Ubuntu :: Copy System Data To Another Machine?

Feb 7, 2011

I am looking for a way to see if it is possible to copy the system state of a system to another system.Is it possible to simply move the folder structure over to another machine, and have it work? Do I need any special partitions for /var, /home, etc?My machine is dying slowly, and I really want the quickest way to migrate the system over to the new system.

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Debian Configuration :: Copy Full System To Another Machine

Mar 31, 2016

I am setting up a mail server on debian. Once it's done, I'd like to have an indentical server on another machine, where debian will also be installed. The solution has to be hardware agnostic, so source machine is different than destination machine. I was reading on some wiki page that one can simply copy the root filesystem via rsync to the computer that he'd like to install the system on, then chroot to it and test if everything works. I'm guessing I'd have to change a couple things before, like :

- The network config
- The /etc/fstab file (disks and partitions may be different)

This article is about using rsync to transfer a copy of your "/" tree, excluding a few select folders. This approach is considered to be better than disk cloning with dd since it allows for a different size, partition table and filesystem to be used, and better than copying with cp -a as well, because it allows greater control over file permissions, attributes, Access Control Lists (ACLs) and extended attributes. [1]

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General :: Copy Files From System To Machine To Share On Windows?

Jun 30, 2010

I need a command-line method of copying files from a Linux box to a Windows machine that is in a domain and requires authentication. I cannot install additional software or services on the Windows XP machine. I can install any software on the Linux machine. I've tried scp, but the connection failed and if my understanding is correct it is because scp requires that the target (windows machine) be running an ssh service. Is there a command-line linux utility that can pass Windows domain user and password and then copy a file from the linux machine to a share on the windows machine?

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General :: Copy Folders From Windows Machine To System Script?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm looking for a script to run that will be run from my linux box to copy folders from a windows server at a certain time on a daily basis.

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Ubuntu :: Excel Data Shrinks To The Small Scale - Unreadable When Copy Data From Another Spreadsheet Onto The New One

Jan 17, 2011

I've been using Excel from OpenOffice with moderate success for the last year. Now I've just tried to open a new spreadsheet and I'm suddenly getting a highly condensed view. The cells are about 1mm X 4mm. If I expand them by selecting and dragging, then try to copy data from another spreadsheet onto the new one, the data shrinks to the small scale -- unreadable.

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Ubuntu :: Copy SCP A Couple Files From 10.10 Machine To A Fedora 12 Machine

Dec 8, 2010

I have been trying to SCP a couple files from my Ubuntu 10.10 machine to a Fedora 12 machine. Before today, did it with out any problems, always worked. Today however; after the SCP is complete from my machine, the file on the other machine is zero bytes, an empty file. The only thing I can remember getting changed was the new kernel that was in the update I did today. But I don't think that would have changed the SCP works.

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General :: Copy Files From Machine A To Machine B?

Mar 8, 2010

How can i copy a files from Machine A to Machine B.Which is LAN connected

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Software :: Rsync Some Data From A Windows Machine To A Machine?

Apr 8, 2010

So I am trying to learn a little about Cygwin and rsync. I'd like to rsync some data from a Windows machine to a Linux machine. I've got Cygwin installed but I can't figure out how to tell Cygwin were rsync will be pulling the data from; basically, how to set the directories that I want to be rsnyc'd. I've googled and googled but I can't seem to find the answer to this exact question.

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Ubuntu :: Copy Data From 1 Hdd To Another?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm upgrading to a new hard drive i have an 80GB and I'm going to a 250GB and I need to how can I transfer everything of the 80GB to the 250GB

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Ubuntu :: Copy Data From 10.04 To Virtual Box

Feb 17, 2011

I want to copy data from my ubuntu 10.04 to Virtual box , which is Windows XP. How can I do it ?

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General :: Access Windows Machine Through System Machine?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm the Administrating the computers in my office. I want to monitor the user's activity. How can i remote login without distrubing the user's activity on his computer? Any software need to be installed? (I don't want to use Terminal server client).

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Ubuntu :: Copy Entire Partition To Another Machine?

Sep 24, 2010

I would like to copy an entire unmounted partition from one machine to another on my LAN. This is basically to perform a very direct backup of the partition.

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Ubuntu :: Iphone 4.2.6 - Copy Music From Machine

Jun 22, 2011

Iphone 4.2.6 and ubuntu. I have upgraded to natty and have Banshee running and am able to mount my iphone and see my files etc in a file browser. I can even see my music on the iphone inside Banshee. It lets me copy music from my machine to the iphone but never shows up on the ipod on the iphone. I can browse the folders and find the music but its saved as libgpodxxxxx.mp3. The xs are numbers. They are all in folders on the iphone called itunes_controlmusicfxx where x again are numbers. They play fine from the iphone if you highlight them in the file manager or in banshee.

