Ubuntu Installation :: After 11.04 Upgrade Hard Disk No Longer Mounts

May 11, 2011

I have one hard disk (call her HDA) that contains nothing but a single ext4 partition containing a backup of all my important data. I did a clean install of 10.10 on my primary hard disk (call her HDB) and from there proceeded to the 11.04 upgrade. In 10.10, I was able to read HDA just fine. However after the upgrade, I can no longer mount this drive.

When mounting from file browser:
Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

The end of dmesg said the following:
dmesg | tail
[49.853308] wlan0: associated
[50.084874] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
[52.859533] Intel AES-NI instructions are not detected.
[52.890955] padlock_aes: VIA PadLock not detected.
[60.710006] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
[82.130904] EXT4-fs (sda): bad geometry: block count 122096646 exceeds size of device (122096381 blocks) .....
[96.010858] EXT4-fs (sda): bad geometry: block count 122096646 exceeds size of device (122096381 blocks)
[107.791812] EXT4-fs (sda): bad geometry: block count 122096646 exceeds size of device (122096381 blocks)
[322.758948] EXT4-fs (sda): bad geometry: block count 122096646 exceeds size of device (122096381 blocks)
[516.932403] EXT4-fs (sda): bad geometry: block count 122096646 exceeds size of device (122096381 blocks)

For some reason my hard disk has a block count greater than the size of my device. I've done my background searching on this and tried a command line utility I've never heard of before:
# sudo e2fsck /dev/sda
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 122096646 blocks
The physical size of the device is 122096381 blocks
Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!
Abort<y>? yes

And this is as far as I've got. I'm really hesitant to start fiddling around and experimenting with possible fixes because the backup data on this drive holds a decade's worth of work for me and is extremely valuable (hence why I have a spare drive for backups). I really didn't think that the Ubuntu upgrade process would mess with this drive, seeing as the Ubuntu install was contained on an entirely different drive. Any safest way for me to recover this data? Data preservation is the #1 priority for me here. I need to copy all of this data over to my primary drive where Ubuntu is installed. After that, I can reformat this "broken" backup drive.

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Ubuntu :: External Hard Disk /Hard Drive Mounts As Read Only (Suddenly)?

Jan 17, 2011

I recently bought 320 GB Trancend external hard disk and working fine days back.Earlier i could copy from and to the hard disk with out any issue. I dont know what happened after that now i am not able to write any files in to the external hard disk. This is not NTFS formatted device. here is some of the out put from terminal.

sundar@sundar-sundar:~$ fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken - After Failed Upgrade To 11.04 - Everything Just Hanged - No Mouse Movement - No Hard Disk Activities

May 9, 2011

I tried to upgrade my Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 on my netbook. I choose the option to upgrade on the Update Manager. All packages had been downloaded, and the installer was busy to replace all the old packages.

During the update I noticed that my internet stopped working, so I disabled my wifi, so it couldn't interupt the upgrade. After a half an hour, I found out my internet worked again, so I pressed the wifi-button again on my laptop, so the wifi would turn on, but after that move my screen hanged, and the upgrade wasn't done yet. I pressed the powerbutton for 5 seconds, because there was nothing else I could do.. Everything just hanged, no mouse movement, no hard disk activities, just a frozen screen.

After this problem I rebooted, and I already knew what I was going to see, Ubuntu couldn't be loaded anymore (and it still can't).

Is there anybody who can help me to restore my laptop? There are really important things for college on the harddisk in the /home/ folder, but I was too stupid to forget to make a backup.. I mostly make backups of everything you can think of, but I thought it won't be neccessary.. damn..

I know that you can restore files using a live-usb (no cd, because it's a netbook), but I choose during the installation the option to 'encrypt' my documents.. So is it still possible to restore my documents, photo's etc. from the home-folder? I really need to get those things back..

When I try to boot all I get on my screen is the text (in Dutch): 'Disk partition / is not ready or is not found - Keep waiting or press S to cancel mounting, or press M to recover manually' The manual recovery doesn't do anything at all, and by the way, booting in the 'recovery mode' won't work either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Hard Disk Have 10.04 And Ext4 To 1000 Hard Disk?

