Ubuntu :: Firefox Address-bar Autocomplete Stops Working After Some Time

Jan 6, 2010

Since I updated to Karmic, I noticed a very annoying problem that forces me to restart Firefox every 20 minutes or so: When the cursor is located inside the address bar (CRTL+L), I always type one or two characters, a drop down menu appears with most visited links that contain these characters, I press <down-arrow>, <Enter> and go to one of my usual links. I use this all the time, which allows me to go to me usual links in a second or two. The problem is that this feature stops working after browsing for some time: no drop-down menu appears and pressing the down-arrow does nothing.

The only other problem that happens in coincidence is that you have to click 2 or 3 times on the 'arrow-down' button on the right side of the address bar before you get a drop-down menu with the most visited links (this normally happens on the first click). The problem appears at random moments (typically after some 10 to 20 minutes of browsing, but sometimes earlier) and disappears when I restart FF. I tried clearing the history, but that does not change anything. Does anyone else see this problem and knows how to fix it?

My setup:
Toshiba notebook, 32 bit
up to date Karmic

FF 3.5.6, with some add-ons: adblock plus, bugmenot, all-in-one gestures, xmarks and some dictionaries, all working without any problems.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stops Working In 10.10 And Firefox Randomly Stops Working?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat 64-bit on my desktop with a wired internet connection (with no firewall). For the past 2 days, I have observed that1. Firefox randomly throws up errors like "Problem loading page" whenever I click on a hyperlink. When I click on Reload, the page loads up just fine. This has been happening a lot recently..and I do not remember updating anything consciously. By the way, ipv6 is disabled in Firefox.2. The network stops working all of a sudden (usually indicated by the Firefox error). The Autho Eth0 indication is active, but I am unable to connect to any external machine.

3. Needless to say, this error is manifesting itself in apt-get as well. I get "something wicked happened" errors all the time, and am unable to download or install anything.That this is not a problem with the ISP is obvious because I also have Windows (from which I'm typing this, ironically), which is able to access the internet.Is this a bug in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Click Stops Working After Some Time?

Oct 11, 2010

Yesterday I installed Maverick (32bit), fixed the soundcard and everything worked very well. In particular my touchscreen (eturbotouch) worked now for the first time. Unfortunately there is a problem with the mouse. After some time the left mouse button stops working. There is no problem with the right button and with the movement of the cursor. I tried several mices, therefore the problem shouldn't be related to the mouse hardware.

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General :: When Switching From Mint To Windows - 70% Of The Time My Wireless Stops Working

Feb 5, 2011

I am currently dual booting between Linux Mint 10, and Windows Vista SP2. Wireless works fine in both these OSes, but when I quit Mint and load Windows, 70% of the time my wireless stops working.

ie, it does not detect any wireless networks nearby, althought there are tons of them.

Restarting the wireless device doesnt help, I have to restart my computer at least 4 times for wireless to start working again.

And as of now, my wireless in Linux Mint has stopped working.

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Ubuntu :: Location Bar Stops Working After Opening External Link In Firefox 3.6

Feb 6, 2010

I installed firefox 3.6 from the firefox-stable ppa repository and I noticed that the location bar autocomplete stops working after opening an external link (e.g. clicking a link in evolution or empathy). The problem still occurs when starting firefox in safemode, so it doesn't appear to be related to a misbehaving extension. The problem is only fixed with a browser restart or when I open and then close 'show all history'.

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Ubuntu :: Tab Autocomplete Stopped Working?

May 4, 2011

I did a bunch of uninstalls and reinstalls lately, trying different distros. Now I'm back to Ubuntu but tab autocomplete in terminals doesn't work anymore. It is quite less convenient now to use the terminal. I tried changing interpreter to /bin/bash and it doesn't work. I use guake.

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Programming :: Program Stops Working After A Time With "libncurses.so.5 Error 24"

Oct 6, 2010

The error is: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object file: Error 24 This occurs after a good time of running, after I added some file stuff to my code. I can't see why this is happening.

Code: Code:
// Get CPU Temperature
char sensorsRaw[128];
system("sensors >& .sensors");
std::ifstream fileIn;


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General :: Autocomplete In MC Not Working In USB Keyboard

May 9, 2011

I've a really strange problem with the auto-complete in midnight commander. I've linux installed in a laptop, and when I do Esc-TAB with the keyboard of the laptop, the autocomplete works. But, if a connect an USB keyboard to the laptop, the autocomplete of the mc doesn't work in the USB keyboard, but stills work in the laptop keyboard.

