Ubuntu :: Image Batch Conversion For Publishing?

May 27, 2011

I have a LaTeX document in one folder, and the images that this documents includes via


are in subfolders of this directory. Sometimes I compile this LaTeX file using PDFLaTeX, and others using plain LaTeX. Thus, I would like to have my images in PDF and EPS format, along with its original source, normally an SVG file created with Inkscape. I know I can use Inkscape to convert these files to these formats, but when there are 50 images, it becomes cumbersome/boring/APITA.

I have a small Makefile that reads gnuplot scripts and generates EPS files

# Makefile to convert into Encapsulated Postscript
# the plots made with GNU Plot. (.plt files)
PLOTS=$(shell ls *.plt 2> /dev/null)


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General :: Batch File Conversion Command?

Sep 30, 2010

I just learnt to convert a video file into mp4 format so I can watch it on my PS3. However, I have dozens of video files from my video cam, and want to convert them all. They are all in the same folder. Please can someone explain how I might be able to adapt the code below so I can convert all my files in a batch. Perhaps keeping their same name or giving them some other name, I don't mind.

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Ubuntu :: Batch Image Resize Resample Program?

Jul 5, 2010

anyone know of a batch image resize resample program ? kinda like VSO or Infranview for linux ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: PDFbox 1.5 - Image Conversion Result Blank

Jun 19, 2011

I am using apache pdfbox box 1.5 with openjdk i.6.0_0 on opensuse 11.4 32-bit (minimal install, as provided by amazon ec2). The problem is that when I use the apache pdfbox tool to convert a pdf to an image the image is blank. I am using the exact same application on opensuse 11.2 (default install from opensuse 11.2 dvd) with no problems. I suspect there are issues caused by uninstalled packages. I installed several font packages and Image manipulation packages with no success.

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OpenSUSE :: Baires - Batch Image Resize From One Directory And Place It To The Same Or Another

Dec 8, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, I announce my 1st Qt4 application - Baires. Baires is a program that helps you easily resize bunch of pictures from one directory and place it to the same or another, with just one click (after initial setup, of course). With help of @microchip8, who built spec, RPMs and placed them to his repositories, I have now made an "official" download page at my site.

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Ubuntu :: Gimp Batch Mode - Predetermined Layer On Another Image - Export As Png And Discard Changes

Jan 3, 2011

I want a simple short gimp batch script that will take one image, paste it into a predetermined layer on another image, export as png and discard changes. Unfortunately, I can't find any tutorials on using gimp batch. Anyone know any such tutorials (Or better yet, what my script needs to be)

So far this is what I have. I need a way to loop through the layers to check the name of them, I also need a way to ditch the previously opened files from memory (Otherwise gimp still has both images in memory) (I'm going to mark this solved so I can make a cleaner post once I get it together)


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OpenSUSE :: Batch Resizing Applications - Nautilus Image - Phatch Didn't Work

Jun 1, 2010

I am looking for image batch processing (mainly resizing) apps. As I have problems with Nautilus Image Resize in the other thread, are there any other software that is fairly easy to use to batch resize images? Preferably from a one-click install that works. I tried Phatch, but that didn't work for me.

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Ubuntu One :: Stop Publishing File Does Not Work?

Jul 2, 2010

Tried "publish file" in ubuntu one (web interface) to show a file to a friead, it worked great, then i selected stop publishing file, and according to ubuntu one it was not published any more. But my friend can still download the file from the url given, and so can I. Then I tried publishing it again via nautilus, it gave me the same URL, and stop publishing via nautilus, and the URL still works. Now I have the feeling that maybe all files in ubuntu one is accessible to the world by guessing the right URL. How can I know for sure? At least this one file now is world accessible even though ubuntu one says it isn't.

Found one bug in launchpad, which is closed because it supposedly works. Anyone else tried unpublishing files? [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Publishing Games On Software Center?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm an indie game developer currently targeting platforms such as iphone, mac osx, ipad, android and windows.I would like to know if there is any way to deploy paid apps (particularly games) on the ubuntu software center, because I feel the open software community has been left adrift regarding games by the great companies, and that's just unfair.

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Debian Multimedia :: Shotwell Not Publishing Into Facebook

Jun 18, 2015

I'm a desktop user and I rely heavily on Debian and shotwell to organize my images. I also use shotwell to publish images to a popular social networking site, Facebook. Recently I wasn't able to make shotwell publish into Facebook.

I was still on Debian Wheezy and decided it was time to dist-upgrade to Debian Jessie and hope that this would sort things out. It wasn't easy for me to upgrade - but I think I made a fairly satisfying one as I can normally use what I use my desktop for (work and entertainment).

I still cannot use shotwell to publish into Facebook.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: EPS To JPG Conversion?

Apr 1, 2010

I have generated some .eps figure which I needed to show one by one. I converted them using convert file.eps file.jpg but the generated files were kind of blurred (not much, but they are not of the same quality as the .eps files) Is there anything to do to get a good conversion? Also, which is better, is/are there any image viewer package that would help show the .eps files as .jpg files? I have tried, gthumb, gqview, f-spot, image magic (display).