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Ubuntu :: How To Copy And Paste Large Chunks Of Data

Jun 16, 2011

I want to copy about 40GB - to a partiton. There are two hard drives in my box one won't boot but I can aaccess it and mount partitions and I aim to move data from it to a new bootable hard drive. Doing a simple cp copy command may not be the best way to copy and paste such a large chunk? Also I want to backup the data I plan to copy/paste using a USB hard drive to backup. But I could also paste data from the backup to the new drive instead of from old internal hd to new hd. - that's another option.

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions To Copy Data From Bootable USB?

Jul 17, 2011

I have two HDDs in computer, one with ntfs and windows on it and second with btrfs. I want to get data on that btrfs disk. I boot with bootable USB stick with ubuntu on it but I found out that I cannot copy anzthing. I dont have permissions. How to change that. I am logged in as nobody here in USB stick, and files are probably locked as mz previous username when I create them.

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General :: Copy A LVM Configuration To Another Machine?

Jan 11, 2011

I inherited a machine that's set up with 3 disks, managed by LVM (v 2.02.46-RHEL5). I just got a new box with the same hardware configuration, and would like to clone the disk setup by copying an LVM config file from the first box to the second, and have LVM on the new box set up the disks according to that same configuration. Is there a way to do this?

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Hardware :: Copy Disk And Put Into Different Machine?

Mar 13, 2009

I added another disk to an old Dell Dim2400 that had one HD. It was a blank disk, and instead fo re-loading and re-configuring SuSE, F10, and PCLOS, I did a cp command from another multi-boot computer, like so:

cp /dev/sda dev/sdd
sda is an 80G Seagate, with SuSE, F10, and PCLOS.
sdd is an 80G Western Digital.

The copy went perfect. It begins to load SuSE in the old Dell, showing new peripheral hardware, but it stops when it realizes it's on a WD and not on a Seagate. The line is something like, 'Looking for dev/by-uid=xxx-123-Seagate-yyy'. It asks if I want to go to the next device to boot up. I enter 'NO', because it will go to Windows.

It then exits to 'bin/sh' prompt (or something close (shell?)).

Can I boot LiveCD and modify this so it completes the load?

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Software :: Copy Add On From Firefox On One Machine To Another?

Mar 30, 2011

I want to copy the add ons from a PC Linux 0S live CD to my Oracle linux 5 machines.It should be simple but I am having problems

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Ubuntu :: Changing Filesystem - Using Partimage To Make Copy Of Data

Feb 22, 2010

I have my / partition on an SSD that I formatted in ext3 but I now realise that, in order to use TRIM, I need to be ext4. Can I use Partimage to make and image of the partition, format it (using GParted) and then restore the image? Basically, do Partimage files survive a filesystem change?

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Ubuntu :: Temporarily Copy Data Before Growing RAID0 Array?

Feb 1, 2011

I currently have two hard drives, with my root partition configured in RAID0. I'd like to add two additional hard drives, and include them in my RAID0 array. I need to recreate the array to do this, so I'd like to copy everything off of the existing array, add the drives, build the new array, and copy everything back. I have an external hard drive with four times the capacity of my current array. What would be the best way to copy this data so that nothing is missed, so I can just copy everything back and boot back up? dd, image the entire root partition, mount it after creating the new array, copy everything back (at the filesystem level) dd, image the entire root partition, write it back out to the new array, I'm not sure how this would work, because the partition will be the wrong size, I don't know much about dd. rsync, just rsync everything on root over to the external something else? I plan on booting to a live CD and mounting my current array there, so I won't be working on a live filesystem.

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General :: CentOS 5.4 - LVM Data Copy To Different Disk

Jan 26, 2010

I've got a CentOS 5.4 box and the following disks connected:
# parted /dev/sda print
Model: ATA WDC WD1600BEKT-0 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 160GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot
2 107MB 160GB 160GB primary lvm

# parted /dev/sdb print
Model: ATA WDC WD1200BEVT-0 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 120GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 32.3kB 107MB 107MB primary ext3 boot
2 107MB 120GB 120GB primary ext3 lvm
the OS, data and programs are on /dev/sda.

I'd like to copy the full directories and files to the newly added /dev/sdb wich has, as you can see, less space. Also note that /dev/sda has only about 3.6Gigs uses, so it will no doubt easily go into /dev/sdb. How can I do the full copy, and yet make /dev/sdb bootable just like /dev/sda (just as if it was cloned by Ghost)? I've checked dd, but AFAIK, it needs that both source and target devices be the same in size.

