Ubuntu :: How To Restore Home Folder
May 14, 2011
I followed this guide: [URL]...to customize my launcher. When I tried to add an smb share, my home folder disappeared from the launcher, as did my /usr/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop file.I can't get my nautilus-home.desktop file working again. I have replaced it with:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Home Folder
Comment=Open your personal folder
Exec=nautilus --no-desktop
but it has no effect. When I sign out of Ubuntu and sign back in, the Home Folder icon is still missing from the Unity Launcher. I realize I can open Nautilus and then right-click it and select "Keep in Launcher", but this would not enable me to add the customizations I want from the link above.
I have also tried "unity --reset" and "unity --reset-icons", but this doesn't return my default home folder to the launcher. How can I restore my original home folder to the launcher?
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May 23, 2010
I installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS few weeks ago, I formated old system file to ext4 but I didnt format my old /home (in ext3 format). So after, the installation I went to Home folder.. the ubuntu created defaults folders (Pictures, Documents, etc) But there isnt my old files!, all my pictures or settings gone!..
Now, I thougth all my old data gone forever. But watching my /home partition in gparted, I see have the same Used space like before. Means the files are there but cant see them, even with Ctrl + H.
And my account name is the same like old Distro's.
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Mar 13, 2010
I messed up, and was forced to reinstall the system. my user data ws stored on another partition /home/Andre I installed as a new user "test" How do I make a new user "Andre" such that it uses /home/Andre ?
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Jun 25, 2011
By naming one of my folders wrong I thought I don't need it anymore and pressed delete button while holding shift. Is there any way I could get that folder back? (I'm actually looking for the file inside that folder - .conky config file to be more precise) I've tried scalpel and extundelete, but none of them worked.
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Apr 24, 2010
I'm using ubuntu server 9.10 for a home build NAS. Everything is working great just have one more thing to figure out. I have Samba set up to access my files and I set up a recycle feature so anything deleted will get moved to a Recycled folder. (I learned this the hard way after hitting delete key by accident while browsing the shares in windows. Lost 100 GB of data)
Now it is for the most part working but the permissions on folders isn't getting set right. If I delete a file in a share I can go to Recycle bin folder and delete the file for good. But if I delete a folder I can not access that folder to delete or restore from the Recycle bin folder. I have to chmod the folder before I can do anything with it. Anything I can change to get folders deleted via windows to have the right permissions when it is moved to the Recycle bin folder?
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Sep 22, 2010
I have a dual-boot macbook with an OS X partition and an ubuntu partition. When I first installed ubuntu, I changed my home folder to my OS X home directory to synchronize all my files from both. My home directory is now /media/sda2/Users/username/. In a regular home folder, the icons for Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, etc. are different (not just with emblems, but actually different icons). But when I changed my home folder, these subfolders' icons stayed the same as regular folder icons and I can't figure out a way to change that default setting. I know how to change the icons for each folder manually, but these changes don't appear everywhere (i.e. nautilus, places, etc). Furthermore, every time I change my icon theme, I would have to manually reassign icons for these folders. Is there a way to globally change the folder icons for these folders?
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Jun 8, 2011
upon browsing the home folder in my ubuntu system, i came across a hidden cache folder..
it occupied around 700 mb of space..and im falling short of space..
can i delete the contents in the folder? are they safe to delete?
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Jun 13, 2011
I have Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 updated to 9.10 and have downloaded Remaster from Remastersys. I followed all of the instructions, which were simple enough. However, there must be some instructions missing as the process failed. Working with Remaster through Synaptic Manager, the iso was downloaded into my "home" folder into its own Remaster folder. It was not the iso, like you get when downloading a distro from the Internet, which downloads just an iso onto the Desktop. Inside the folder were a bunch of empty files (I know, because I opened them) and an iso . At this point the Remaster instruction stop. They do not say what to do with the other files, or what they have to do with the iso of my Ubuntu layout. So, like any other iso (once I knew which one was the iso of my setup), I double clicked on it and it ran me through the process of accessing the DVD to burn it. Which I did. I tested it and it failed with some kind of message to the effect that certain files were missing or it could not read it. So, I thought, I would have to do the 'hunt and peck' method and experiment a few times like I did with the ordinary distro downloads until I get it right. But first, I would have to dump the Remaster folder in the "home" folder since it took up so much space on my hard drive. Wrong! I come to find out it is in something called "root" and that I do not have permission to do anything with it but "copy" it. Great. Just great! Now what do I do. I tried to change permissions, but was not allowed to do that either. The only thing I could think of - and dread - was the idea of having to wipe my hard drive and go through the whole reinstall procedures, which takes me days, just because Remaster has locked itself into my system - and there is no 'back door' to get out of it.