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Ubuntu :: Looking For A Desktop Conversion App?

Apr 5, 2010

Anyone know of a desktop app that allows me to quickly plug in kb, gb, bytes, etc. and have them converted? I know there's lots of web apps, but was fishing to see if there was a desktop app to facilitate this.

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Ubuntu :: PHP Files Conversion To JPG?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a couple of files which are categorized as .php, is there a way of converting them into something readable in UBUNTU.

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Ubuntu :: PDF To OpenOffice Conversion?

Dec 21, 2010

i use openoffice a lot, mostly writer and calc. i convert most of the files to pdf from openoffice. is there a way to re-convert pdf to the respective openoffice doc ? for the purpose of cross platform compatibility with ms office i save the openoffice docs in msoffice format. it will be nice if i get a clue to re-convert pdf to openoffice files for editing (at times)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MKV To AVI Conversion?

Jan 28, 2011

Got some TV progs in MKV format which are jumpy when played through VLC. Other shows in the series AVI format play OK.

Are there any open source programs out there that can convert MKV to AVI?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Conversion *.mov Files To *.mpg?

Feb 21, 2010

Is there any software out there to convert *.mov files (from a digital camera) to *.mpg files, of which way I have to go?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: WinFF OGV To AVI Conversion In 10.04?

May 16, 2010

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and recorded a screencast with gtk-recordMyDesktop. Upon completion of the recording I attempted to convert the OGV file to an AVI, for ease of editing purposes, using WinFF.(And yes, I have installed libavcodec-unstripped-52) The result was an incredibly annoying error message Which stated:


FFmpeg version SVN-r19352-4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2.2, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
configuration: --extra-version=4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2.2 --prefix=/usr --enable-


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MKV Conversion For PS3 Using FFMPEG?

May 27, 2010

It seems more and more people are encoding with the MKV container on bit torrent these days, and a lot of the shows I'm watching are starting to release almost exclusively with .mkv formatted videos. This is not a problem if I want to watch the shows on my computer but I've become accustomed to watching them on my PlayStation3 using my thumb drive. It seems the offical documentation for the PS3 includes a list of supported codecs [URL], but when I use FFMPEG to convert with libxvid video and aac audio in the MP4 container my PS3 says the output video is not supported. I've also tried most combinations of libxvid, libx264, mpeg4 for -vcodec and aac, libmp3lame for -acodec in several different container formats but nothing seems to work. I have found one option that always works:

ffmpeg -i inputfile.mkv -sameq -ac 2 outputfile.mpeg

I don't like doing it this way, however, as the output file is twice the size and the audio quality is terrible. If I don't reduce the audio channels to only two using -ac 2 FFMPEG throws an error (apparently MKV audio supports 6 channels). And preserving the video quality in MPEG video using -sameq produces too a large file (and I prefer to keep my files as lossless as possible). Ideally I want to save the files on an external HD I have but if a single episode of a show is 1.5 GB it's not very pratical.

Anyway, the PS3 docs say it supports h264 and xvid with aac audio, but apparently I'm doing something wrong. Has anyone sucessfully used FFMPEG to convert an MKV to MP4 for use on a PS3?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MKV -> MP4 For PS3 Conversion Script?

Feb 2, 2011

I've been trying out a few scripts (I hacked one myself) to convert HD MKV files to MP4 containers. Specifically, the main issue I'm trying to solve is converting DTS -> AAC audio. I noticed the scripts I used before used ffmpeg. I tried NeroAacEnc and found the audio quality is much better. Unfortunately, I'm having issues with MP4Box accepting the audio NeroAacEnc creates. I also hit one other issue and that is making sure HxW size of video is in multiples of 16. I was trying to use ffmpeg pad filter for that but couldn't figure it out.

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Software :: Conversion From WAV Through CDR To MP3

May 21, 2011

In 2003 I converted over 25000 of invalid WAV files to MP3 ones using the sequence of commands:sox file.wav file.cdr lame file.cdr file.mp3.I used that intermediate method because it wasn't possible to convert most of these WAV files using lame only. The command lame file.wav file.mp3 displayed in such cases the message:Code: Unsupported data format: 0x0002.Now I tried to convert the same WAV files using the same method but lame doesn't recognize CDR audio format and complains:

Now I wonder how to achieve the same result enabling CDR audio format reading in lame because I prefer the second method. Unfortunately I haven't idea how to enable that during the configuration of the sources of lame. Its documentation doesn't mention about such switch.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Head Around Hd(0,0) And Sda1 Conversion?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm setting up my menu.lst for GRUB Legacy (downgraded from GRUB2 in 9.10) and I'm just having difficulty getting my head around converting the /dev/sda1, sda2 etc to hd(0,0), (0,1).

