Ubuntu :: Email Server On 11.04 Desktop?

Jul 7, 2011

i'v been using Ubuntu for several years now but i have only used it for basic home computing stuff (media, web and documents).

My question is can i use Ubuntu desktop as an email server for my own domain. I have never done anything like this before and am mainly doing it for experience. so i s this possible and if so how?

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Server :: Email Notification - Heartbeat To Send Email When The Slave Server Becomes The Master?

May 3, 2010

Have someone used Linux heartbeat to send email when the Slave server becomes the Master? I've read I can configure the MailTo under.

But I really don't know how to do it. I basically need my primary server to send an email when it becomes inactive and all the activities are manage by the secondary node.

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OpenSUSE :: Sending Email Using PHP / Start An Email Server In Order To Get Application To Work?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm attempting to send email with a PHP application I got from a textbook. Do I need to start an email server in order to get the application to work?Using SuSE 11.2

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Server :: Allow Unsubscribed Email Address To Send Email To Mailman List?

Jul 1, 2010

is there a way to allow unsubscribed email address to send emails to mailman list without having to manually set a filter for that email address?

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Software :: Apache Virtual Host Send Email Without Email Server?

Jun 3, 2009

Debian 5, apache 2.2 I've got Apache up and hosting multiple sites. Each site will have a php contact me page that will simply dump an email to a fixed address. What program should i be using to accomplish this? I've used nullmailer before but that assumes you have a fixed smarthost somewhere which I don't.

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Server :: Block Email From Certain Group To A Specific Email Address?

Apr 29, 2010

Is there a way of allowing only certain domain to send e-mails to certain specific e-mail address. I am using Sendmail, and I have an alias which translate to certain members of staff within my organization. I don't expect e-mails from outside our domain to be sent to this alias e-mail address.

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Server :: Routing Inbound Email To Multiple Email Servers?

Dec 21, 2009

I have recently setup a new mail server and have simulated sending and receiving on the new email server. The new email server will replace the primary one.I would like to setup the new email server in parallel with the existing one.This way i can observe issues that might occur and be aware of what could go wrong. I want to received mail to be delivered to both mail servers at the same time.I would like to use postfix, exim i find a bit to difficult to understand.I have thought of using transport maps, the only problem is that you can only forward mail to one server at a time using transport maps.I think recipient_bcc_maps and sender_bcc_maps could work, i would just like ideas of how i can do this.

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Server :: Dropping All Email For Specific Email Address?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a user who was getting constantly spammed so I deleted their email account but it's still coming in and trying to get delivered, how do drop all email for a specific email address?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Buying Domain / Hosting Web Server / All Domain Registers Come With Email Or Just Email Forwarding?

Mar 29, 2010

I am thinking about buying a domain name and hosting my web server.

I have seen pricing from $8 to $30 a year. Any favorites from fellow ubunters? Also this whole "whois" thing scares me, if I am correct my information I enter when buying the domain is enter into some big pool of information. People can find this information out and dig up important information. url Can I prevent this with private Whois or how do I set it up? This website examples some of my fears with this whole WhoIs thing, url whois/Private-Whois.html Does most/all domain registers come with email or just email forwarding or both? How does that work? At this moment, my only question about Web Hosting is how do I get Website Statistics as in: Stats, web analytics, web traffic stats and more? I will be web hosting through Ubuntu 9.10 gnome.

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Ubuntu Security :: Webmail Vs. Linux Desktop Email?

Mar 1, 2011

Which is more secure, webmail email providers such as Yahoo or Linux desktop email clients such as Evolution?

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Server :: Setup RAID 1 On CentOS 5 Server For A Zimbra Email Server

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to setup RAID 1 on a CentOS 5 server for a zimbra email server.I get a partion schema error. Can I do this?The server is a HP Proliant ML150 G3 server with two 80GB HDD.

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Ubuntu :: Local Mail Service - Test Email Applications On My Desktop Machine ?

May 3, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 9.10. I would like to test email applications on my desktop machine.

A couple of examples: I would like to test php email forms that I'm developing on the webserver that I have installed on my local machine.

Also, I'd like to test the email subsystems of web applications that I install on my desktop.

For example, I'm testing sugarcrm on my desktop server. Sugar can send emails.

What things to I have to consider here in order to send emails from my local machine ?