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Debian :: Login Via SSH - Bash Autocomplete Stopped Working

Feb 3, 2011

For some reason my bash autocomplete stopped working. I get the error when I try to cd into a directory, pressing <tab> for autocomplete:
cd A-sh: <( compgen -d -- 'A' ): No such file or directory
Autocomplete works for the root user and for the other user on the machine, just not logged in as this user. The .bashrc file looks fine to me, and I didn't make any changes to it to even cause the bash autocomplete to stop working (as far as I know).

# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
What else could cause autcomplete to stop working? I log in via ssh, btw.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Address Box - Search For Something In The Main Address Bar - Input At The End

Jan 16, 2011

When I try to search for something in the main address bar It always adds the following with my input at the end

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Address Bar Wont Resolve Address?

Feb 17, 2011

In firefox you can type ubuntuforums and it will bring you here via a google query.Mines stopped working the address bar goes to http://ubuntuforums/ and I get a forbidden page.I've check about : config and all is set fine

Keyword.enable = true
Keyword.URL = http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=


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Ubuntu :: Torrenting Stops Network Activity After Certain Time

Sep 1, 2011

For some reason whenever I'm torrenting after a certain amount of time my networking ability just stops. My network traffic shoots down to zero and I can't bring anything like the ability to request a website back until I restart.

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Debian :: Jessie 8.8.1 - USB Stops After X Time

Jul 9, 2015

I have debian jessie 8.8.1 Oscam and a phoenix card reader running on a tower pc. Everything works on reboot but when i leave it running then when i wake up in the morning the card reader has stopped working and does not show up in lsusb. The only way to get it working again is to reboot then it stops after x amount of time and the same problem.

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Servers :: Ubuntu 10.4 Server Stops Accepting Connections After A Period Of Time / Fix It?

Apr 24, 2011

I'm not sure if this belongs in the Server or Networking section of the forums. Anyway, last month I upgraded my server to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Since then, I've had a recurring problem wherein after a certain period of time, the server stops accepting network connections. Ubuntu 10 will continue to reject network connections until someone logs into the server locally, after which time network connectivity is restored and the cycle begins anew. Essentially, the server goes into a "half sleep mode". I say half because the computer is still on and the fans are running.

I've done some searching around various forms and initially figured this issue was related to problems with the Network Manager service (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lu...er/+bug/524454), so I removed the service altogether. However, this problem is still occurring.

I've poured over /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog, but have noticed no irregular behavior. Has anyone else experienced this issues? I'd rather not resort to downgrading back to Gusty Gibbon if I can help it.

I am happy to provide more information if its needed

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Stops After A Brief Time Of Playing Through VLC?

Jun 26, 2011

I've added this packman repo: Index of /suse/openSUSE_11.4/ and installed all the necessary libraries and tools required as mentioned here using zypper: Restricted formats/11.4 - openSUSE Community Wiki When I try to play any movie in VLC I'm able to hear the audio for some time usually 3-4 mins and then audio totally stops though the video continues to play. A random seek or a seek forward/back also cause similar issue almost immediately. I switched the output module in VLC preference to different settings: default, SDL, Unix OSS, Alsa but the same issue persists. The audio recovers if I just enter the Audio settings menu in VLC preferences and click Save (even without changing anything) but after the same 3-4 mins or by seeking, the audio stops.

I disabled Pulseaudio for my sound card(s) in Yast->Sound, and I even kill the pulseaudio process but it somehow starts itself up again when I change anything in VLC audio preferences or even simply click Save without any changes. I've made sure all the multimedia related packages are installed from the packman repo whenever possible (I still observe there are few packages which do not exist on the packman but the openSUSE 11.4 repo alone eg. phonon-backend-gstreamer, phonon-backend-xine) Here is the rpm query output for the multimedia related libraries:


rpm --query --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} -> %{VENDOR}
' --all 'libav*' 'libpostproc*' 'libswscale*' '*xine*' '*gst*' MPlayer '*vlc*' | grep -v avahi | sort
banshee-1-backend-engine-gstreamer-2.0.0-0.3.2-x86_64 -> openSUSE


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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Mouse Randomly Stops Clicking?

