Ubuntu :: Grub2 Experimental With Gfxmenu / Reboots Laptop

Jan 22, 2010

I have been using grub2 experimental from fzielcke's ppa. I tried to use the gfxmenu by modifying grub.cfg downloaded from grub.gibibit.com and overlaying the overlay file from that website. When I rebooted by laptop, it shows the graphical menu for about 1 to 2 secs before rebooting my laptop. Has anyone else experienced the same problem (and maybe found the solution)?Alternatively I also tried to download the source from grub's experimental branch. Everything went smoothly until I issued the make command... It is missing some files e.g. loader.S (an include file for ~/experimental/kern/i386/pc/startup.S). Can anyone help me obtain the complete source files for the experimental branch?

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Reboots GRUB2?

Feb 17, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my computer from a USB. I did not use wubi to install ubuntu. The computer already had Windows 7 installed. According to gparted, Windows 7 is installed in sda1, linux swap space is in sda2. Then sda3 is shown as a drop down menu containing sda5, where linux is installed. A picture to show this is attached . sda4 is a recovery partition that came with the computer.

The problem is that Windows 7 sometimes boots, and sometimes it does not boot. Most of the times it does not. Ubuntu boots perfectly. The process to boot is the usual, turning on the computer, wait for grub to load. If I pick Windows, it goes to the splash screen (which is by the way not the usual windows 7 splash screen, it resembles more the vista splash screen, picture attached. I do not know the reason, and I have no idea if it has anything to do with the problem) About 80% of the time, it simply reboots a few seconds after the windows splash screen is shown. The reboot takes me back to the usual HP splash screen, then grub again. The other 20% of the time, it boots normally and works perfectly well.

Right after I installed ubuntu Windows was shown in grub as installed at sdb1. I updated grub and now it is shown as sda1. I already tried some grub custom entries for loading Windows differently, but they all present the same problem. Please do not discard a custom entry as a solution, as the source I used for these custom entries was not entirely trustable.

I also tried popping in the windows installation disk and trying a system repair, but apparently no errors were found.

Reinstalling grub using Ubuntu live cd (booted from a USB) did not work either...

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Ubuntu :: New 3d Experimental Driver?

May 7, 2011

today a new driver shows up in additional drivers i do not know if it is the nvidia or the nouveau 3d driver it has no name beside it

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Debian :: Using Openoffice From Experimental Repo In Ubuntu?

Oct 11, 2010

I want to use the .debs from testing and experimental on Ubuntu 10.4. I added the repository info from debian sources but it doesn't show up as an upgrade. I know about downloading from OO.org but I want the new versions of go.org that debian has.

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Ubuntu :: Find Some .deb Packages For Some Experimental Compiz Plugins

Sep 5, 2010

I'm trying to find some .deb packages for some experimental Compiz plugins, mainly the Headtracking plugin. I have tried compiling the plugin, but I have had no end of trouble doing so. Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever successfully compiled a piece of software in Linux. So, are there any .deb packages for this plugin?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xorg-edgers - When Does Experimental Become Mainstream

Jul 6, 2011

I started using Ubuntu Karmic on my old laptop w/ATI GPU and quickly realized the benefits of the xorg-edgers PPA. I understand that these packages are considered bleeding-edge, and do sometimes cause breakage. For me though , the pluses have vastly outweighed the minuses, which were negligible. I can't use any proprietary drivers w/my old card, and 3d is basically non-functional with the standard open ATI drivers. With xorg-edgers, I can use Compiz, play OpenArena and Quake Live.

Now after over a year and a half, 15 kernels and nearly 4 releases later, I'm really not sure how much progress has been made with the mainstream open ATI drivers, though I have been enjoying 3d with xorg-edgers. I really don't know how much of the bleeding-edge performance is due to the drivers, the kernel, xserver, or other libraries. I'm just looking forward to the day when my GPU is fully functional OOTB. how packages go from experimental to mainstream? Speculate on when open ATI development will be complete, and will that be all that is required for properly accelerated graphics?

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Debian :: How To Isolate Packages From Experimental

Apr 16, 2011

all the packages which I have installed which are in experimental but which can be downgraded or can be had from unstable. Is there such a way ?