Sep 23, 2010

I want to copy hard disk have ubuntu 10.04 and ext4 to 1000 hard disk for new 1000

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Ubuntu :: IPhone No Longer Mounts - No SSH Option

Sep 25, 2010

I have been able to plug my iPhone in, and Ubuntu (10.04) has been able to see it immediatly. I was able to browse any pics etc. AND, I had the ability to SSH into it (Places>Connect To Server). In the connect to server dialoge, I clicked on the drop box and had several options including SSH. Now, there's nothing in the dialogue except "Custom Location". So, what happened? My iPhone no longer mounts and I have no SSH option! And I have not updated anything and made changes. I have tried 2 different cables and different USB ports.

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Networking :: After Server Crash Nfs No Longer Mounts At Boot

Jan 31, 2010

My Debian Lenny server crashed today for some inexplicable reason, and now one of my machines refuses to mount NFS shares on bootup. Manual mounting works fine. It's just one machine; the others are still mounting normally.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk For 10.10 No Longer Has Sparc

Nov 8, 2010

how to guide there should be a disk for sparc [URL] but I only see one for x86 and x64? I read somewhere that Ubuntu no longer has sparc, but the link seems to be for 10.10

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Hardware :: Master Hard Disk Error After Installing Ubuntu 8.10 / Hard Disk Died

Apr 8, 2009

after installing Ubuntu on one WD 500 GB hard disk and after making mistake and pasting wrong code into Terminal:my OTHER WD 500 GB hard disk that was also in the system (I guess it was "hd1") - died.The problem must be, I guess, I typed wrong code: "hd1,1" instead of "hd0,0".)500 GB (NTFS) of data was on that other (non-Ubuntu) hard disk, and now I can not access it anymore. While booting, system gives "Hard Disk Error" warning and stops.One again: I installed Ubuntu od one hard disk and at the end of instalation I pasted wrong code for GRUB, giving address of another hard disk. Now that other hard disk has error and will not work

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Hardware :: Adding Second Hard Disk With Windows To Boot With Grub On First Hard Disk

Jul 7, 2009

I have a sata 320 gb with mandriva linux 2009.1 on it.And it is what curently atached to my cpu. It is shown as 'sda' in the partition table.I also have another 40gb hard disk with windows xp installed on it.It is shown as 'hda' in the partition table . Now what i want to do is attach this 40gb hard disk to my pc and configure grub on my 320gb hard disk('sda') so as to boot windows xp(which is residing on the second hard disk,'hda')Can anyone tell me if what im doing is feasible or not? If it is feasible,can anyone suggest me how to get it working. I know i just need to add 2-3 lines to my grub.conf, but dont know what exactly i need to write.

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General :: Changing GRUB From An External Hard Disk To The Internal Hard Disk?

May 14, 2010

I had a dual boot (windows 7 + debian), both of them installed in my internal hard disk, with the GRUB in it. I have recently installed a second linux distro (mint), but I put it in an external hard disk. Now the GRUB allows me to boot any of the three operating systems, but I need the external disk to do it. It seems that after the mint installation the GRUB is now working from the external disk (if the external disk is not connected, the machine does not boot.) �Is there a way to change the location of the GRUB, to the internal hard disk of my laptop?

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General :: Monitor Disk Mounts ?

Oct 1, 2010

What is the best way to detect disk mounts?

I'm setting up a system to automatically detect disk mounts, so I'm looking for a file or something where disk mounting is recorded.

There are several files that look promising, but I am a LINUX novice, so I don't quite understand the exact roles each play:

Of the above files, etc/rmtab looks most promising.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sound No Longer Works After Upgrade From 9.04 To 9.10?

Feb 15, 2010

I recently upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and the sound on my machine no longer works. I was previously using the OSS for sound. I'd like the sound solution that requires the minimal effort and I don't necessarily need to run OSS again. Ubuntu is installed on a Dell Optiplex 960.

aplay -l
results in:
aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphics And GUI No Longer Supported After Upgrade?

