Ubuntu Installation :: Why Are There Two Links To Windows 7 In Boot Menu

Mar 26, 2011

I have a new Thinkpad which has a boot partition and a Windows 7 partition. (There's a third partition with recovery software that I'll ignore.) I have installed older Ubuntu releases on several other systems and always prepared the partitions in advance and then done a manual installation. This time I prepared /boot, /, /home, and swap partitions.

When I started the install of Maverick, I the installer suggested that the boot manager be in sda1, which is the Thinkpad boot partition. I stopped and read some forum submissions suggesting that the Ubuntu boot manager should go into the first partition, so I removed my /boot partition and let the installer place the boot manager into sda1. Now the boot menu has two links for Windows 7: sda1, the original boot manager partition, and sda2, the original partition for Windows 7. Both links work, so it appears that everything is okay. I just want to know that this is what is supposed to happen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: When The GRUB Boot Menu Starts Up There Is An Option For Win 7 Boot But It Will Not Boot Windows?

May 2, 2011

I installed 11.04 after Windows 7. when the GRUB boot menu starts up there is an option for Win 7 boot but it will not boot windows. When that option is selected the screen changes colour for 2 seconds and then reverts to the GRUB menu. Ubuntu boots fine.I downloaded the Boot Info Script and ran it, the results are

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================[code].....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Windows 7 To My Grub Menu Or To Even Be Able To Boot To Windows 7?

Mar 5, 2011

how to be able to add windows 7 to my grub menu or to even be able to boot to windows 7. I am currently unable to do it and my system just automatically goes straight to ubuntu. I've tried holding down SHIFT during startup and all that appears in my list is ubuntu entries and a memtest entry. My windows 7 files are still intact because I can see the drive through ubuntu and see all my files. I am trying to have Windows 7 on one hard disk that is 640GB and ubuntu on a second hard disk that is 160GB


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Would Not Boot From The Boot Menu

Jul 5, 2010

After quite a bit of troubleshooting, I have only made my problems dual booting XP and Xubuntu go from bad to worse.

I installed xubuntu on my Windows XP laptop as a dual boot system. (Single 40gb Hard Disk, used xubuntu wizard to repartition XP)

After installation, Windows XP would not boot from the boot menu; it would just go to a blank screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner (xubuntu was fine).

So far, I have repair installed (not clean) Windows XP and used the Windows XP recovery console commands "fixboot" and "fixmbr" (fixmbr caused xubuntu to become unbootable with no boot menu) to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot To 10.04 Or Windows XP From Grub Menu?

May 3, 2010

It would be nice to get a sticky thread up for dual boot installation issues. It seems like this is a very common problem with the upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04.

I was finally able to solve my issue dual booting 10.04 and Windows XP Home at this thread.


I had to reinstall Grub2 and run update-grub.

Then I had to run Rescue on my XP disk. Once to the DOS command line I ran the following command:

C:Windows>fixboot c:

I rebooted and now all is well. I can boot to Ubuntu 10.04 or Windows XP from my Grub menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Partition Disappeared In Boot Menu?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm an unexperiences Ubuntu user havning installed a dual boot with Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. However, when I'm booting my system now, the Windows option has disappeared from the menu, and the list only contains many different updates of my Ubuntu system. Can anyone try to explain me how I can retain my Windows option?I onlyuse Ubuntu for programming purposes, so skills regarding this topic is very poor

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Not Showing Boot Menu After Installing 10.4?

Aug 27, 2010

I am not able to see the existing windows OS already installed when the machine is booting.When the machine boots up I see a blank screen and it boot directly into Ubuntu.Here is the results file I have collected by running the tool:Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.
sda1: __________________________________________________ _______________________


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Shows In GRUB2 Menu But Won't Boot?

Apr 13, 2011

I have two hard drives - (1) 80GB (2) 500GB: the 1st HD has 3 partitions (in that order) - Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.10 & Swap. the 2nd HD is for storage only, and has 2 partitions.

I did the following - I installed Windows 7 on the first partition of the 1st HD, it booted just fine. Then I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on the second partition of the 1st HD.

Windows 7 shows in the GRUB menu alongside with Ubuntu. Ubuntu boots just fine, but when I select Windows it simply restarts the computer and the GRUB menu shows again.

RESULTS.txt of Boot Info Script:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #3 for (,msdos3)/boot/grub.


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Debian Installation :: Remove Installation Menu From Windows Boot Manager ?

Aug 1, 2011

I've finished the installation of Debian Squeeze using Installer loader from Windows. But the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I've try to uninstall the "Installer Loader" from Windows and I got an error message about BCDEDIT (if I'm not wrong), during uninstallation process.

