Ubuntu :: Firefox Not Working When Clicking?

Aug 21, 2010

I can't get Firefox to load up. I know what the problem is by reading this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=828648

But I can't get it to go back to working by using the solution provided. I'm using Lucid Lynix by the way.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Seem To Launch Firefox By Clicking On Any Of Shortcuts

Mar 3, 2010

Whenever im logged into my Ubutu Desktop at home remotely from work i cannot seem to launch Firefox by clicking on any of the shortcuts.Seems the only thing that lets me lauch it is by opening a command windown and typing "sudo firefox".

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Ubuntu :: Firefox On Top When Clicking Links From Other Apps?

Apr 23, 2010

Clicking on a web link in an application used to open Firefox in the foreground, on top of the calling application in previous versions of Ubuntu (i.e. whatever versions of applications shipped by default).

In Ubuntu 10.04 if I click on a link in an email message then it opens the page within Firefox 3.6.3, but leaves Firefox behind the calling application. I would prefer to have Firefox take the focus and load the web page on top of my email. I have tried the usual fixes (setting browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground and disabling the Ubuntu extensions), but I can not make Firefox take the focus. Funnily enough, most of the threads I see refer to preventing Firefox from opening on top.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Freezes When Clicking Menu

Aug 24, 2010

Firefox 3.6.8 is freezing whenever I click a menu item. It locks up for about 25 seconds before continuing. It does this even in safe mode, or if all the addons and extentions are disabled. I have even tried deleting and creating a new profile. Chrome works fine. Also, on another login account, firefox is working fine!

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Mouse Randomly Stops Clicking?

Jan 6, 2011

some windows fail to react to my mouse clicks (left and right). This has been starting to happen more and more often. However, one window usually stays working normally, while all others fail. Usually, it's the gnome-panel, but one time, this happened to Firefox. During this, I discovered that clicking a window above firefox, would go through the window, and Firefox would recieve it instead, as if the window wasn't there. Even stranger, firefox was not the active window, and all keyboard and mouse commands were received perfectly, however, the window titlebar wouldn't darken as usual. I can still move the mouse around, but when I keep it still for a minute, I see "View your Appointments and Tasks", pop-up, but it sticks to the screen afterward. A reboot fixes this problem, but only for a while. his also occurs when booting from the live Ubuntu 10.10 i386 Desktop Edition CD. I'm using a Logitech Mouse, but I don't believe this has to do with hardware, since this doesn't happen on Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - If There Is More Than One Page Tab It Makes A Loud Clicking Noise

Feb 3, 2010

I love Ubuntu, but it makes a loud sort of death rattle when it starts up, disturbing other people. Also when I exit Firefox, if there is more than one page tab, it makes a loud clicking noise. How can I stop these things?

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Ubuntu :: Clicking On A Link In Tbird No Longer Opens Firefox?

Jul 27, 2010

Since I upgraded to Firefox 3.6.8, when I click on a link in Thunderbird 3.1.1, nothing happens!! Right-clicking on a link and selecting "Open Link in Browser" does not work either. Any idea what might be the cause of this annoying problem?

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OpenSUSE :: Right Clicking On Flash Will Cause Firefox To Freeze?

May 16, 2011

Firefox and flash have just been automatically updated to 3.6.17-0.2.1 & Flash no longer seems to work very well and right clicking on flash will cause firefox to freeze. These problems do not happen with Opera.

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Fedora :: Clicking URLs In Thunderbird Does Not Start Firefox In F15?

May 27, 2011

Does anyone have the problem where clicking a URL in an email in Thunderbird doesn't start up Firefox? It used to work in previous Fedora releases

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Says "not A Directory" When Clicking On Downloaded File?

Jul 24, 2011

I've upgraded Maverick to Natty, and since then I'm having one problem with Firefox.

I have a list of downloaded files in FF. Clicking on every file (pdf, png, iso, etc) gives me an error, like: "Can't open <filename>: This location is not a directory". The error message is the same as if I'd run nautilus <filename>, and in fact it seems to originate from nautilus. Also FF seems to ignore my settings under Preferences -> Applications, where I can choose what program to use for different file types.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Unable To Save Files By Right Clicking And Save As

Jan 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 dual booting with Windows7.My ext3 /home is mounted as F: in windows.I share a firefox profile between them so that when i am in Windows my firefox uses the same profile as it does when in Ubuntu.It all worked great until recently. I am unable to save files by right clicking and save as. In the config i am unable to set a directory to save to. It neer asks me where to save to. Just nothing happens. some off my book marks are all messed up as well, my rss feeds have the same post on some random website every time i log on and i have to manually refresh to get the correct feeds back. I am unable to delete the random bookmark.

