Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Run Certain Programs On Encrypted Install?

Jan 14, 2010

After trying out ubuntu for a while (and messing something up that required I reinstall), I installed karmic using the encrypt home directory option. Now I can't run several programs, such as Computer Janitor, SBackup, Software Sources, and Synaptic Package Manager (I can run Synaptic only if I launch it through a terminal using "sudo synaptic"). All of these programs worked flawlessly for me when I didn't have an encrypted install. I am very new to linux, the join date to the left is about when I started trying ubuntu

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Debian Installation :: Custom Encrypted LVM Install

Mar 23, 2015

After my NVIDIA card died I decided it was time to buy an AMD card again (R9 270X), but I didn't think AMD drivers were such a pain in Linux as people said. Of course, in some distros anyway. On Arch, for example, there's no official release because Arch's developers would have to hold Xorg in order to make a closed-source driver available, because AMD's pace isn't in pair with Linux. So in order to install AMD's drivers on Arch I must rely on some guy's unnoficial repositories, but that isn't the whole problem. Even though I'm cool with adding repos and downgrading Xorg, I'm not cool with it not working for a lot of apps, so that's where I decided to try a few distros. Manjaro is a no-go because it installs Flash as default. openSUSE although is a very good distro, is a complete mess when it comes to repositories, specially multimedia ones. Ubuntu/Mint are also a no-go, Ubuntu because after 12.04 they have a spyware by default, and Mint because it contains non-free stuff by default.

So here I come! I ran Debian in the past for a long time (aside from a breaf period last year) and it was lovely, I could easily set up a custom encrypted install, but now I don't remember how to, and it's killing me. I don't like how the installer doesn't show the partitions size as they actually are, and I don't like how the automated encrypted LVM setup doesn't let me chose the encryption algorithm or the timeframe between each passphrase attempt. That's why I must create my install, and here's what I used to do on Arch (the part that really matters), converted to what I use on Debian:

Code: Select all# modprobe dm-mod

(create one 1GB partition for /boot, unencrypted ; create another big 930 GB formatted as "8e" - LVM - on dev/sda2)
Code: Select all# fdisk /dev/sda
(chose my ciphers and iter time)
Code: Select all# cryptsetup -c twofish-xts-plain64 -y-s 512 --iter-time 5000 luksFormat /dev/sda2
(open the luks container on "sda2_crypt")


After this is done, I go to the "partition disks" page where I select each partition/volume to it's correct destination. I then proceed to installing the base system, configuring apt, and all that. Now, before I install Grub I used to execute the following commands on shell:

Code: Select allĀ # nano /etc/crypttab

I used to put something there, but I don't remember what exactly. It's been a long time since I used Debian for long! But here's what I put there:

Code: Select allsda2_crypt /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt none luks

Then I procceeded to instal syslinux (I REALLY don't like GRUB)

Code: Select all# chroot /target
# apt-get install syslinux

But I get the following error:

E: cannot write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (2: No such file or directory).

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Fedora Installation :: Install F13 With Old Encrypted /home?

Jun 23, 2010

I encrypted "/" and "/home" during boot with F12. Now I'm trying to install F13. The problem is it will not allow to specify /home as the mount point. It will take /home and not complain but when I get back to summary there is no mount point, just blank. When I entered the passphrase it didn't complain so I think that is okay. The / dir I said I wanted to format, so it accepted the / mount point.

I tried to go ahead and install F13 anyway thinking it may figure this out. However it didn't use my /home but created a new /home.

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Fedora Installation :: Using The Kde Install Disc - Encrypted Filesystem ?

Jan 12, 2011

Is this irrelevant if you are using the kde install disc? I want to use a encrypted filesystem. I would think since I am using kde that I would have a graphical interface.

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Debian Installation :: Boot Freezes After Install On Encrypted Volume

Jan 1, 2016

I just installed Debian Testing on an encrypted partition (using the encryption feature in the installer). Problem is when I boot I enter the passphrase and then Debian starts to load a bit and then it stops and won't move again. During a normal boot the boot stops after : EDAC sbridge : Couldn't find mci handler Then do a recovery mode boot from grub loader so more information is displayed during the boot time and it stops after : [12.513770] fb: switching to nouveaufb from simple it stops there I can't type anything, I can reboot the computer with ctrl+alt+del tho

I was booting just fine in a previous installation on a MBR-partitioned disk (now it's GPT-partitioned). I have to add that during installation I added a second encrypted volume on a HDD (while / is on a SSD) that mounts to /data. When few days ago I installed it on the MBR-partitioned disk it asked me for the /data passphrase pretty fast, now it just seems to boot and asks me only one passphrase until it freezes.

