Ubuntu :: How To Assign Directory To Specific Partition

Jun 13, 2010

How can I assign a directory to a specific partition (another hard drive)?How would someone move / home/ username/music to another drive or partition? But do so in a way that it no longer writes MP3's (or FLAC) files in the original directory of the root drive?

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Ubuntu :: Assign Each Application To A Specific Workspace?

Jul 24, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04 and opensuse 11.3. I would like to know how to assign each application to a specific worksapce. For example,when I open a pdf file, it will be moved to workspace2. When I open a movie, it will be moved to workspace3. In Leopard, "Space" have such features. I would like to know the way to achieve this in ubuntu and opensuse, in an easy way, meaning that just need to install a small package, not a big one , like compiz

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Assign Specific Static Ip

May 25, 2011

Using Ubuntu Server maverick here - after altering /etc/network/interfaces to use a static ip and checking /etc/resolv.conf (no alteration needed) no network services were working at all. Here are the contents of interfaces:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

I was fairly certain that this was verbatim from my previous server which is no longer attached to the network. After hours of fooling around with no success I changed the address to and it worked perfectly. So my question is: why? My old server used 100. Could the router refuse to give a new server the same address or something like that since that address had been taken in the past?

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Ubuntu :: Assign Specific Joystick Device Path To It / Controller?

Oct 13, 2010

Currently I have 5 HID's I would like to use on the system at any given time. However, I have the problem of them using different device paths depending on what order I plug them in... Which wreaks havoc on qjoypad and also my music software which looks for a specific device number, which may or may not be the same as it was last time.

For example, I have 2 rock band drum controllers which I use to send MIDI signals. I need them always assigned to the same device path, so that I don't have to change the settings in my music software every time I run it, to make sure it's looking at the right controller

Or if I am going to play games with a gamepad, but I also have the drums hooked up, the gamepad may be assigned to /dev/input/js2, so I create my qjoypad profile.... Let's say the next day I reboot with the drums not plugged in, the gamepad is now /dev/input/js0, and the qjoypad profile won't work because it is looking for that gamepad at /dev/input/js2... So I would either have to create a new profile, or hook the drums back up in the same order ... Or something

It's just a mess...

Is there any way to tell Ubuntu to say "/dev/input/js0 is always Playstation gamepad", "/dev/input/js1 is always drum pad 1", etc.?

Or some way to do away with /dev/input scheme altogether and somehow link directly to the name of the device?

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Hardware :: Assign Mouse Buttons To Specific Task

Jul 14, 2009

Okay, I have been all over the web... all over JustLinux and pretty much spent several months trying to find one simple answer. How do I easily map two applications to my trackball?I have a Kensington Expert Mouse Model K64325. It has a scroll wheel, and 4 mouse buttons. I have used xev to figure out which button is which. The upper left = 2 and the upper right = 8. I want the upper left to open Firefox when I click it. I want the upper right to open REALBasic when I click it.I know this can be done (really easily too!) in Windows. I want to do it in Linux. Especially since I have several systems like this. Also I can then take what I learn from my own experience and start mapping OTHER people that are total Linux newbs, mice for them.

The mouse works great all I want are the two feature/options I just listed and I cannot find a single answer anywhere on the web that seem to address my question. SO I am hoping someone here will have a laymans answer.

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Networking :: DHCP To Assign Specific IP To A Particular MAC Address Of A Machine?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to setup 1Gbps our lab network and we purchased 'Buffulo Giga layer switch ' with 24ports. Is there a way to tell DHCP to assign specific IP to a particular MAC address of a machine ? We want to use DHCP and whatever the port we use ,it should have same IP ..

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Ubuntu :: Staticly Assign Device Names (/dev/sda, Etc.) To Specific Hard Drives?

Feb 20, 2011

This is one of those questions where I highly suspect that the answer will be something like ". . .just stinks bein' you, kid."My setup:I have Ubuntu 10.04 x64 (desktop) installed on a computer with a bunch of SATA ports, including one e-SATA on the backBecause of the way the hardware works with these ports, the *external* port is the first SATA port, a second SATA port inside becomes #2, and a cluster of four ports (that can be made into a (ahem!) RAID array become ports 3 through 6.

All ports are configured as SATA (PATA emulation)My boot drive is located on SATA-2 (the inside connector), a four disk "MD" raid array is located on SATA 3-6, and I have an external HD enclosure that I plug into the e-SATA connection.

With all six drives plugged in, they get ordered like this:
/dev/sda - External drive
/dev/sdb - Internal operating system drive (bootable)


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Ubuntu Servers :: VSFTPD - How To Assign User Rights To Specific Folder

Mar 10, 2011

I am new to ubuntu and just installed the vsftpd service by this tutorial: [URL]. Now my question is how can I give users rights to one specific folder?
useradd username -d /home/folder/new
Thats the command id used but when I login to the ftp the user is able to see all other folders as well ..

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Debian Configuration :: How To Assign Specific Local IPs In Home LAN Using DHCP?

