Ubuntu Installation :: System-crash While Installing Textlive-fonts-extra

Jan 2, 2010

I was multitab browsing (around 15 tabs) in latest firefox for karmic koala (9.10) and at the same time downloading (probably already auto-installing) in synaptic-package-manager the package: textlive-fonts-extra (and other necessary packages; this was around 90 mb download and 250 mb installation)suddenly the pointer doesn't move anymore, (Alt+tab , and other combinations also didn't work anymore)
and I hold the power button untill the computer is turned off,when I reboot I get this message"invalid system disk, replace it and press any key to continue"now I'm using a livedisc to boot the computer (jaunty 9.04)To rebuild the system i think to manually install the packages that probably were interupted while installing and made it not work anymoreThe packages to be installed when text-live-fonts is marked for install (in synaptic opened from the livedisc) are:



This may be different with 9.10 configuration (can anybody look to see which are necessary with 9.10) I think the computer wasn't responding anymore because I used too many tabs at ones. I had this same problem a few times before in the past weeks but then I wasn't installing something and the computer did restart and firefox restored all the tabs. I cannot enter /home/ from the livedisc (no permission) and it's necessary , I am in the middle of exams and i need to print the paper that is on the disc by monday Is there a way to enter it via command console?

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Ubuntu :: Add Extra Fonts Into Open Office?

Mar 27, 2010

In the default version of Open Office (3.1) packaged with Karmic I notice that a lot of common fonts eg, Times New Roman etc, are missing. How do I add all these common fonts?

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Fedora :: Extra Large Fonts In F11 While Running KDE

Jun 13, 2009

Yesterday I upgraded my desktop Hp dx2280 which I use at office and HP Compaq Presario 300 Widescreen laptop which I use at home from fedora 10 to Fedora 11. Upgradation was just fine without any errors in both cases. My desktop machine works just fine and I, hardcore KDE lover, am enjoying working. It is just amazing. But sadly my Presario C300 laptop is a mess for KDE. Login is fine And I got the desktop. First I ran xmms and pleased to hear my favourite mp3 song on it. Sound quality -- EXCELLENT.

But for any other application, whether it is Firefox, openoffice word, kwrite, even the Konsole which I love desperately presents me a screen with extra extra large fonts showing only menus like File Edit & so on. I can not see even fourth menu and no scrollbar etc. Even the clipboard gives me the same result. i.e. extra large fonts. While everything is perfect with GNOME, which I am using now. I am not getting what is the problem. Previously I had upgraded my Presario C300 laptop from KDE 4.1.x from Fedora 11 to KDE 4.2.1 from repo of kdetesting. Is that making some conflicts?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts Wrong After Installing Truetype Fonts / Why Is So?

Jan 15, 2010

I just finished installing a bunch of truetype fonts. After installing them, firefox is displaying "bradybunch" font when I search google.

The font settings are all serif and sans serif in both the system fonts settings and firefox settings.

I am using ubuntu 9.10.

Any idea why this could be happening?

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Ubuntu :: Install Crash - Cant Move The Mouse Or Anything And It Is Stuck On Installing System

Jun 15, 2011

I downloaded ubuntu 11.04 and did the usual shizz and it was all going well. I went to get a drink and by the time i got back my computer had completely crashed. I cant move the mouse or anything and it is stuck on 'Installing System'.

Ive restarted my computer (unplug), i had to format the harddrive i was installing it on (luckily it was empty already).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphic Crash When Installing?

Jul 9, 2011

I've downloaded both Kubuntu and Ubuntu and tried to install them. Both methods (wubi and cd).However I encounter the same problem, I think it's a graphic crash because I see some patern of pixels right after it loaded.I've made a pic (here) using my phone.However this problem doesn't occure in Ubuntu 8.04 (8.04 because I ordered some CD at that time).An option would be to install 8.04 then upgrade till the latest, but I'm worried about encoutering the problem right after that.Some specs:AMD Athlon II X4 3.0 GHz2 GB RAM DDR2NVidia 240GT160 GB HDD

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error While Installing Screenlets (after Pc Crash)

May 31, 2011

While I was installing screenlets via

sudo apt-get install screenlets

My pc restarted due to electricity cut off! and now when I try to re-install I get that error in terminal

dpkg: error processing python-numpy (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured


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Fedora Installation :: Gnome Crash Before Installing 14?

May 17, 2011

i was about to install fedora i had checked first and then when i reenter the disk to install it on hdd it shows me gnome bug error and some kind of crash but the desktop was ready with 2 bug it says gnome crash and other i didnt remember ..so what you say , should i install using that cd or i have to recreate a cd with fedora 14.i m using win7 already i wanna dualboot

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Won't Mount After Crash?

May 2, 2011

After my computer crashed due to an electrical failure in the house, every time I try to boot up (I'm using Ubuntu 10.04) I get the following error:

mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc/ failed: No such file or directory Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.

I'm then put into initramfs

I assume that this is because the system wasn't unmounted properly but I haven't been able to find the best way to solve this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken System After Crash During 9.10 To 10.04 / Get This Fixed?

