Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04: Missing Files In Var/log

May 7, 2010

I have upgraded both my desk- and laptop to 10.04 a week ago, and with practically no problems. However, today both have problems during boot. It takes longer than normal and when I open the log-file I get a message "Could not open the following files". There is a long list of files in /var/log that couldn't be opened as "No such file or directory": pm-suspend.log, wpa_supplicant.log, syslog.0, jockey.log.1,kern.log.0, auth.log.0, daemon.log.0,debug.0, messages.0, dkms_autoinstaller and finally "/var/log/btmp: The file is not a regular file or is not a text file". Seems problem started after a kernel update today.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Files From Hdd Missing \ Files That Were Located On C(vista) Cant Access Any Of The E Ones?

Mar 7, 2011

I changed to wubi last night, i decided to go that way cause i was informed it was a safe way to try giving it a try for linux and ubuntu without any special effort needed to be payed and easily deleted if i am not pleased.Thankfully i am pretty satisfied with the results, i pretty much dealt with most of the issues i have faced so far successfully and i am running it ok beside one important thing.See i am using my laptop, which has a hdd of 250GB.On my Vista there are 2 different hdd C+E by default, they separated my hdd.So while i have windows on C and E is pretty much used for my additional data(see movies, music etc) when i installed wubi i installed it on E, thought it would be better and it had more space.

Now though, while i can access threw ubuntu all my files that were located on C(vista) i cant access any of the E ones, and search file dont helps either.The "vista hdd" as ubuntu describes it, its a 250 gb disk on computer, which means it should contain both of the vista disks.But sadly thats not the case.i cant seem to be able to find them anywhere.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - Dpkg: Warning: Files List File For Package `libsdl-image1.2' Missing, Assuming Package Has No Files Currently Installed

Sep 23, 2010

When i try installing anything i get errors, for example when i try to install somthing from ubuntu software center i get this.

Code: installArchives() failed: Preconfiguring packages ... Preconfiguring packages ... Selecting previously deselected package ttf-symbol-replacement. (Reading database ... dpkg: warning: files list file for package `libsdl-image1.2' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Files In Download?

Mar 21, 2010

Just completed downloading kubuntu-9.10-dvd-amd64.iso and found that a few files were corrupted. Would rather not download again since I have a slow connection and this download took almost 80 hours!!

Tried torrent---doesn't allow downloading files in the iso.

The corrupt files are listed at the end. Can some kind soul provide a link to these files?

1. ./install/netboot/pxelinux.0
2. ./pool/main/l/language-pack-ku-base/language-pack-ku-base_9.10+20091022_all.deb
3. ./install/netboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
4. ./pool/main/n/network-manager/network-


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Missing Files After Upgrade?

Jan 28, 2011

Last night I attempted to upgrade my Ubuntu 10.10 (amd64) machine. After reboot (it installed a new kernel), the grub menu only had the memtest. Booted into a livecd and it seems that I was missing most of the files in /etc/grub.d/. Reinstalled grub-common and grub-pc didn't seem to restore the files. I ended up having to download the dpkg, expand it and copy the files manually so I could get the box generate grub.conf and boot up. I think grub may have been broken before the upgrade but exhibited the problem when it upgraded the kernel and reran upgrade-grub but I can't seem to figure out why reinstalling grub doesn't add the files back.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu Will Not Install - Skipping Missing Files

Jan 9, 2010

I just tried to install kubuntu 6 times on my laptop. I have downloaded the file from a different mirror each time and burned the image via brasero. This used to work for me... Kubuntu will not install. Keeps saying its skipping missing files or something. Anyone else getting this? I eventually gave up on 9.10 and am now trying alpha 1...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Files In GRUB Folder Missing After Update?

Mar 4, 2010

The update package popped up with some security updates. I downloaded all of them and then hit the restart button. Now all I see after the winboot load is the grub 'dos' screen. I can get to grub rescue but thats it. I was wondering if there is a way to download the missing files from somewhere and place them in the grub folder as I am dual booting with XP.

I have installed Ubuntu onto a seperate partition as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Python Files After Successful Install

Jan 5, 2011

I ran 'sudo apt-get install python', which completed successfully. According to [url, this should have created the directory /usr/lib/python2.6, but I do not see any such directory.

This is causing problems:

I've tried 'apt-get purge python' and then reinstalling but this has not resolved the issue.

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Debian Installation :: 7.7 Missing Firmware - Files Cannot Be Found On USB Or SDC

Jan 10, 2015

While attempting to install 7.7 on i7 Samsung notebook, iwlwifi and rtl_nic files cannot be found on usb or sdc (have no floppy to try) Added the missing files to iso and burned new disc which would not boot.

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Fedora Installation :: Missing Files For Klamav Antivirus?