Mar 1, 2010

The last time I updated Linux it was from Gibbon to Heron. (so 7.10 to 8.04 ) I'm now trying to get caught back up. Thing is, now that I updated from 8.04 to 8.10 I can no longer get to a GUI. Also, most of the text in the terminal is a diamond character as if the font that's installed doesn't want to work most of the time. This is somewhat confusing, but I believe my system's language was set as Japanese before the upgrade and now it's trying to display Kana and/or Kanji and the terminal doesn't like that. Not really important, but I'm not sure how to proceed to the next upgrade or get to a GUI. Fortunately, my system's set up to dual-boot with windows. Can someone help tell me how to get my GUI back or what package to install?

I'm running on a laptop with an ATI mobility Radeon 9700. I've had problems with it and drivers in previous versions back to 6.10 too, but never to the point that the GUI wouldn't work.It's actually an issue with my X Server. I tried "startx" and it says "No Screens found". I looked in my xorg.conf file and there are two screens listed at the bottom. It produced a log too, but I can't get my Flash drive to mount so I can't say exactly what it says. It did mention that there were a lot of font directories that didn't exist along with a few other warnings.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can No Longer Open Documents After Upgrade

Mar 10, 2010

gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.Select a character coding from the menu and try again.If I open OpenOffice first and then the document it works fine. If I use the shortcut directly, it won't open.Not overly impressed with 9.10 so far; things seem much slower, and it's certainly not as simple to find things as the old layout was.

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Hardware :: Check Hard Disk For Errors. Possible Hard Disk Failure?

Jun 21, 2011

I was using Terminal and browsing a directory in my home folder. My "home" directory is located on "/dev/sdb1". When in Terminal I typed "ls" in one of my directories and the output was garbage. The output didn't show the files in the directory. I think it said something like, "input/output error". Unfortunately, I didn't write the exact error down. Instead I rebooted.The hard disk with the problem is:

$ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdb
[sudo] password for brian:


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Debian :: USB Hard Drive Mounts As Read Only

Jan 4, 2016

Trying to go through some old hard drives I'd saved from a Mac we tossed years ago. Using a Sabrent USB adapter (USB-DSC9) I connected it to the Debian box and it mounts as /media. Here's the weird thing: although I can read all the random stuff, the directory with all my actual documents shows up as "you do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents". When I try to fix this with chmod, it tells me that the drive is read-only. Grr.

How do I mount the drive so that it's not read-only?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade Breaks LIRC (No Longer Works)

May 2, 2010

I had a working lirc using my hauppage card. After upgrade to Lucid, it no longer works. I don't see errors, but it appears to me is is not detecting the Hauppage card:

mythuser@PVR1:~$ dmesg | grep lirc
[ 19.761015] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[ 19.928886] lirc_i2c: chip 0x0 found @ 0x18 (Leadtek IR)
[ 19.928890] lirc_dev: lirc_register_driver: sample_rate: 10
[61920.300286] [<e086d654>] lirc_unregister_driver+0x44/0x160 [lirc_dev]
[61920.300289] [<e089a02b>] ir_remove+0x1b/0x30 [lirc_i2c]
[61920.300318] [<e089abc2>] lirc_i2c_exit+0x12/0x14 [lirc_i2c]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Will No Longer Boot Into XP After Upgrade / Sort It?

May 8, 2010

My knowledge of how Linux works is very limited. I've used it for about a year, but just doing very basic tasks (browsing the Internet, listening to music, etc).

Anyway, I upgraded to the newest edition of Ubuntu and installed the new Grub as the update seemed to recommend installing it to every partition and hard drive. I've seen that other people are now having issues from doing that as well.

I am able to boot into Linux just fine; it is working great. However, when I attempted to load Windows XP from Grub, the computer would just restart. I followed the recommendation listed here: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/sh...95&postcount=3 which seemed to fix the problem for Windows 7 users. Now, all I get when I attempt to load XP is a blank screen with nothing but a blinking cursor (but hey, at least the computer isn't just automatically re-booting, that's some sort of progress...maybe...)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Intermediate Distrution Upgrade / No Longer Boots

Jul 22, 2010

Summary: After intermediate upgrade, Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.04 64bit Desktop Edition will "NOW" not run in any Graphics mode on my machine.