May 1, 2010

As the title says, i was in the middle of the upgrade, when the system froze then a black screen with the text similar to: starting apache ..... starting ..... ... in that way, but with more text, i could not remember the exact details. When i boot up, it say /dev not found, and other errors, and a weird black screen that seems to be loading modules appears, but never finishes and starts to act strange. Any way i can get this fixed without just copying my data and reimaging my partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Crash After Partial Upgrade 10.10?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a Dell studio running ubuntu for two years now. I had ubuntu 10.04, but a few days ago, the update manager started to bug me that some stuff don't work properly and that I need to to a partial upgrade. I postponed that for a while, and all worked fine, but I finally had sometime and clicked "yes", all began collapsing:

1) the update manager crashed while updating.

2) I rebooted and ran it again. same crash at the same stage.

3) I decided, god knows why, to do a full upgrade to 10.10, which also crasehd.

Now it won't even boot. It always get stuck at a line saying "no IPv6 routers present" or something of that sort. when I switch off manually the wireless switch on the laptop, the boot gets stuck a bit earlier, on a line that says: "laptop login:"

EDIT: I just remembered something which might be important: I had a hibernation problem on the upgrade to 10.04, so I played around a bit with that. now it uses libgcrypt, and I remember I set up something manually then, but I can't remember what.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Crash During 10.04 Install Left System Unbootable

Jun 6, 2010

My son kicked out power during the install phase of 10.04 (about half complete) and now the system is unbootable.

The boot process dies shortly after starting fsck with the error:

init: plymouth main process (382) killed by SEGV signal

So this looks bad (to me), segmentation violations are never good.

So does anyone have any suggestions for booting and completing the upgrade?

If I'm SOL on this OS image is there a way to image over the OS and save my data?

The only option I see now is to buy a new disk, image onto it, mount my current disk and copy my data. (takes money and time)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Nvidia Driver Install Causes System Reboot Crash

Nov 3, 2010

This was my first experience with Ubuntu, I was told to switch the hard drives on my computer and put the Windows drive in a safe place for the install. The first time I did the install on the hard drive (which was the clean second hard drive that came with my computer), I either didn't realize I believe I didn't realize I had to click a button and thought the install had gotten stuck, and therefore cut off the install midway through. The second time around the install went without a hitch, and I was able to boot to desktop once. There, I was notified that I needed/should install NVIDIA drivers, I believe version 173 was listed as the next most recent drives (the other was "current"), I have an NVIDIA GeForce 7350LE graphics card, and after installing the drivers, I went to the restart menu as directed and clicked restart, not shut down but restart, and there were several listed errors on the text/DOS screen, shutdown errors I believe (the errors were 5 digits and were something like 56759 or something like that, I can't be certain if I'm remembering right, though, but there were two errors going over again). I then proceeded to turn off the computer manually, and upon it coming on again, instead of the normal Ubuntu flash screen before login, a more choppy Ubuntu 10.10 screen popped up and it led me to the DOS mode, where I was able to login, but it did me no good because I don't know command logic for Ubuntu. The best I did (its the best I ever do when these things happen) is get menus to pop up that are basically useless. I turned the computer off and on again three times, and tried booting directly from disk, but that failed.

I'm actually using the same computer I just reinserted the Windows drive back in after the frustrating experience. Windows has been giving me problems itself, and I really wanted to switch to Ubuntu but I need to know that this is a fluke and not the norm. I can live with this sort of thing being so uncommon I must have did something that was very strange and out of the ordinary to my computer. But if its commonplace, I want to know that too, because that's just something I can't live with.

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Fedora Installation :: System Gets Loaded With A Bunch Of Fonts And Input Methods For Various Eastern Languages?

Nov 18, 2009

When I install I never select language support other than English, yet the system gets loaded with a bunch of fonts and input methods for various Eastern languages and I spend time taking them out.Why are they getting installed at all?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 And 10.10 Recurringly Crash (target System Does Not Have Requested /sbin/init )?

Jan 16, 2011

After trying most of the solutions I could think of, including reinstalling and upgrading, I'm posting here hoping someone would take me out of this misery now.Laptop:thinkpad t500I was running Ubuntu 10.04 and it froze. I rebooted and it shows the following message and gives me the "initramfs" prompt:Quote:

BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00f44000


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Fedora Installation :: LiveCD-system Crash At Partition Step?

Jun 5, 2011

I run ubuntu, 2 partion, one primary for / , one for /home and ofc swap.When I run the Livecd, at the partition step I do:


-Select my / partition to install

-When I select next I get the error "blah blah, must be probably a bug...." and system crashes.

After system crach I can't boot into Ubuntu or anything, it gets me on the "error 11 ( think is 11 ) grub> " screen.Also, I think its something with my nouveau drivers, I think i get an error when boots the LiveCD something like "fudc...". It happens really fast and I can't read it properly.I did this procedure twice to write the errors, but it happens too fast to check them out. Also, is there a way to prepare the system before installing the Fedora, to avoid these errors?

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Installation :: System Crash When Trying To Install Fedora 12 In Text Mode / Solution For It?