Jul 20, 2011

There is some missing files for KLamAV antivirus program from the repository to make KlamAV a full functional program. When I ran the program KLamAV I found 8 files that were infected with a virus that was downloaded from fedora onto my computer today. Because of KLamAV is not a complete program I can not remove the virus or fix the problem.Location of original virus:


at this point the two files original virus is: Heuristics.encrypted.zip from here the file unzips and spreads the virus through out the computer.This is coming from the install DVD disk or the download up date.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting GNOME Up And Running - Just Fills Screen With Messages About Missing Files

Sep 9, 2010

I just got Ubuntu to install, which is great. However, during the part of the installation that involved setting up software, something went wrong. I used the alternate installer and toward the end of that step, it told me the step failed. I simply skipped the step because of this. The result: I've got Ubuntu going, but it's only the command line. I need some help getting GNOME installed from here. I searched and saw people saying to use sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but that just fills my screen with messages about missing files.

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General :: Debian Squeeze 6.0.1 Configuration Files Missing After Ssh Installation

Jun 3, 2011

I had installed ssh but something went wrong and I uninstalled it. I removed the SSH configuration files by hand (I deleted all /etc/ssh folder).After ssh installation (I mean apt-get install ssh) I noticed that I have no SSH configuration files.I tried apt-get install openssh-server but i still have no SSH configuration files.

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Software :: Can Package Missing Files From Missing OS RPMs

Jul 16, 2010

How to properly integrate these RPMs into our system?

Option 1: we could take those missing OS RPMs and install them?
Option 2: can we package the missing files from missing OS RPMs into the existing Linux-xxx.rpm?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Error - Files List File For Package `libxcb-shape0' Is Missing Final Newline

Feb 23, 2010

I have recently taken delivery of a Dell Inspiron mini netbook with Ubuntu on, and I am new-fangled .install updates, I clicked the (orange down-arrow) button, and it compalined "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-22-lpia_2.6.24-22.45netbook9_lpia.deb: files list file for package `libxcb-shape0' is missing final newline"

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Debian Installation :: Missing Network Drivers / And Missing Make To Install Them

Dec 1, 2014

I have an asus pc, and its network hardware is not recognized by debian, the drivers are not even in the list provided during the installation process. I managed to download them from another pc, but if i try to make them and install them, i'm stucked because Make is not installed on debian (nor is sudo).So i need a connection to install the drivers that provide me a co0nnections..

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Ubuntu :: Files Are Missing In Win 7?

Aug 1, 2011

I have created 2 files and put them in a folder in ubuntu 11.04 64bit. The partition is ntfs and is shared b/w ubuntu and win7. The partition doesnot have win7 installed on it, win7 ubuntu and data partition are three seprate partitions of a disk. when i logged in win7 the files and folder newly created were missing. then i logged back in ubuntu and they were missing from there to.

I have edited /etc/fstab =>
"# data Drive
UUID=C8E8EC38E8EC2682 /media/data ntfs auto 0 1"

so that the partition mounts itself at boot up, thats it I do not specifically unmount it, i just shutdown the pc normally. also win7 is hibernated, but its on sda0 its a different partition.

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Ubuntu :: Missing All Files After GParted?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 AMD/64. I moved my data partition with GParted, resulting this message from GParted

... ( omiting all previous reported ok, gparted end of message: )
copiar 65536 sectores usando un tama�o de bloque de 65536 sectores 00:00:02 ( �XITO ) 65536 de 65536 copiados 1.43313 segundos El tama�o de bloque


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Ubuntu :: Files Missing From Explorer?

Mar 23, 2010

Ok so I transferred about 6 or 7 gigs of music and videos to my laptop in 2 folders and 1 file just in the d:/ folder. This leftme with just one gig of space left on the drive. Now I turned of my computer and the next day when I turned it on, the files were gone or so I thought. The files are still taking up the space and when I tried defragging in windows, the files showed up under files not defragged and so did their old directories, but they still do not show up in ubuntu or windows explorer, I cannot navigate to them or open them, yet they are still on my hardrive and taking up space. How do I either get access to these files or delete them to free up space?

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Ubuntu :: Why No 'Missing Files' In Rhythmbox

May 23, 2010

I had a drive failure on my media server. I have replaced the drive and since my backup was a bit out of date I lost some material.

I thought, no biggie, I'll get everything back in order and just use the Missing Files list in Rhythmbox to figure what's missing.

Problem. Though the file count diminishes as Rhythmbox scans the library for file changes, nothing is being added to the Missing Files list. I have done this on two machines (one the server itself, the other across a Samba share). Same behaviour.

I have never seen Rb count down files and not add them to the Missing Files list.

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Ubuntu :: Files Missing In Windows?

Feb 8, 2011

When I download something on ubuntu, I sometimes copy it over to my mounted Windows drive. When I then reboot into Windows, the files aren't there. They're missing. (It used to work before - now it's strangely stopped). When I log back into Ubuntu, the files are gone again!

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Ubuntu :: Missing All Files On Secondary Drives?

