Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 On HP Proliant DL 360 G6 - Fails At The Time Of Iso_scan

Sep 1, 2011

i am trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 on HP proliant DL 360 G6 but it fails at the time of iso_scan. /var/log/syslog shows "failed mounting /dev/sda" and menu item iso_scan failed i dont know how to solve this problem its urgent. On server RAID5 is configured

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Fails Every Time - Message To Reboot My Computer Appeared At The End

Jan 9, 2011

I recently decided to install ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 to my Toshiba NB200. I was using windows and I wanted to completely erase them. I burned the USB, I followed every single instruction the site had, and even though the installation seemed to work, and a message to reboot my computer appeared at the end, the installation finally fails. When I reboot, the only thing I get is a black screen with an underscore at the top left corner. I tried the installation four to six times and even tried older versions as well but all I get is the black screen.

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Debian Installation :: System Going Down - Install Fails Every Time

Apr 27, 2015

When I try to install Debian 8 on my laptop I get this rather odd error. The install fails every time. I've managed to get as far as choosing which Desktop Environment I want and the shortly after it shuts off. It shows 4 messages

Code: Select allSystem is going down!
Sending Termsignal
Sending Killsignal
Requesting Machine Poweroff

The machine I'm trying to install on is a Gateway NV53, 4gb of RAM, AMD Athlon II x64.

At first I thought it might be my disc so I burnt another DVD using the 4.3GB DVD image I had downloaded. I checked the disc and it verified with the image and so I tried again with the same results as above. Any clue what might be causing this? I'm sure it isn't my hardware, Arch has been running fine for almost 6 months and never seemed to care.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lirc (dkms) Fails Each Time Kernel Upgraded?

Aug 10, 2011

each time i upgrade my kernel, my installation of lirc fails to work after the upgrade, and i have to re-compile (against new kernel) and install the lirc modules... which i do via something like:

sudo modprobe -r lirc_imon
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc-modules-source
sudo modprobe lirc_imon

after which all is well. this of course is a problem that DKMS should solve for me but it doesn't do it. also i get this message in my messages log:


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Debian Configuration :: Restore From Hibernate Fails From Time To Time?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a Insprion 14R (N4010) and when I hibernate it will usually restore without a problem, but maybe 15% of the time it will reboot while loading. I would like to figure why, since I'd rather not lose anything... My swap space is 5.9GB, I have 4GB RAM (video uses 1gb, so I have 3gb usable)

lspci says

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 18)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06)


I do have the hibernate package installed...

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Debian Installation :: HP Proliant N40L Does Not Boot Into USB Stick

Mar 14, 2015

I have downloaded the "debian-7.8.0-amd64-netinst.iso" from the official website. I then used dd to create a bootable usb stick. The usb stick is detected by the HP Proliant server but it does not boot from it, even if no other OS is present (so boot order is not the problem, and even if it was, i checked the bios). I tried the original iso in a Virtualbox environment and it worked without a problem.

I then tried creating the usb stick in Windows using "Unetbootin" and "LinuxLive Creator". When I insert the stick into the HP this time it boots from it and all is good. I can not use this approach though, because I want to automate the installation until I can SSH onto the server. But somehow unetbootin and linuxlivecreator overwrite my modified debian isos preseed file (which also works perfectly on a Virtualmachine).I also used dd to create a Ubuntu usb stick and that works without a problem on the HP Proliant.

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Fedora Installation :: Loses CD-ROM Drive On Proliant 3000?

Apr 3, 2009

By way of background: I've been using Linux since kernel 0.97.something_or_the_other, but I've been using one of the other distros. This is my first crack at Redhat/Fedora.

I'm trying to install Fedora 10 on an old Compaq Proliant 3000, dual P-II 450, Compaq Smartarray 3200, plenty of drive space, 3C905 based NIC, original Compaq CD drive.

The install will boot from the CD just fine, I get the initial graphic menu to select whether to do an install, upgrade, etc.

I select option 1 to install and I get what looks like an ncurses based screen that asks me to select a language, another screen that asks for a keyboard, then a screen that asks me if I want to install from CD/DVD, NFS, local drive, etc.

