Software :: WinSCP Logins To Specific Directory?

Feb 16, 2011

We have a Debian Lenny / Samba server sharing files on a LAN with Windows clients. We also have several remote users who login in via WinSCP to do simple file transfers. (A OpenVPN was too slow due to bandwidth issues.)

Is there a way to lock the WinSCP connections to a specific directory?

My first thought was to move the remote users' home directory to the portion of the directory tree shared via Samba:

usermod -d /data/public/ username

but that does not stop them from going up the directory tree.

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Ubuntu :: SADMS Active Directory Cached Logins: Samba 3.4.7 / Kubuntu 10.04.1

Oct 13, 2010

I've been banging my head on this for a week... I finally got AD login working, but I can't get cached logins working. I installed SADMS, let it configure everything, and though I can now login, I still cannot login as my AD username when my machine is not connected to the AD network. I need to be able to login at home, connect to the VPN (if I can ever get that working), then sign on to services at work using my AD username.

Also, I cannot login to local accounts when the system is not connected to the AD network. Plus, home drive mapping is not working, our shares are \FILESERVERuseruser[I]username[I] so this does not work. UPDATE: I installed likewise-open, and now I can't login unless I use the full domain name when logging in via ssh, but I cannot login on the desktop, which is not what I want, now my username doesn't match the previous UID mapping, and my home directory is mapped to /home/likewise-open/DOMAIN/user, instead of /home/DOMAIN/user, like it was before.

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Ubuntu Security :: Hardened Baseline - Hook The Logins Into Either Enterprise Kerberos Or Active Directory (yuck)

Dec 14, 2010

I'm tasked with creating a base image of ubuntu (one for server, one for workstation) that is locked down and has all the fluff taken out (naturally workstation will have more fluff left in it than server). Task list looks about like this:

1. Create list of deb packages "allowed", write script to list/uninstall everything else.

2. Hook the logins into either enterprise kerberos or Active Directory (yuck).

3. Write scripts to check things like setuid/setguid, disabling su, checking sudo permissions, configure iptables, etc.

4. Use a scanner to scan the system from outside the system (was thinking of using backtrace).

5. Custom-compile the kernel to strip out all the unneeded modules.

Before embarking on this awesome task I figured I'd check with you guys to see if you know of some resources that would make this task easier/quicker. I'm sure someone out there has already headed down this branch.

PS My boss *loves* ubuntu and isn't to keen on going with a deb (or other) distro that is already "security trimmed" without some serious convincing. I'm sure there are some out there, and if you want to pass along a couple for consideration, I'll check them out, but no guarantees he'll let me use it.

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Software :: Install .bin In Specific Directory?

Apr 20, 2011

Is there any way to install a .bin file in a specific directory? Something like ./configure --prefix=/PATH but with .bin files.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Connect To Specific Directory / FTP

Jan 1, 2010

I'm using VSFTP in my ubuntu server and I want FTP to show me only the /var/www directory and its files/sub-directories. How can I do this? This has to do with vsftp.conf?Also I've read is recommended to make a user only for FTP, thus limiting its access to the desired directory. How can I do such thing?

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Ubuntu :: How To Assign Directory To Specific Partition

Jun 13, 2010

How can I assign a directory to a specific partition (another hard drive)?How would someone move / home/ username/music to another drive or partition? But do so in a way that it no longer writes MP3's (or FLAC) files in the original directory of the root drive?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apt-get Install To Specific Directory?

Apr 6, 2011

Using apt-get can I install java and tomcat into specific directories, instead of the default way apt would do it?

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General :: Use Awk To Isolate A Specific Directory Level

Jul 15, 2011

I have used Awk in the past to isolate the file name from a given path..that is to say, I may have a list of files contained in list.txt.Can someone please post the Awk command that would do this? (I assume it will be very similar in form to the Awk command I showed above.)The point is, sometimes I may want to isolate the second directory, sometimes I may want to isolate the third directory or tenth or whatever - so I am hoping that if someone posts the Awk command to isolate the second level directory (to produce the output I showed in Fig.3) it should be fairly obvious by looking at the form of this command how to alter it and so isolate any other directory I want.