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Debian Installation :: Encrypted LVM Install - No Root File System Detected

Jun 1, 2013

I'm a long time user of Debian, but I'm having trouble with my partitioning process. Here is where I currently stand:

I am installing the latest Wheezy build. I am trying to install debian with an encrypted LVM that spans two hard disks.

My partitioning layout is as:

1. /home
2. /root
3. swap
4. /boot

I then added partitions 1, 2 and 3 to a physical volume group. I then took that physical volume group and added it to a logical volume. Then I encrypted the logical volume, leaving the /boot partition untouched. I was under the assumption that the only partition the system needed free to reach the loading of the LVM is the /boot partition, as it holds the files necessary for booting. But when I attempt to finalize the disk, it gives an error stating, "No root file system detected". That would be an issue as it is currently sitting inside the encrypted LV. Am I wrong in including the root partition in the encrypted LV?

What is the best way of having as little of my file system non-encrypted as possible while still allowing a proper boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repackage Programs To And Install From CD

Feb 4, 2010

Anyone know of an easy & practical way to re-package (in to debs) all the programs I have installed on a system so I can copy them on to a disc & install on another machine? Basically so I only ever download the programs I want once but can install them as often as I need. I'm sure I read that by just copying the /usr directory to a target machine may work (although I haven't tried I doubt it). I've also read that it may be possable to simply copy a whole Ubuntu installation to another drive & use it in another machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Programs And Use Them By Using The Terminal?

Jun 25, 2011

How can i install programs using the terminal and how can i use programs by using the terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Router Installation \ But There Are Many Programs And Don't Know Which One To Install?

Apr 19, 2010

I recently bought a wireless-N broadban router ( Linsksys by cisco, model WRT160N) and want to know how to configure it in kubuntu. I tried looking in Kpackage, but there are many programs and I don't know which one to install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Kde/kubuntu Without Additional Programs?

Mar 21, 2010

wanted to try kubuntu without all the additional programs how to install it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Start Post-Install Programs In 10.04 LTS?

Oct 2, 2010

I'm a Ubuntu Desktop newbie, and I wiped XP Media Center off my old HP Pavillion Dv8000 last night to install 10.04 LTS. With very little tweaking, I got everything to run right including wireless, but now I notice that I can't run any new (post-install) programs that I install through Ubuntu Software Center. In fact, I haven't tried installing any other way, but all software that was part of the default installation works fine, but these programs won't run:VLC Media PlayerSkypeStarsWhen I click on the programs to run them, the other apps slow or freeze for 30-45 seconds as if the computer is contemplating starting them, and then nothing. No errors, no shell or blank window - nothing. They just don't run.I only created one user account at O/S install and as far as I can tell is the SU, so I can't see it being a permissions issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Guids To Install Simple Programs?

Jun 29, 2011

Big n00b on Ubuntu 11.04, and tried to look around on the web for guids to install simple programs but I didn't find any good ones. So of you guys have any guids how to install program like uTorrent, AIM and VLC it would be very muvh.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Source Code For Programs To Compile?

Feb 2, 2010

Where do I find the linux-source package and the linux-headers package? Are they on the CD that I can copy to /usr/src (is that the right place...)? Or do I need to download them from the old-releases.ubuntu.com site?

The issue now is that the nVidia installer from their website wants the source code to build the right packages for this machine, however, I do not have the src directory with the source code that it is looking for. Is there some way to give this too it now?