If I select the CD install option, the next screen complains that it can't find a drive and asks me to either select a driver from a list of drivers or to insert a driver disk. Doesn't matter what driver I select, it always snaps immediately back to the screen that says it can't find the hardware to match the driver. Every time it does this, it's not spinning the CD to read the driver that I've selected.

IF I go for an NFS install, after it asks me the network parms I wind up at that same driver screen with the same results, no matter what I pick it throws me back to the can't find hardware/pick a driver screen. As far as I can tell, the NIC is never actually trying to wake up.

I know the hardware is functional because if I boot from from CD with my usual distro it identifies and starts all the hardware just fine, CD, NIC, RAID, etc.

I can see where it might work to have the necessary driver module for the CD on a floppy, but where do I get the module? I tried mounting the .iso images for the install set on another machine but I don't see anything obvious that looks like modules that I can cabbage onto.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Install 14 On HP Proliant Microserver From USB Stick

Apr 18, 2011

I recently purchased HP Proliant Microserver with the idea of having it as a home server running Amahi. I added one 2TB hard disk to the already installed 250 GB drive. The Microserver has no cd/dvd drive so I created a bootable pen drive using LiveUSB Creator tool from Fedora 14 installation DVD iso image. However, I ran into problems in the very first phase though I struggled hard, juggling i386, x64, Live images...

Now, for i386 Fedora: The machine successfully boots from the pen drive but after selecting language and keyboard, the installer does not see the installation image - or even the pen drive at all - saying "No driver found". Then, I can only open "Select Device Driver to Load" (screenshot) where I can only see whole bunch of drivers I have no idea which of to select. I tried "USB mass storage driver for Linux", nothing happened, I'm returned back to "No driver found". Haven't found the "HP NC107i PCI-Express Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter" driver in the list...

x64 Fedora: Same result, though x64 at least recognizes the HDDs that are already in the box (screenshot) so I can try to use image files unpacked on the second one (ext4 formatted). Then, the installation proceeds till the point of formatting the installation drive when it suddenly "Cannot find ISO 9660 image" (screenshot) and I cannot but Exit.

Live x64 image: I tried the Live bootable image from the same pen drive - it booted and installed correctly and at the first glance the system was working fine, connecting to the internet, downloading updates etc. However, this is not my option because I didn't have the option to add additional Repository during the installation from Live image (as it is in this guide, search the page for "Add the Amahi repository"). why the installation is not working in my setup?

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Debian Installation :: Compaq Proliant Quad Core - Will It Work

May 22, 2011

Im looking at buying an HP Proliant server with 4 cpus, like this [URL] will Debian be able to run on this and use the 4 CPUs?

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Installation :: Squeeze Or Lenny Not Load Root On Proliant 3000

May 4, 2010

On a ancient server Proliant 3000 (works perfect) with Smart Array 3200 and raid 5, and a CD-ROM IDE drive, I have installed Debian Squeeze or Lenny more five times without success. Before run install the OS on this server is neccesary to execute Smart Start CD, which create (block 1 of the hard disk) the Compaq Diagnostic partition (aprox 39 MB).After that proceeding, I ran the installation CD (Debian Squeeze, or Lenny, both with same results) wich ended well. The bootloader was sets on MBR or primary sector.On restart, the OS remains long time trying to load root, and later it warns something as this:"Gave up waiting for root device:" etc etc and "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/c53f0423 does not exist. Droping to a shell!"

I summarized the screen text because lines that I pasted above are clear about matter.I tried to change GRUB 2 from bootloader screen ("e" keypress) the /dev/hda or hd0 or like this, but not resolved the problem...I went to other console (Alt-F2) and I typed "fdisk -l" and "df -h" and I saw that CD drive appears like "/dev/hda"... It not's something strange?

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Server :: Debian On HP ProLiant DL380 - NIC Driver Installation - Firmware-bnx2

Apr 5, 2011

I have a HP ProLiant DL380 server and I am trying to install Debian on it.

I had an error that said dhcp configuration failed at the base installation and Debian found my NICs but asked for driver.

I've Googled it and found out that I need to install required Broadcom NetExtreme NIC drivers.

