Ubuntu :: Icon Positions Messed Up On Reboot

May 5, 2010

every time I reboot my machine the icon positions are messed up - they are all aligned to vertically to the left.

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Fedora :: 11: X Windows Configuration Gets Messed Up After Reboot (X Server Crashing)

Aug 12, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 11 on my machine, the configuration of which is: Intel Core i7 920 CPU, 3 GB DDR3 SDRAM, nVidia GTX295 Graphics Card. I initially used the default kmod-nvidia driver, but with a yum update, somehow a non-PAE kernel got installed and the kmod-nvidia driver did not get installed with it during the update for some reason. So I uninstalled the PAE kernel and associated kmod drivers, and downloaded the nVidia driver from the nVidia website. It ran just fine for a few days, and then all of a sudden, after a reboot, the X Server crashed and I had to log into the text mode, run

Code: setup and do the default X configuration. Then, I re-installed kmod-nvidia, with no luck. Sorry for being so vague about this, but I finally managed to get the CUDA driver (I need to use CUDA for my project work) to work (downloaded from [URL]). But after one reboot, the same problem resurfaced.

Now, I am in X Windows with a default 800x600 configuration using a generic visa driver, on a 23" monitor I have been rebooting my computer all morning and trying various things to get the driver to work again. I would be happy to furnish any details about the installed packages I have. For now, here is some information.


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Ubuntu :: System Tray Icon Order Changes After Reboot?

Dec 3, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10, fairly fresh install. The order of the icons in the system tray changes each time I reboot. It's worked fine since install a few weeks ago until today when I booted and the wireless wouldn't connect. I rebooted and they came up in a different order so I rebooted again and the order changed yet again. Maybe I should just keep rebooting until I find an order I'm happy with then never switch my machine off.I've attached a printscreen to show what I mean.

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Ubuntu :: Specify Multiple Cursor Positions?

Mar 9, 2010

It says in the geany documentation that i can specify multiple cursor positions. But after i define a snippet like that - lets say for example:

for=for ($i = 0; $i < %cursor%; $i++){ %cursor% }

it only takes me to the first cursor point. A second tab results in a regular tab being inserted into the code..

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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitor - Keep Positions After Suspend?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop (intel Mobile 915 video card), with an external 19" HP monitor.

I "preferences/screen" I set the HP monitor to be on the left side. When I restart my computer, this setting is kept ok and the HP monitor works as intended (on the left side). But when I suspend the laptop and resume back, the HP monitor is moved to the right side and have to repeat the process os moving it in the preferences menu. What am I doing wrong/how can I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Manage Open Application Window Positions?

Jan 23, 2010

I want to find a utility that will allow me to manage the size, position of open application windows. Like tile, cascade of that other OS. So if I have my FTP, Editor, Terminal, Browser I can organize the screen ...

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Fedora :: Get F10 (Gnome) To Remember Where Screen Positions Are?

Sep 9, 2009

Is there a way to get F10 (Gnome) to remember where my screen positions are? I keep having to move them over and over anytime I open a new application and tell it where I want it.

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General :: Extract Strings Based On Character Positions?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a file with no regular way to grep or sed for any regular expression. The wordings, fields, spacings are random. code...

I want to extract character positions 3 to 10 including spaces. code...

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OpenSUSE :: Icons In Desktop In Random Positions - Unable To Mount Usb Automatically

Nov 9, 2010

- The icons in my desktop is always changing randomly upon startup
- Evince can't remember the last page i read before quitting
- Unable to mount usb automatically (have to do 'mount /dev/sdc1/ /media/usb' and 'df -h' every startup)

All of these problems happened just recently. I thought they were coming from unresolved packaging but after upgrading and distro-upgrading from packman only, and gnome, the problems still persist. If it helps, here's my zypper lr -d


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General :: Running Tcl For Mobile Ipv6 / Creating Nodes And Setting Their Positions In Tcl?