I ignore it, and continue the uninstallation process until complete. But, After I reboot my computer, the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I'm using Windows Vista Business SP2.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Zino HD Install: No Grub Menu - Can't Boot Windows

Jul 15, 2010

I just got a Zino HD from Dell, and was planning to use it connected to my TV, dual booting Xubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7. I did, however, run into some issues. I suspect I'm just going to have to burn a restore disc and start over, but I'd like to fix this if possible. Here's what I had to start with:

1 vfat partition (bootup?)
1 dell restore partition
1 Windows partition

Because the restore partition was a bloody 20 GB, and I could always get the restore done via disc, I reformatted it as ext4 and used it as "/". I then shrunk the Windows partition and allocated a home partition and some swap space. Note that immediately after the installer, I reformatted the home partition manually with an inode size of 128 to use with the Windows ext2 driver, but that shouldn't have really changed anything. End result file system order:

1 vfat
1 ext4 mounted as "/"
1 Windows
1 Swap
1 ext3 mounted as "/home"

I now have two problems:

1) I do not get any GRUB menu at all! It just boots directly into Xubuntu with no choices (not even memory test or restore mode).
2) I, obviously, can no longer boot Windows.

Keep in mind that this a fresh install on a brand new machine; I can't think of any reason GRUB wouldn't even show me a menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Just Installed On New Machine Alongside Windows 7 - No Boot Menu

Jun 9, 2011

I've just installed 11.04 on a new machine, to be dual booted with Windows 7. The installation process completed, popped the disc back out, but when booting up I get no boot menu and just load Windows 7. I don't get any error messages or any sort of feedback. If i go into BIOS, I only have Windows 7 as a bootable option. I presumed grub or an equivalent would be installed as part of the installation.

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General :: Bad Menu Links That Are In The Places Menu In The Gnome Panel

Apr 26, 2011

My problem is the links that are in the places menu in the gnome panal, all link to the appearances preferances. I'm running Fedora 14 with Gnome.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Boot Menu (Ubuntu And Windows Vista)?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a 250Gb hd on my Vista machine that I allocated 130Gb to an Ubuntu partition. Recently I had to reformat my Vista partition and now I don't have the ability to access my Ubuntu partition. What should I do?

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Won't Boot - Displays Windows Logo And Then Drops Back To The Grub Menu

Jan 9, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario CQ60 with Nvidia GeForce 8200M graphics card. When I first installed Windows 7 followed by Karmic in dual boot I could boot into both OS. Now when I try to boot into Windows, it displays the Windows logo and then drops back to the grub menu. It may have started happening after Windows 7 installed updates. I tried reinstalling both Windows and Karmic again and it again worked initially but now Windows no longer boots. Does anyone have any suggestions about what may be causing this or how I can fix the problem without reinstalling?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't See Windows 7 - Doesn't Appear In Boot Menu

Jun 10, 2010

i wiped my entire hard drive that had xp as its only OS. I freshly installed a Windows 7 ultimate and everything went perfectly. I then decided to install 10.4. I split the partitions correctly (i had experience doing this already with my laptop, which has xp/10.4). Ubuntu 10.4 install went flawlessly, except for one thing. Now when i boot up the pc, it goes straight into 10.4. I have tried holding shift during the start up to force the boot menu, and it just shows the Ubuntu 10.4 OS as choices. Any clue what i could do to make Win7 appear in the boot menu?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Grub And Dual Boot Menu - Windows Won't Boot

Jul 3, 2011

i am having a problem with my dual boot setup. I originally installed windows XP on a 100gb hard drive, from there i downloaded and burnt ubuntu off so i could install it on my 200gb hard drive. For a little bit i struggled to even get it to install because it wouldn't recognize my onboard nvidia graphics, i ended up having to get an alt boot disk and fix it with technique in this link:


Now after the bios boot, my screen shuts off for awhile and takes me directly to the login screen for ubuntu. No Grub, no windows boot options, nothing. I tried booting windows by choosing it from the bios boot menu but all it does is hang at prompt and doesn't boot at all. I tried the live cd fix and reinstalled grub but nothing changed. What i think is happening is that it boots the Grub menu but it doesn't display it because of graphical confrontations. It hangs for about 10 seconds, the grub default time, and then turns my monitor back on to display the Ubuntu login screen.

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Installation :: Dual CentOS - Windows 7 Boot - Had To Delete CentOS Partition And No Grub Menu

Sep 19, 2010

3 partitions (in order): Windows 7, CentOS and shared data partition.

