General :: Lock A User Into Websites Folder Not Home Folder?
Jan 9, 2009
id like to lock a user into his websites folder not his home folder. and i dont want him to be able to veiw anything outside that folder, only be able to play with whats inside that folder. is this possible?
i have a linux server which users connect to with SSH. my users only upload and download content from their /home folder.
Basicly, I want them to be limited to see and use only their home folder.
I read that it might not be a good idea to do so, since they nead read premissions to run programs and scripts, but again: they are only downloadinguploading content to their home dir.
Limit every user to his own home folder only.I have a web server running 10.04 LTS and as a newbie in the world of server administration, I'm in a bind.Right now, I have three users. Root, which obviously has access to everything, and two other users that each own a website.For these two users, their website is located in their respective home folder in an extra folder they each have Read, Write & Execute permissions on. This is the only folder they can write to. They cannot delete it, or change anything outside the folder.
So far so good, except that by default, they can also read any file in the system, meaning they can navigate to my other websites' folders and read, for instance, the database passwords from WordPress config files.This is obviously problematic.The users access their files and folders through SSH with FileZilla.
How can I prevent these users from reading sensitive data, i.e. how can I restrict their access to only their home folder?The users must continue to login through SSH with FileZilla (i.e. no FTP solutions)Apache must still be able to access the user's folders (i.e. cannot chmod to 750)Folder containing the command line tools (/bin/bash I think) will probably have to be symlinked in the user's home folder?
I wanted to create an user but don't allow it to see the other user's home folder so I made chmod 0750 /home/folder and it worked fine so I went ahead and decided to completely forbid access to the root folder and I had the "great" idea to make chmod 0750 /, and now I'm having problems with wine and other applications, in example I used to have a folder in this address but now it's giving me errors and if I try to run some applications I got error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"
I have 2 users and I would like to copy all the files and folders in one home dir to another.... sounds simple, til i got started. Ive tried
sudo cp -nRv /home/user1/* /home/user2 but that didnt copy the .* folders. Im after the firefox and thunderbird folders mainly, but all of them is OK too.
im talking about the .adobe, .amsn ..........
How can I copy the .* folders from one user home folder to another and then give the correct permissions to the new user.
Wondering if its possible to have a User's home folder that resides in a different partition (could be ntfs or ext). I don't mean mounting /home on a different partition. The home directory will still be available for adding more users but I'd like to have a specific User's folder away from /home
I messed up, and was forced to reinstall the system. my user data ws stored on another partition /home/Andre I installed as a new user "test" How do I make a new user "Andre" such that it uses /home/Andre ?
I'm having some trouble with the user's home folders in Samba, ubuntu clients.I have a Samba server (Ubuntu Server 9.10)nd a bunch of windows clients and ubuntu clients too.On windows clients, each usercan see his home folder without problems, and the other shared folders too of course.The problem appears in ubuntu (i'm using gnome desktop with nautilus and the plugin for I enter Places->Network->Windowsetwork->DOMAIN->SERVER I only see the public shared folders, but no the samba user's home folder.I tryied connecting to samba through Places->Connect to Server and entering the username (for previous auth just in case) but nothing happens...
If, in nautilus I write smb://server/username, once it asked me for my user and password (but I told the popup to keep the password forever so now it doesnt ask me anymore :S), but it keeps not showing the folder under SERVER, the only way to access it is through smb://server/username directly. Even username@server does not work.Mi auth type in the Samba server is "user", and the auth config at my ubuntu client is also userJust in case.. when I type smbclient -L //SERVER -U username, it shows me the home folder ok.
Just did a new netbook install of Lucid. Went through the setup, putting in my usual username etc. But I thought as it's a portable, I'd better select the encrypted home folder option. All went OK.
I have a home network with a NAS and I needed to change the UID to 1004 to match the rest of the network.
That's when it all when wrong. If I do that, I end up with no permissions on the user folder. A bit of a paradox, you can't change UID if logged in, but unless you're logged in, can't access the files.
My attempts to get around it by changing UID's back chowning, changing back etc. have screwed things up completely.
I have managed to open the encrypted folder and chown, but after a reboot it's all back to the original UIDs, but now I can't get in at all.
when installing ubuntu, the installer asks for username/login/password of the first user which will be allowed to sudo and administer the system... let's call that user "ubuntu"
what if I want to:
1) Automate those answers (which preseed variables should I set if any?)
2) Change the default home directory only for that user... let say I want it to be /ubuntu instead of /home/ubuntu (because I want /home/ to be empty after setup).
I know I could tweak /etc/passwd after setup (before first reboot) but I would like to know if there is a "clean way" to do that.
This is the command I tried using:Code:mount -t cifs //NAS1/reports /home/user/public_html/reports -o rw,umask=0338,uid=587,gid=584,username=admin,password=passwordIt looks like the user can't access the files on the NAS drive. Is there any way to do this?