Apr 29, 2011

I have some beginner questions about DHCP, Avahi, and configuring a small home LAN.Suppose I have a dynamic IP address assigned by my ISP, which requires DHCP be enabled in my dsl modem/router/"firewall" [sic]. Suppose for simplicity I have just one PC behind the dsl modem.I think "enabling DHCP" in the modem/router means that a DHCP client runs on the router, which communicates with a DHCP server run by my ISP when I boot up a PC on my LAN. Is that guess correct? Can I get DHCP to assign a particular local IP, say (which is not the one taken by the router--- for this discussion, let's say that is to my PC each time I boot it up?

Now suppose I want to build a stand-alone firewall, so that my LAN will have the firewall and the first PC behind the modem, with the first PC virtually behind the firewall. By default, I think these will both have DHCP clients running which I need to configure properly. The firewall should also have a DHCP server which should control how local IP addresses are assigned, correct? I should try to arrange that the LAN has only DHCP server, only one NTP timeserver, only one DNS nameserver, correct?My first PC seems to have installed an autorun client called Avahi, which performs DNS multicast services and incorporates something called zeroconf which seems to have something to do with remote desktops, which I don't need and which is a potential security hazard. But it seems that Avahi is an intrinsic part of the KDE desktop and cannot be removed. Just want to be sure that Avahi can coexist comfortably with dhcp3-client, which is also installed on that PC. They perform different tasks, correct?If I can get the stand-alone firewall to work, I know I need to turn off the commercial firewall in the dslmodem/router/firewall device. Should I purchase a bridge and try to turn off the routing function also?

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OpenSUSE :: Assign Virtual Desktop To Specific Dual Monitor?

Feb 21, 2010

I have 2 monitors. I'm using the Nvidia driver in Twinview Mode on the right side. I can move the cursor from one monitor to the next and I can drag applications between the two. I have multiple activities. And the second monitor selected one of those other activities as the background. I'm not sure how this was chosen, or if I have a choice. Anyone know? Do activities affect what is displayed in a dual monitor setting? As I toggle through the activities, the two monitors change, but never to the same one.

When I open an application, it's a guessing game which monitor it appears on. Can I control that?

I know if one clicks the top left corner of an application they can send it "To Desktop" ("all", "Desktop 1", "Desktop 2", etc). If I could assign "Desktop 1" to monitor 1, and "Desktop 2" to monitor 2, I could then use the "To Desktop".

At a minimum, how does one control where applications open in a dual monitor setting?

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General :: Assign Read Privileges To User On Specific Directories And Files

Jan 26, 2011

I am using CentOS 5.5 and I created few users (useradd john etc.) and now I want to assign privileges to this user on some directories and files in those directories. For example I want to give read privileges to directory "/documents" and all of files under that directory.

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Ubuntu :: Allow A Specific User To Mount Or Remount A Specific Partition?

Jun 9, 2010

my system I want user1 and only user1 to be able to mount and unmount a specific partition, this partition contains backups and is usually mounted read only, needs to be temporarily mounted read/write by user1 while doing the backup.user1 is an unprivileged user. I've read that the user option will let any user mount the file-system (and only that user can then subsequently unmount it) and that the users option allows any user to mount or unmount the file-system.I also found this in mount's man pageQuote:The owner option is similar to the user option, with the restriction that the user must be the owner of the special file. This may be useful e.g. for /dev/fd if a login script makes the console user owner of this device. The group option is similar, with the restriction that the user must be member of the group of the special file.So it looks like I'd need a login script for that user to make the user owner of the device file (/dev/voiceserv/backup in this case)

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Ubuntu :: Manually Assign A Data Partition?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a hdd of about 225gb when i installed ubuntu it gave a nice split down the middle on the partition and a 3gb swap. I tried to manually assign a data partition but was unsuccessful; kept getting a root error and couldn't fix it so i let it do it automatically.

Now win7 has a 60gb partition and the rest is on ubuntu side.

How can i give win7 more room? qparted for linux side or partition magic on win side?

Which will be easier for me?

My goal was to give win7 around 80gb and ubuntu about the same or less and make a third partion and name it "Data". Data will be storage for both os's or whatever.

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Ubuntu :: Partition - Assign More Space To /dev/sad1?

Jan 18, 2010

I had created an amazon instance and installed my application and files, now my file size in increasing rapidly and I see only 4.5G of unused space in /dev/sad1 which would get filled very soon. How can i assign more space to /dev/sad1, i see /dev/sdb, having a lot of free space.


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Ubuntu :: Assign Permissions On A Partition With Ntfs As The File System?

Apr 6, 2010

can assign permissions on a partition with ntfs as the file system. I am aware of editing fstab and setting some basic permissions. What I am clumsily dictating is can you edit permissions of individual folders for specific users in Linux. I have already tried chmod and such

etc something similar to this

[user@computername user]$ sudo chmod 600 directory

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Debian :: Assign Unallocated Space To Existing Partition

Sep 15, 2009

I have a problem that Google didn't give me a workable solution so I'm posting my question here, hoping that someone has an idea.On a virtual server (VMWare) running Debian 5 I have a disk of 15Gb.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible? I've been playing around with GParted but unsuccessfully. The other option is to 'move' the whole server to a new (to create) virtual server that uses LVM. Any ideas?