I need to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (c:windowswinsxs seems to be something not easily remedied).

GParted didn't work in moving things around (bad sector) so I wiped out its partition (# 2 out of 3) and I was able to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (I can reinstall CentOS easily and not much work lost).

Except ... no more grub menu (unsurprising). This incantation does allow me to boot into Windows 7.

Is there any way of rebuilding the grub menu short of reinstalling CentOS (5.5)?

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Ubuntu :: Places Menu Links Stopped Working Correctly?

Mar 7, 2011

When I click "Places" in the top gnome panel of Maverick, then click any link such as "Home" or "Desktop" (or any bookmark) Movie Player opens (instead of Nautilus)! This started today. I have rebooted twice, but that didn't help (no surprise--this isn't Windows).


$ cat /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
[Default Applications]


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Windows From GRUB Menu

Jun 6, 2010

I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 recently and now have MBR problem. When selecting Windows XP from the GRUB menu the screen defaults to terminal mode with grub rescue> displayed. I admit I know little to nothing about Ubuntu, unix, etc other than I like what I have seen so far and am trying to learn more. I need to (unfortunately) use Windows and have data on it that I can't afford to lose. How can I repair the problem so I can boot Windows from the menu? Thank you

P.S. I was dual booting successfully earlier. I had the previous version of Ubuntu running with Win XP and everything was fine. The problem started when I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04. I have tried reinstalling 10.04 with no success. If I am unable to get dual boot working my wish would be to save my Win data and then I can wipe clean and reinstall Win and Linux.

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Ubuntu :: No Boot Menu After Windows 7 Install

Sep 15, 2010

I double boot Ubuntu/Vista, yesterday i replaced vista with 7...and after installation was finished i dont get a boot screen as i used to...it just goes into windows 7 sraight...when i hit f12 to enter the boot menu, the only OS that is available is 7. In the windows 7 partition i only have the gbs assigned to that certain partition, meaning that the 100 and something assigned to ubuntu are somewhere out there....

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Ubuntu :: Restore The Windows Boot Menu?

Apr 6, 2011

So I have been trying for the past 24 hours to get Ubuntu installed on my primarily Windows 7 PC, along with the BackTrack Linux OS, so I can explore things dealing with security a bit more, I decided to Dual Boot into Ubuntu and VMware BackTrack for the obvious reason of I am dealing with Viruses/Hacking and such and would rather do that in a safe environment. So after getting Ubuntu installed and working I now have the Grub boot menu along with 5 options 2 for Ubuntu, 2 that slipped my mind, & 1 for Windows (Loader).

My question is, is there any simple way to get the boot menu for Windows back with it just listing "Ubuntu & Windows 7" as two separate options. Sorry for the small level of incompetence its been about 3 years since I was in school getting constantly refreshed with all the info. EDIT: I should probably mention that if I had just done the install on a new HDD instead of an partitioned external I wouldn't of had a problem.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Missing From Boot Menu

Jul 20, 2011

I had a Duel Boot set up on my Computer Windows XP Pro was installed First and then Ubuntu. Originally it was just Two options listed to choose on start up when I Booted up, this was Windows XP Pro or Ubuntu , if I did nothing Windows Xp Pro would start Automatically after about 20 seconds. A few months ago boot menu became messed up and when I started the computer it would go staight to the Grub Menu Linux Menu similar to below :

p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae +
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-33 generic -pae (recovery mode)
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-32 generic -pae
Ubunu, with Linux 2.6.32-32 generic -pae (recovery mode)

Windows XP Pro was now at the bottom of the list and I had to scroll down to the bottom of the list to select it and if I did nothing it would Automatically boot into Ubuntu. Last night as I was scrolling down the List I accidentally hit enter it tried to load up Ubuntu and froze I restarted my computer and now Windows Xp is no longer on the list! It loads up Ubuntu fine but I can no longer boot into Windows as it is not listed when I start up. I ran sudo os-prober from Terminal and it came back with :

/dev/sdb1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Not Listed In Boot Menu?

Jun 7, 2010

I've triple booted Windows 7, Windows XP, and Linux Mint 9. I can boot to Windows XP, and Mint with no problems, but there's no Windows 7 option in the boot menu. How can I get Windows 7 to show up so that I could boot to it?

I tried sudo update-grub, but Windows 7 didn't show up.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Disappears From Boot Menu After Updates

Sep 11, 2010

Recently downloaded 10.04 I've just installed to a spare hard drive. The problem I have is after I do the latest system updates to Ubuntu my windows 7 selection disappears from the boot menu. It's there straight after the install. The only way I got it back was to re install ubuntu. Currently I'm not using Ubuntu as I don't want to lose the windows 7 selection again and have to re install. Has anyone seen this problem before and any advise on what I should do to ensure I can still select windows 7 from the boot menu after I update ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Doesn't Show Up In Boot Menu?