Dec 1, 2010

i have installed ns2.33 and added mobiwan , i tried to run tcl script after modifyng simple tcl which i have got along mobiwan patch, but the problem is after creating some nodes and setting their positions in the tcl, according to my topology, i tried to run , but the command i have included in tcl , which sets the positions for mobile nodes, has no effect , which means that the positions of the mobile nodes is already fixed , trough tcl i am not able to change , and also each time when i run nam , different positions mobile nodes taking, and also the mobile node is not moving , even if i have given mobility to it, at different time , i have given different destinations.this is part of tcl in which i have set positions mobile node.

set cn_ [create-router 0.0.0]
set router_ [create-router 1.0.0]
set bs1_ [create-base-station 1.1.0 1.0.0 200 200 0]
set bs2_ [create-base-station 1.2.0 1.1.0 200 600 0]
set bs3_ [create-base-station 1.3.0 1.2.0 600 200 0]

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Ubuntu :: Unity Launcher Icons - Changes Icon To Springboard Default Icon That New Launchers Use

May 1, 2011

I've installed Office 2007 under wine, and would like to add launchers for Word, Excel, etc to the Unity launcher bar.

So, I've created a launcher on the Desktop that will run Word with wine. I've changed the icon to the Word Icon and everything works great from the desktop. If I drag that launcher to the Unity bar, it adds it, but changes the icon to the springboard default icon that new launchers use. Please see attached picture.

As a side note, I am really starting to like Unity (puts on flamesuit), but it seems very easy to break the install of 11.04. I've had to reinstall 4 times now.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Icon Has Disappeared To Be Replaced By Extra Bluetooth Icon

Apr 28, 2010

Ive had a few freeze ups on this system but the last time it affected the top panel.The wireless icon has disappeared to be replaced by an extra bluetooth icon.screenshot attached.Is there any kind of clean up utility (like tune up utilities in win)Also, any kind of log so I can trace this freeze up Iḿ getting.Ive only just got this laptop so dont know if it did it before although prev owner never mentioned it.

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Ubuntu :: Lost The Pictures Icon And Music Icon On The Places Menu?

Jan 24, 2011

I lost the pictures and music icons on the places menu. When I browse the folders from nautilus I see the icons, but when I click on the places menu I see the regular folder icon and not the special pictures icon or music icon

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Ubuntu :: Inconsistency Of Icon Emblems When Using Custom Icon Theme?

Feb 16, 2011

I have recently installed Faenza icon theme and just began to notice the inconsistency of icon emblems being displayed by compiz.Attached image shows the emblems of Chromium, Nautilus and Comix are that of the default icons, while Empathy andCompizConfigSettingsManager displayed the custom icon correctly. The dock displays all apps' icons correctly though.The issue does not occur exclusively to Application Switcher (Alt+Tab), it also occurs with Scale (Super+W), Shift Switcher (Super+Tab).

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Ubuntu :: Xdg-desktop-icon Does Not Show Correct Icon?

Apr 30, 2010

I tried xdg-desktop-icon command. It does install a shortcut. The shortcut works when double clicked. But the shortcut is shown as a standard icon, not the icon defined in the .desktop file. Do I miss something?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Mail Icon And Volume Icon Gone?

May 5, 2010

I was playing a bit with the appearance of Ubuntu 10.4 and now my evolution mail and volume icons are gone.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Icon To The Default GNOME Icon?

Jul 8, 2011

I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

How can I change the Ubuntu icon to the default GNOME icon, on the main GNOME menu, using an official or 'clean' way of doing it

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OpenSUSE :: Open Windows Show Just An Icon On The Taskbar Instead Of The Icon/text/rectangle

Jun 23, 2011

I'm looking for a way to may the open windows show just an icon on the taskbar instead of the icon/text/rectangle that's default. Something similar to Windows 7.

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Fedora :: Default Icon In GNOME Shell Instead Of The Usual Firefox Icon ?

May 31, 2011

Is anyone else seeing the default icon in GNOME Shell instead of the usual Firefox icon? I am talking about the default icon that looks like a purple diamond.

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Fedora :: Gnome-shell Message Tray Icon Always Show A Same Icon?

Jun 23, 2011

It always shows a same icon, for every application which shows message tray icon. I just did some shell extension work after fresh installation of F15, nothing related on message tray. Don't know how to change it back.Dose anyone knows how to customize message tray icon for gnome-shell?

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Software :: OpenSUSE 11.4 - Wired Icon Doesn't Change To Wireless Icon In Panel / Sort It?

