Ubuntu :: Create Folders In 9.10 File System
Nov 9, 2010
I have set up a dual boot system with Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10. I have upgraded Ubuntu to the most current version available online. I'm unable to create folders or subfolders in the Linux file system. I have researched the manual and my Unbuntu Linux book and see that I should be able to click on 'File' from the menu, then 'Create Folder', and then input the new folder name, but the 'Create Folder' selection is 'grayed' out which I conclude means that it is set on inactive and unable to be used. I am able to access my Windows disk by mounting and then typing in my password, so I have Administrator privileges.
I'm able to create a new folder in Unbuntu Linux for my Windows (NTFS) files. When I installed Unbuntu, I did not see any options to have write access to the Ubuntu file system. I can create new files within the existing folders. Soon after working out my Linux problems, I will be using PHP/MySQL/Apache to do some important work, so I will need to be able to create new folders and subfolders in my Linux system. I have some urgent tasks I need to do away from my PC soon, so I will be a while before getting back to this.
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Oct 15, 2010
Why am I trying to create folders in the file system you ask? I'm messing around with Drupal and I want to add some modules. So I need to go to the blablabla/sites/ folder and add an 'all' folder followed by a 'modules' folder.No problem, right? Wrong?It seems I don't have the rights to create folders in the file system ( which I only recently figured out is actually root. duh. )I've figured out that I was able to install all the LAMP parts because I was using 'sudo' before every command, which apparently grants me temporary rights to root? ( I think? )Sooo... what's the magic for creating folders and transferring files to my Drupal folder... which it seems requires root permissions?
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May 19, 2010
Based on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, Linux 2.6.32, Gnome 2.30 and Xorg 7.4, Linux Mint 9 "Isadora" features a lot of improvements and the latest software from the Open Source World. anyways, I just done a fresh install and I cannot create no folders in my own file system, anywhere? It must be permissions, because when I try in terminal I get permission errors. Also this is my first Linux install
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May 26, 2011
Is there any other short/easier and smarter way to do the following in Linux? code...
I need to use crontab to create folders every day and every month inside /home/abcd/dammi, /home/abcd/harrami, /home/wxyz/dammi and /home/wxyz/harrami. Can anyone help me with this?
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May 4, 2011
Is possible to make a folder permission like below?
-User can create files/folders in the shared folder.
-But the files/folders they created, cannot be delete/change by em.
(only can be delete by root users)
-Each new files/folders created will auto owner to root only.
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May 5, 2010
I had a major raid event recently which caused my Ubuntu 9.04 server to recover part of its file journal on the system partition. This caused some of the file permissions to go all funny and I now need to change them manually.
What the file permissions should for the following folders:
The server is running and I fixed the some of the ownership issues already. I use a basic LAMP setup with samba, and proftp.
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Jul 21, 2010
I plugged in my USb drive into my computer yesterday and tried to delete a folder. I was unable to do so and got the following message
Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately? The file "my file" cannot be moved to the trash. Show Details Unable to create trashing info file: Read-only file system
So when I click on delete I get another error message:
Error while deleting.
There was an error deleting Case Study Database. Show Details Error removing file: Read-only file system
At this point I can only click on Skip, Skip All, or Cancel.
I have not changed anything on the stick recently so I dont know what is causing the problem.
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Jun 16, 2009
All my torrents go to my home/username/Download/ folder, I could read/write yesterday but now I cant even copy the files to a flash drive.The error i get is "Cannot create regular file '/home/username/Download/file' : Read only file system.
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Apr 16, 2010
Using C++, I want to process sub-folders on my home folder sequentially each with a special naming format and containing some binary files in it:
Give above folders, I will process files in 1/ at first, 2/ at second, 3/ at third, and so on.
For some n/ folder, if I realize that n/ actually does not exist in local file system, I do not want to wait for it. Hence I will keep processing (n+1)/ folder, and so on.