I am running Mythbuntu 7.10

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Open Other Programs Or Install New Programs

Dec 29, 2009

can open the programs pe-install, but can't open other programs or install new programs

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Ubuntu Security :: Main Encrypted LVM Not Accessible After Deleting A Different Encrypted LVM On USB HD

Mar 7, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64 on my laptop with the entire 500gb setup as encrypted LVM. This has worked well for several months with no problems. During this time i have been backing up the data to an external usb drive (1tb) on a regular basis. The usb drive was not encrypted. So, I thought it would be a good idea to encrypt the backup drive too. I wiped out the backup drive and set it up as one large encrypted lvm and mbr. This seemed to work fine but immediately afterwards I decided to erase that and set it up as encrypted lvm guid instead of mbr. I couldn't delete it while logged into my desktop so i decided to do it from a bootable gparted usb stick. In gparted i erased the 1TB backup drive once again and planned on setting it up the way I wanted once I was logged back into my ubuntu desktop. Now I cant boot into my desktop with the following errors:

cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available b0d) does not begin with /dev/mapper/

Then after waiting for a few minutes I get an error followed by (initramfs)

When booting from a live version of ubuntu the 250MB boot patition is recognized and 500 partion is there but it is labeled as empty/unused.

Also, I did choose to use the exact same passphrase as what is used on the main bootable drive when I set up the encrypted partition on the external 1TB drive.

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Ubuntu Security :: Right Click - Automatically Get The Encrypt Process To Delete The Un-encrypted File When It Makes The New Encrypted Copy?

Jan 5, 2010

I've just started using ubuntu one. However, some of the files I store on there are sensitive so I encrypt them using seahorse. Right click, encrypt etc etc. My question is, is there a way to automatically get the encrypt process to delete the un-encrypted file when it makes the new encrypted copy?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Add User To Encrypted Installation

Dec 5, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and decided to encrypt the entire hard drive for the first time. I followed the tutorial on how to install Ubuntu and encrypt the hard drive during installation, located here: [URL]

Everything worked as planned, however, I cannot successfully add a user. Specifically, I can add a user account, but when that user logs in, they receive an error stating: "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/username/.ICEauthority". Closing this window results in a second error: "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)". Then I get errors stating that Nautilus could not create the Desktop or .nautilus folders. After this, the computer hangs indefinitely at the desktop wall paper.

I have googled these errors and found several different solutions, none of which have worked. I have looked in the user director and there is no .ICEauthority file to change permissions on. I suspect that this has to do with the encryption I did, but an evening of looking through google has resulted in no joy.

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Ubuntu :: Doing A Re-install: How To Keep Access To Encrypted Home Folder

Oct 10, 2010

I'm still running 9.10, but now would like to install 10.10. Now I'm wondering about how to keep access to my encrypted home folder.

Usually, I don't do an 'upgrade', but a fresh re-install. I have a separate /home partition, so normally this works just fine. However, my home directory is encrypted (a feature that was introduced with 9.10, I believe).

So, if I whack the system partition and do a fresh reinstall there, will the new install still be able to read my home directory? Or do I need to save a key file from somewhere?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server 10.4 LVM Encrypted?

May 5, 2010

I burnt an Ubuntu Server 10.4 LTS iso to a CD and have started installing to my system: ASRock ION330, 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD. I'd be using it for web hosting, maybe mail, and programming. And possibly watching video (by HDMI into TV).

When I get up the the LVM part, I'm having trouble deciding what option to take. Some of them:

"Guided - use the entire disk and setup LVM"
"Guided - use entire and setup encrypted LVM"

After using google fu, I think I get the basic idea of LVM, that it abstracts the partitioning so I can change the size of them on the fly. This means I can change it later, but the installer also mentioned that once I choose something, I couldn't turn back or something, which made me panic.

Also, if I choose encrypted, how does that affect my day-to-day usage? Do I have to type in my password every time I access a file or save one? That doesn't seem right. Then what's the point of encrypting? Is encryption worth it? Google isn't telling me this sort of information (and I can't find it in help on the ubuntu website). Keep in mind that I'm really just guessing.

Given my above hardware, and usage, should I just take "Guided - use the entire disk and setup LVM"? Is encrypted a good idea?

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Debian Installation :: Create An Encrypted Partition During Installation?

Jul 30, 2010

Installing Debian on a new laptop and read that Debian-Installer (DI) can create an encrypted partition (/home) during installation.However, when I went through installation and started the manual partitioning (standard, non-lvm) , I am unable to locate the encryption option.

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Ubuntu Security :: Cloning An USB Install With Encrypted Home Folder?

Mar 18, 2011

I would like to give a few students a preconfigured Ubuntu USB stick with certain apps. I also encrypted the home folder in case of loss.

