Ubuntu Installation :: Fixing Failed Installation Of 10.04?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a dual boot PC, tried to upgrade to Lucid Lynx and the upgrade failed. Can't boot into it at all. Windows XP still works fine. I have the live CD for a re-install now. I read this post but don't understand the difference between the instructions for the partitions. Have posted my screen shots below.First screen shows that I have 10.04 and offers me the option to partition further.Screenshot 1 I choose manual partition and then it gives me the right sized partitions. . Then in screenshot 2 I edit and choose the mount point as /, is that right? (screen shot 3). Do I then change that option again to choose /home? because otherwise it takes me straight to screenshot 4, the user name set up.There's No Custom User Title Here

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Ubuntu :: Fixing MBR After Windows Installation

Aug 17, 2011

without thinking, reinstalled my windows installation after already having the dual-boot set up and it wrote over the GRUB with Windows MBR. I let my girlfriend's friend borrow the disc before this and decided to just wait it out. Then, when getting the disc back, I carelessly forgot it at their house and have never been able to retrieve it, nor do I think that I ever will.

At this point my only live discs either only have GRUB1 or are corrupted. My only tools now are a netbook with a wubi installation of Xubuntu(no CD drive) and a 1GB flash drive, it seems. Any suggestions on how to access my ubuntu installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adjusting Or Fixing The Size?

Aug 9, 2010

Ahm my question is, how can i adjust or redo the size of my hard disk in ubuntu? i mean i have the windowsXP OS then decided to install ubuntu 10.04 so i install it inside windows... i forgot to adjust the size or something?? because every time i boot ubuntu my free storage was 5 gb... but the real size of my HDD is 112gb in HOST directory but when im looking in home directory/home folder its shows that 5gb remaining, so what am i going to do? And what is my mistake?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Strategy For Fixing 10.10 Upgrade That Went Bad

Jun 22, 2011

Was running 10.10 64-bit on Thinkpad X201. I mistakenly clicked on upgrade this morning (really meant to just do a plain old update)... I tried to stop the process, but nothing that I did could get me out of the upgrade loop... so I eventually was forced to go ahead. Machine boots into 11.04; however, keyboard and mouse doesn't work. I have an external keyboard/mouse combo and that will intermittently work, but questionable. I was able to turnoff Unity; however, Classic doesn't seem to work with either external keyboard or laptop builtin.

My root and home are on separate partitions. I have a very fresh copy of home backed up on a separate drive. I don't have a recent backup of root. If I could get Natty working with Classic (including minimize/maximize) I'd be OK...I'd be also OK with going back to 10.10 if I could do it without too much pain. Meanwhile, I'm using another machine with Windows 7 so that I can at least do some work and come back to resurrecting my machine after I've had a bit of a timeout..

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Debian Installation :: Fixing Grub2 On A EFI GPT System?

Nov 10, 2015

I installed Debian 8.2 first, then Windows 10 over it (I know, backwards, but I didn't wish to lose my customizations on Debian up to that point, and didn't realize until later that I wanted to Dual Boot). Running from a LiveCD of Debian 8.2:

Code: Select allsudo fdisk -l
Device - Start - End - Sectors - Size - Type
/dev/sda1 - 2048 - 116211711 - 116209664 - 55.4G - Linux filesystem
/dev/sda2  - 116211712 - 116244479 - 32768 - 16M - Microsoft reserved
/dev/sda3  - 116244480 - 232421375 - 116176896 - 55.4G - Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda4  - 232421376 - 234440703 - 2019328 - 986M - EFI System


That's where I am stuck. I'm a bit new to Debian & Linux still and I've never dabbled with Grub2, I imagine I can't mount /dev/sda4 because in chrooted into /dev/sda1 and it can't see /dev/sda4 at this point (what I'm thinking anyway). So I try:

Code: Select allroot@debian:/# fdisk -l

fdisk: cannot open /proc/partitions: No such file or directory/I imagine that's what it is, but I don't know a way around that. I want to dual boot Windows 10 & Debian 8.2 on a UEFI (or EFI?) system with a GPT Disk. No guide I have found for fixing Grub2 or getting Dual Booting working with Debian then Windows installed have covered both things at the same time. I just have to be special I guess.

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Fedora Installation :: Fixing Dual Boot So XP Can Run?

Dec 27, 2009

I am a relative newbie to Fedora 12, altho did start with OpenSuse. I installed XP first with the games that couldn't run via wine. Then I installed Fedora but I must've done something wrong as although Fedora runs fine with a few personal tweaks with everything I want I can't access XP as it is no longer an option in the boot up. What do you suggest I do. I have a system rescue cd ready but don't know how to access the boot or change it.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Fixing Grub2 Boot Changes To Windows Drive?