I have Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 updated to 9.10 and have downloaded Remaster from Remastersys. I followed all of the instructions, which were simple enough. However, there must be some instructions missing as the process failed. Working with Remaster through Synaptic Manager, the iso was downloaded into my "home" folder into its own Remaster folder. It was not the iso, like you get when downloading a distro from the Internet, which downloads just an iso onto the Desktop. Inside the folder were a bunch of empty files (I know, because I opened them) and an iso . At this point the Remaster instruction stop. They do not say what to do with the other files, or what they have to do with the iso of my Ubuntu layout. So, like any other iso (once I knew which one was the iso of my setup), I double clicked on it and it ran me through the process of accessing the DVD to burn it. Which I did. I tested it and it failed with some kind of message to the effect that certain files were missing or it could not read it. So, I thought, I would have to do the 'hunt and peck' method and experiment a few times like I did with the ordinary distro downloads until I get it right. But first, I would have to dump the Remaster folder in the "home" folder since it took up so much space on my hard drive. Wrong! I come to find out it is in something called "root" and that I do not have permission to do anything with it but "copy" it. Great. Just great! Now what do I do. I tried to change permissions, but was not allowed to do that either. The only thing I could think of - and dread - was the idea of having to wipe my hard drive and go through the whole reinstall procedures, which takes me days, just because Remaster has locked itself into my system - and there is no 'back door' to get out of it.
When I installed Lucid and first switched language/locale settings, a window popped up asking me if I wanted to change the name of the Documents, Music, Video etc folders into the new language.
Originally I was worried that this might be some irreversible operation and said no and ticked the don't ask me again box.
It seems though that this is just a cosmetic operation and I'd quite like to use this function now. Does anyone know where I can change the setting to accomplish this?
I want to create a user with a encrypted home folder. I tried "sudo adduser --encrypt-home username" but I get following error "adduser: Could not find program named `ecryptfs-setup-private' in $PATH". I installed the cryptsetup package but without result.
I'm not positive if this is in the correct section but I am hoping so. I am running dual-boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. I hunted down my files from Windows that I need for school (old papers, research, etc.) and found it under "file system" --> "host" --> "users" --> "zbollman". I can access all of my files and I'm happy now that I don't have to boot between the two constantly to get what I need. However, I tried to copy the file to my home folder, but it said I do not have enough room. I'm about 5GB short. How do I go about allocating more space so that I can copy this folder so that all of my information is easily accessible?
i want make a bash panel and i want he will copy files from orginal folder to $user folder i mean when for explame i type i want install some server he say cp: cannot stat 'root/Desktop/2/files/beckup/sa-mp-steam': No such file or directory.
Gparted shows that my dual boot laptop has the following partitions: [URL] I want to create a partition and move the contents of my Home folder into it.
I made a folder with the terminal, but it shows a little lock on it. when i try to save or drag n drop folders into it i get an error. it says permission denied... how can i fix this?
I must to give ssh connection to own customer. So I want to lock ssh user on own home directory. It is not necessery to reach other folders. I know that ftp user can lock on own folder but I don't know how to lock ssh user.
i have kown how to lock file in subversion,such as ' svn lock tree.jpg' but i don't down how to lock file folder, i create the repositoryroject1 project1/trunk /tags /branches /branch_user1 /branch_user2 i need to lock a branch before merging and how to unlock the branch after locked
Recently I setup a system for a non-technical user. He is only using Firefox, Pidgin and OpenOffice for about 2 hours a day. I have created a folder "/home/jim/myFiles" where he can save his document files. But Jim has accidentally deleted his myFiles folder on 2 occasions. He had intended to delete a file in that folder. Is there a way to lock the folder so that the user and create/read/write documents in that folder but not delete the folder itself?
im trying to properly change the name of my home folder and conf files to make sure my menus and shortcuts work. what happened when i tried was this error msg appears:
"Service '/home/user/.kde3.5/share/apps/kicker/mozilla-firefox.desktop' is malformatted."
then when i try to do anything the menus dissappear. i since redid what i done and it works
I am using Ubuntu in a laptop. The C disk has 15GB, and Windows is installed in C disk. I installed Netbook Ubuntu in D disk which only has 10GB free space. Now I am trying to install some applications in ubuntu such as emacs. But the system says it only has about 450Mb disk space. So how could I get more space? Can I install the applications under some different path? without using apt-get?
I am runnin CentOS 5.4 on a machine wiht 2GB of ram. of that 2GB free -m shows that 1.8 is being used. I wanted to find out what was consumign the RAM. I came across .mozilla folder in every users home directory. I am thinkning, is this machine some kind of GUI that is consuming the ram?I did ps aux | grep gnome and ps aux | grep kde but that came up with nothing.rpm -qa | grep gnome showed lots of gnome python RPM's.I am using ssh to connect to the machine and can not log in locally to see since it is at a remote location. Is there any way of finding out if a GUI is running, if so how would I uninstall it?