I have all of my music in mp3 form on an external HD. When I copy it to my home folder for use in Banshee 2.0, some of the music files become corrupted.When these copied mp3s are played, they have annoying, intermittent distortion throughout some of the songs. In an effort to try and isolate the problem, played one of the distorted songs directly from the file on the external HD, and it played flawlessly. I then downloaded Clementine and had the exact same distortion on the playback from the copied file, and then no distortion from the external HD file.
So at this point, it seems like the mp3 are getting messed up when they are being copied from the external HD to the computer.I am using a USB 2.0 port for the file copying.
I copied several folders over to a thumbdrive in Terminal, but I can't see the folders when I view the thumbdrive on any other system (tried a machine with xp and another with Ubuntu).I went back to the original machine where I did the coping and viewed the thumbdrive's contents in Terminal, and it shows everything to be there that I had copied. Is there a step I'm missing? I copied using cp -r. The reason I'm doing this is that the Ubuntu installation on the original machine is freezing up and I just want to backup some of the files before reinstalling Ubuntu.
I am trying to write a script to copy all of my photos to my backup drive, to finish it i want to scan the backup and check that all of the folders and photos are there. is there a command in linux to do this (theres one (or two) for everything else!!!)
Lately I've tried rsync for backing up my home partition to an external drive, but I've run into some problems with some flac files (there might be other problematic files though, these are the ones I know of). The external drive is formatted in ntfs. Now, when adding my whole music directory (within my home directory) first as a library to VLC and then copying to the playlist, some files are not playable. I discovered this at work in windows, and resaved all the flac files using ex falso to skip windows incompatible characters. The problem persisted though. I tried the same thing in VLC in Ubuntu, and got again a set of non-playable files, partly, but not completely, overlapping the set of files that were not playable in windows. The original files (on my internal drive) are playable in VLC in Ubuntu. What to do (except to go back to cp instead of rsync, rsync is faster, but if it doesn't copy correctly, it's not worth it)?
I'm sure that the issue I'm having is easily solvable once I gain some understanding about copying files - and file permissions in Ubuntu. Here's my situation:
I have an external HDD where I like to back up some files (I mess around with distros on my main machine and feel less stressed knowing the important stuff is backed up). I have an ext4 partition on the external drive where I have copied files, both through the terminal (cp 'filename' /dev/sdc3) and by drag and drop (gnome-terminal).
The problem is, once the files are copied, most are inaccessible. I can view them, but some directories and individual files say I do not have permission to open them. Others are accessible. This is from the same user profile that copied them.
How do I see what's going on? More importantly, how do I make files on external drives available to any user or OS (that can handle ext4)? I want to make sure that if my whole system gets effed that I could still do a reinstall of my OS and then access those backup files.
I have about 20 000 photos in XP which have mostly been tagged, cropped, etc using Picasa. That Picasa is working OK.
I am shifting my activities from XP to Ubuntu & am just getting to the Photo part.
In Ubuntu, I have the current Picasa (3.0.5744-02) & that is working OK with any new photos I download to Ubuntu & modify in Picasa there.
My next step was to copy a folder of photos from XP to Ubuntu & look at them in Picasa. They copy perfectly & Picasa finds them OK. All the tags are there OK.
But the cropping & other editing from Picasa XP is not seen in Picasa Ubuntu.
The ini file is there & looks the same as ini files generated in Ubuntu.
Should I expect my XP edits to be visible in Ubuntu?
How can I get that to work, without re-editing 20 000 photos?
I got around 6,000 songs that I copied from my ipod to my external hard drive through rhythmbox, but for some reason it didn't copy over any extensions (all of my music files are mp3's) so I was wondering what would be a really simple way to add the extension to all the files in the music folder. My folders are setup like /Music/Artist/Album/song.mp3 (well right now there is no .mp3 but ya get the point
I'm interested to hear what config/settings files - or whole folders - you've managed to simply copy over from your previous installation and have working in the new. This can be either for specific programs or for parts of the system, but I suppose most of what people would find useful is getting some of their programs back to how they had them. These can be individual files or whole folders, but if there is a settings folder for a program but only one of the files is actually worth copying, just mention the one file and what it does. Also interested in hearing from KDE and Xfce users, for the benefit of those of us who have multiple desktop environments in the same system. (Besides, even those with only Gnome will use some of the great KDE apps like Amarok and K3b).