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General :: Xargs And Unzip All Files To Specific Directory?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to find all zip files timestamped from the past 7 days, then unzip them into a different director.I tried the following, but it only unzipped one of three files that meet the 7 day criteria. What am I missing?Code:find /home/user/public_html/zip_files/ -iname "*.zip" -mtime -7 -print0 | xargs -n10 unzip -LL -o -d /home/user/public_html/another_directory/

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General :: Copy Directory Into Another Preserving Specific Structure?

Jul 20, 2011

I would like to find the command that copy my eclipse options to another workspace code...

It doesn't work, and it could be source of error to write the path .metadata/.plugins manually. It certainly a better idea to create a complete script ?

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Ubuntu :: Wget-restrict Download To Specific Directory?

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to download site using wget :$sudo wget -r -Nc -mk [URL] but it is downloading the contents of all directories and subdirectories under the domain :[URL] (ignoring the 'codejam' directory) so it is downloading from links like : [URL]... i want to restrict the download so that wget command should download only the things under 'codejam' directory

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General :: Add User With Specific Home Directory That Already Exists

Apr 9, 2010

Im trying to add users to my nfs server with a specific home directory that already exists. Can this be done? I've done some research on google and other forums but cant seem to find the answer.

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General :: Search For A Specific File In The Sysconfig Directory?

Mar 10, 2010

If i am in the root directory and i need to search for a specific file in the sysconfig directory, is there any way to search this directory for a file?

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General :: Copy All .jpg Images In Subdirectories To A Specific Directory?

Aug 5, 2010

I have .jpg files in many subdirectories from where I need to copy all the images from all the sub directories and paste them to a specific directory.I have used `cp -rf *.jpg media/sik/` which only copies the .jpg files of the directory in which I was working.

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Software :: Track Who Is Changing Permissions Of A Specific Directory?

Apr 30, 2010

Anyone know a way to track who is changing permissions of a specific directory?

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Fedora :: 10 - WinSCP Cannot Log Into The System

Nov 16, 2009

I figured out how to fix the no eth0 present error. I ran depmod -a, and also removed the HWADDR line from the ifcfg-eth0 file.

My problem now is that WinSCP cannot log into the system - the error is that the shell is not set properly.

I have set root's shell to /bin/bash. But am not able to log in. WinSCP is using ssh, port 22. I have allowed root login on the Fedora server.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Mount Specific Directory Via CIFS?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a bootable utility toolset that I put together with Fedora 14, one of its primary functions is to map a user designated share via script and access information from it. The command that I used, that functioned perfectly, in Fedora 14 was:

sudo mount -t cifs -o // /mnt/source


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General :: Forbid Removal Of Files But Allow Creation Of Them For Specific Directory?

Jun 14, 2010

I have an application that creates temp files and quickly deletes them. But I'd like to keep those files, is there a way to do that in Linux?

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General :: Overwriting Specific Files In Directory Tree Recursively

Jul 19, 2011

I would like to overwrite files in a directory tree, recursively. The ones I would like to overwrite match the filename "x_alpha*.png" and have a size exactly 456 bytes. Is there any way to search for these recursively in a directory tree, and overwrite them with a reference file, for example "e:mydirgood.png"

I am using Windows 7, but I have UnxUtils, so I can use those too. What I am looking for is something like this, generated automatically:
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydiracx_alpha0023.png
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydirefgx_alpha0045.png
copy /y e:mydirgood.png e:mydirhx_alpha0248.png

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Ubuntu :: Using /etc/crontab To Force Chown And Chmod In Specific Directory?

Feb 9, 2011

I need to actively make sure some files, in a specific directory, are chmod 750 and owned by transmission:media-daemons. Other users will save to this directory, with other permissions and UID/GID but I must make sureto reinforce this default.

So I have this on my /etc/crontab:


# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
# command to install the new version when you edit this file
# and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
# that none of the other crontabs do.