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Jan 9, 2009
id like to lock a user into his websites folder not his home folder. and i dont want him to be able to veiw anything outside that folder, only be able to play with whats inside that folder. is this possible?
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Jan 8, 2011
I'm not positive if this is in the correct section but I am hoping so. I am running dual-boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. I hunted down my files from Windows that I need for school (old papers, research, etc.) and found it under "file system" --> "host" --> "users" --> "zbollman". I can access all of my files and I'm happy now that I don't have to boot between the two constantly to get what I need. However, I tried to copy the file to my home folder, but it said I do not have enough room. I'm about 5GB short. How do I go about allocating more space so that I can copy this folder so that all of my information is easily accessible?
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Mar 10, 2010
Wondering if its possible to have a User's home folder that resides in a different partition (could be ntfs or ext). I don't mean mounting /home on a different partition. The home directory will still be available for adding more users but I'd like to have a specific User's folder away from /home
How can one achieve this?
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May 1, 2011
Installed Ubuntu along with Debian on my Notebook and use Grub Manager to choose between them on startup. Since i like Debian now a lot (in past days it was a very hard system to handle, but there has been some progress i noticed), i have to change some things (want Debian as main system now) For Ubuntu i have: (was meant to be main system on Notebook) "/", "/home" and a "swap" partition, but since i am now going to use mainly Debian, i wanted to store my files all in the "/home"-folder of my extended Ubuntu partition (has much more space available) not in the "/home" folder of the Debian system. So i want both (Debian and Ubuntu) to use the same extended partition ("/home") which i created for Ubuntu to save their files like downloads, videos, and so on.
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Aug 9, 2011
After installing Ubuntu 11.04, I removed the Home Icon from the launcher by right clicking on the Home Icon and chosing the - Keep In Launcher option. Then it disappeared. Now I am wondering how do I restore it, because I think it was not a good idea and I need it now.
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Jul 10, 2010
Because Remastersys has a size limit for its backups, I exclude the Pictures folder. Therefore, when I do a restore, there is no pictures folder; when I create one, it gets the generic folder icon, rather than the folder icon that is normally associated with the Pictures folder. I know that through properties I can replace the folder icon with anything, but I have not been able to find where the generic pictures folder icon is stored. If I choose a specific icon, and change the icon theme, the custom icon remains. Further, when I make a bookmark for the new Pictures folder, it gets the generic folder icon, no matter what icon is assigned to the Pictures folder. There must be a way to restore the generic Pictures folder icon, so that it changes with the icon theme.
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Nov 22, 2010
I made one of those silly mistakes and stupidly deleted my 'Downloads' folder. how one could restore it?
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Mar 28, 2011
I have a Windows Partition for my Windows system and another partition for my Ubuntu. All my data is located in another partition called User). What I did, in the home folder, I deleted the default user folders (Documents, Desktop, Videos,...) and created a link to to the folders in the User partition. So for Desktop, I created a link to User/Desktop folder, for Documents, I created a link in my home folder to the 'User/My Documents'. What happens now is that all the symlinks I have created appear in my desktop instead of the Desktop items I have in User/Desktop. Any idea how to restore the default desktop folder? I have removed the link to the User/Desktop in my home folder and created a new folder named Desktop and nothing happens.
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Jan 3, 2011
Having been converted to using "Linux" about 8 months ago, and gaining confidence to try different distros, and figuring out how to 'keep' my Home folder, I've had great fun trying them out and learning as I go. The latest distro I'm trying is Kubuntu, which I really like and will keep for a while. However, when I was partitioning in the set-up, I omitted to create my home folder. Instead I now have is a partition the size of my "old" home folder, and to which I have to sign into to gain access. The files are all there so that is no problem.