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Server :: Configure Email Server In Cloud Server Environment?

Jun 15, 2011

I have installed the Apache, PHP and MYSQL in the rackspace cloud server environment. Can anyone please guide me How can I configure email server in that with postfix or some other with multiple domain.

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Server :: Collecting Email From Remote POP3 Server And Delivery To Local Users?

Jul 12, 2011

I am having problem to collecting email from remote POP3 (all the emails for a domain is stored here) and distribute it after collecting to several users defined to Linux server. I have install postfix in Linux server for email distribution.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Configure Postfix On 5 To Relay Email From The Internet To The Exchange Server

Apr 24, 2011

i need to configure postfix on centos to relay email from the internet to the Exchange Server and i also need that emails sent from the exchange within the same domain be sent to postfix then resent to exchange because i have spamassassin and clamav installed on centos to filter all incoming and outgoing mails ...

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Server :: Email Sent My Server Always Received To Spam Folder / Wrong Configuration?

Aug 16, 2010

After installing postfix on my server , all emails sent by a PHP class that i built , are received to spam folder , no matter what i do .am not an expert , except in PHP , the class i built works fine everywhere else except on this server , so i think the problem might be from the server it self ?some told me wrong configuration/software on my server , others told me wrong DNS stuff . actually i don't understand the DNS stuff , and am not an expert in linux softwares and services but i cann install/configure them , so could anyone please check the DNS for problems ?

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Server :: Sendmail - Mail Server Rejected Email And Unable To Send

Feb 24, 2010

I have users [URL] unable to send email to [URL]. [URL] user also unable to send email to [URL]. But both email addresses are fine as they can receive email from others or from [URL] and [URL]. I able to telnet mail server 110 and 25, no problem. Version: ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.10

Mail Log:

Feb 23 11:36:35 mail sendmail[16228]: o1N3aZxt016215: to=<xxx1@gas.com>, ctladdr=<xxx@abc.com> (501/501), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=442918, relay=gas.com, dsn=5.1.2, stat=Host unknown (Name server: gas.com: no data known)


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CentOS 5 Server :: Qmail Server Is Not Notifying Email Address Does Not Exist

Oct 27, 2010

One of our client having issue with the qmail. The issue is if any one send email to abc@ourdomain.com (abc@ourdomain.com the email address which is not exist) it should send failure notification i.e."email does not exist" to the sender. The qmail server is not notifying that email address does not exist.

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OpenSUSE :: Which Free Instant Messenger Server & Email Server Is Best?

Apr 12, 2011

Looking for some advice and guidance please? Which free Instant Messaging server & Email server is best for SUSE 11.4?I have an office with a mix of approx 20+ Windows 7, Macs desktops, and we want to bring our email and instant messaging services/solution in house.Im technical, so am not afraid to dive in feet first, but being relatively new to Linux can anyone advise a good free product(s) which would work in this kind of setup bearing in mind the windows and mac desktops need compatible clients?

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Debian :: Select Web Server, Email Server, The Installation Fail?

Jan 1, 2011

Have anyone try the latest Debian 5 iso CD? I got installation problem. It is the select and install software stage. If I select only

[*]Desktop Environment[*]Standard

I want to select web server, email server, the installation fail.

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Server :: Postfix Relaying Email To Multiple Mailbox Server?

Apr 4, 2010

i have setup mailrelay using postfix and relay email to exchange server. The problem is how can i relay email to multiple exchange server. For example: -

domain aa.bb.com relay to exchange server
domain 123.test.com relay to exchange server

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CentOS 5 Server :: Email Server Setup Using Sendmail And Dovecot?

Apr 24, 2009

I am trying to set up a mail server on centos5 using sendmail and dovecot, and eventually spamassassin and some antivirus filter as well. I'd also like to get the proper secure auth mechanism set up at some point too. But for starters, I've been having a lot of difficulty trying to even connect to the mail server from a client computer in the local network. I installed Eudora on the client and after some tweaking in dovecot I was able to connect to the mail server, but then when I try to send an email I get a "connection refused" error, with nothing being logged on the server that I can see.

The last time I set up a mail server was Fedora Core 2, so the configuration files have changed a bit to say the least, and I can't really refer back to those to set up this new server. Does anybody know of a good step-by-step doc on getting the mail server going? I've read the man pages and other various readme's, but these really only list out the available options with no really good explanation of what needs to be done to get the mail server going. If there isn't a full write-up on how to do this, I'll put something together when I'm finished so others can use it in the future.