Jan 6, 2011

some windows fail to react to my mouse clicks (left and right). This has been starting to happen more and more often. However, one window usually stays working normally, while all others fail. Usually, it's the gnome-panel, but one time, this happened to Firefox. During this, I discovered that clicking a window above firefox, would go through the window, and Firefox would recieve it instead, as if the window wasn't there. Even stranger, firefox was not the active window, and all keyboard and mouse commands were received perfectly, however, the window titlebar wouldn't darken as usual. I can still move the mouse around, but when I keep it still for a minute, I see "View your Appointments and Tasks", pop-up, but it sticks to the screen afterward. A reboot fixes this problem, but only for a while. his also occurs when booting from the live Ubuntu 10.10 i386 Desktop Edition CD. I'm using a Logitech Mouse, but I don't believe this has to do with hardware, since this doesn't happen on Windows.

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General :: Use Firefox To Connect To Smb Shares Error "Firefox Doesn't Know How To Open This Address, Because The Protocol (smb) Isn't Associated With Any Program"

Jan 10, 2010

i am wanting to use Firefox to connect to my smb shares. However, i keep getting this error message: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (smb) isn't associated with any program. My client configuration is as follows: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Shiretoko/3.5.8preI tried the instructions below to try and fix the problem with no success: Quote: From [URL]

Linux with Firefox In order to connect to a network share directly from you browser under Linux, you must configure Firefox to handle URL's starting with "smb://". This is done by typing "about:config" in the address line and hitting return. After that you must right-click the list of settings and choose "New -> Boolean" as shown below.

As name you must type: "network.protocol-handler.external.smb" with a value of "true". After that you must do the same thing over again, but this time choose "New -> String", type the name: "network.protocol-handler.app.smb" with a value of the path to the application you wish to use for browsing network shares. If you use KDE, this will typically be "/usr/bin/konqueror".

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Stops Working After Update

Mar 18, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my laptop. The laptop has a single HDD with 2 partitions. Partition 1 has WindowsXP and partition 2 contains other data, among which the directory of the ubuntu installation. The partitions are formatted as NTFS. Ubuntu has been installed with wubi on the second partition. Ubuntu has been working fine for 2 days. Last night I updated the Ubuntu system and it required a restart. Needless to say, after the restart, grub wouldn't load. It just shows the shell.

I read the threads inside this forum and people usually manually select a kernel and boot up ubuntu, but when I do this, after I input all the commands I input "boot" and hit ENTER. The computer starts booting up until a point when it says ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist and something about using selection #1 and exits to shell (Easy Shell or Easy Boot, I can't remember exactly what it says... Easy something anyway) I've read that this is possibly caused by a NTFS dirty tag... but I do not see how to fix this problem.

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Ubuntu :: USB Mouse Stops Working - 10.04

May 7, 2010

I have read no fixes anywhere, oddly. This problem happened in 9.10 and seems to be back in 10.04. The fix on Ubuntu-Geek, which was re-posted various places, does not work either. However, I do know this is not a hardware issue... or think. I have a dual-boot with Windows 7 and it is not affected by this. Also, if I install anything 9.04 or earlier, this does not happen. Oddly, my netbook had 9.10 and now 10.04 but not this issue. Sadly I feel I must try other distros as this appears to be a Ubuntu specific error.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Stops Working After A While?

Aug 11, 2011

This is the first time I've got a major problem with Ubuntu (I started with version 5), and this one is particularly frustrating.I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 on my old (2007) desktop PC.Occasionally, but more and more often now, the keyboard just stops working. The mouse is still fine. When I shut down, I would sometime notice that the "stop crash report generation" process fails. Then the shutdown sequence stops at some point, and I am forced to do a hard shutdown, power down for a while, and reboot. If I don't wait after power off, the keyboard freeze would occur again at any time during the start up sequence. I even had a keyboard freeze after manually switching to the Windows boot.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Stops Working If Left Alone?

Nov 16, 2010

if the computer sits for a length of time, not being used. I have not timed it, but around an hour it seems. All drop downs work, but whatever i click on doesn't do a thing so i can open the drop down to shut down but when i click on it it just sits there or if i try to open firefox or chrome it just sits there. if im browsing the web or playing a game for a couple hours everything works but it i leave it to do something else and it takes close to a hour, and i dont shut it down. It just stops working. then i have to kill the power to stop it.

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Ubuntu :: Audacity Installed Now Mic Stops Working

Jan 13, 2010

After I install audacity my mic stops working.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Just Randomly Stops Working?