Here are my contributions: (~/ denotes your home folder; any subfolders starting with a period [.] are hidden files or folders) ~/.cache/rhythmbox/covers (the folder containing all your album cover art displayed in Rhythmbox) ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts (any scripts you added to Nautilus will be in this folder) ~/.lyrics (the folder containing all your song lyrics displayed in Rhythmbox) ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml (Rhythmbox's database file; if you were forced to edit this because of some incorrectly displayed tags, don't forget to copy it over). ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox/plugins/ (Rhythmbox's plugins folder; plugins should be accessible when you restart Rythmbox). ~/.bash_aliases (Terminal command aliases you may have created will be in this file). ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus/preferences/%gconf.xml (Nautilus folder preferences file) ~/.mozilla/firefox (Folder for Firefox settings, cache, bookmarks, etc. If there are 2 or more subfolders with names like 2tb4r91t.default just copy over the latest one, and make sure profiles.ini points to it) ~/.thunderbird (Mozilla Thunderbird folder with all accounts, emails, settings, etc)
I'm using a dual boot system with kubuntu 10.10 and windows vista.When I try to copy files from kubuntu to a windows drive, I see no problem.But when I retsart to windows usually I can't see my files. Once or twice I have seen files I copied in kubuntu. The strange thing is that when I go to kubuntu again, I don't see files I have copied in windows drive.
If I execute the following command: cp -R /myfiles /mydestination
If myfiles contains several sub-directories and files, in what order will they be copied? For example, directories might be named 0123a, 9993c, myfolder, xfolder.
They are not copied in alphabetical order OR in date order OR in the order they appear when using a standard ls command as far as I can tell, so what actually does determine the order?
Edit: I am trying to determine the order that the cp command uses in order to determine how far along my copy command made it before it stopped. For example, I was hoping to be able to determine it copied 3 of the 4 directories successfully.
I have an old Dell Inspiron 8200 which I use for doing my CCNA study on. I installed Ubuntu 9.10 and it the cairo dock, all was running great, a little sluggish at times but thaht was down to the integrated display adaptor, no problem. I then decided to try out Open Suse but didnt like it so reformatted the whole disk back to Ubuntu then my problems started.
After going through the installation, I found the computer would only boot in the live CD mode, no files were copied. I then reformatted back to Windows XP and try top set up a dual boot system but the same results!, no data on my hard drive from Ubuntu!!. I then installed a new hard drive and tried a new dual boot installation but with the same results, what is stopping the machine form installing Ubuntu
I have multiple OpenSuSE 11.2 systems. With some files being on one system I would like to have another computer to have the files as well. Is there a way to have the files copied to the other system automatically? FTP is one way but it is too cumbersome. I am thinking of something like disk or directory mirroring. Does OpenSuSE have something like that?
If it was real time mirroring that would be better. I.e if a write to one file on one system is done, then this would be done on the other system with the same directory/file.
I recently had data recovered and it was sent back to me on what I think is an NTFS drive. I copied all the files over to a file share I have on a Linux box, that's ext4. Now I have that share mounted on my OSX machine, and I can't move or rename most of the files. However, in a couple cases I was able to rename a folder after the third try. Another time I was able to rename a folder once, but not again. All the permissions are showing up the same on the command-line -- I can't see any differences between the permissions on any of the files/folders. Note that I can create new folders and add files no problem, and then rename and move those all I want.
I have ran into a permissions problem. It seems that any file I have created with Fedora I can browse to in Firefox. I cannot browse to files that I have downloaded from the internet or copied locally across our network. I changed file permissions to 755 and 777 for these files. I even thought that maybe it was the php file content that was causing the issue. So, I copied the file content from file 2 into file 1. File 1 was the file I could always browse to since I created it in Fedora. I could still browse to file 1 after it had file 2's content.
I look at the permissions and they appear the same for both files. I am not sure why I cannot open the other files. I downloaded phpMyAdmin. I cannot hit any of these files in a browser. I also copied some files from a a backup location we have internally. I cannot browse to any of these files either. I used chmod 777 filename. Even after doing that I could not hit any of the files. I moved the files into my document root directory ( /var/www/html ) and I still cannot browse to these files.
I have two systems running on linux. system one is running with RHEL 5.4/X86_64 hardware, system two is running with RHEL 5.3/i686 hardware. One filesystem is shared from system two and mounted as NFS on system one. Now when i do a copy from local filesystem to the NFS share from system one,it shows as follows
-rw-r--r-- 1 xkinved rbak1 30 Mar 3 2011 king
But if i do copy with -p option then it shows right time stamp. Both machines are running with slight(minutes) different in time. Does this could be cause for this problem? The problem is happening while i do FTP from some other machines too.