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Server :: Check Email Server Machine Doing Spamming?

Apr 28, 2010

We are using axigen with redhat

linux how to check if email server machine doing spamming.

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Server :: Set Joomla Server To Send Email?

Oct 15, 2010

I have installed Joomla on an Ubuntu 10.04 Server pc. The Ubuntu server is connected to my Novell NetWare network via static IP. I need the Ubuntu server to send mail to my mail server through smtp, my entire network has static IP's. The Ubuntu server does not need to receive mail only send, I have found that I could try use sendmail, postfix or exim4. I tried Exim4 but I am battling with the setup. For my situation what would be the best to use? What config's are most important to set?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up An Email Server?

May 8, 2010

I have successfully setup Apache,MySql,ftp, and a few other various packages.My question today is setting up an email server.I have past experience with sendmail,and procmail. However only on already installed,configured and working servers.I am trying to setup an email server from scratch.I have Centos 5.4 installed.

procmail.x86_64 3.22-17.1.el5.centos installed
sendmail.x86_64 8.13.8-2.el5 installed

Are those two packages the only ones I need to get a working email server setup? Also I have been trying to configure a procmailrc file for my server under /etc/, but I can't seem to find consistent documentation on how to set up a procmailrc file.I believe my iptables is set to block port 110 and 25 from outside connections. how to open those ports too.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Email - Intersperse Replies Into Quoted Email?

Apr 24, 2010

I use 'quoted' style for reply emails. I want to be able to intersperse my replies within a quoted reply i.e. if the email had three paragraphs, I'd like to be able to have my replies between each of the paragraphs. At the moment, I don't seem to be able to do anything other than delete from the quoted section - I try to simulate my requirements by cutting and then 'paste quotation', but this doesn't always work as sometimes Evolution adds too many levels of '> ' .

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Ubuntu :: Use An Email Client Like Alpine To Read Imported Email?

Feb 24, 2011

we had a server with Hostway, and it was running ubuntu. The server also had Plesk installed, which did some funny things. We had several websites on that server, and many email addresses. Then we changed servers. Now we have a server through Rackspace and it is also running Ubuntu. It also has Virtualmin installed, which generally does not impose as many unconventional changes on Ubuntu as Plesk did.

Rather than using Thunderbird to download my email (which is what I used to do) I've decided I'll start reading my email on the server. So I will ssh to the server and then use some email client, such as Alpine, to read the email. So I installed Alpine. I have an email account for "lawrence". The email address is lawrence @ krubner. Currently, when mail arrives for that account, it is stored here:


and then it is transferred to hear:


When I start Alpine, while logged in as lawrence, Alpine automatically sets up an inbox for me here:


How do I get Alpine (or any other client) to read from the correct folder? I'm fairly sure the email package (the MTA) at work on this new server is Postfix. As near as I can tell, my email is held for 24 hours in this folder:


and then it gets transferred here:


Alpine only lets me set one path for my Inbox, so I'm not sure what path I should set. If I use "cur" I will see all email 1 day late, but if I use "new" then I will miss email if I go a day without checking.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Desktop On Server To Get Boinc Manager Running Now Remove Desktop?

Apr 20, 2010

First problem:

apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

I have installed Ubuntu desktop on Ubuntu Server to get Boinc manager running. Now I want to remove Ubuntu-desktop.

Second Problem: /etc/init.d/xorg start : No such file or directory When the server boots i get a blinking cursor.

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Ubuntu Servers :: New Email Server Not Receiving / Get That?

Jan 29, 2010

I am setting up a new email server by following the Flurdy guide. I can send but I can't receive. I can telnet in with both the IP address & telnet mail.domain.com 25 I'm not using or loading shorewall because I will be relying on the firewall that is in the router. I have been following the test section of the flurdy tutorial. I am tailing the mail.log file and only see the status as being different from the example

"status=bounced (mail for domain.com loops back to myself)"

It seems like it is getting through to the server but then getting rejected.

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Ubuntu :: Install Zimbra Email Server In 10?

Jul 11, 2010

Is there some step by step? for ubuntu 10.04 server?
or there is something better ?
if there is something like colaborative email server like gmail will be great.

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