However, when processing some (n+m)/ folder, previously not processed n/ folder may have been created on local file system. In this case, I do not want to miss processing it, but somehow detect its creation and process it. After processing n/ folder, I want to continue from (n+m+1)/.
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Jul 24, 2010
When I am doing a fresh install and it tries to create partition i get this error:
Failed to Create a file system The ext4 file system creation in partition #6 of Serial ATA Raid nvidia_cjtiagcb(stripe) failed.
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Jan 16, 2011
new partition is sda or,hda i bit confusing here
my system ------------------
/dev/sda1-c drive
/dev/sda5 -d: drive
/dev/sda6 -ubuntu 10.4 partition
which partition do i need to make tell me the commands for ubuntu 10.4
i tried 'fdisk /dev/sda3' but it is show unable to open,thing is iam confusing my quetion is i want mount one file system with name hda5/other to this new partition 'mke2fs -v /dev/[xxx]'---command for to mount file system xxx(here hda5) to that (new partition) partition
how to do
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Feb 10, 2010
problem that I have in red hat enterprise linux version 5. I intend to create a file system but I'm having troubles because it show me an error after typing the command to create a filesystem:mke2fs �b 4096 /dev/sap (mke2fs �b 4096 /dev/<device>)The error finish with a message: "The device apparently does not exist; did you specify itcorrectly?"
I don�t understand why this happens
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Apr 13, 2010
I am a newbie at Linux. I have installed Redhat Enterprise Linux desktop 5.3 on my machine. I do not know how to create a JFFS file system on Linux
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Mar 27, 2010
I just installed the beta 10.04 LTS with Gnome Version: 2.29.92. I want to to create a network share but when I navigate to system>preferences>personal file sharing I can not create a share. The message indicates that the feature is not available because the required package is not installed. I tried to reinstall gnome-user-share and in reinstalled without issue but I still get the same thing. What am I missing? How can I create a network share?
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Jan 28, 2014
I would like to create a full systembackup to a ISO/IMG-file. I've been searching and found mondorescue.org, but something is wrong with package for debian 6.
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Oct 5, 2009
How to I open, create, edit, or view a file in Linux?
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Jun 26, 2010
Attempting to create a backup script to copy files from one file system to a remote file system.
When I try this I get:
# tar -cf - /mnt/raid_md1 | gzip -c | ssh -i ~/.ssh/key -l user@ "cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz"
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ssh: Could not resolve hostname cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz: Name or service not known
I know that the remote file system dir is RW and the access is working fine. I am stumped...
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Dec 9, 2010
As I understand it creating an image of a Linux system makes an exact copy of the OS and any user files/configurations/programs etc. What i would love to do is create an image of my work PC and install it at home on my desktop. Can someone briefly explain the process of creating and installing images of Linux systems?
Home OS - windows Want - An image file that can be executed in a virtual machine(VMPlayer or VirtualBox) or booted directly on my home PC.
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Jun 8, 2011
I am unable to create either a file or a directory in a specified path in Linux.
I am getting the error "No space left on device".
I have checked with df -k and df -i. Free disk space is 28 % and free inodes are 28 %.
What else could be the reason?
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Aug 1, 2010
I am trying to create hard links within a file system to a directory, but unable to do that. is there any limitation to create hard links to directories within file system ?
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Dec 7, 2009
I have decided that my partition table does not meet my needs Barrymore, and I want to shrink the "/" partition by 80GB, and then create another file system on that space. I did some research on-line, and I'm not sure which way is the easiest and more secure way to perform the change with out putting the "/" file system on risk.
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Sep 4, 2010
How can I create a multipart 7zip file in Linux using the p7zip console client?
Many people referred me to it. My console app is
7-Zip [64] 9.13 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-04-15
p7zip Version 9.13 (locale=C,Utf16=off,HugeFiles=on,4 CPUs)
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Jun 14, 2010
I have an NTFS file system nfs-automounted on our RedHat servers. Users can read and write to the file system no problem, and can create new files, edit them, and delete them to their heart's content. The only issue is that utilities such as "dos2unix" cannot create temporary working files:
$ dos2unix events.0818.dat
dos2unix: converting file events.0818.dat to UNIX format ...