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General :: How To Mount HDD And Copy Data To Server

Apr 12, 2010

I have a HDD that cannot be bootup (should be the boot file problem, I want to get back the data in it, so I plug it to another server and trying to copy the data from the failure HDD to this server. Now, the server is re-boot and in maintenance mode as the HDD cannot do the system check. when I try to copy data, it pops the server is read-only system.
1. How to let me write data to the server ; or
2. Let me boot up the server, then I will mount the HDD to it and copy the data to the server.

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Server :: Data Copy From Mysql To Samba?

Jul 18, 2011

how i can copy data from mysql server to local system or samba server. I want to know the command.

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General :: Scp - Copy File From One Machine To Another In A Intranet?

Jan 12, 2011

I used the command: scp filename.c user@

Here I want to copy file to in /user/pradeep but it gives a
error: scp: /user/pradeep: No such file or directory

What is the command to copy a file from one system to another?

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General :: Unable To Copy Files On Machine?

Sep 8, 2010

I am unable to copy files on my machine. For instance, if I have two folders on the desktop and I want to move one folder into another, I get the error message:Error "Not on the same file system". I am using SL5.4.

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General :: Copy Data In Chunks And With Timed Breaks?

May 2, 2011

I have a hard drive with a bad PCB board. It stays on when not under heavy load and it will restart if I copy too much data off it. So far I have had good luck doing folders under 500 MB in size if I copy one folder to my good hard drive, wait five minutes, copy another, etc.

If I mount the bad drive and try to copy a folder of several GBs in size it will start and then stop as the hard drive restarts. When I try to mount the drive again Linux says it can't read the superblock. I have several folders with over 30 GB of data in many different folders.

What I am looking for is a way of copying a folder in Linux such that the commands grab the whole folder in chunks with a timed break in-between.

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Software :: Obtain An Older Copy Of KMM To Retrieve The Data?

Sep 17, 2010

I was using 9.10 Ubuntu and was going to update to 10.??. Being an intelligent person, I made four (4) backups of KMyMoney on different diskettes and thumb drives. Now, the problem, after reinstalling my O/S (new version) I reinstalled KMyMoney and found out that the newer version of KMM will not read the data I have backed up.What I need is a way to obtain an older copy of KMM so I can retrieve my data. Then I can update.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Copy Files Between Servers - Data Gets Corrupted

Apr 13, 2011

I am attempting to copy files from one server to an external USB drive on a second server. Both servers are running custom RedHat Linux, kernel 2.6. Both are setup as Check Point SecurePlatform (one is a log server and the other a management server). I am trying to archive files from one (HP DL380 G5) to the second (HP DL380 G6). I am not able to archive directly to the external usb drive when connected to the HP DL380 G5 (data gets corrupted and switches to read-only access). The external USB drive has no issues when connected to the HP DL380 G6 server, thus my reason for trying to copy the files across servers.

When I attempt to use scp to copy files between the server, I am prompted for the password. Once entered the debug shows the authentication is successful, but then no files are copied (see log below). I have tried searching for potential answers, but none have panned out. Unfortunately I can't yet post the actual scp debug log output as some of the text is viewed as a URL and not yet allowed for me. I have changed all the atsign symbols to '(a)' to avoid the URL inference.

Output log from scp attempt follows:
[Expert(a)server1]# scp -p -r -v /var/fromhere/* copyfile(a)server2:/media/disk/tohere/
Executing: program /usr/bin/ssh host server2, user copyfile, command scp -v -r -p -d -t /media/disk/tohere/
OpenSSH_3.6.1p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090707f
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Rhosts Authentication disabled, originating port will not be trusted.
debug1: Connecting to server2 [] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -1 .....
debug1: Exit status 1
lost connection

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General :: Open SuSe 11.1 - Cannot Copy Data From Second Disk

Jan 25, 2010

I have a PC with OpenSuse 11.1. Beside root there are two other users on the system. Now I have installed a new PC with OpenSuse 11.2. Only one user is set up until now. I installed the hard disk from OpenSuse 11.1 into the new PC on IDE Primary Slave, because I wanted to copy some files from the old system. OpenSuse 11.2 has mounted the old disk automatically in /media/disk and /media/disk-1. The problem is that I can't find any files or directories from the users. I could find only one file from root in /media/disk-1/root/Desktop. Why can't I see the files? Does it have anything to do with UID or SUID?

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General :: Execute Scp To Copy Mysql Data Directory?

Aug 31, 2010

We have a test server in which we have not taken backup. Contents under /etc is entirely lost.

I need to execute scp to copy mysql data directory.

Also it is in remote location. Can I recover the data by scp by creating some /etc/passwd , /etc/shadow files ?

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