Ubuntu Installation :: Revert To Previous Firefox Version?
Apr 15, 2010
Since m computer updated FF to 3.6.x FF runs really slowly if a page with java/js or flash opens. It gets so slow I can hardly use it at all. This is a known problem that many people are complaining about, as seen here:
I would like to depreciate back to 3.5.8 or 3.5.9 until this issue is resolved, as currently this is preventing me from working the internet on my websites, etc. How can I get a previous version of Firefox to install? Using Jaunty 9.04
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Jun 16, 2010
I recently upgraded to 10.04 on my older laptop. It's causing some unacceptable slowdown. So I'd like to go back to 09.10.
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Feb 12, 2011
I have ubuntu 10.10 installed and running boxee.When flash updated to 10.2 the other day flash videos stopped working correctly.Is there somewhere I can get the previous version of flashplugin-installer and replace the 10.2 version?
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Aug 14, 2009
I'm using F11 and I've downloaded and installed kernel from koji.
Since I'm dumb.... I've installed with rpm -Uvh kernel* so now I've loose the latest stable fedora kernel...
I've tried to manually download kernel but when I try to install it complains because it's older then the current installed.
How can I restore to kernel 2.6.29?
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Jan 7, 2010
Is there an easy way to revert to a previous installation of programs? I installed a couple things and upgraded a couple things that my system didn't like... I could probably try to use /var/log/apt/term.log to try and do it by hand, but is there an automated way to do it?
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Apr 3, 2011
I did an update to Firefox 3.6.16 and now it crashes each time it loads the homepage. I don't want to use Firefox 4 yet because some of the addons are still incompatible. So, how do I get the previous version of Firefox 3.6.15 for Ubuntu 10.10?
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Oct 24, 2010
I would like to know how I can get the backspace button on my laptop keyboard to revert to the previous page I was viewing.
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Nov 16, 2009
Recently I have installed Fedora 10. It comes with firefox 3.xx by default. Now I was wondering if there is any way through which i can update it to 3.5 version though yum. I have tried yum update firefox but it did not work and returns following messages Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Setting up Update Process No Packages marked for Update I know that one way to update is download the latest Tar package and use it, but I want to totally remove my previous installation and use solely one package i.e. firefox 3.5.
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Aug 20, 2010
I used to have 2.6.34-12-default kernel. Recently I downloaded and installed DEBUG kernel. Because I cannot either use pre-compiled packages or compile new package from source, I want to go back to 2.6.34-12-DEFAULT kernel.
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Feb 11, 2011
I am running Red Hat 5.5. Yesterday, a simulation software program I was running froze. I attempted to abort the program but the computer was unresponsive. When I attempted to copy my data to an external drive, the computer completely froze. After 30 minutes of not responding, I did a hard shutdown. When the computer rebooted, it appears that it has reverted to a state from 4 days ago. All of the data files that my simulation has created in the last 4 days are gone completely. However, some data that I removed 3 days ago seems to be back on the computer.
I opened some of the "removed" files and they are not corrupt, the data appears as it should. I contacted Red Hat support but all they could tell me is that there is no record of anyone logging into the computer between 4 days ago and when I rebooted yesterday. They claim to have never heard of this problem before. I have had this problem once before on a different computer but the simulation program completely filled the hard drive, which is when it crashed and "reverted" to a previous time. But it looked like I still had 11GB free yesterday when it crashed.
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Feb 5, 2010
Ever since updating to 9.10 from 9.04 I have been experiencing a logon loop problem. Maybe 1 in 15 tries is successful. When I was able to logon I was not able to mount the multi-boot Hd.. (Windows NTFS, Linux root Sda2, Home Sda3, Swap Sda4, + unallocated space). A error screen told me that I didn't have admin privileges.. Thats incorrect as I'm the only user and logged on at the time. Some other changes I tried also produced the same error. I found some clues on this forum to address the logon issue, and changed my resolution to 1280 x960 and that seems to let me logon each time as needed. But trying to mount the hd still results in the error message.