I have iomega appliance, which is based on Debian distribution. There is an NFS share that I have created which is without password. Since it is without password, there are some viruses copied. I want to find out which IP address is the source of these files. In other words, I want to know which PC is copying these infected files on the NFS share
I'm pretty sure I'm in over my head with this one. Here's the situation: My practice has been, after downloading and making changes to files, to use a certain GUI cataloging app to move them to categorized sub-folders inside one "umbrella" folder, then copy them to (what are in most cases) identically-named sub-folders in another one on the same HD. Emulation of this process on the command-line would look like:
This was in anticipation of making a "twin" of the second, now bigger, "umbrella" folder on anexternal HD and continuing the practice. At some point I intended to get rid of the original 2nd "parent folder" and just keep the first one on the drive with my OS install, using the twin on the backup folder as I'd been doing when it was on that same drive.
I'm very close (a matter of 2 to 3 weeks, it looks like) to getting a backup/external drive in a reasonably-reliable external enclosure. With the backup, originally the "twin" of the bigger "umbrella" folder and its sub-directories, on that other drive, I also anticipate that I will likely go at least a few days between backing up any new files to it.
For the sake of argument, let's say I gave the external the name "tuxs_twin". Is there any way to monitor copying activity from /Pictures/ on the boot HD to /media/tuxs_twin/Pictures/ and log the dates and times, then have something running that checks the log every so many hours and puts up a reminder dialog saying /tuxs_twin/Pictures/ hasn't had any new files copied to it since date X at time Y? I hope this was clear enough. If not, I'll try to break it down further when I know which details are confusing folks.
How to set the default file permissions on ALL newly created files in linux - but differs in important ways:
I want all files created in (or copied to or moved to) a certain directory to inherit a set of default permissions that is different from the system default.
Rationale: The directory in question is the "intake hopper" for an application. Users in a group place files in the directory, and the app (running under another user id in the same group) takes them and processes them. The problem is that the owner of each file placed in the directory is the user that placed it there, and the permissions are defaulting to "rw-r--r--"; I want to change that to "rw-rw----". The app doing the intake can't do that explicitly, because the user id the app is running under doesn't own the file in question, and the default permissions don't allow the app to chmod on the file! Obviously, the user could do a chmod after putting the file there - but I want to keep the "drop" by the user as simple as possible. (These folks are not linux-literate, they just drag and drop the files from their windows desktop to a (Samba) network share - i.e. they don't even know they are interacting with a linux system.)
umask seems too powerful: I don't want to set default permissions for every file created anywhere by these users - just those created in (or placed in) this directory.
Working fine: ==> scp my_log-bin.01393[0-9] root@ error - No such file or directory: ==> scp my_log-bin.0139[30-99] root@
CentOS 5.4 install, likewise open standard install (For active directory authentication).I have a license service which requires a license.txt be in the users home directory.The group owner for license.txt must be the same as the license service. Whenever a new domain user logs in, it creates the all the appropriate files but the group owner for license.txt is the users domain group. My current workaround seems like more effort than it's worth, is there another way to get this process solved easier/more secure?
- copy the license.txt into /etc/skel
- created a script to check for the presence of license.txt, check it's permissions and change them if necessary
- gave the domain's group sudo [nopasswd] access to the script (the script is not writable)
Has anyone had issues installing Drupal on centos. I have copied my files into a virtual host container but cannot access the site. When I place a phpinfo file into the folder and browes to it I see that Virtual Directory Support is "Disabled" However how did the php page get shown from the same virtual directory mm I may have asked to soon.Installing Drupal on CentOS 5/Red Hat/Fedora http://drupal.org/node/32773
I recently downloaded a copy of Kubuntu from the official website...when i finished downloading it and tried to run it inside windows, my virus scanner immediately picked up several malware inside temp files in my computer called win32 antivirus. I attempted to install kubuntu on my computer on a partition (i've previously done this on other computers no issues) but it had multiple partitions. Instead i tried to do a clean install of kubuntu then attempt to install vista again then. However it is now telling me my files are corrupted and will only operate Kubuntu. This is not what i want, i wanted to operate both on partitions as i haven't completely figured out how to use kubuntu?
I'm having problems with the ftp-server ProFTPd,If I transfer files from a Linux host to a Windows client, it says that my transfered files are damaged, so I'm unable to open them..I've searched this forum and several people say I have to set the default transfer mode to 'binary' mode.I did that, but it didn't work at all for me... so despite the binary transfer mode my files are still damaged when I transfer them.when I do it through SSH, it works fine, so the problem is the FTP-server...
before i proceed,I'll like to say that I'm a complete newbie, but enjoying my time with Ubuntu.
Recently, due to hard disk failure, some of the System files got corrupted, I have no idea to which files, but booting Ubuntu from the latest kernel is not working, instead I have to select the previous version from the grub screen.
How to recover these files? Is there a way by which Ubuntu automatically scans and repairs the system files.