1. What i would like to know is if this set-up is OK, or should I change it so that it is actually in the home folder (if so how?( a re-install?))
2. If I should decide to try out another distro in the future will this be safe to change to "home"?.
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Dec 17, 2010
i installed fedora kde 32 bit and iam realy loving it. but i want to resize my home partition as i got a message there is no space in my home folder i downloaded a Disk utility application .... to try and resize .... but looks like i dont know what to do
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Oct 8, 2010
I think I did something dumb. I was trying to increase the space allocation to my /home virtual disk on my wubi installation of Ubuntu. I ran the wubi-add-virtual-disk utility (as I had done before the first time I increased my space), but I received the message "The target virtual disk /host/ubuntu/disks/$virtual_disk already exists, aborting." So, thinking that all my data was in a different path and that the file home.disk was probably just some configuration file of little importance (I should've checked and I should've made a backup of it myself), I browsed to /host/ubuntu/disks and ran "rm home.disk", then reran the wubi-add-virtual-disk utility (stored in my still existing /home/cportiz/Downloads directory), and I thought I had successfully increased my space.
To my horror, upon restarting my computer, my desktop was empty and basically unusable as there is nothing to click on. I rebooted on recovery mode and logged on in terminal mode, then browsed to /home and found an EMPTY folder. I ran locate home.disk and found a file at /host/ubuntu/disks with the size that I specified when I ran the virtual disk utility, but I don't know where my old contents are. I didn't just delete all that stuff. it is still somewhere on my hard drive and that all I need to do is modify the home.disk file in this or that way or hit restore. There is not a home.backup file at /host/ubuntu/disks/.
Anyhow, if indeed I've lost everything, I can probably restore most of the work I'd done (only a couple of weeks worth) pretty quickly. Some of the files were backed up in other computers, etc... How to restore my wubi installation to a functional one? I would prefer not to have to reinstall ubuntu altogether since I believe the majority of the packages I've installed were housed on /opt meaning I can get back up and running compiling certain programs from source fairly quickly and most of the recovery effort is in rewriting some of the files that were stored in /home.
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Jul 10, 2010
I have Ubuntu Lucid Lynx installed and thought I'd try out Mac4Lin. I then decided to remove it and ran the script for doing so. This worked, except that it seems to have removed one of the standard Ubuntu themes (Human) and left some Mac4Lin fonts in my fonts folder (can't say which they all are). How do I repair my Ubuntu installation without upsetting my 3G internet access, etc? I don't have an ethernet connection, but am using Vodacom 3G. Can I do this from the Ubuntu disk?
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Jul 1, 2010
System Specs:
CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Extreme X9450
Memory: 4GB, Patriot DDR3 PC3-10666 1333Mhz
MoBo: ASUS P5E3 Delux
OpSys: Ubuntu 10.4 (64Bit)
Short Description: I wanted to see what would happen if I upgraded from Kubuntu 8.04 (32bit) to Ubuntu 10.4 (64bit) by copying my home directory then restoring it after the upgrade. It almost worked sans a few interesting problems that I'm hoping might teach me a bit more about how Ubuntu works.
Detailed Description:
1. I copied my home directory to another hard disk.
2. I let the installation disk for Ubuntu 10.4 (64bit) reformat and overwrite the disk that contained Kubuntu 8.04 (32bit) and chose to maintain the partition and swap size for that disk.
3. Once I worked out some bugs in the hardware and got the OS up and running smoothly, I "merged" my home directory with the backup I had created in step one. (Merge was an option given to me when I was attempting to paste the files copied from the backup disk.)
4. It should also be noted that I was trying for a while last night to install TrueCrypt. In order to do that I had to check its "sig" file. The GUI for the gpg installation was complaining that I didn't have gtk+-2.0 installed so I installed gtk (I think it might have been 2.4 or whatever the most recent one was) from source without any errors. It got late so I gave up on attempting to install TrueCrypt any further.
The Results: This morning the computer seemed to boot faster than it had been before, but I was left without a functioning Theme manager. It will open, and I can click on all of its features, but nothing seems to do anything. For example: If I right click on the desktop and choose "Change Desktop Background" Then select "Get more themes online", nothing happens. Also if I select the "theme" tab, there are only two themes listed when there used to be about 9 by default.