General; Ubuntu has been my favorite OS to live on, play and relax. I have to use other OS'es, but I choose Ubuntu as "mine". I can go around it safely and tweak it to my own likings and needs. It has also been a great tool to exchange things between other OS'es.

History: I started with Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.04 64bit Desktop Edition. Last March, I upgraded to Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.04beta 64bit Desktop via the Update Manager, using Ubuntu's instructions... as a Beta Tester. I kept up with Updates and everything had been fine.All went well, albiet minor adventures that gave me oportunities for enriched challenges and training. Overall, since the early days of that, my system has been very stable and reliable- Until last Saturday through Yesterday...

Problems: First thing I noticed is that there were some security updates Friday. Saturday when I came up into Ubuntu, it came up in error saying it had to come up in a low graphics mode. I shut down the system and restarted. It came up fine and I thought nothing more of it at the time...

Second, I tried to install Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.04 64bit Server Edition on another drive. My other drives were isolated. Although the install said it was successful, on reboot, it would not boot the system. It would get a purple splash on my screen, then either lockup or go to a text based screen dump. Server Platforms said this was a text based OS and couldn't explain the purple flash or the error... I shelved this project until later and thought nothing more of it.I checked for updates through the weekend (even though there usually isn't any on weekends), and as usual it said everything was up-to-date.

Third, Monday the "Update Manager" said there was too many updates to do at once, that it needed to do a partial update. I selected, but it couldn't complete, because it said that there was conflict on a KDE package that it said it needed to remove, but couldn't because it was in a blacklist. It further said that this could have resulted from a DEV vervion of Ubuntu.

Fourth, I upgraded some packages through the Synaptic Package Manager, to try to reduce the number of packages that the Update Manager was trying to update. All those packages said they updated fine. I then went back to the Update Manager and it still said it needed to do a partial update... but it completed and said it was successful. I noticed that the top of the dialog box was tiltled "Distrubution Upgrade." I noticed that some of the files seemed to be an xorg upgrade... After the update, I had to do other things, so I shut down my system.

That was the last time this machine has been able to start Ubuntu. When Ubuntu tried to startup, it said it had to boot in a low graphics mode, but could not- it blasted the monitor with vertical purple and red lines.I had a copy of the Ubuntu Lucid LTS 10.05 64bit Desktop Edition LiveCD on my other machine. I burned a CD and tried. The only mode I can get to boot from the CD (on my machine) is in a text console- no xwindows system. On starting up an xwindows system will blast the grahics of the monitor, then (sometimes) continue to a monitor test-based screen dump that flashes by until the system locksup.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt Preferences No Longer Respected AfterMaverick Upgrade?

Oct 12, 2010

Upgraded to 10.10 with update-manager last night, apart from an xorg.conf.d location change and a custom xfce applet that needed recompiling all went smoothly... until I tried another dist-upgrade.

Previous I had debian lenny and squeeze available in apt - I know this is dumb but a sync program I use requires binary versions to be identical (unison), and I sync with a debian squeeze server.

deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ squeeze main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ lenny main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian/ lenny main contrib non-free


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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Up Takes Longer Time After Upgrade

Jun 2, 2011

Upgraded to 2.6.32-32-generic, it takes about 20 seconds after login at boot up; previous version only takes about 13 seconds. They are at the same environment and service status.(ubuntu 10.04)

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CentOS 5 :: External Usb Hard Driver Mounts Root?

Sep 22, 2010

I have created a 2nd user account on my system and when that user accesses the external hard drive it's permissions are root.

@one ~]$ ls /media -l
total 13 dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 8192 Sep 19 11:49 External Drive 1TB

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General :: Use Hard Disk Image Like A Regular Hard Disk?

Apr 6, 2010

If you have a hard disk image (including partition table, multiple partitions,...), is it possible to let Linux treat it as a regular hard disk?

By "regular hard disk" I mean I would like to have the image show up as, for instance, /dev/hdx and its partitions as /dev/hdx1,...

