I was able to download this ..... video and I would like to edit it using Avidemux. There are subtitles on the video but I just want to edit the subtitles if possible.
I want to take out the foul language text (subtitles). Is this possible?
under avidemux-qt, the videos play and encode w/out any audio output, and audiodevice is set to "dummy" and cannot be changed. but avidemux-gtk has no problem w/ audio playback.Is this an application specific problem, and if not how do i configure phonon to fix this issue?
i bought an obscure video/mp3 player from china recently, and one day, i managed to use AVIDEMUX to succesfully transfer video to it. However, i dont remember the settings AT ALL. I open the working video file with AVIDEMUX, and check out the properties, but there is option in the lists to the left to convert to the video type that is open. Is there anyway to export the video properties, then convert any video, to those parameters?
I Updated from Fedora 9 to Fedora 13 several months ago and noticed that AAC audio encoder was no more available in Avidemux (I use version for fedora 13 from rpmfusion repo)Unfortunately AAC is mandatory on the IPod (and probably other Apple devices) to have the sound working.I had faad2-libs (decoder) and faac (encoder) packages installed, but avidemux was not using them.After some search on the web, I found that faac support was removed because of legal issues.Some people recommend to rebuild Avidemux from source but this was a little bit complicated, and I found an easier solution.
In fact the only thing needed to add AAC support to Avidemux is to add the required libADM_ae_faac.so library in /usr/lib/ADM_plugins/audioEncoders, as it is no more supplied in the package avidemux-plugins. Searching for libADM_ae_faac.so on the Web, I found some packages containing this file, such as the ones from other distros, and the package for the same Avidemux version than the one I use but for Fedora 11 : avidemux-plugins-2.5.3-3.fc11.i586.rpm.
Is there a video editor that also allows me to edit the audio. For example I have 2 videos and want to take the audio from one clip and add it to the other clip. I have tried Avidemux and Pitivi but these don't seem to have this ability.
I am new here and new to Ubuntu as well. I have been using it for about two weeks now.
Here is my dilemma. I have a Kodak Playsport video camera that can record in 720p @ 60fps for action/sport type stuff. I have used it many times and am able to preview, import, and make movies/edit the video in Windows 7.
I tried doing the same in Ubuntu 11.04 using PiTiVi a couple of days ago. When I try to preview the clip, I get sound perfectly, but the video plays more like a slideshow with very big gaps. What can I do do rectify this?
I saw numerous posts here on different programs people like to edit video and some of them are able to create slide shows. What slide show software is best on ubuntu? I cant figure out how to use them. It seems like they are embedded in the video programs. I understand the video stuff, but I dont see the slideshow options other than fade in/out/etc.
I wanted to make a video and edit it all together with special effects and all that good stuff, bells and whistles, I want something like Windows Movie Maker, or better, im not a pro at this, back when I was 16 I was pretty damn good but its been a while, I have downloaded a few different editing softwares that I have come across and im not happy with any of them, such as:
Avidemux Pitivi LiVES
now Pitivi comes standard with the newest install of ubuntu, but it sucks, sorry, its has nothing, or im missing something, and for LiVES I just cant seem to get it to do what I want, its very confusing, I just want something with a simple UI like WMM or something along those lines, it doenst have to be linux based, but if your going to give me something that doenst work fresh install,
Does anyone have a solution that actually works for creating video DVDs from beginning to end? My requirements are pretty simple, I would think. I need to take video from an NTSC DVD (which I made from 8mm analog tape), edit it, create a menu, and burn it. It doesn't have to be fancy. It just has to work. The total project is a little over 1 hour of video. I have reasonable computer power for this.
That doesn't seem like such a difficult task, but it actually requires using up to four different mutually incompatible programs, each of which has nearly infinite options, a huge number of intermediate file types, and infinite ways to fail. If there are intermediate files to be written, I need to know EXACTLY what files and formats to use, and what packages must be installed to use those formats. I don't care if the programs are KDE or Gnome (even a command line might work if the procedure is clear-cut).
The task consists of four parts: * Rip or import an ordinary video from DVD. (This was made by a hardware DVD recorder). * Edit videos. Create clips, cut, past, move, fade.
I'm looking for a good video editor for after I make a video. I'm currently using gtk-record desktop, and I don't have a problem with that. It's when I use Pitivi that I actually can't edit the video or render it correctly. How to render the actual project. I'm using 10.04.
I recorded someone using a VCR (tape) camcorder-it was all I had available. I've now recorded/transfered the tape to DVD format, so it's now digital instead of analog. I want to edit the file and separate it into smaller files. What's a good program to use?
I just have bought a video editting software,but when I use them to convert the format what I want,there is something wrong,I don't know how to settle it,can you
I have been using this app on my Mac to edit video. I find it very easy when I want to save snippets of video. Is there a similar app for Linux Ubuntu. I am not looking for something like iMovie because that is overkill for what I am doing.
I've been looking for a good, easy to install, video editor. All searches thus far have lead into blind install alleys. All I want to do at this point is edit, cut, and paste AVI and MPEG4 files.
I'm not sure this is the cause, but after I changed the properties of gstreamer, by following a fix on VLC freezing during video playback, I cannot control my desktop anymore.Luckily I can still switch windows thanks to docky. Unfortunately I cannot change the tab in the gstreamer-properties so I can reset my change. I changed the video from default to X11.How can I edit it manually from the command line?
I recently upgraded from fc8. I am running two nvidia NVS 285 cards with four monitors and using nvidia driver 190.53-pkg1. I have one card up and running and can edit the config file and make to other two work I just can't get all four to work together.