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Fedora Hardware :: Experimental DRI Support For Mesa

Jan 3, 2010

I'm using an ATI Mobility Radeon 3450, an R6xx card, with the radeon driver. I've been wanting 3D acceleration and was considering trying the experimental DRI support with Mesa 3D. So my questions are:

1. How experimental is experimental at this point? Is the specific mesa-dri-drivers-experimental package more-or-less static?

2. Would I be better off with Mesa 7.6 from the repository or 7.7? What would be the best approach before installing it?

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General :: Upgrade All Packages Only Installed From Experimental?

Apr 2, 2011

I am using Linux Mint Debian Edition and am using the unstable for all my packages. I do have some that I installed from experimental like gnome3. How do I upgrade all and only all that have been installed from experimental to their new versions in experimental?

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Debian :: Setting Up A Testing/Unstable/Experimental System?

May 17, 2011

EDIT: This thread has taken a different turn, please go down to viewtopic.php?f=30&t=64242#p370832 Below is I originally wrote, now totally irrelevant.:D I am delighted/bored with my one Debian Squeeze install, so I've decided to free up a partition to play with another configuration of the universal OS.At the moment I am liking the looks of the supposedly not so unstable Sid; what's the ideal download/install path to get Sid up and running? Is it:1) I already have a live Squeeze GNOME DVD lying around; should I install that again and upgrade to Sid?

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Fedora Hardware :: ATI Mesa DRI Drivers Experimental - X Not Starting

Feb 15, 2010

In several threads I read about installing an ati card on fc12. mesa-dri-drivers-experimental should be a good choice. So I installed it, made a reboot and nothing changed. In the xorg.conf "vesa" ist set. When I put "mesa" there and reboot, x dont starts. Whats wrong? Btw I am using igp hd 4200 and fc12-64bit

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General :: Experimental Linux Install Using An Old Celeron Powered PC?

Mar 20, 2010

Yes, I was all excited when I plugged in an old dusty PC and found it still alive with a 32 gig hard drive & 260 Megs of RAM with an open slot for more memory, fit for my first Linux system. Then I navigated to device manager and found it was powered by a celeron, which was kind of a bummer.Anyway, can I get by with this setup? I'd like to use the slackware distribution, and my main purpose is to learn to administer a LAN, starting w/ 2 local clients, & a server that also runs Apache.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Experimental Nvidia Working In Recovery Mode But Not After Normal Boot

Jun 28, 2011

I tried to make Compiz work using the experimental 3D support of the free Nvidia driver, because I am suffering from a bug in the proprietary driver (click here for launchpad entry). The free driver I mean is the one that shows up as "Experimental 3D support for NVIDIA cards" in the "Additional Drivers" manager (note: for some reason, this option will only present itself when no proprietary driver is currently active).

Now the strange thing is: the driver does not provide 3d support, and behaves generally awful (lots of glitches and so on) when I boot my system normally. But when instead I boot from the grub menu into recovery mode, then select "failsafe graphics", and then select "restart X", the whole thing works perfectly! So now I am running the experimental 3d driver, I have compositing working, 3d animations on docky. Somehow, the failsafe boot sequence does something right that my normal boot sequence does not. When I reboot in normal mode, everything is screwed up again.

I have no idea what statistics about my system I should include here, because I really have no idea what could possibly be wrong. I am running 32bits Natty in Classic mode, on an Ahtlon Dual Core 4850e machine, with a GeForce 6150 LE graphics card. These are the normal and recovery entries in my grub.cfg:


menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
set gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode
insmod part_msdos


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Debian Multimedia :: Pinning Specific Package - Shotwell From Experimental

Jan 19, 2011

I'm using Debian testing but I want Shotwell (and nothing else) from experimental. I also like to be notified when there is an update to Shotwell in experimental. Will that be achieved if I add experimental to sources.conf and the following to preferences?
Package: shotwell
Pin: release a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 600

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Debian :: Package Search Site And Stable, Sid, And Experimental All Have Packages For Wine

Aug 21, 2011

At first I thought it might be a free software thing but I went on the debian package search site and stable, sid, and experimental all have packages for wine. Why is there none for wheezy? Is it a temporary dependency thing or...? I've googled this but there has been no kind of answer anywhere. Right now I'm using the frickelplatz apotsid repository as they package the most recent version of wine but if I could use a standard debian repository I would.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Can't Load Window 7 After Recovered Grub2 Using Live Cd To Boot Windows 7

Mar 7, 2010

i initilally installed ubuntu 9.10 then installed windows 7 ,then i recovered grub2 using livecd as told in the post [URL] i did "sudo update-grub" and got windows 7 menu entry but when i select that entry windows 7 does not load but the grub2 is reloaded again.
i cant boot to windows 7.