May 26, 2010

It has to be an update or something that cause this. I've done nothing differently from the other days I use this laptop. I have to keep relogging every now and then because the sound stopped working. I can turn the volume up but pidginrhythmbox, nothing makes noise anymore. it's random...it just started happening today and this is the second time the music went out. anyone have any idea of how to stop this from happening in the future?

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Ubuntu :: Touchpad Stops Working When Logging In?

May 30, 2010

I have an Hp Tx2 tablet with Lucid on and recently my touchpadsiezed to work while resizing a large partition on an external usb hard disk (which I believe has nothing to do with it). The resizing took me a day or 2. Since then, every time I log in, my touchpad freezes. It works fine at the login screen. As far as I recall, I did not do any substantial updates or apt-get installs recentlyWhen I cat /dev/input/mice it does give output, so I assume that it still works, there's just something in between, blocking my touchpad when logging in.

The driver is psmouse I figure (although I would think it's an usb touchpad), and if I remove the module and reload it, that does not make a difference.I already tried blacklisting, and loading after logging in.Anyone any input on how to debug/solve that?One thing I can add is when plugging in a usb mouse, that one does work. But that doesn't change anything on behalve of my touchpad. So it seems they use a different driver

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Stops Working After A While?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm having some problems with wireless, it works fine on boot but after a while pretty much randomly, it can be a few days or it can be a few hours, it stops working. I'm not sure which command would tell you what and it would take a little while to debug it because like I said it's random, but if anyone knows what to do please tell me! I'm on Lucid Lynx 10.04.Another something that's really bothering me (But not related to wireless) is that for some reason when I restart my computer, the top panel keeps changing the applets locations.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Stops Working After A While?

Oct 22, 2010

I have created a Samba share, using the fantastic Webmin tool. I have a network media player which can connect to my router, and then access windows (samba) shares. Most of the time, it works fine - it's able to stream HDTV wirelessly across the network. However, every so often, it just stops working ... the media player sees :

Network, then
FILESERVER-1 (machine name), then
Media (share name), then
Video (subdir, then
TV_Shows (subdir), then
MyShow.AVI ... just hangs

if I use the Webmin tool, I see multiple samba connections all from the media player. Restarting samba seems to have no effect. The only way to fix it, is to reboot.

logfile I can check, or a setting I can tweak to fix this issue ?

When it get like this, trying to access the share from a windows machine, just gives me an error saying it can't find the machine. But when it's rebooted, it works fine.

I have mapped the "nobody" linux user to "guest" which is what the media player is defaulted to login with (it's primarily sold as a "Windows" media player), and using Webmin I have assigned the "nobody" user read-only rights to the samba share. It worked fine for 6 months, until I added this new drive.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Pointer Stops Working?

Nov 25, 2010

Just a short while ago my mouse pointer froze randomly. I figured it was just the mouse so I disconnected and reconnected it, still nothing. Restarted computer and it worked for a while, then froze again. The mouse is wireless, but it doesn't seem to be anything to do with the mouse's hardware. The laser on the mouse and LED indicator on the sensor are both still flashing away while it's stuck. I then restarted again and tried an old wired laser mouse, which followed suit and worked for a few minutes, then froze mid-screen. This time I left it in, and it's been stuck for a good ~15 minutes so far. Using Ubuntu 10.04 x64. Mice are just generic wireless and wired lasers of Microsoft and Logitech, respectively.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Stops Working Until Reboot

Nov 27, 2010

Recently I have been having issues with wifi. I can connect for about an hour and then after that the computer stays connected to the network but wont allow me to go anywhere on the internet.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Stops Working/responding?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm having some trouble with Evolution. I have set up two IMAP accounts and ne POP account. Whenever I leave Evolution running for a while, work with something else and then get back to check my email it won't show new emails for the IMAP accounts. In the "progress bar" at the bottom it shows:Ping server XXX (0% complete) Checking new emails (0% complete) nd this seems to go on and on, I've waited for abt.0 minutes for it to finish pinging and checking for new emails but it doesn't stop. The P account works fine. If I however close Evolution and then start it again it immediately check and show new email in the IMAP accounts. Is there any solution to this

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Stops Working After Hibernate 10.10?

Jan 5, 2011

says wireless unavaliable, do a ifconfig and it doesn't show up.

need to restart computer to get wireless back.

or even a command to run to restart the wireless (/etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work)

wireless chip: RT2500

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