Mar 28, 2011

i've had windows all my life. heard about ubuntu 10.0. thought i tried it out. i tried using some dual installation with windows or something (im running, well WAS running vista, btw) i dont know WHAT i did. i got ubuntu working, but Windows does NOT show up in the boot menu?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Doesn't Boot - Just Returns To GRUB Menu?

Jul 17, 2010

Since upgrading to Lucid (I think), I can't boot into Windows. When I select the Windows Vista entry in GRUB, the screen goes blank for a moment before returning me to the GRUB menu.I have tried pressing 'e' to edit the GRUB entry before booting, and what I find is that it says the root is hd0,1Since my Windows partition is sda1 in GPartEd, should that translate to, for example hd0,0 ?The only reason I want to boot into Windows in the first place is to install a BIOS upgrade from HP, which only works with their Windows software. If someone can suggest an alternative way of doing this then I won't need to boot into Windows at all.

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Ubuntu :: When Select - Option To Boot Windows At The Grub Menu - Error

Jan 10, 2010

I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot system with Windows XP very carefully. Unfortunately, though given the option to boot Windows at the grub menu, when I select it, I get an error. Booting Ubuntu on my other partition works just fine, no issues.

I also attempted to access files from the first partition in Ubuntu using gparted, but once I mounted it, all of my files were not present. I only saw manufacturer files, and many files and folders I didn't recognize.

Also, as an aside, my laptop monitor is suffering from occasional black-outs during use. Ubuntu gave me a little toolbar flag, telling me to go to a website and use the patches given to fix it, but I'm not quite so sure where to input the given patch text. Do I really need to go through the trouble of finding the source code, etc., or is it more simple?

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Is Not Showing In Boot Menu Even After Editing 40_custom File

Oct 9, 2010

I am very new user to ubuntu and new to this community,first of all if i make anything wrong in this post please forgive and guide me,

My friend have a laptop which was running in windows 7.Last week he installed Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.But after that boot menu is not showing and it is automatically booting to ubuntu.

So i pressed Shift key during boot and checked boot menu list,which is showing only linux OS ,Linux OS recovery mode and memtest86,No windows 7 option.

So I did following things.

Step1: Tried to find out the partitions using fdisk -l

2.So i tried to add a manual entry by editing the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file like below ,and changed the permission using chmod +x update-grub command

3.Run the update-grub command

But it is not updating the manual entry,The above update-grub command output showing the update-grub command not even entering into the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file because i put echo in that file in that ,and that also not coming.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get To Boot Up / Show Menu On Dual Boot With Vista Initially

Jan 18, 2010

Have just installed 9.10, again, many failed attempts previously.Cannot get to boot up and show menu on dual boot with Vista initially,However when I delete the grubenv file the system boots ok and works fine.But does not show the grub menu to choose boot up choices.Got the information to delete the file on some posts elsewhere about booting problem, and tried a longshot and got into Ubuntu for the first time from trying to install now for 3 months!The problem is the file grubenv is created each time so on subsequent boot ups the sytem fails to boot again.The Grub version is 1.97 beta 4, most up to date for Karmic I think, I have seen a version 1.98 but dont think its for Karmic?

Is there a way to modify the grub.cfg file to stop this problem ( all posts say dont touch this file??Or install a script to delete the grubenv file on shutdown as a workaround for me, (I have no idea how to do this whatsoever, I'm not familiar with linux at all)I did read that this problem was fixed/patched in Grub version 2, but dosn't seem.so on my system afetr I updated it when I got into Ubuntu.I couldnt find the patch or fix, I got the information I am on about from this post:URL...It seems to say it was fixed or patched by Colin Watson reading through, but I don't really understand whats being said or how to get the patch on my system if indeed there is one?Sorry for being a bit thick about all this, its a bit beyond my brain now, hope somebody can help out as I have enjoyed my brief bit of fun in Ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Dual Boot - Editing Menu.lst For Windows?

Jun 24, 2011

I've had Fedora 14 installed for some time now, but decided I needed dual boot for some things I have that are built only for windows and need usb support.

I installed windows to hd0,4 but when I edit a windows 7 entry in grub, as:

title windoze 7
root (hd0,4)

then boot it, it doesn't find it.

It was actually the 4th partition, so hd0,3 not hd0,4 I apparently also needed to put in "Chainloader +1" too... what ever that does...

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