My partitions are as follows:

sda1 = Windows XP (ntfs primary partition)
sda2 = Windows Vista (ntfs primary partition)
sda3 = Linux boot (small ext2 primary partition)
sda4 = extended partition
sda5 = Windows XP second different installation (ntfs logical partition)
sda6 = Ubuntu 9.10 root (ext3 logical partition)
sda7 = linux-swap (swap logical partition)

As I said, I am trying to set these up in GRUB, but cannot work out what all the hd(0,x) equivalents are. I *thought* it was just a case of subtracting 1 from the sdax number, but it doesn't appear to be that way.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mp3 Encoders And Audio Conversion ?

Apr 3, 2010

I am Ubuntu user, having only recently left the stinking, bloated corpse that is Windows ($225 for an upgrade to Win7 is just obscene). I have a huge library of Mp3's, which I have managed to enable support for on Ubuntu, and have installed Amarok, as I didn't think much of rythmbox.

So far so good, but I still need a program to rip/convert the rest of my CD's, and to convert lossless files. I'm looking for a CD ripper with similar functionality to EAC (Exact Audio Copy). One aspect I am looking for is the ability to manually change the Mp3 encoder used by the program. I am partial to the lame 3.98 encoder, and would like to keep using it. If the program already uses this encoder (or a close version), then that's fine and no need for the ability to manually change the encoder.

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Ubuntu :: Alien Fails On Conversion Of Rpm Files?

Apr 16, 2010

Having downloaded alien for the first time, and attempted to use it to convert an rpm file to a deb file (specifically asymptote located at [URL]), instead I found that it failed to do so. I've searched on google for a long while, and found that while this appears to be a problem encountered by multiple people, but there are no workarounds posted anywhere. Here is the error message that I am getting:

Unpacking of 'asymptote-1.92-1.fc12.i686.rpm' failed at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Rpm.pm line 153.

I've tried running the following variants of commands and all fail with the same error:

sudo alien --to-deb --scripts --keep-version asymptote-1.92-1.fc12.i686.rpm
sudo alien -d asymptote-1.92-1.fc12.i686.rpm
sudo alien -k asymptote-1.92-1.fc12.i686.rpm

The errors reported by others are on a variety of packages, so it seems to me that it is an bug with alien itself and not with the package, but that is only a guess.

And related to this, Alien is version 8.69, perl 5.8.8 and ubuntu is 8.04.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mencoder (or A GUI) Conversion For Android?

Apr 28, 2010

So I typically use cat to put my avi files together.. but today I figure lets see about ripping over so I can watch on my Droid.

As nobody has a xvid or vlc player on the droid (yet.. coders are doing alot for Android ya know) I will have to convert the video down and change the format.. So.. can anybody tell me a mencoder command line directive to get as close to this as possible (I found ipod settings leave the actual video lacking).

Format MP4
Encoder H.264
Resolution 854 x 480 (or 720 x 480; 480 x 320; 320 x 240)
Frame Rate 12 fps - 30 fps


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mencoder - Conversion To MP4 Fails?

Jun 6, 2010

Using Miksoft's Mobile Media Converter, and I cannot convert files to MPEG4.[URL]Converting to MPEG1/2 works fine, but trying to convert video for my son's PSP always produces an error. Here's the output:

>> Command executed:
"/opt/MIKSOFT/MobileMediaConverter/lib/mencoder" -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of lavf -lavcopts


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Ubuntu Servers :: XLS (Visual Basic) To ASP Conversion

Sep 16, 2010

I know this is a bit out in left field but my gf's dad has created a fairly large application in Excel 2003 and now we need to run it online. I setup mono and xsp2 on my Ubuntu server in order to test but have no idea how to convert a monster .xls file in VB to ASP or maybe even PHP (one can hope, right??)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: .ogv Conversion For Moto Droid?

Sep 25, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to convert .ogv video files to put on my moto droid. Has anyone did this? How??

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Ubuntu :: Encoding Conversion On Multiple Files?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to convert the encoding of multiple files in a directory and I try to do it as follows.

find . -type f -name *.txt -exec iconv -f GBK -t utf-8 "{}" -o "{}.utf8" ;
find . -type f -name *.utf8 -exec mv -f "{}" `echo "{}" | sed 's/.utf8//'` ;

The first command goes well by generating utf8 files from all txt files, but the second command fails with error message. Could someone enlighten me about the mistake in the command and share a workable solution?

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Ubuntu :: Why Batch Does Not Always Work

May 28, 2010

I was trying to understand "batch" command, and I thought perhaps when I am logged in a terminal, in addition to X, there are multiple users, and man page says it is not suitable for multiple users. But then, you could never use batch in a terminal? So not sure... take a look, at first it works, then it does not. In this example, I am trying to use "batch" to make (touch) a new file. And the load is always very low.


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Ubuntu :: Run A .batch File?

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to run a .batch file, I was wondering if this edit would make it work, this is a java application-loader.

java -Xmx500m -cp .;Theme.jar Gui 0 1 lowmem members 32

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