May 3, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an external hard drive (USB connected) and I can no longer boot my Windows XP(SP3) from my internal C Drive. Grub gives me the list of boot choices, but when I choose the C drive, I just get these error messages:

For Realtek RTL8139(X)/8130/810X PCI fast ethernet controller v2.13 (020326)
PXE-E53: No boot filename received

(The version of Grub is 1.98-lubuntu5). I don't have a Windows System CD to boot from, but is there something I can do from within Ubuntu itself?

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Fedora Installation :: "fixing Recursive Fault But Reboot Is Needed

Mar 29, 2010

I'm new to fedora, but had installed it once before on machines for my class. I am now trying to install fedora on my PC at home, but every time I run the disk and chose install from the main screen all I get is a bunch of text and then it says "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fixing Grub - Volume Hangs With A Non-blinking Cursor In The Upper Left?

Mar 11, 2010

I set my drives up with MY boot loader, and I boot several OSes.I installed Ubuntu and told it to place grub on the / drive, which is where I always put it with any other install and it works fine.I find now that despite telling the install where to put it, you guys have taken it upon yourselves to alter the MBR of the volume ANYWAY!

SO, what I need to do is re-install grub, but I see that you also have no repair facility on this disc either. All I want to do is use MY boot loader. Currently, when I point at the / volume it just hangs with a non-blinking cursor in the upper left.No other Linux installs I have performed over the years do this. I want the drive to boot by merely pointing my bootloader at that volume.It always has in the past, so what did you guys change? I want NO action on my MBR, but I DO want a working grub on the actual root volume, which is NOT the first volume on the drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Update - Error 'installation Or Removal Of A Software Package Failed'

Dec 2, 2010

I i cannot install updates (181). I'm using 10.10, Heres is the error i get: The installation or removal of a software package failed.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Failed 10.04 - Installed Encountered An Unrecoverable Error?

Aug 4, 2010

I am trying to install 10.04 32bit onto a new 1.5TB harddrive. I had previously installed 10.04 64bit on an old drive in the same nmachine. I partitioned and formatted the new drive using the old system. I have a couple of windows partitions and restored Win2K images to them, 4 formated Ext3 partions for whever flavour of Linux appeals to me a swap and two huge NTFS Data (home) and work areas. I installed Grub on the new drive, it also has its own partition for boot config files. The old drive has now gone.

Grub2 boots OK and gives me option for all the OS's even the one that are gone, thats OK I can fix that later with grub-update. Win2K boots fine and I see my NTFS partitions.

Now I boot from the Live i386 CD and chosse to install Ubuntu. The only thing that not allowed to default is where to install. Specify partition manually, Choose a spare 20GB Ext3 and the swap is already there too. I let it reformat to Ext3 and mount as /. (In Advanced I let the install boot loader default to ticked on /dev/sda )

The install goes OK until I hit the pop-up "Installation Failed". The installed encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will be run etc etc..

I have tried this at least 10 times no. I downloaded and cut a new CD even though the old one worked fine on another box. Tried unticking the boot loader. Disable the floppy, removed the floppy.

I am relatively new to Ubuntu. Where do I look for the cause of the problem? I'll cut and paste the install log files in a moment.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Installation 10.04 Beta 1 / Error Can't Get Past The Point Of Partition Assignment?

Mar 23, 2010

I have 9.10 installed and working like a charm, due to the problems I had last time, I decided to leave an empty space to try and test upcoming editions, but I can't install it!

I get two error messages and can't get past the point of partition assignment.

Here's the screenshots. I'm trying to install on the free space.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Or Removal Of A Software Package Failed?

Mar 9, 2011

i get this error whenever i update or install/uninstall a package Package operation failed
The installation or removal of a software package failed.

installArchives() failed: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = "en_IN.ISO8859-1"
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Failed / Loop And The Logon Menu Comes Up Again?

May 24, 2011

I downloaded the 32bit iso from the ubuntu website and wrote it to disc using imgburn.

The problem is that when i boot from cd i get the loading splashscreen with the 4 dots flashing then it loads the ubuntu background and my mouse curser spins around for awhile then tells me the installer encountered and unrecoverable error and a desktop session will now be run so you may investigate and problem or try installing again. When it reboots it asks for a username and password. i use ubuntu and blank and then it does a loop and the logon menu comes up again.

the computer is an old acer aspire running xp home sp2

i tried it on another computer a dell laptop running vista and it worked fine and can up with the menu and i clicked try now and it booted into the gui.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Of JRE Failed-error Report?