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General :: Assign Back Hard Drive Partition?

Jun 30, 2010

I am using Asus eee PC model 1001P and I am running ubuntu netbook remix on it. I have a 160 GB hard drive. When I was installing ubuntu I assigned only 50 GB for it, thinking that I will use the remaining partition for windows. But right now after using UNR, I don't want to use windows at all. Is it possible that I can assign the remaining 100 GB unassigned partition back to Ubuntu without reinstalling the whole operating system again?

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Ubuntu :: Access Files That Existed In Directory Before Mount Partition To Directory?

Feb 21, 2010

Recently I mounted a larger partition into my home directory since I was running out of space, Everything went smoothly, but it caused me to wonder about something I cant figure out. While playing with the mount unmount commands when I was copying everything over... before editing my fstab.

Is there a way to access the files that existed in a directory before you mount a partition to that directory? after mount the original files are gone.unmount and they are back, Where do they go?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Connect To Specific Directory / FTP

Jan 1, 2010

I'm using VSFTP in my ubuntu server and I want FTP to show me only the /var/www directory and its files/sub-directories. How can I do this? This has to do with vsftp.conf?Also I've read is recommended to make a user only for FTP, thus limiting its access to the desired directory. How can I do such thing?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apt-get Install To Specific Directory?

Apr 6, 2011

Using apt-get can I install java and tomcat into specific directories, instead of the default way apt would do it?

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Ubuntu :: Wget-restrict Download To Specific Directory?

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to download site using wget :$sudo wget -r -Nc -mk [URL] but it is downloading the contents of all directories and subdirectories under the domain :[URL] (ignoring the 'codejam' directory) so it is downloading from links like : [URL]... i want to restrict the download so that wget command should download only the things under 'codejam' directory

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Software :: Install .bin In Specific Directory?

Apr 20, 2011

Is there any way to install a .bin file in a specific directory? Something like ./configure --prefix=/PATH but with .bin files.

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Ubuntu :: Using /etc/crontab To Force Chown And Chmod In Specific Directory?

Feb 9, 2011

I need to actively make sure some files, in a specific directory, are chmod 750 and owned by transmission:media-daemons. Other users will save to this directory, with other permissions and UID/GID but I must make sureto reinforce this default.

So I have this on my /etc/crontab:


# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
# command to install the new version when you edit this file
# and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
# that none of the other crontabs do.


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General :: Use Awk To Isolate A Specific Directory Level

Jul 15, 2011

I have used Awk in the past to isolate the file name from a given path..that is to say, I may have a list of files contained in list.txt.Can someone please post the Awk command that would do this? (I assume it will be very similar in form to the Awk command I showed above.)The point is, sometimes I may want to isolate the second directory, sometimes I may want to isolate the third directory or tenth or whatever - so I am hoping that if someone posts the Awk command to isolate the second level directory (to produce the output I showed in Fig.3) it should be fairly obvious by looking at the form of this command how to alter it and so isolate any other directory I want.

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Software :: WinSCP Logins To Specific Directory?

Feb 16, 2011

We have a Debian Lenny / Samba server sharing files on a LAN with Windows clients. We also have several remote users who login in via WinSCP to do simple file transfers. (A OpenVPN was too slow due to bandwidth issues.)

Is there a way to lock the WinSCP connections to a specific directory?

My first thought was to move the remote users' home directory to the portion of the directory tree shared via Samba:

usermod -d /data/public/ username

but that does not stop them from going up the directory tree.

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General :: Xargs And Unzip All Files To Specific Directory?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to find all zip files timestamped from the past 7 days, then unzip them into a different director.I tried the following, but it only unzipped one of three files that meet the 7 day criteria. What am I missing?Code:find /home/user/public_html/zip_files/ -iname "*.zip" -mtime -7 -print0 | xargs -n10 unzip -LL -o -d /home/user/public_html/another_directory/

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General :: Copy Directory Into Another Preserving Specific Structure?

Jul 20, 2011

I would like to find the command that copy my eclipse options to another workspace code...

It doesn't work, and it could be source of error to write the path .metadata/.plugins manually. It certainly a better idea to create a complete script ?

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General :: Add User With Specific Home Directory That Already Exists

Apr 9, 2010

Im trying to add users to my nfs server with a specific home directory that already exists. Can this be done? I've done some research on google and other forums but cant seem to find the answer.

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General :: Search For A Specific File In The Sysconfig Directory?

Mar 10, 2010

If i am in the root directory and i need to search for a specific file in the sysconfig directory, is there any way to search this directory for a file?

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General :: Copy All .jpg Images In Subdirectories To A Specific Directory?

Aug 5, 2010

I have .jpg files in many subdirectories from where I need to copy all the images from all the sub directories and paste them to a specific directory.I have used `cp -rf *.jpg media/sik/` which only copies the .jpg files of the directory in which I was working.

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