Failed to open output temp file: Operation not permitted
dos2unix: problems converting file events.0818.dat
This isn't limited to "dos2unix"; any other utility that creates a temporary working file gets the same problem. If I copy the file to a local file system like /tmp, it works fine. Here's the kicker: this works fine on Solaris systems. I can take the "dos2unix" utility over to a Solaris system that has that exact same NTFS file system automounted via NFS, and it works. No issues creating temporary working files at all.
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Jan 19, 2010
During two instances now I have had to create a .js file in a folder. In one instance, (POLIPO) I can create the file, I just cannot save it. I have momentarily forgotten the error message stating why. In the second instance, I have to create a user.js file inside my Firefox folder to allow cut/copy/paste functionality in order to fully utilize an internet forum. I have a Windows desktop at home and used URL...to "fix" Firefox. My laptop, however, needs to have the same capabilities and is running Ubuntu 9.04, fully updated, and Firefox 3.0.17, fully updated.
In short, I would like to know how to have complete control over functions such as "create file" EVERY time I want to. Is this a permission issue? I have only one user on the Ubuntu box. Also, how can I modify Firefox to allow for cut/copy/paste in the Mozilla Rich Text Editor?I am new to using Linux, so a minor spoonfeeding may be required.
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Oct 8, 2010
I am building an application that would need to store data in many different folders (say, 5,000,000 folders). Obviously that is a big number of folders.
My project is flexible in terms of how to outline the folders (meaning, some folders can be sub-folders of others etc).
Given the Ubuntu file system, is there a rule-of-thumb on how many sub-folders should be in a folder? how many files should be in a folder? (I am asking strictly from a performance point of view).
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Apr 28, 2010
creating a new website project in the var/www folder. I open jedit and try to save a folder or file inside var/www using jedt and it refuses to let me create or save anythink in the var/www directory.
I have used the terminal to create a new folder and file inside the var/www directory and when i open the file with jedit or gedit and write some code into it it wont save the code either. I am used to just creating a new directory and saving files into it with ease using windows so this is puzzling me a little. I also installed lamp server through the terminal and the phpmyadmin folder installed somewhere different from the var/www file.
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May 13, 2011
i'm workin on QEMU for ARM on ubuntu 11.4 and i needed to run this symbian-qemu-0.9.1-12-arm-none-symbianelf.sh script which is in this link [URL]
but i get this error ..
mkdir: cannot create directory `/scratch': Permission denied
is there any way to work around it and be able to create folders outside the root folder ??
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Jun 23, 2011
When I try to create a folder from firefox (while downloading stuff), it says "unable to create folder. permission denied." But when I create it using terminal (i.e. 'mkdir foo') it works. Firefox is running as the same user as the terminal, so shouldn't the two programs have the same permissions ?
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Jul 1, 2011
I am running the new Natty install of Ubuntu. I always seem to have this particular problem, particularly with any ubuntu/kubuntu installs, but not other distros.
Basically, I'm trying to run a program -- a text-based game server. The server needs to be able to create new folders and write and delete files within its own directories in order to work.
However, no matter what I try to set in permissions, the program always spits out errors saying it was denied. I have set the directories so that any user/program can write/delete in them, and it still doesn't work.
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Aug 8, 2009
I need to buy a new windows now, so before i do buy, Do you guys recomened me to move to fedora? is it better? is it easy? can i chat and use the internet and have my pc fine and stable with it? will my data on portable HD be working again?i am now downloading fedore 11 i386 DVD, is thats the right one for me since there are many types? i have a good PC Dell XPS M1530If yes, where can i dins a user guide or fedore on basic things as how to install programs on it and how to know the terms and names in it and how to creat folders and soo on.
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