With TrueCrypt, cloning an encrypted container would be a big no-no because any one could just backup their header with a known pw and use it to decrypt anyone else's container due to each container using the same master key. I assumes the same applies to home folder encryption, yes?

Is there a way, other than creating a new user with home folder encryption, of forcing a master key change?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Triple Boot With XP F11 Encrypted

Jan 3, 2010

I have XP on sda1, Fedora 11 encrypted on sdb 1 (boot) and sdb 2 (root), I would like Ubuntu on sdc 1 (boot) sdc 2 (root). However when I tried to install from the cd the partition manager does not see my Fedora as an OS (I assume because it is encrypted). So my question is how can I achieve my triple boot without having to have my Fedora unencrypted. I want it encrypted for a reason.

Also I cancelled the installation for Ubuntu and it reverted to a Live cd and I tried to mount my Fedora encrypted drive. Ubuntu asked for the pass and when I entered it I get an error saying it cannot be mounted because it is not a mountable file system. This is not good for me because I would like to be able to access all my hdd's from both distro's.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manually Setup An Encrypted Lvm?

Apr 8, 2010

How can I set up an encrypted LVM without using the "Guided - Use entire disk" option of the alternate installer.

My drive is quite big and I would like to be able to have my encrypted LVM as well as an extra LUKS encrypted partition which I could mount whenever needed. Unfortunately the options in the alternate installer do not allow me to do this without using up the entire disk.

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Debian :: Install On USB To Create Encrypted Partition

May 2, 2015

I'm trying to install Debian on a USB to create an encrypted partition, I get an error message saying I need to install missing firmware rtl_nic rtl8168d-2.fw.So I download that file and try again this time I get an error " There was a problem reading data from CD Rom" .I not using a CD Rom I put debian on the USB as an ISO file first using Unebutin then tried Rufus.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Reformat Encrypted Filesystem?

Mar 2, 2010

I have an encrypted filesystem that I've decided I don't want encrypted anymore. Seems the easiest way to do this is simply reformat the filesystem, but I can't. If I try to do it in YaST2 I get either system error code -3005 (unknown) or -3008 (apparently in use). When I try to do it from the command line I get:

frylock:/home/joel # umount /dev/sdb5
umount: /dev/sdb5: not mounted
frylock:/home/joel # mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb5
mke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)
/dev/sdb5 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!
frylock:/home/joel #

It's unmounted, I don't know how to make it any less in use than that.I can't delete the partition because it's not the last logical partition in the extended partition.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Encrypted FS Not Mounting On Boot?

Feb 6, 2011

I haven't used encryption previously but through that for better security, I would enable it on one of my disks. I went though the process and when done, copied data to the device etc. My house had a powercut the other day and I noticed that the device did not mount automatically upon restart. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the de-cryption password and have lost access to my data. Is there a way of either recovering my password or getting the partition to mount without the password so I can access the data, copy/back up and then re-create the partition without encryption?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Remount Encrypted Home

May 21, 2011

After update to 11.4, I would like to regain access to my encrypted home that I left intact. Both user.img and user.key files are there, but when I create the same user again in YaST, it does not recognize their presence and it asks again for size of the image. I am afraid it will just overwrite the old image. I do have full backup of hte data, but since its 150GB, I would rather not have to transfer it again.

How can I remount my old encrypted home?

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General :: Install CRUX On An Encrypted Partition?

May 23, 2011

I boot the crux 2.7 install mediaI try to use cryptsetup, but it says command not found.I load the dm-crypt module (modprobe dm-crypt)Ismod to verify that the module is there...bash still says it cant' find cryptsetup.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Grub MBR On Encrypted System

Mar 6, 2010

During a repair windows did overwrite my grub MBR for it's own bootloader. Now how do I get back to my encrypted ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access The Encrypted Home Directory

Apr 21, 2010

I tried upgrading to 10.04, and now when it boots it just goes into a grub2 terminal and doesn't display a boot menu. I tried re-installing grub2 from the live cd, but that didn't do anything. I figured if I've hosed the last install I'll install from scratch, but I can't even access my files from the live cd! I did a bit of searching and everyone seems to just encrypt ~/Private, whereas I've encrypted the whole home directory. So much for security... In the live cd, it has a readme.txt and says to type "ecryptfs-mount-private" to access the files, but it just gives the error "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly". What do I do?

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