Windows 7 have 100 mb partition "System Reserved" the grub2 points to that partition but still windows 7 not loaded.

sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x3c3a81f5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Dosn't Save Windows As Last Selected + Boot Into Cdrom From Grub2?

May 17, 2010

I went through so many post but I haven't found the proper answer yet hope you have an Idea1. Grub2 saves only Linux OS as last selected no Windows OS2.It is possible to boot into a cdrom (drive)?

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Fedora :: Dual Booting - Grub2 To See F15 Or Be Installed Using Grub2?

Jul 11, 2011

I installed Fedora 15, which was my first real departure from Debian based Linux OSs. I absolutely love the new Gnome 3, and was able to configure F15 to work as I wanted it to. On rebooting I realized that there was no boot loader screen, that F15 just booted and didn't give me a choice as to which OS I wanted to use. Eventually I was able to configure grub to let me see the boot loader and added my old boot loader as a choice. This worked well, maybe not a perfect solution, but it worked. This weekend I installed LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) to another HDD. LMDE uses grub2 and after the install F15 was not recognized.

Two questions: Is there a way for grub2 to see F15? or Can F15 be installed using grub2? I really don't mind re-installing from scratch.

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Debian :: Kernel Installation From "experimental" Repo?

Aug 28, 2010

The following kernels are listed for 2.6.35:


Which is the one(s) i should install?

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Fedora :: Load Grub2 From Grub4dos / Load Directly Grub2 Core Without Passing By Bootstriping Code?

Jan 24, 2011

I want to load grub2 from grub4dos.I want to load directly the grub2 core. I know how to load first 512 bytes from some patition by chainloader and load grub2, but what I need is to load directly grub2 core without passing by bootstriping code (first 512 bytes).So, my first boot manager is grub4dos, then I can load grub2 and later I load Ubuntu. But I think I have to edit --set-root
What I dont know is how.

In hdd 0,7 (sda8) I have Ubuntu 10.10 and /boot/grub/core.img is in sda8 (hd0.7)

I tried this way:

title grub2
find --set-root /boot/grub/core.img
kernel /boot/grub/core.img

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Never Reboots / Log Out As Asked

Nov 15, 2010

I have a 10.10 machine where it has taken to refusing to logout of one specific user account. When I choose logout/restart/whatever from the possible options, it takes me to the main login screen (with the drums) and it shows thet that user is still logged in. The only way, once this occurs, to rid myself of this is to sign in as an administrator and run shutdown -r 00 under sudo. Then it reboots. (Using the admin account to choose restart/shutdown also returns me to the mail login screen where that unpriv'd user is still logged in.) (The machine is fully up to date.)

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Ubuntu :: PC Reboots By Itself When Shut It Down ?

Dec 2, 2009

I'm having an issue with a PC ( Gateway GT5220 ), with Ubuntu 64 bit 8.04 installed. There was Vista originally installed in it.

Now, every time I execute shutdown from GUI or command line, the PC reboots and never shuts down on its own, I have to keep pressed the power button for a few secs to power it off. It's very irritating and I don't know wether it's a Ubuntu or a BIOS issue.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Reboots On 24"iMac

May 24, 2010

24" intel iMac , 4gb ram, fully updated.

I have installed amd64bit 10.04 for some reason the system will reboot without warning. I can not see any issues that point to any major problems in the logs.

All hardware appears to be working well although i have not yet tested the built in web cam.

Are there any extra debug log settings i can switch on to try and track down whats causing the reboot.

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Ubuntu :: Reboots Instead Of Shutting Down (maverick)?

Oct 11, 2010

Prior to this version of ubuntu my laptop (an old P4 gateway) shut down just fine. It acted fine in windows xp, and ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04. Starting with my first shutdown after upgrading to maverick (as opposed to a fresh install, which is what I've done for every time I went to the new version before this), it just reboots the computer instead of shutting down.I've tried clicking the icon in the corner, I've tried pushing the power button and clicking shutdown on that screen, I've even tried shutting down from the command prompt, but each of these just reboots the computer.