There are images that 3rd people have created but I don't want to use them as it will be a server.

Another way to install them is to download .deb package and install it from a removable media when asked.

So I went ahead and did an expert install mode and choosed adding packages from a media so an option appeared for me to install stuff from removable media now.

Each time I choose it, my flash drive's lights are blinking but then I am getting an error says this package can not be installed are you sure to install a non signed package.

I say yes at that stage but I still can't install and then it says this is probably happening because of kernel version miss match.

I downloaded latest stable copy of Debian and also downloaded the stable squeeze copy of the driver from official Debian site too. [url]

Is this a kernel mismatch between my Deb. version and the driver?

And after many try my server started hanging at detecting network hardware stage, how can I deal with this?

Also finally I started to get this...


Is this happening because I am using wrong architecture CD?

I have i386 image and my server has 2 x Pentium 3 processor.

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Ubuntu :: Fails To Install Any Application Every-time?

Dec 13, 2010

I recently got Ubuntu up running on my HP DV1000 laptop. The problem I started noticing is that whenever I were to install packages via software center or even from the web. They simply won't install. After I enter my password it just hangs and won't continue forward.

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Ubuntu :: Time Changed From GMT To BST - Wake On Alarm Fails / Fix This?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and in the UK we changed from GMT to BST last Sunday (27th March)
On GMT I was waking on LAN at 23:30, all was working fine then we changed to BST. What I usually do is leave the BIOS clock on GMT and change the Wake on Alarm to 22:30. I did this, shut down Ubuntu fine, but its not waking up at all at 22:30, or any other time I set the WOA to. I had this problem a few years ago on an old ASrock mobo and cant remember how I sorted it - maybe by blanking the bios, cant remember.

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Red Hat :: Net Time Set Command Fails With Success?

Jul 12, 2010

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4, I enter the command:net time set -I is the IP address of a Windows Server 2008 time serverThe response is:/bin/date 071218072010.20 failed. Error was (Success)The actual clock time does not get updated. However, evidently it did really communicate with the time server on, because the value in the response 071218072010.20 does correspond to the time on the time server, albeit in the somewhat bizarre format MMDDHHMMYYYY.SS.

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OpenSUSE :: Opening Dolphin Fails About 40% Of The Time?

Jan 14, 2010

About 40% of the time when I try to open Dolphin (clicking the widget on the taskbar) I get launch feedback but it never opens Dolphin. If I then click it again, this time it will open. Where can I look in some log to find what error might be happening?

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Ubuntu :: Standby / Suspend: Fails 2nd Time On 'Freezing User Processes'

Feb 11, 2010

I have what I think is a somewhat different failure of standby than I've seen listed on other threads, and I'm stumped.The system hangs on this for a while, then comes back to the login screen without going into standby. This ONLY HAPPENS on a SECOND standby attempt--the first standby after booting ALWAYS succeeds.The standby log doesn't indicate any failures.I had made other changes previously that temporarily got standby working consistently:/etc/default/grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash usbcore.autosuspend=-1"

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Slackware :: Conky SlackBuild Fails - Every Single Time ?

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to build conky from SlackBuilds.org using sbopkg, but the build fails every single time. It may be worth noting that I am trying to build with extra options, namely --disable-x11 --disable-xdamage --disable-own-window --disable-xft.

This is so I can have a cli-only conky that I can pipe to my status bar. This has worked in the past, but now the build is failing with a seemingly unrelated error.

It states:


At the end of the build. I tried removing the option --enable-audacious, but that only resulted in an error which complained that yet another option (--enable-rss=yes) was a "Command not found". This continues as I remove options. I would like to keep many of those options active as I have a need for certain features.

This is a copy of the SlackBuild being used:


I have a full install of Slackware64 v13.1, so audacious is installed. I don't know what else could be going wrong, and I don't know why this worked in the past.