I cannot use the computer at the current resolution, too hard on the eyes.. (don't know how anyone could). My question is... Since I have the live CD for version 9.04 and that version worked just fine, how should I or do I need to delete ver 9.10 and than reinstall version 9.04? If I run the 9.04 install program will it automatically choose the Sda2 partition, or do I need to precondition and define Sda2 & Sda3, & swap drives again? Will it perform the installation seeing that theres a newer version already on the hd? Also is there a option to uncheck so I won't get any auto-updates because it appears that the newer version is not compatible with my computer.
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Jan 1, 2010
I updated to Thunderbird 3 by following instructions from http:[url]....Everything updated nicely, but in menu I don't have Thunderbird anymore - there is Shredder instead.Also Firefox was automatically updated - with change of name to Shiretoko with different icon. Wanted to make sure I added safe repositories, and why these changes?
ps. i checked some websites and seems like it is installing alpha/beta versions. so since it is not working now - how do i revert to previous versions without losing data, and how do i install thunderbird 3.0 then.
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Apr 26, 2011
I am now using ubuntu 10.10. I am going to install ubuntu 11.04 on April 28 (after it is released). I want to preserve:
1) the list of extra programs installed by me on ubuntu 10.10 (I want to install the same programs in 11.04 also)
2) program settings
My questions:
1) From synaptic package manager menu:
File -> Save Markings (save full state, not only changes)
saves in a text file the list of programs installed on my system. I used that file to install the same programs in several computers running ubuntu 10.10. Is there a way to use that list in 11.04 also.
2) Copying the directory ~/.mozilla preserves all settings of firefox from previous installation. Like that what files should be copied for gnome applications (gnome-panel, nautilus, etc.)
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May 14, 2011
I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. on boot up I sometimes get only the purple screen freeze and sometimes I actually get to the grub menu. I select the generic kernel and get the black screen freeze. same if I do the recovery mode. but if I get lucky on a reboot and can get the grub menu up again, I select previous linux version and then select 2.6.35 generic and it will boot into 11.04 with Unity. So, how can I get this thing to boot normal with the correct kernel version? I am fairly new to this linux world and don't want to have to go back to windows if I can help it.
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Mar 2, 2009
Is there a relatively easy way to restore the "previous" version of an RPM in FC10? The last set of updates killed my GUI and I'd very much like to get back to whatever I had before I got updated to:
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Apr 29, 2011
I upgraded my system today from Kubuntu 10.10 (or whatever the last full release was) to 11.04 using the automated web process. I know, I know, I should have tested off a live cd or a thumb drive, foolish mistake. On upgrade the video card works, and it boots fine... but I have no keyboard and mouse. I checked the forums and realized that maybe it was a problem with the brand of keyboard and mouse I was using. so I've tried four manufacturers (even tried switching between wired and bluetooth) to no avail.I've also tried starting in recovery mode, but the problem persists.
To be specific, my bios sees the hardware just fine, and I'm able to hold down shift and pull up the selection options pre-OS, and select which one to run... and I can see the red optical light on the mouse no problem, so it's not a defect of either the motherboard or the input devices themselves. However, once in the OS, in recovery mode, or anything else, I'm left without a keyboard or mouse. As my system only has USB ports and not PS2, I can't check a hardware spec beyond what I've tried.Also, it doesn't work if I select the "boot into an older version of linux" which is odd.Can someone make a recommendation? Is there a way to get a liveboot cd of the previous version of Kubuntu that worked?
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Apr 6, 2011
I recently got my Dell XPS 17 and configured it to do dual boot into Win 7 and Maverick. Apparently, Maverick does not play nice with the newer hardware in this laptop so I decided to upgrade to Natty Beta. All has gone fine except for one little thing. When bootting Grub shows my WIn7 and Natty options but it also shows an option to use the older ubuntu version. It does not actually work as it stops receiving input at the user selection screen. I can't remove the image as it does not show up in synpatic nor is the package found when using the apt-get remove [linux image version] command.
I searched the forums and found that this guy:
was having the exact same problem as me and had tried exactly the same things as I have, and I still don't know how to remove those old files. I don't even know where these config files could be so that I can manually go in and remove them. I could live with the option in the Grub but I'm kind of a tidy freak and it annoys me to have a non-functional booting option taking up space.
Is it correct for me to think that a clean reinstall of natty would purge that ghost from the Grub? Also, how easy is this process and can the process mess up the MBR and not be able to do the dual-boot?