Aug 4, 2010

I tried to install JRE 6 After adding partner repository I wanted the updates by this command sudo apt-get updateI got the following errorE: Malformed line 54 in source list etc/apt/source.list (dist parse)what does it mean and how to rectify.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Installation On Acer Aspire One 110 / Fix It?

Oct 12, 2010

I have tried and failed to install the lastest netbook version 10.10 on my Acer aspire one 110 netbook, this is the one with a 8gb ssh.
It booted fine on a usb drive and I was able to test drive the distro. The installation went all the way through without any problems but when it came to rebooting the netbook just showed a blank screen with a dash in the top left of the screen. There is no sign of the computer looking for the hard drive it just sits there!
If I reboot using the usb key I could see that all the files have been installed on the 8gb drive. I have reloaded 10.04 which works just great and during that installation the installer could see that 10.10 was installed.
Has anybody else had this problem? I was wondering is there is a problem with GRUB , however it would be nice to install the new version it's so frustrating to have failed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Of Peazip Failed - Now Can't Install Anything

Nov 11, 2010

I was trying to install a RAR extractor called Peazip (http://peazip.sourceforge.net/) I selected the 64-bit package (I run Lucid) and went for it. Everything extracted ok, and the package met all requirements. However, during the installation process, it hung. No movement. I closed out of the installation, and restarted, to attempt a second try.

Now, when I try to install anything:


(Only been running this OS for, oh, what, a week? And I already hosed it up! )

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Ubuntu Installation :: Enterprise Cloud Installation Failed?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm install Enterprise Cloud 10.04 and for some odd reason when it gets to the install process "Select and install software" It fails.

I ran the process over and over and it still fails.

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Fedora Installation :: FED13 Kickstart - Client Failed - Loader Failed To Mount

Jun 27, 2010

I have configured the remote installation of Fedora 13 with kickstart with nfs installation method. All work ok until I boot the Fedora 13 client system.

Fed13 client system receives the IP address from dhcp, receives the loader, loads vmlinuz and initrd.img from tftp, load anaconda, configures the network and dev eth0, mounts nfs server to load kickstart file, loads kickstart file (language...) but when it tries to mount nfs server to install from Fedora 13 installation tree it fails.

First, I thought that I had an error on my NFS configuration but I was wrong. I opened tty with ALT+F4 on the Fedora 13 client and I sew this error:


Is this a bug or can I modify anything to correct this error? How?

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Debian Installation :: Installation Failed On Mobo Gigabyte G41M-ES2H?

Aug 1, 2010

explain the following issue I have with Debian IA 64:I tried on a PC (Mobo Gigabyte G41M-ES2H, core 2 duo, 4 GB RAM DDR2) the live CD of Debian Lenny IA64 and everything worked just fine, which was a very good thing because none of all other major ia64/i386 distros of Linux (Mandrake, ubuntu, fedora) did so. In a nutshell it seems that the IGP G41 chipset is the cause of these setup failure (Everything is OK when using a PCI-e graphic card that I need in another computer)rd as someone (viewtopic.php?=17&t=49186&p=282839&hilit=G41M+ES2H#p282839) successfully installed Lenny on a very similar mobo. To go to the point what I do not understand is when I launch the iso Cd to now install the same version of Debian, everything freezes at the very beginning of the boot and the screen goes blank.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Live CD 'Installation Failed'?

May 2, 2010

I decided to do a clean install of 10.04, the machine was previously running 10.04 from being upgraded day by day from a beta install.I used checked good 10.04 live CD as live and gparted to delete a partition on sdb. My intention was to install into the largest free space on the drive, (which I ultimately did). There are two HDs on the machine, Windows on a partiton and a couple of installs of ubuntu on the first drive, the second drive had unpartitioned space and ext4 data partition and a swap.

I then restarted and after a space bar press, used the menu second option to install Ubuntu.I subsequently saw an error window:Installation failedThe installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again.Just in case, I did the whole thing a second time, but same result.I continued, using the subsequent desktop session. I chose the desktop Icon to install Ubuntu, which all then seemed to go okI am an experienced user, so I have confidence in Ubuntu, however, I believe new users would be suffering a loss of confidence at such situations.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Log On Failed After Upgrade/install "authentication Failed"

May 20, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu since 6.04, not a linux guru by any means but can usually get myself out of trouble.

So, the issue... I installed 8.04 on my mother's laptop some time back as she was having trouble keeping Win 2000 running (she has a low spec no-name generic laptop btw). I live in Autsralia and she in England, i thought i could better support her if she was running Ubuntu... All has been well with 8.04 but with the new LTS release (10.04) i thought i'd talk her through the upgrade... Did the online upgrade via Update Manager, all seemed to go OK but when she went to log on after restart she got an error saying 'authentication failed' even though we are 100% sure we have the user name and password correct... Tried to do a ctrl+alt+F1 to by pass the GUI log on but couldn't get the terminal session to open up, just got a black screen - no command prompt.