Apr 13, 2011

Kwallet is off. Then I install a wireless device under WPA. Wired icon starts to change to wireless icon, but does not and goes back to wired icon. Hovering pointer over wired icon shows wired device installed as well as wireless device. How do I keep the wireless icon in place after installing WPA to wireless device?

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OpenSUSE :: Removing The Home Directory Icon And Trash Icon From Desktop Using Custom Script SuseStudio

Mar 22, 2011

I have just created an 11.3 64 bit image using susestudio. All seems well but would like to customize the desktop via my script that I have added. My question is how do I remove the home directory and the trash icon from the desktop? Or better said what is the path to removing the symbolic link, I cannot find the symbolic links in the desktop directory. It is empty, I do not see any symbolic links under /home/test/Desktop?

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Software :: .desktop Icon Is Not Displayed / Icon Is Not Working In Menu?

Aug 2, 2009

I'm trying to add .desktop file for my application but I'm stuck with very strange problem.I created 48x48 icon for my program called etmmanager.png.I created .desktop file according to specifications:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=ETM Manager for time logging

My problem is that icon is not working in menu! I can find my program in Utilities->Time->ETM Manager and this is what I wanted, but there is no icon for the program.

It starts working if I specify absolute path in etmmanager.desktop file like
About my system - Opensuse 11.1 KDE 4.2

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Ubuntu :: Change An Icon In Icon Theme?

Jul 24, 2010

I have d/l and am using an icon theme I got from gnome-look. I like all the icons except for a few, specifically the trash, and would like to change them but I can't figure out how. I d/l an empty and full trash icon. I looked in the /home/username/.icons/themename folder and found the two trash icons that came with the theme (they were in ~/.icons/themename/scalable/places). Changed the names of the ones I d/l and replaced those current ones with them.how to do this? I would also like to change the Menu Bar icon back to the gnome foot.

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General :: Embedded Reboot Crash - Error Executing The Reboot Command

May 4, 2011

I'm working with Linux 2.6.23 on an embedded device and am receiving the following error executing the reboot command.

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General :: Will Not Reboot After Install (Arch) - -bash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output Error

Oct 7, 2010

I am using sda1 as /, which is a bootable drive. I do not know if my problem is that I did not create a /boot drive. After removing the iso dvd, I tried to reboot and I get this back: -bash: /sbin/reboot: input/output error Then it returns me to the terminal prompt.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Identify Reboot Source Or Cause Of Reboot?

Feb 16, 2011

last -a shows server rebooted, how to identify the source or cause of reboot? thx reboot system boot Wed Feb 16 08:52 (02:0

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Icon Shows "lock" Icon When Trying To Connect

May 16, 2010

3 computers in the house run various windows based programs and everything is fine with them connecting to the internet as far as putting in the security password to log in and get online.My old back up computer that I use in the basement that has Ubuntu 9.10 was working fine with the secured network situation up until today.I booted up the computer this morning and it automatically connected as it typically does and I was reading some email and then the computer froze, which on rare occasions it does.

Upon reboot I got a window that asked for the password for the Network Manager Applet which I supplied and then it asked for the password for the secured internet connection which I supplied.It would not connect. After numerous tries of disabling the wireless and enabling the wireless and entering the Network Manager Applet password and the secured internet password I still get no connection.

I notice that when it is trying to connect, the window comes up on the screen that shows that there is reception from the modem, but there is also a little "lock" icon like I'm locked out of the connection.I finally found a way to get rid of the Network Manager Applet password problem but that still didn't alleviate the connection problem.

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Ubuntu :: Get Default Mail Icon And Default Chat Icon To Popup On Launcher?

Apr 24, 2011

How do i get the default mail icon and the default chat icon to popup on my launcher?

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Ubuntu :: Messed Up Task Bar

Jul 30, 2010

I don't know what I have done this time, but on my desktop I have the cube effect, which is working fine. But now when I minimize a page it goes to the opposite end of the taskbar instead of to the workspaces I have.Using Ubuntu 10.04. Not sure if I have explained this properly. Also when I flip the cube to a clean desktop and open a new browser, it doesn't open on that side of cube , but reverts to original workspace and opens in a new tab there.

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