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Sep 4, 2010
I installed the new version of Chrome yesterday and all of the fonts are way too small and the pages don't look right at all. I tried doing the page zoom, but that makes the pages look even worse. Has anyone had the same issue? Is there a fix? Is there a way to revert back to version 5?
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Dec 12, 2010
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 on my computer, I asked a couple months ago here if my PC would run it and it does well, but I believe that not as well as I want to, mainly because of my computer. Right now I have the following:
RAM: 433 MB
AMD Sempron, 1800 MHz 3000+
HD 120 Gb
So I believe that maybe if I change my Ubuntu version to, lets say, 9.10 it will work a little better, because right now the PC have a lot of lag and some other troubles when working with PDF and the GIMP, etc. and I think its mainly because of the low memory. So, what do you think? Should I change my PC to 9.10 or some other previous version of Ubuntu?
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Jan 21, 2010
I ran updates today on my recently upgraded 9.10 install, and firefox got upped from 3.5 to 3.6. However, a critical extension (OpenOffice integration for Zotero) does not work with 3.6!
How can I get back to firefox 3.5?
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May 3, 2010
My latest update (this am) included a chromium update. Chromium now will not do much, gets hung up on most searches, can't access gmail and a few other misc strange things so I thought I would try to go back a version, since it is in .archives. I deleted the current version 5.0.393, and trying installing the older version, and it said it wouldn't cause a newer update is available. I tried reinstalling the newer version again, with no luck.
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Sep 13, 2011
I've recently installed openSuse 11.4 64bit with KDE 4.6 and that's when the trouble started. If I put a data or mp3 cd in the drive it can be mounted. Simple audio cds refuse to mount, giving me only the option to play on one of the audio players. Since I wanted to move some music to the computer I've had to resort to windows to copy files then transfer them. How can I force KDE/Suse to behave the way I want or do I have to revert to an earlier version with KDE3.5? I suspected that System Settings/Removable Devices was where I needed to be but nothing I did worked. So then I tried playing with System Settings/Device Actions and again nothing seemed to work. I can't mount the CD manually,I get this (using su -c "mount etc"
mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: /dev/sr0: can't read superblock
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Dec 9, 2009
I've just found out that drupal cms is not compatible with php 5.3 version, is there a way to install a previous version of php on fedora 12 ?
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Nov 23, 2010
upgraded to Banshee 1.9 and now I can't get my podcasts to play on my iPod Classic. I've purged banshee, searched on-line how to download previous versions but I just can't figure it out.
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Aug 17, 2010
I installed Firefox 4.0 beta on Ubuntu and it made Firefox into Namoroka. Now I want to revert back to the stable Firefox but I am unable to do it. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but none of this works.
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Jan 14, 2011
I'm using 10.04 LTS and I followed these instructions hoping to improve video streaming -
sudo apt-get remove kaffeine-mozilla mozilla-helix-player mozilla-mplayer mozilla-plugin-vlc totem-mozilla xine-plugin
sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer gecko-mediaplayer
I'm having trouble streaming vids now though, they are choppier than they were and when I navigate away, the sound stays on as if the video were still playing, I have to restart to make it stop. How would I go about un-doing the above?
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Jul 12, 2011
I'm looking for suse 9.3, was looking around the download section and couldn't find it.
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Mar 28, 2011
I am running Fedora 12 and I am trying to install the DHCP. well I use the yum -y install dhcp command and this is what I get "Transaction Check Error: file /user/share/man/man5/dhcp-eval.5.gz from install of dhcp-12:4.1.1-18.P1.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package dhclient-12:4.1.0p1-12.fc12.i686
file /usr/share/man/man5/dhcp-options.5.gz from install of dhcp-12:4.1.1-18.P1.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package dhclient-12:4.1.0p1-12.fc12.i686"
I am a newbie at this and I tried the yum remove, yum update and the yum update says dhcp packages available but not installed.
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Oct 5, 2010
I've got version 1.2 of package dtc. I installed it using apt-get install. But I want version 1.1 of it installed instead. How do I get that?
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Apr 30, 2011
I just updated to the new Ubuntu version 11.04. The new user interface is innovative, but I can't work effective with it. Is there a way to reset the UI (especially the gnome panel) to the the way it was in earlier versions??
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