So... thought OK re-install... downloaded the ISO, burned and sent her a CD in the post... talked her through the re-install, all seemed to go well (again) - BUT, after restart, couldn't log in "authentication failed" again...

So, remember i'm trying to talk a novice through all this... any thoughts!?!

If i can get her to log in i can then support her via some kind of remote sesion or other screen share... and it wont cost me a small fortune in international calls!!! But if i can't get a log in, i'm dead in the water!?

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Fedora Installation :: FC10 Installation Failed Due To "Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml)"?

Mar 16, 2009

I have an installation problem that I cannot resolve. The problem arises during the installation process, using the Fedora-10-i386-netinst.iso image, burnt onto CD.Immediately after setting up the network card, I am given the error "Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path and try again". Since the installation process is text-based, I do not have the option to edit the repository list, and consequently, have to abort.This is the spec of my machine:

Pentium 166 (yes, it's very old, but it should work, no?)
132MB RAM (just about enough ram for minimilistic server)
80GB hard disk


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Fedora Installation :: Boot From Installation DVD - IsoLinux: Disk Error 80 , AX = 42A7 , Drive 9F Boot Failed

Oct 20, 2010

I downloaded the Fedora live dvd iso file, burned it to a dvd. I was wondering if I forgot to do something or did I do something wrong. When I try to install from the dvd I get this error message, isoLinux: Disk error 80 , AX = 42A7 , drive 9F Boot Failed: press key to retry When I press a key to retry I get the same error. I also tried to install virtual pc and get not boot disk found.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 Installation "x Startup Failed"?

Jun 16, 2009

install Fedora 11 at very beginning it comes up with following message "x startup failed , falling to text mode"and after I progress a bit in text mode, some python errors appear ... (i suppose it occurs before partitioning thing)I was able to run F11 installation in another computer and in virtual machine in my current computer well, but it doesn't work fine with my current computer , however i can run F8 graphical installation without any problemalso I tried to install it via USB flash drive and installing it with basic video drivers but they didn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Iso On A Cd And A Dvd Both Failed

Jun 21, 2010

i am installing on an hp pavilion a712n with 2.0ghz processor and i believe 2 gb memory i have downloaded the iso on a cd and a dvd both failed( and i did write it at under 4x speed) i go through the entire install process fine and the restart box comes up i hit that and then it resart a few command prompt things flash then ubuntu appears to me loading with the five dots the my cursor shows up on a black screen the my monitor says it is going to sleep then it starts all over

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed On EEE PC 4G (701)?

Sep 26, 2010

I have an EEE PC 4G (701 model) and whenever I try to install Ubuntu Netbook version, or Easypeasy or even EEEXUbuntu (or whatever it is called), I get various I/O errors if not error 5.I'm close to trashing this early adopter netbook as I cannot or dont know how to low level format it. I tried using DBAN 2.2.6 with USB Installer but I also get error msgs when I try to format the drive. Please see the following link I posted on Experts Exchange which shows a screenshot of the problem:So far I have not been able to get a satisfactory response from anyone over there.

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Ubuntu :: Failed Installation Of 10.10?

Jan 8, 2011

I am completely new to Linux but having purchased a magazine on the subject decided to give it a try. I have an old Windows XP laptop with 30GB of hard drive and decided to run Ubuntu 10.10 alongside XP. I allowed about 14GB to each OS but unfortunately part way through the installation process the computer froze and I had to force a shutdown. On restarting the computer there is no option to start Ubuntu, as the installation didn't complete and in XP I now find the hard drive is just 14GB in size with no sign of the other half which I allocated to Ubuntu. Where has half my hard drive space gone??? My query is, if I now try to install Ubuntu again but perhaps use all the hard drive (ie deleting XP) will there only be 14GB available for the installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed To Run Pylauncher

May 12, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my desktop pc with Wubi.I tried downloading Wubi.exe and ran it on WIndows XP but it just pops up an Internal Error saying "Failed to run Pylauncher". So I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 from the website and burned it onto a disc, and same error pops up.I want to run Ubuntu on dual boot together with XP.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading To 10.04 Failed?

May 22, 2010

I went to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and it wouldn't upgrade. This is the error:

An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

This can be caused by:

* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report.

I looked for the same errors on here and on the Internet and these were some solutions, but they did not work (I included the errors form the solutions)

1. I tried in the terminal to apt-get clean, sudo apt-get -f install and this is what I got:

E: Could not open lock file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the download directory

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