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Fedora Networking :: Arpwatch Fails To Start At Boot Time

Mar 6, 2010

Arpwatch is failing to start at boot time. I got this message:

arpwatch: bad interface eth0: eth0: no ipv4 address assigned

Once I login into my account, I can (as root) run the arpwatch demon, but it is suppose to run at boot time. After I installed aprwatch, it was working correctly. I do not have an idea of what happens or since when the problem start to happen. I just realize, after a while , that arpwatch was not running. I am running Fedora 12 -

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Software :: C Preprocessor /lib/cpp Fails Sanity Check - Every Single Time

Aug 3, 2010

I have no idea what I've done but I can't compile from source anymore.
VectorLinux standard 6.0

everything I try to compile fails at ./configure with an error :


The content of config.log: (kinda long)


This file contains any messages produced by compilers while running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

It was created by mpc configure 0.8.2, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.65.

Invocation command line was:

configure: exit 1

I was intending to recompile gcc from source instead of the the one came with the distro, but to do so I need MPC, which I can't compile.

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Software :: Using Flash Drive As Root FS At Boot Time Fails

Nov 29, 2008

I have a flash drive that I want to mount as my root filesystem at boot time. When I'm in linux, I can run `mount /dev/sda1 /mnt`, and the kernel will mount the ext3 FS on the flash drive at /mnt with no problems. From this I assumed I could boot my system with the kernel option 'root=/dev/sda1', but this doesn't work. My kernel has no initrd, and is booted directly by a bootloader. It has no modules, so I know that's not the issue.

The current setup that works consists of a ramdisk that the bootloader loads into RAM before booting the kernel. The kernel detects this ramdisk and the current kernel root option ('root=/dev/ram') mounts the ramdisk as the root fs with no problems.I can see where the kernel detects the flash driveat startup, and I can't think of a reason why I couldn't just mount it as root. I can copy/paste startup logs here if necessary.

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Fedora Installation :: Set The Time In The System Tray To The Standard AM/PM Setting Instead Of Military Time?

Jan 29, 2010

Just making one last tweak with my fresh install of F12KDE. I need to . How do I do this

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade RH9 To F10 - Install Fails - Installer Fails Media Check Due To "errors"

Jan 23, 2009

I am trying to upgrade RH9 to F10. I have downloaded dvd iso image i386. The SHA1 integrity check passes. The installer fails media check due to "errors". I did an independent verification of the DVD and zero errors found. Download was from Fedora's own torrent, so files should be verified anyway. If I bypass the media check I get the message : Running anaconda the Fedora system installer - please wait.....


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CentOS 5 :: Installation CentOS On HP Proliant ML110?

Feb 26, 2010

Installation CentOS 5.3 on server HP Proliant ML110 passes without problems. At installation I choose breakdown of disks by default.All is established without problems. After reboot HP stops. Last message on the screen the such:

Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83 kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb gniet
[Linux-bzImage, Setup=0x1e00,size=0x1b7034]
[Linux-initrd@ 0x37cf5000,0x2fa44c bytes]

Further loading does not go. It is probably connected with RAID a file? On HP it is adjusted hardware SATA RAID1 Embedded. In what a problem?

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Ubuntu Servers :: HP Proliant Dl160 G6 And 10.04 LTS?

Jun 23, 2010

I am about to install ubuntu 10.04 to our DL160 g6 servers with p410 raid card. From the ubuntu validated hardware list, I can see that this hardware is validated to only 9.04. : [URL]..Nearly all other models are validated to 10.04. Have anyone tried using dl160 g6 with 10.04? What kind of problems we might face while trying?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Streaming From HP Proliant Dl360G4P

Mar 5, 2010

I currently have my ftp server running off of my hp dl360. Ubuntu 9.10 server. I cannot seem to stream anything. I can use WINS and mount the share and then watch videos over my LAN like that but I want to stream my media over the internet, I already have a domain and NAT 100% set up with port forwarding. The snag I am hitting is I cannot seem to get streaming to work over the net.

the stats on the DL360g4p (1u rackmount) are as follows
1x Xeon 3.08GHz - 512MB cache
2x 300GB SCSI @ 10k RPM in raid0.
gigabit NIC
ubuntu 9.10 server

All web(http/ssh) traffic is forwarded to seperate ubuntu server VM running ontop of ESXi on a different 2u HP proliant dl380g3. All ftp/smb traffic is forwarded to the 1u dl360. I have tried vlc -I http (port 8080 redirected to ftpserver) under a detatched screen window and it failed to initialize video driver. I have an entire Directory that I would like to make available to stream.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Raid On HP Proliant ML115?