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Ubuntu :: Apt-get Upgrade Script That Reboots Only When Necessary?

Nov 1, 2010

I am trying to write a script to add to crontab that I can use to auto update my system a couple times a week.I've done that much before, but I want to make the script a bit smarter about rebooting. Before I had it reboot after running the "apt-get upgrade" command, regardless of whether it needed to or not. Easy peesy stuff, just a sequential command using "&&".What I would like to know at this point is how I can have the script look to see if the reboot is even necessary. I am assuming there is something I can tell the script to look for in an if statement, but I'm not sure what or where. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?

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Ubuntu :: Notebook Won't Suspend And Reboots

Nov 10, 2010

I have Mevarick's problem with suspend. When i do suspend on SONY vaio fw31e screen goes black but when i press any key it won't suspend. It boots like i just turned it on.

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Ubuntu :: PC Reboots On OS Selection At Boot?

Dec 1, 2010

Everything was going great earlier today when suddenly, my PC on a fresh boot, gave me a message that said something like "Ubuntu is running on low graphics mode ..". It was running a low res, i think it was 640x480, and gave me some repair options like a. Boot in low res mode for just one session b. Trouble shoot this error etc..There were 3 more options but i don't remember what they were.

i chose "boot in low res just for this one session", but it gave me the same error the next boot. Then i tried troubleshooting, which didn't work (restoring to a backup config was no use). Then finally i rebooted and started Ubuntu in Recovery mode, and i did something like "Fix broken packages" because , from the list of options it seemed like the only one which would help at that time.

But now, whenever i choose the Ubuntu option after starting my PC, it just restarts my computer. My other OS is Windows 7 which boots just fine. Hope someone can help me with this . In the meanwhile i'll try making a new MBR or something.

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Ubuntu :: No Grub Menu > Reboots?

Feb 15, 2011

I downloaded and installed Ubuntu desktop on 9/26/10. Not sure what version that would be but that is my download date. Running a dual boot XP 32bit/Ubuntu 64bitNo problems at all so far and I've been keeping up with updates manager. Two days ago I went start my machine and chose Ubuntu from the OS selection screen as usual. The only thing that shows up on the next screen (grub menu I believe?) is "HD (0,0) NTFS5" for about 1.5 sec and then reboots.

Windows boots and runs fine. They are both installed on the same physical drive. Not sure what else to search for or include for information. I've tried searching the forums but not sure what nomenclature to use.Trying to avoid reinstalling. p.s. I knew I was enjoying Ubuntu but didn't realize how much until I was forced back to using just XP.

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Ubuntu :: New PC Reboots When Powered Down / Can't Shut Down

May 3, 2011

i just bought a new computer today and Ubuntu 11.04 reboots whenever i try to shut it down. Most of the time it just hangs there. I've tried to ALT+CTRL+F2 and shut down with the terminal there by "sudo poweroff" but the system freezes and hangs at that screen, not allowing me to see what's going on. If i leave it for 5 minutes or so in that state, it'll reboot. I've also tried Lubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu and they all have the same issue. I've tried their latest versions.

I've searched endlessly, i've messed with the BIOS settings and nothing. I've added "acpi=off" and "acpi=forced" and neither worked. The only way i can shut down my computer is by holding the physical power button.The computer is an HP P6710F. AMD Athlon II 640 x4 processor. ATI Radeon HD 4200 graphics card. 4GB of memory. 1TB of HDD space.

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General :: Ubuntu Reboots While Installing?

Feb 15, 2011

I've been trying to get Ubuntu on my computer for months now and after having googled no relevant cases which may help me I would like some help.

I am trying to install Ubuntu on my computer (which already has windows and I don't want to lose it yet)

I have already burnt 3 CDs yet the problem is the same each time, that's why I believe the problem does not come from the burning. I checked the md5sum and there was no problem.

However when I try to install Ubuntu (or sometimes during a live session) after partitionning my computer and selecting mounting points, having "format" checked on the concerned partitions, the installation goes halfway through the "copying files" process and my computer simply reboots. More precisely, in the middle of installation the screen is replaced with the loading page of Ubuntu (like when you start with the live CD) then my computer reboots, no questions asked (not even to remove the CD, it reboots with the CD in it... while during a manual shutdown it would open the tray and ask you to close it)

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