Apr 30, 2010

I trying install fedora 12 in text mode, but every time the system crash, i cant install in text mode. Someone have one solution ?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Extra Software To Additional Hard Drive?

Aug 29, 2010

I have added a 1.0 Tb USB HDD and would like to install games, extra software, etc. on it when using apt-get or Synaptic but I can not find any info on doing so.

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Software :: Installing Slackware Extra Packages?

Mar 2, 2010

if I wanted to install all the packages from the slackware cd in the extra dirctory do I have to install them one by one or is there a way to install them all at once?

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Fedora :: 14 Base Install Is Installing Extra Package Groups?

Dec 1, 2010

When I'm running, I like to just do a base install to start, so that, I can go from there, only added things that I need. I just did a Base install of Fedora 14 x86_64, selecting only the "Base" package, and "vim-enhanced". But, when running a grouplist, it comes back with this...


[root@fcdesktop01 ~]# yum grouplist
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Setting up Group Process


I don't see why these extra groups are included, when all I asked for was Base and vim?

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Fedora :: System Fonts Wrong Until I Select System-Appearance Menu / Resolve This?

May 23, 2010

This is a bit of an odd problem that's been happening to me recently. My home folder is a version of Fedora old, I've been using the same one between Fedora 11 and 12 (which I'm now using).

When booting up, I notice that my system fonts are not the ones I have manually set. They're the ugly version, whatever exact font it is. It's only when I select System->Appearances from the menu that the system seems to detect my seletions to use Liberation fonts in all areas, and then everything instantly switches to the more visually pleasing Liberation fonts. This is a strange bug, I was wondering if anyone has experienced this or can point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Fonts For 10.10?

Mar 12, 2011

I copied my old Font folder from my Windows. There are *tff files and also *.fon files in it. Do somebody know if the *.fon files are also Fonts or do I have to delete it? I wanna install my Fonts on my Ubuntu. Is there an easy way to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Fonts Look Different After Installing Wine?

Mar 23, 2010

I installed Wine on my machine just a few minutes ago and as part of the installation the following packages are also installed: ttf-liberation,
ttf-mscorefonts-installer, ttf-symbol-replacement, ttf-tahoma-replacement. These add extra fonts to the system which I'm assuming are required by windows programs running inside Wine. The problem is though that Firefox also seems to be using these fonts because the fonts now look different inside Firefox. Not a huge difference, but you can tell they are different and they just don't look "right" to the eye. They are no longer as pleasing as they were when Firefox was using the default Ubuntu fonts.

Is there a way to keep these fonts for use by Wine, but not allow any other program on Ubuntu to use them?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Fonts From Exe File

May 14, 2011

I have clean installed my system to 11.04 and lost some important fonts of course. I am using specialist IPA fonts for some important documents, but the file is in exe form. However, I have that blocked executable bit problem. It's getting really annoying, as now many legitimate programs that I have can't be used on Linux anymore. All I need to do is extract the file and then let Ubuntu install the ttf (as it has done so in the past).

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows Fonts On 11.04?

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to install windows fonts on my Ubuntu 11.04.In detail, I wish I could install Calligraph412 BT and Book Antiqua fonts.

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Fedora :: OpenOffice Installation - Dejavu-serif-fonts Conflicts With Dejavu-fonts

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to install the open office suite using Add/Remove Software. It however give the following error:


dejavu-serif-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts
dejavu-sans-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts
dejavu-sans-mono-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts

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Debian :: Why Extra Packages (Exim) Installed On System

Oct 17, 2010

Install One :
Installed Debian Squeeze onto my laptop using the netinst cd. During installation, I did not have access to the internet and installed "Standard System" during tasksel.

Install Two :
Installed Debian Sqeeze onto my desktop using the same netinst cd. However, this time I had connected the desktop to my router during installation. Similary installed "Standard System".

Both system later installed with KDE and working fine. Noticed that immediate after installation of the "Standard System", my desktop had more files installed eg. the exim package. Why the extra packages (eg exim) are installed? Are they actually required?

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Crash When Wont To Start System On Runlevel 5?

Aug 30, 2010

I use release 11.2 and this one works very well. I try new release 11.3 and my system crash when I wont to start system on runlevel 5. There is Sempron 2 GHz CPU and nvidia fx550 graphics card. Keyboard PS2 does not responds but mouse on USB work well. When I start "safe" boot option system work well. What I can to do ? What I must change

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts After Installing Kubuntu-desktop?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using Gnome in Ubuntu 9.10I install kde but it's runied my firefox fonts -- ONLY FirefoxI tried to remove Firefox upgrade install everything, but nothing works here's snapshot of my Firefox and fontsat 2010-01-29I don't like this font i want the original one

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Ubuntu :: File Permissions Prevent From Installing New Fonts?

May 1, 2010

A tutorial says in order to add new fonts, take you font file and put them into a newly created directory inside your home folder and name it ".fonts". Reset and they will be ready to use.

I'm not able to do this from Nautilus View because of the error that I do not have permission to do so.

I have made the dir in terminal using sudo mkdir

moving the actual fonts from my desktop into the actual folder. I don't know how to do it.

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