May 17, 2010

I have a problem installing Ubuntu on an HP Proliant ML115. This server has a 1TB mirrored RAID setup (and 1 250GB drive), problem is, Ubuntu apparently doesnt like it, it detects the RAID but fails to partition the hard drives and the installation cant continue. I tried the guided partitioning using the whole disk (detected RAID array). Here is what syslog gives me:

May 17 22:32:30 main-menu[504]: INFO: Menu item 'disk-detect' selected
May 17 22:32:30 net/hw-detect.hotplug: Detected hotpluggable network interface eth0
May 17 22:32:30 net/hw-detect.hotplug: Detected hotpluggable network interface lo
May 17 22:32:31 hw-detect: Loading PCMCIA bridge driver module: i82365
May 17 22:32:31 hw-detect: FATAL: Module i82365 not found.


PS: Im very noob regarding this kind of stuff so detailed instructions please, also feel free to give configuration tips

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing 10.04 On Proliant 3000?

Jun 26, 2010

I got my hands on my first real server hardware yesterday - a PIII 600 MHz COMPAQ Proliant 3000 with 1.8 GB RAM, Smart Array 3200 controller and 4x18.2GB SCSI ULTRA 3 hard drives. RAM is upgraded from original and USB card added - otherwise hardware arrangement appears to be original.

Minimal 10.04 installed (35 minutes boot to boot) as Server 10.04 could not detect CD drive. My problem? Everything works but it does not look right. Probably my bigger problem?? I know almost nothing about RAID and the more I read the more ethereal my understanding seems to become.

When installing, I chose to install with LVM on c0d0. Grub written to MBR. I have posted df -l, fdisk -l and lshw output below. Would someone tell me if this looks correct and, possibly, offer some pointers if it does not.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing 10.04 On A HP Proliant DL180 G6?

Nov 2, 2010

installing Ubuntu 10.04 on a HP Proliant DL180 G6, especially via the LO100 virtual KVM? I can boot almost any linux distro with it, but unfortunately whenever I boot the Ubuntu server cd the screen gets garbled. I did some searching on the net, and found some references to older versions of Ubuntu where one had to add vga=771 to the boot options, but this still doesn't work with 10.04. I tried several vga modes, all to no avail (with vga=normal the screen gets garbled, with anything else the screen just stays black). Anyone got any idea on how to fix this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Blank Screen - HP Proliant Microserver And 11.04

Aug 3, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu Server 11.04 64-bit on an HP Proliant Microserver. The install seems fine but I'm having a start-up problem. When I boot the server, I get a blank screen after the Grub Menu. If I press ALT-F2 I get the login prompt. I've tried editing the grub file (after having done some googling) and tried adding nomodeset to the following line in the grub file:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset acpi_osi=Linux"

I added nomodeset as well as acpi_osi=Linux to see if that would do somethng. After adding nomodeset, when I boot the server, I still get a blank screen after the Grub menu but this time a blinking cursor. Again, if I press ALT-F2 the login prompt shows up. So it boots (I'm able to putty/Webmin in even when the screen is blank) but don't know why I need to press ALT-F2 all the time to get the login prompt to appear. Plus I don't see the boot process right before the login as well.

HP Proliant has the following chipset and processor:
- AMD RS785E - north bridge, core logic controller
- AMD SB820M - south bridge
- AMD Athlon II NEO Processor 1.3 GHz Dual Core
I've also tried adding xforcevesa instead of nomodeset and that option too leaves me with a blank screen.

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Fedora :: Setting Up On HP Proliant DL360

Jan 8, 2010

Have an HP Proliant DL360 server on which I plan install Fedora 12.

I need to download the NIC driver from HP's site - but it asks which operating system - and Fedora is not on the list. However, many variants of Red Hat Enterprise Linux are on the list.

What is a good choice for OS that would match up with Fedora?

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