Jan 28, 2010

My system is setup like this: 1 250 gb HDD, with a 20 gig partition for /, 200 gigs for /home and the rest is a swap file. I also have a 1 TB (ext3) and 1.5TB (ext4) hard drive that are also installed, mounted to /Shared_1TB and /Shared_15TBI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and everything seemed to be fine. I installed all the updates, install the Nvidia proprietary drivers and got my HDMI audio working. I went to try and play a video to see what would happen.... there are no files in /Shared_1TB. It is totally blank. I tried making myself the owner, and while this worked it didn't help anything. I tried unmounting and remounted, however it kept saying it was busy and wouldn't remount it. At this point I was a little panicked, so I threw in a LiveCD and low and behold once I mount it in the LiveCD all my files are there.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Missing Files After Crash?

Jul 24, 2010

My computer crashes occasionally and all of the files that have been written in the last few hours seem to disappear. On XFS sometimes they turn up in lost+found after xfs_repair. The files in ext4 seem to be gone for good.Is there any way to force linux to flush the meta-data more often or something so my files stop disappearing?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Library Files While Compiling

Aug 18, 2010

I have tried to compile several programs from source code and have into a similar error in each case. I try make the program and I get an error like: fail program confsdefs.h. Reading further into the log file, I see there is a long list of missing library files when I compile something like Samba 3.5.x:


I have searched for dependency information and used apt-get to add anything I can find. How can I identify and find the dependencies for source? I have checked the source documentation though typically does not list required packages. My other question is how to check the path used to locate the libraries? Given the length of the missing library list, I think the problem may be configuring make.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Files Missing After Remounting Hdd?

Apr 20, 2011

i am running 10.10 server. i shut down the server to install a new hard drive for backups. When i remounted the drives and restarted the shares, About 10 very important files were missing. The rest of the data on the share is fine.

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General :: Files Missing Under Add-ons In Firefox On Ubuntu

Aug 1, 2010

I downloaded Nagios Checker and i was told in this web [url] that i have to add the add-ons for Nagios Checker. But when i opened the firefox browser, i went to Tools > Add-Ons.. under the Add-Ons i did not see the Nagios Checker, by right it should appear..how come?

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Software :: Missing Config Files In Ubuntu 10.10

Jun 24, 2011

Regardless of the fact that editing these files is necessary for good functioning of my system, my standard 10.10 ubuntu installation seems to lack these files:


Am I the only one who witnesses this in ubuntu? Perhaps I need to apt-get install some things? Knowledge about these files is important for my study.

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Ubuntu :: Files And The Entire Directory Is Missing / Disappeared

Apr 16, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 Beta - I recently upgraded from 9.10. I have for some time been using an IOMEGA External drive, storing files created using Open Office. After I upgraded I continued to use those files and open them in OpenOffice 3.2. Yesterday I opened the drive to work on the files and the entire directory is missing. All the other directories seem to be there. Bizarre.

Have tried using "locate" in the console, but the files are nowhere to be found. I tried accessing the permissions on the external drive but get the response "The permissions of IOMEGA HDD could not be determined". Using a dual boot system with Windows Vista, booting through Grub.

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Ubuntu :: Files Missing On External Hard Drive

Jul 27, 2010

I have an external harddrive of 500GB. It's almost fully loaded with TV series and movies. Nautilus says there's 60 GB remaining space. I just downloaded some movies, and copied it to this external hard drive.And here's the strange part, after I did this I only see a very small subset of all the movies I stored on that harddrive in nautilus. With 500 GB almost full, you can imagine there are quite some movies on it, but I only see 12 of them in nautilus.

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Ubuntu Security :: Nepenthes Configuration Files Missing

Dec 7, 2010

I am doing a honeypot project, and after I install nepenthes: $ sudo apt-get install nepenthes

$ nepenthes

I find that there are no configuration files in /etc/nepenthes/, and only a signatures document.

I searched in the internet, all the install guides do not mention this problme, just say that if updating the nepenthes, the /etc/nepenthes/*.conf will not automaticly update.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Files Missing In Natty Narwhal (11.04)

Jan 14, 2011

A couple months ago, I created a dual boot between Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 using wubi. I then upgraded to 10.10. What would usually happen is I would start up my laptop and it'll go to the Windows boot manager, letting me choose between Windows 7 and Ubuntu. If I would choose Ubuntu, it would go to a GRUB boot manager. It would let me choose between several different ways to boot Ubuntu, mainly that there were different options that were all the same except they had different numbers in the name, i.e. Ubuntu, whatever, or something like that.

A couple weeks ago, I updated to 11.04. At first it worked good, but then a couple days later I updated a bunch of packages. It tried to CAT a GRUB file and failed. It gave me an error code, but I ignored it. Yesterday, I updated again, but since last time failed, it told me to do a partial upgrade. This I did, and it was successful. But now, everytime I go to GRUB and try to select any of the options, it tells me "Error: File not Found" and I cannot boot into Ubuntu. There are recovery versions for each choice, and using these I can boot into Ubuntu in low graphics mode and I can also get to a command line prompt.

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