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox, "Get Mail" Extension, Thunderbird, And Default Applications / Clicking "Read Mail" Does Nothing?

Aug 1, 2010

- Firefox 3.6.8 (64 bit)
- Get Mail extension (v3.3.4),
- Thunderbird (3.1.1)

Clicking "Read Mail" does nothing, whereas clicking "Compose Message" opens Thunderbird as expected. Thunderbird is properly configured under "System Settings > Default Apps > Email Client".

Whereas, switching the default email client back to Kmail results in the Get Mail "read mail" and "compose message" functions properly opening Kmail in both instances.

This problem occurred for me before (when using openSUSE v11.1 and earlier versions of the apps), but I don't recall how I eventually solved it, or whether it was resolved via an update of one of the above apps/extensions. Nonetheless, I'm now confronted by the very same problem again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stops Working In 10.10 And Firefox Randomly Stops Working?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat 64-bit on my desktop with a wired internet connection (with no firewall). For the past 2 days, I have observed that1. Firefox randomly throws up errors like "Problem loading page" whenever I click on a hyperlink. When I click on Reload, the page loads up just fine. This has been happening a lot recently..and I do not remember updating anything consciously. By the way, ipv6 is disabled in Firefox.2. The network stops working all of a sudden (usually indicated by the Firefox error). The Autho Eth0 indication is active, but I am unable to connect to any external machine.

3. Needless to say, this error is manifesting itself in apt-get as well. I get "something wicked happened" errors all the time, and am unable to download or install anything.That this is not a problem with the ISP is obvious because I also have Windows (from which I'm typing this, ironically), which is able to access the internet.Is this a bug in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Not Working?

Mar 25, 2010

Im running 10.04 and firefox is not loading up on two of my computers now.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Not Working Properly

Jan 11, 2010

The navigation buttons in firefox are not working and I can not access File, Edit, View, and History pull down menus. This just started today i think. I have 3.5.pre8 and 3.7 installed. both are affected.

Edit: Actually it is a problem with all apps when window is maximized. I cannot access the first 3 or 4 pull down menus or buttons on the tool bar unless the window is not maximized. This happens with konqueror, firefox and Banshee. Have not tested other apps yet.

Edit2: Upper left corner of desktop is also affected. The icons in this part of the screen are not accessible. seems that anything in that region of the screen is dead. just switched from compiz window manager to metacity and there is a black square in the upper left corner of my screen about 2.5"x 2.5".

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Is Not Working Correctly

Jan 16, 2010

i can't navigate through the tabs in firefox with my mouse, i cant use the address bar to navigate anywhere by key or click, my google search toolbar is acting the same way. i just updated everything after putting in the flashplugin-installer code.. i'm clueless since i know zilch about this system and im still stumbling through baby steps.

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Ubuntu :: Applets Not Working In Firefox 3?

Mar 3, 2010

I am running Jaunty 9.04 with Firefox 3.0.18.

Here is the output of $ java -version:

java version "1.6.0_16"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)

I have tried the solution to this thread: [URL] but to no avail. And this thread: [URL]doesn't help either.

The website I am trying to view the applet on is: [URL]

Nothing comes up saying a missing plug-in needs to be installed, but a small, blank window appears with a title of "Java" which can't be closed and has to be killed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Firefox Not Working?

Apr 10, 2010

Using Ubuntu 9.10 and Firefox 3.6.4 .When I go to any site ,the site dims and freezes. When I try to close, invariably I get: site ... " is not responding. Forcing it to quit will cause you to lose any unsaved changes."I already tried to delete and reinstall Firefox 3.6.4 (both through the Synaptic Package Manager and through the Terminal)but to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Firefox Not Working Since Last Update

Apr 12, 2010

Two days ago I did a regular update and since then I can't start Firefox. When I start it nothing happens and when I start it again I get the following message "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process , or restart you computer". I did them both, closing the process and rebooting but I got the same problem again. When I log off I get the following message in the file below. I almost forgot I'm using UBUNTU 9.10 !

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Not Working On Some Sites?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm using a 64-bit machine Ubuntu 9.10, and Firefox 3.5.9 for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0 (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100402 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.9) This problem has actually been going on since I started using Ubuntu. Firefox works for most things, but certain sites, many of them are ones you have to log into, but many other sites I log into work just fine. The first one which did not work was bigcharts.com. No login necessary. When I try to get a chart (stock) the page reloads with an error that I have to enter a symbol. On some sites I put in my username and password and the page just seems to reset. These sites work fine with forefox 3.5.9 on Windows Vista, and work with epiphany on Ububtu.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Flash Not Working

Apr 17, 2010

i have problem with firefox. if web page have movie e.g [url] i can not play it, but if i right click on the movie and select watch on videos, than it's working.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Awesome Bar Not Working In 10.04

Apr 29, 2010

My Firefox Awesome Bar isn't working in ubuntu 10.04. Instead of automatically redirecting keywords (ie, google goes to google, wikipedia to wikipedia) I'm just getting comcast's search page. I assume this can be fixed in about:config, I just don't know what setting.