I'll try to make this short, esp because I don't know if this is the right place to discuss a 3rd party program like "Avidemux" I'm running the latest version "2.5.4" or so. It started giving me this problem where no matter what settings I give it, the resulting files are so small it results in an error after almost a day of encoding. ( "XYZ" was NOT saved correctly , for example.) One day I noticed the quantisizer was at max, peaking at 48-50...which made the files tiny. So, I can avoid this sort of, by limiting the maximum and minimum quantisizer in the configurations. Problem is, I have no control over target size or bitrate this way..and sometimes the results are still unplayable.
Naturally I've uninstalled and re-installed several times, and recompiled the x264 codecs using this guide: [URL]... So, I downloaded the Tar.gz of the previous version i was using (Avidemux 2.5.3), the last known thing I know that worked for me...but I have no idea how to install it. I've tried running "Make" / "Cmake" In which I was told that an "in-tree-build" was detected. And trying to run the included "bootStrap.sh" results in : "Permission denied" or file/command not found. I don't think their old releases come in the default Ubuntu/Unix package "deb" right?
All these could be small errors on my end, but It urks me. In between reading up, and everything else that needs to be done in a day, I could have been done by now... Does anyone know where i could be going wrong?
Since upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 (through the update manager) my previously well working avidemux now will not even start. here is the output from the terminal.
I have unistalled and reinstalled avidemux with the same results. I have also uninstalled the ffmpeg, mencoder, and medibuntu codecs and reinstalled, however, I am getting the same terminal output and the same results.
when editing an mp4 file from videos with avidemux, the editing works perfectly but the resulting video sound is speeded up but the image runs at normal speed. the resulting mess is out of synch video/sound.
I eventually did buy a Terra HD from Zareason that I love, but I cannot get it to do my video editing of Flip Mino home videos. I know the machine is capable. It plays bigger AVI files without any problem. For sound it uses the Realtek chipset. Samples of the .avi Flip Mino videos are here. A nice short one for experimenting with is 2.3 MB, here. According to Avidemux, the Flip Mino videos have the following video properties...
Codec 4CC: XVID Image Size: 640 x 480 Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (1:1) Frame Rate: 30.000 fps and the following audio properties...
My goal is simply to trim the beginning and end to get the best segment in each home movie. Avidemux worked great on my old machine as long as I changed the output audio format to MP3(LAME). But Avidemux is not working and wants to know all sorts of things about devices of which I am ignorant. The default settings must be wrong since the audio playback is choppy and usually the video saves to a one-frame broken file.
I also tried Openshot and it has no device preference issues. However, I am ignorant of how to make it save the videos properly. It wants to "export" the video using all sorts of options, none of which are simply "use the setting for the only track". Based on the 640x480 size I tried some Square NTSC tests but the exported file was always much too big -- usually larger than the untrimmed original!
Also, Openshot appears to lack a keyboard shortcut or button for "move the beginning or end of the clip back or forwards one frame". Is it really expecting me to use the mouse to position the clip's borders precisely? I have no vested interest in which software is used. Nor do I care about the resulting file format as long as it is neither wastefully large nor senselessly abandoning quality. I just want to share my home movies with friends and family.
I installed avidemux so I can split a video file. However avidemux doesn't show up on the menu. It should appear in Applications->Sound and Video but it's not showing up under any of the menu items. When I go to Ubuntu Software Centre it shows that avidemux is installed. How do I find it so I can run it? I'm running Karmic.
i have a series of flv videos and they all are pieces of one big video file i want to append them with avidemux but when i do the process open file select append and then select the following video i did that like 8 times but only the first clip in the video has sound the rest are completely mute whats going on here
I have been using Avidemux to encode edited video using x264 and the mp4 container for most of my videos. My PCs are not new, using single-core AMD Athlon processors.
In 9.04 and 9.10 (Linux Mint), encoding speeds ranged from 7 to 10 frames per second. In 10.04 these dropped down to less than 2 frames per second.
I booted back into Linux Mint 8 (9.10) and the same video encoded at the previous 7 to 10 fps.
I tried with other videos in different formats (mpeg2 and VOB). The results were the same - 10.04 was extremely slow encoding x264 but Mint 8 was "normal" at 7 to 10 fps.
With a dual-core notebook, however, the encoding speeds ran at 8 to 14 fps in 10.04.
Was 10.04 optimized for dual and multi-core at the expense of single-core? If so, is there a way to restore "single-core optimization"?
I'm using using ubuntu 11.04, and im using Avidemux (GTK+) whatever date that is, got it a couple days ago from the software center.
I attached some .a/s/s subtitles to the video, and the preview looked great. Encoded the video, and the audio plays like two times faster than the actual video, so by about halfway through the video, the audio is done and im left in silence with the video still going.
I set the video to MPEG-4 AVC, attach .a/s/s subs, leave audio alone, and encode using default option (Single pass-quality quantisizer)
First and foremost is Avidemux. Somewhere between Fedora 11, 12 and 13 Avidemux lost the capability to encode audio streams in AAC format. I've installed all pertinent packages for it and for AAC, and even though AAC is available to other programs (Banshee, SoundJuicer, etc), alas it is not in Avidemux. I read somewhere that since the newer version of Avidemux now uses a plug-in architecture, support for a lot of formats might be missing as they get ported.
I use Avidemux as usually I rip my DVDs into .mp4 files which I serve up from a Linux box at home and stream them to my PS3, or simply to load a bunch onto my laptop to watch on the move or when I'm on call at the hospital (like I am right now)...
Kind of related to this that I remember not too long ago, I was able to convert a DVD into PSP's mp4 format from DVD::Rip, IIRC directly from the application, but last time I used it, it only seems to have support for AVI, OGM and MPEG container formats. Maybe somthing changed along the way that I'm not aware of.
It looks to boil down to the fact that the package avidemux-plugins from RPMFusion is missing the necessary plugin... I'll go check why is that.