I downloaded latest Ubuntu version 10. I bruned it to CD disc. I run WUBI.exe. Some files copied to the hard drive, but the error message interrupted in the middle of the installation process. It said unable to install -- permission denied. I don't see what is wrong. My Windows XP is full administration control. All the files should be able to write to drive c without any problem. What is the cause? Could files in ISO image be corrupted?
I had a usb stick running ubuntu. A coworker used this install to go around some of my companies security measures, and I was told to hold on to the usb stick in question. I copied all the files onto another usb stick in case something went wrong with the first one.
The problem: The first usb stick that was bootable has become corrupted. I still have the files from the disc, but they're not on the bootable stick.
Can i just use something like unetbootin, reinstall ubuntu, then drag all the files over?
It seems there is a bug with F13Files send over Bluetooth to my WM phone are corrupted.When I send files, the Bluetooth transfer starts normal, then when the transfer finishes the window stays open (like it does not complete the transfer).I am unable to run or use that files on the WM (they are binary or data) so I assume they are corrupted. I have no problem with Ubuntu/Opensuse (I have a test disk with Ubuntu and OpenSuse) only with F13.
My HP Netbook crashed. The Windows XP system files corrupted and Windows absolutely will not run. I planned on using Ubuntu to recover it, and then install Ubuntu permanently to save it in the future. Before you ask, every other utility has failed on me. UBCD included, which did nothing but provide me with errors upon errors just trying to run it.
The netbook has no CD drive.The only internet around is a wireless signal... my netbook has a broadcom wireless card that is never recognized. I'm using someone elses working laptop to connect online and get things I need, make boot devices, research for help, etc.This laptop has barely any hard drive space. Currently it has 1 gb remaining for doing anything.I have three flash memory devices:2 gb SD card. My netbook refuses to recognize it as a boot device.2 gb flash stick (that's actually an mp3 player). My netbook refuses to recognize it as a boot device.512 mb flash stick. This DOES work as a boot device.
So far my 512 mb flash stick has run Damn Small Linux and Ubuntu Minimal on my netbook. Of course, both are useless because the netbook cannot access internet, nor does either OS recognize my wireless card. This flash stick is, obviously, too small for a regular Ubuntu installation or any other Linux distribution that can help (as far as I know).
So, in order for this to work, I have to be able to do one of the following:
Install Ubuntu from a different OS, like Damn Small Linux or something small enough to boot on my 512 mb stick. Ubuntu can be put on one of the other, larger devices, maybe to be accessed for installation. No idea how to do this, let alone safely.
Install Ubuntu Minimal OFFLINE. This question was asked multiple times on these forums and none were answered. Is there a way to run minimal, and use offline sources for the install?
Get the normal Ubuntu installer under 500 mb. Its overwhelmingly frustrating that I'm just barely unable to do this. I've read of Ubuntu Customization Kit, which ended up being lots of useless files and reams of gobbldegook. I've heard Ubuntu is packed with additional, nonrequisite software which makes it so large. Why can't there be a halfway version between normal and minimal?? Not everyone has internet and not everyone has a CD drive or large USB stick! Is there a way this can be accomplished? Does this version exist?
I have limited time and resources. Before you ask, no, I cannot afford a larger USB stick. I'm pinching pennies right now and there's nowhere near here that sells them anyway.
I am attempting to copy files from one server to an external USB drive on a second server. Both servers are running custom RedHat Linux, kernel 2.6. Both are setup as Check Point SecurePlatform (one is a log server and the other a management server). I am trying to archive files from one (HP DL380 G5) to the second (HP DL380 G6). I am not able to archive directly to the external usb drive when connected to the HP DL380 G5 (data gets corrupted and switches to read-only access). The external USB drive has no issues when connected to the HP DL380 G6 server, thus my reason for trying to copy the files across servers.
When I attempt to use scp to copy files between the server, I am prompted for the password. Once entered the debug shows the authentication is successful, but then no files are copied (see log below). I have tried searching for potential answers, but none have panned out. Unfortunately I can't yet post the actual scp debug log output as some of the text is viewed as a URL and not yet allowed for me. I have changed all the atsign symbols to '(a)' to avoid the URL inference.
Output log from scp attempt follows: [Expert(a)server1]# scp -p -r -v /var/fromhere/* copyfile(a)server2:/media/disk/tohere/ Executing: program /usr/bin/ssh host server2, user copyfile, command scp -v -r -p -d -t /media/disk/tohere/ OpenSSH_3.6.1p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090707f debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: Applying options for * debug1: Rhosts Authentication disabled, originating port will not be trusted. debug1: Connecting to server2 [] port 22. debug1: Connection established. debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/identity type -1 ..... debug1: Exit status 1 lost connection [Expert(a)server1]#