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - CAC Reader Not Working In Firefox

May 19, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.04 and need to access government sites that require a cac card login. I followed every instruction posted [URL] on how to set up the cac reader, but it is not working in firefox. Pcsc_scan detects the card reader and the card when it is inserted with the following output:

wulu@MLP:~$ pcsc_scan
PC/SC device scanner
V 1.4.14 (c) 2001-2008, Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rousseau@free.fr>
Compiled with PC/SC lite version: 1.4.99
Scanning present readers
0: O2 Micro Oz776 00 00 .....

Possibly identified card (using /home/wulu/.smartcard_list.txt):
3B 7D 96 00 00 80 31 80 65 B0 83 11 17 D6 83 00 90 00
DoD CAC card issued Jan 14, 2010

When I loaded the device in firefox's security devices, it loaded fine without any error, but does not allow me to login (the button is disabled). In the Details pane the status is shown as "not present".

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Ubuntu :: Parcellite Not Working With Firefox?

Aug 8, 2010

Has anyone else experienced this? I am running Parcellite in daemon mode, and it's working fine for all applications except Firefox. When it's closed, whatever was copied from it can no longer be pasted by Ctrl-V, but middle click still works (?!). Any ideas what might be causing this? Does it happen for you too?

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Ubuntu :: Hackbar Add-in In Firefox Not Working?

Oct 21, 2010

I have used the hackbar addin in Firefox for a long time in Windows, but it doesn't seem to operate in Ubuntu 64bit. I honestly can't remember if it was working and stopped, or if it never worked at all. So mostly posting to see if others here have it working. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the addin, but no luck. Just left a blurb on the developer's tiny forum.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Not Working In Firefox?

Dec 16, 2010

So I've installed the flashplugin-nonfree package but for some reason flash refuses to work under Firefox. The libflashplayer.so is in the right folder and flash actually works under Chromium browser - just not Firefox.

I setup the system from a 10.04 32bit minimal CD could it just be a pakage I am missing that is causing flash not to work under Firefox? I've tried Firefox 3.6.x and 4.0 beta and flash fails in both.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Flash Not Working With Firefox 3.6.13

Dec 23, 2010

I'm confused with Adobe Flash. I'm using 32-bit Ubuntu 10.10. Flash was working for me in Google Chrome 8.0.552.224 but not with Firefox 3.6.13. So, I tried to troubleshoot it myself. I searched for how to uninstall Flash and I found a link to a thread from 2008, [URL]. I quickly ran the code posted. And, of course, only after running the code did I bother to read the date the post was posted which was 2008. I did:

sudo apt-get remove -y --purge flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla libflashsupport
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash*
sudo rm -f /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/*flash*

Then I ran
sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin

Then Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102 was working for ..... in Firefox. And was still working in Google Chrome. Is there a site that has explicit steps for removing Flash from 10.10? And I had thought that the file named "libflashplayer.so" always had to be located in Firefox's directory named, /home/user/.mozilla/plugins/ for it to work in Firefox. But, now the only place that file exists is:

# find / -name "libflashplayer.so"

So, I guess I was wrong with thinking that the file named "libflashplayer.so" always had to be located in Firefox's directory named, "/home/user/.mozilla/plugins/". I have no idea where it's suppose to go for Google Chrome 8.0.552.224. How does Chrome find it? So, in the end, Flash is working for me in both browsers and I have no idea why.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Why Firefox Bin Working On Background

Mar 19, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and since Ubuntu 8.10 I've had firefox.bin working on the background and taking over 60% of CPU. This happens in the first 1/2 hour after booting, afterwards it runs normal.

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Ubuntu :: Get Moonlight Working In Firefox 5.0?

Jun 25, 2011

Does anybody know how to get Moonlight working in Firefox 5.0

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Not Working In Firefox

Jan 8, 2010

Running desktop kubuntu 9.10. Spent a lot of time to figure out why ...../dailymotion does not have any sound coming out of my headset. Tried many instructions from: [URL]without any success.

Herewith my sound devices

> cat /proc/asound/modules

1 snd_usb_audio
2 saa7134_alsa
3 snd_hda_intel

I want to use the above "snd_usb_audio" which is working fine with amarok and skype (separatly or at the same time). I am using firefox version 3.5.6 Adobe Flash player version 10,0,42,34 Samething happened with the browser konqueror

====================== herewith some outputs from my system
> uname -a
Linux antec 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 16:20:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
> aplay -l


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