(I know I can mount one of the partitions in the image using "mount -o loop,offset=x ..." but I don't really like this option.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager No Longer Works Post Upgrade To Lucid

May 28, 2010

When I run update manager, it gives me an error message saying:


This can be caused by:
* A previous update which didn't complete
* Problems with some of the installed software
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu
* Normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu
if I click partial upgrade, it looks like it did during the upgrade, then says:


There are no upgrades available for your system. The upgrade will now be canceled.
if I click close from the first "not all updates can be installed" dialog, it says:


It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.
running the suggested line gives the following output:


In Synaptic, fixing broken packages does nothing. Mark All Updates > Apply seems to work, but I'd still like to figure out why Update Manager does not?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid 10.04 Upgrade & Xiphos Bible Guide No Longer Works

Jan 5, 2011

Since I upgraded to 10.04 and ran Computer Janitor, the Xiphos Bible Guide no longer works. The splash screen comes up for a second and then disappears. I've tried removing and re-installing the program to no avail.

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Debian Configuration :: Make A Cron Job That Mounts A 2nd Local Hard Drive?

Jul 1, 2011

I am making backups and I need to make a cron job that mounts a 2nd local hard drive.

It is not listed in my fstab file and I mount it manually in nautilus (having to type a password). It is designated as /dev/sdb1 and /media/repo when it is mounted. Can I get cron to mount it and then add the password or do I have to add it to fstab?

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Mounts Cause A Hang On Reboot Of The Mounts Are Lost

Nov 24, 2010

I have multiple ubuntu machines and I connect to one through an NFS share. I have done this for a few years without issue. However, since re-installing ubuntu and upgrading to 10.4 I have a problem with my system hanging when the remote shares are lost.

Basically, I can power down the machine downstairs, and my main machine then has a fit. I can not open any folders in ubuntu, nor can I shut down. If I try and shut down the system hangs, last time it hung for 8 hours before I had to kill the power.

These are the lines in my fstab

I don't know what I've done wrong, or how I can prevent this from hanging. I have googled the heck out of this as well and can't seem to find an answer either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Can't See Hard Disk?

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 on a system I recently built that currently has Windows 7 installed.

Strangely, when I booted from the install disk, I got an unrecoverable error. [URL] said in that case, try to install from a live session, so I did that.

Live session install worked fine until I got to the partitioning section of the setup. Nothing displayed in the partition space and all my partition options were greyed out!

I have tried several things. I tried booting from my Lubuntu 32 bit that I know works (running on my laptop), it could not detect the hard disk either.

I tried booting into Windows 7 and shrinking the partition in the Windows partition manager and seeing if Ubuntu's installer would detect the space that way...no such luck.

cfdisk would not work either. Gave a big fat cannot access the disk error.

fdisk -l displays nothing. Gparted from the live session is a no-go as well.

BTW, relevant hardware:


Western Digital Caviar Blue WD5000AAKS 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive

I wouldn't think that Ubuntu should have a problem detecting this...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't See Hard Disk

Oct 26, 2010

I have a problem with seeing the partitions from a hard disk in ubuntu after installing updates. I installed the fresh 10.10 x64 desktop edition yesterday and I could've seen everything from the live CD. I think that it started to be missing after installing about 65 updates (those were the recommended updates).

In windows 7 everything is fine. I can see every partition like this:

Disk 0 and Disk 2 are basically the same (SATA) and Disk 1 is a rather old ATA drive, but in Ubuntu I can only see the partitions from the Disk 1 and 2. Ubuntu is installed to the 93.13 GB partition on Disk 2. Grub is installed to Disk 1 and it is the first boot device (not sure if this matters). The partitions from Disk 0 are not displayed on the Places menu bar.

After typing:

sudo fdisk -l

It only displays some info about Disk 1 and partition Storage and then hangs. The hdd led is lit constantly. It doesn't even display the info about the partitions on Disk 2, even though if I can browse those two partitions. And when I want to reboot, the ubuntu logo displays but it hangs there and I think that this is due to this problem with the hdd recognition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Isn't Found?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm running ubuntu from a usb currently. However, when I try to install it, it looks for the root disk on step 4 of the installation, and nothing is shown. I can't go on with the installation since I can't select a disk to install to.

I'm on an hp pavillion laptop.

By the way, windows vista is installed but won't currently boot. Don't know why. Is it probably a problem with the hard disk (the cause of both issues)

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