Questions: 1.) Is there a way to restore the files that are important for correct system operation (possibly all the files starting with a dot ".*") in my home directory to there default state like they would have been from a fresh install, but without doing a fresh install and without loosing any of the documents or archives in my home file?
2.) Is this even the correct approach or might this cause more problems? For example, if your computer had this problem would you try and restore the home directory, or would you troubleshoot each problem as it arises one at a time until everything became stable?
3.) What could I do next to continue troubleshooting the theme manager?
I'll keep researching and trying to find some links that can help while I wait for your responses. If I find anything that helps I'll post the fix here.
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Dec 25, 2010
Just recently upgraded from SuSE 11.0 to 11.3 and one of the first things I did was to close/deleted the Desktop Folder...!!!
Just a simple slip of my mouse did it! After several days of searching my system and the internet I need your help. Can I restore this folder? If so, how?
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Apr 14, 2011
I have system that was cloned from another system hence the user was same in both computer. I changed the computer name - to TANU. Then I added another user - BANU. I gave admin rights to second user. Logged out the first user DON- who is now only the desktop user. Before deleting the account through users and groups - I deleted the folder DON from home folder. I restarted the comp. unable to login. I had created automatic login for both users. How to restore the folder DON while using root shell.
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Dec 3, 2009
So I've finally given up on saving my kubuntu install that wont boot. I've searched, and looked, but couldn't find a thing.My delema now is to make sure that I:
a) get all of the user data safely packed up onto my external USB drive. I believe it's all in the home directory. I'm not sure about getting hidden files though...
b) get the new install to go smoothly, and not mess up grub or the parralell XP install on the same hard drive.
c) get the user data back on the computer and recreate the user structure. Permissions were messed up already, so setting those up again is not an issue.
So, I've been poking around, and this is how I think things should go:
a) tar cvpjf backup.tar.bz2 /home to get my home directory backed up. Not exactly sure how to get from here to my external hd, but I'm sure I can figure it out
b) just run a live cd of kubuntu, delete the old partitions, and reinstall over them?
c) unzip the tar into by /home directory.
That's all I've been able to find so far. How do I set up the users? Will they show up as soon as I untar? Will the resinstall play nice with my windows install? Will I get all the hidden files too? Is there anything I'm missing?
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Dec 1, 2010
My /boot folder is deleted by an unwanted mistake. I'm using F14 x64. I have updated my OS and I also installed more than 2 GB packages and It is very difficult for me to re install Fedora. Is there any way to fix this problem with out re installing Fedora?
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Dec 16, 2010
I have files and folders various permissions.I copied the files and folders to X server.But I forgot to copy of the permissions.Like is hereHow can restore the permissions?
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Jan 19, 2011
I would like to create a bash menu script for my home server For instance if i were to type ./script It would then bring up 3 options
a. Create a backup
b. Restore files from a backup
c. Quit
If you were to select a or b it should then ask you were you want to backup or restore from. And if i were to type in an incorrect letter i should get an error and take me back to menu. I have attepmted this a view time now and have magaged to get the menu up using parameters
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Apr 28, 2011
I just installed ubuntu 11.04, and so far my only problem is that every time i click on home folder, nothing happens.
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May 21, 2011
I can't believe I have a problem with something as basic as this. None the less here is my issue with getting to the home folder on 11.04 On the new side bar nav thing in 11.04 the very top item looks like a folder. Hover over it and it says 'Home Folder'. Clicking it takes you to the home folder. So far so good. Now, close the home folder and be on your desktop. Put in USB drive or some other external usb drive and open it.
Once it is open click the 'Home Folder' side nav link again. It does not open. As if that is not bad enough (and downright stupid) try this. Leave you USB drive or whatever it was open, and open another application. Your broswer will do (as it's already open). While your browser has focus, click the 'Home Folder' icon again. What do you expect to see? Yep, the USB drive is now your home folder. Must be, as 11.04 presents it when you click the Home Folder icon.
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Jan 3, 2010
I can't access the home-folder. There is a problem with ecryptfs
computer@computer:~$ cd /
computer@computer:/$ ecryptfs-mount-private
Enter your login passphrase:
Inserted auth tok with sig [ ] into the user session keyring
mount: Operation not permitted
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