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Networking :: Limiting Sshfs Access To Specific Directory / Tunneling Nfs Over Ssh

Jan 22, 2010

I have a server with a /data/ directory, everything in the /data/ folder has "-rwxrw-rw- 1 root root" permissions.all works fine, multiple users are mounting this over a lan and everyone is able to modify files. However I would like to be able to access the /data/music/ directory from the internet.

Is it possible to configure sshfs to only accept logins from a user restricted to reading the /data/music directory, or would it be possible to tunnel nfs over ssh in such a way that everyone on the lan has unrestricted access to the data directory, but something coming from outside only has read access to the music directory. Although is one were tunneling nfs over ssh, the nfs mount request would appear to come from the server itself. The router is at and the server is at Seems very much like what I want to do, however I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work well with other users mounting with full rights over the lan too.

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General :: Give Directory Permission To A Group And Not Specific User?

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to do something like thisi created a group called www and made this group the owner of the directory/var/www/htmlso i can read and write to it.of course I've add my self to this group, but it seems i can't read and write.the syntax i used was something like chown :www /var/www/html.didn't workonly when i used chown samurai:www /var/www/html i could finally could create new file.the reason i don't want to specify the user name is because I'm thinking of a scenario when i need to give permission to a large group of ppl and don't want to do it user by user.

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General :: Find Files With Specific Extension And Move To A Directory?

Apr 18, 2011

I need little help. I want to find all files with extension "*.tar" "*.gz" and "*.zip" and move all those files into "/opt/old" directory. I've tried this command:


find . -type f -name "*.tar" "*.gz" "*.zip" -print0 | xargs -0 -r mv /opt/test

It's not working, something wrong after "mv" i guess.

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General :: Searching A Specific Directory For Files Containing A Text String?

Nov 20, 2010

I am a member of a group which has written a program whose source code is being held in a specific directory (~cs252/Assignments/basicAsst/project) and we want to go through and change the parameters for the function "sequentialInsert." My job is to find all occurances of the function call to "sequentialInsert" and to also list the files from where the code came from. Also, I have to be in the commandsAsst directory when I do this. I have tried grep and find combined together, and I am at a lost.

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Security :: Using Sudo To Give Read Access To Specific Directory?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a log server that collects logs from all the cisco devices on our network.he company policy states that any logs should only be accessible by root. So I have the following permissions set on the directory, as well as everything inside the directory where the cisco logs are kept.

drwx------ 65 root root 4096 Apr 29 7:38 rsyslog
The cisco folks are requesting access to these logs, which is allowed by company policy.


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Server :: Set A Real System User In ProFTP To Set To A Specific Directory?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a real system user say 'test', created in a number of system groups, up to 3 additional groups (including ftp of course). Its set to the usual standard directory /home/test. But what if I wanted to use /home/test as their home directory but login to what would be unknown to them to be ProFTP to make them go in say [URL] or something random like that, how is this done? Just been through things like this:


ServerName ""
ServerAdmin "me@localhost"


But nothing seems to work.

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CentOS 5 :: Do I Need To Build Rescue CD Containing Directory Info Of Specific System?

Sep 14, 2010

I have been reading about rescue CD's but haven't found out whether I can make one using my currently running Centos(centos-release-5-4.el5.centos.1 ).I tried to use a Centos cd we have here and it looks fine till it asks where the 'tree' structure is located, when I select cd it ejects it and asks the same question again. Do I need to build a rescue cd containing directory info of my specific system?This is related to wanting to fsck my file system.

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General :: Unable To Login Through Winscp?

Feb 7, 2011

One user asked me that he was not able to login through winscp. He gave me his old password and asked to reset the password.

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General :: Mount A Specific Directory On Server To A Local Windows Machine?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a directory on my server at /home/dave/www/images/site (ext3) which I want to mount directly to my Windows computer so that I can transfer data easily via command line tool. Is that something possible?

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General :: Use Symlink To Provide Access To A Specific File Under A Restricted Directory

Jan 24, 2011

My home directory's permissions allow only myself access to it. Is it possible to put a file inside my home directory with.. say.. full permissions, and create a symlink to it so other users can access that file alone inside my home folder? System is Ubuntu Karmic.

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