows 7 successfully, and booted into my Fedora 12 live cd to run Gparted, and move the partitions so that the free space could go towards fedora, I did such, and then I couldn't expand the partition to my dismay. Next, I woke up this morning, tried to boot to fedora to run SSH, grub loaded, but when I tried to boot fedora, I got the "File system check failed" error, and when I tried 7, it just went to a blank screen with a single "_" in the top left-hand corner.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Drivers Can't Be Installed?

Apr 16, 2010

When i was on the live cd installing ubuntu it said i could install my driver but now that i am running off the hard drive it doesn't pick it up under "Hardware Drivers"

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Ubuntu :: How To Have 2 Video Drivers Installed

Mar 15, 2011

I have a laptop with 2 graphic cards on it, currently I have the nvidia drivers installed, and I want to install the Intel ones, but when I try to install I am prompted to remove the nvidia ones.

I have a module to turn off the nvidia card, but I still need to get the drivers for the intel card install, how to do it?

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Ubuntu :: No Drivers Installed For GFX Card - Lag With Games

Jan 7, 2010

First off I cant seem to get any drivers installed for my GFX card, I've got an ATI Radeon X1300 and when I go to System > Admin > Hardware drivers it seems to find nothing. I'm pretty sure thats whats causing my next problem; Lag with games. I installed one of my favorite games, Blockland and ran it with Wine, First thing right off the bat is its lagging like hell. But, an even worse problem is happening. It doesn't even seem to start up now...

Alright, now let's go to java. One of my other favorite games, Minecraft, A game made with java, doesn't seem to work. I can play it for about 10 - 20 seconds until the game just turns white. There's also Dwarf Fortress, and it seems that I cant even get the linux version running. I looked at the requirements and got some of them, but not all and when I try to run it nothing even happens.

Lastly, Steam. So far steam is working fine, except when I try and install a game off of it, Steam just immediately closes... So, If you need my specs or anything just ask. I'd relaly like to fix some of these things so I use Ubuntu over windows, because I just love the feel more than windows.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up All Of Preferences I.e. Installed Drivers?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm needing to wipe out my computer, but my only hesitation is that I've made so many awesome changes to my Ubuntu install and I don't want to lose them, since alot of it was copying/pasting terminal commands or following instructions from blogs that I didn't bookmark. Is there any way I'd be able to backup all my preferences, i.e. installed drivers, desktop configuration, basically all the little things?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get The Nvidia Drivers Installed?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm installing 10.4 fresh but I can't get the Nvidia drivers installed. I'm using a 9400 GT. Ubuntu installs normally but when I try to enable to the proprietary driver, I get an error on reboot "Failed to initialize NVIDIA graphics device" and have to restart X. Any suggestions on how to get this working?

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Ubuntu :: Drivers Installed - See Available Networks And Stuff?

Jan 2, 2011

so I've installed my two network drivers, Broadcom and Realtek. So now I'm trying to connect to the internet (wlan/wireless) but I am now stumped. What do I do now? How do I get to see available networks and stuff?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - NVidia And Unity (Drivers Installed But Not In Use)

Apr 30, 2011

I've just installed the brand new Ubuntu 11.04 and all goes well until...I log in a session. There is a window telling me that my graphic card isn't too good to run Unity, when I have no problem under 10.10 to run all the eye-candy. Now I have a NVIDIA Quadro NVS 120M with 512 megs of memory. I've install the NVIDIA current driver in the Additional Drivers application and reboot. But nothing...in the additional driver app it says that the current driver is installed but not currently in use...what should I do before giving up and install unity-2d?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 - How To Check That Latest Drivers Installed

Mar 22, 2010

I've just installed ubuntu 9.04 (had the disc from before) and I'm upgrading to 9.10 of course but I have a question. How do I check that I have the latest drivers installed for everything in my laptop? I'm the kind of person that has that nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me that everything isn't installed perfectly and I need to install my drivers properly (or at least ask).

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Drivers - NO Propriatary Driver Installed ?

Jul 26, 2010

There is a laptop that I want to get that has the ATI Mobility Radeon 4100 and I cannot find it under ATI's driver downloads for any operating system.

Look for yourself [url] select notebook, then readeon, then 4100 series, for ANY operating system, it doesen't have a driver for it.

The first question is: Were is the linux driver for the 4100, and the second, if there is NO propriatary driver installed, will x take full use of the video hardware, or will it be capped and won't work to its fullest potential that it has?

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Ubuntu :: Installed Wrong Xserver Graphics Drivers

Feb 21, 2011

I accidentally installed ATI graphics drivers on an intel graphics system. They didn't appear to install properly, because upon next boot everything was fine, except for compiz and any 3d game.

compiz-check says that I've managed to get intel back as default, but I'm still missing a rendering method.

Does anyone know how to get the renderer back? I assume it has something to do with changing the kernel? I don't know how to change the kernel anyway.

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Ubuntu :: Canon Pixima 560 Drivers Installed But No Printing

Feb 27, 2011

My first day as Ubuntu 9.10 user. Downloaded drivers from Canon Europe and installed .deb package using G and all seemed ok but no actual printing occurs. System says all installed ok and indicates printing occurring but no physical printing happens. Checked printer on another PC and all ok.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 11.04 BCM4311 Drivers Installed - But No Internet ?

May 22, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my mom's Inspiron 1521 and before I had it on there I had a older version of ubuntu which worked fine and could connect to the Internet, but since my mother isn't that well educated in computers and wants a simple to use UI, Ubuntu came into mind.

Well after installing ubuntu for a hour or two and trying to configure the drivers to allow Internet access with out a USB adapter using the BCM4311 I tried everything such as following the pretty basic tutorials online on installing the drivers with no luck. I check the additional drivers application and it's telling me the drivers are installed properly and are okay. ... Well, why am I not able to find a list of wifi connections yet?

I did the update command and updated every package on the machine. I reinstalled the kernal drivers for the BCM4311. I even installed the installer for the kernal device and nothing seems to be working.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Installed Realtek Drivers Permanently?

Sep 1, 2011

I've had some hiccups with my the wired connections on my new ASUS M5A88-M motherboard, ethernet card is a Realtek 8111E. The default drivers keep giving me an unstable connection - keeps starting and stopping. I figure it must be the drivers since the connection is fine when I boot to the windoze os. I went here and downloaded the "LINUX driver for kernel 2.6.x and 2.4.x (Support x86 and x64)" file. Untarred and ran the .sh. Checked speedtest.net and the result was almost a mirror, if not better, than when I did speedtest on the windoze os. I read this thread here which gave me some insight. The .sh appears to have replaced a r8169 driver with the one I downloaded, r8168. But when I restart, it reverts to the r8169 driver.

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Fedora Hardware :: How To Get Drivers Installed

Jan 29, 2010

how to get the drivers installed. I'm using Fedora 11 32bit with gnome as my interface

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Can't Find Hardware Drivers Installed?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm having problems getting the wifi to work on my toshiba satellite pro l40 (psl4be). My laptop has a wifi card built in but linux cant seem to be able to find it. I tryed following these instructions and i got this output:

james@james-laptop:~$ lsusb
Bus 007 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 006 Device 002: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 0000:0000


as you can see its telling me i have no wifi card, even though i am fully aware i do. ive tryed using ndiswrapper to install the windows drivers of the ethernet adaptor but my wifi still doesnt work, im guessing ethernet has nothing to do with wifi.I intend to convert from windows, however if i cant get the wifi to work i can only see linux at a major disadvantage as i use my wifi alot.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom 4322AG STA Drivers Installed But No Connection

Jul 21, 2010

I have an HP Pavilion Dv6-1230US laptop that I bought from staples when it was on sale for 800 dollars with a 4 year accidental damage warranty. It came with Vista Home Premium 64Bit installed. It had Windows 7 Business 64Bit on it at one point, And the latest windows installation was Windows Vista Business 32Bit. My trial period ran out on vista and I switched to Ubuntu 10.04 32Bit, and, as always, I have a problem with the wireless card. I have looked it up and everything, i do have the drivers installed, and it looks functional, but its not. It will act like its going to connect to my AP (Netgear WNR3500L that is like 2 days old), but it eventually askes me for my WPA2-Personal AES key, which I have supplied, and is correct before hand, i type the exact same thing in and it still doesn't work.

I've tried sudo apt-get update, and sudo apt-get upgrade, but it doesn't work. nothing has to update. This installation was installed today, and updated about 6 hours ago to the fullest extent.The wired works absolutely perfect (that's how i updated it). Hardware:Laptop has a Broadcom 4322AG b/g/draft-n wireless card from HP integrated into the laptop. The router is a Netgear WNR3500L which i bought because we are switching ISP's soon and our old router is a modem, that will only work on a DSL connection.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Drivers And Decoders Installed But DVDs Still Won't Work?

Feb 12, 2011

so iv installed all of the nessesary drivers and decoders to run DVDs on my Ubuntu machine but whenever i pop in a movie that was not copied it doesn't play. This perplexes me because whenever i put a burned DVD into the drive it finds it right away. how to play legit copies of DVDs?

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Ubuntu :: Get Graphics Drivers For ATI Radeon X1270 Installed On 9.04 Desktop?

Jun 17, 2009

I just got a free Ubuntu 9.04 desktop cd in the mail today, but I'm already having a problem.

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop 32 bit. I need graphics drivers for playing video games such as Nexuiz. My graphics hardware is in ATI Radeon X1200 series. The fglrx driver I downloaded from ATI does not install.

When I use code...

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