Ubuntu :: Command To Split A File Into Multiple Files?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a log file on ubuntu 10.04 that has 500 lines of log data in it. What command could I use in a terminal to split the single 500-line file into generate ten files each with 50-lines of log files each?

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General :: Split A File Into Multiple Files Using AWK?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a file with 5 columns. Column 4 contains numbers.Is it possible to split the file into multiple files using a condition for the contents of column 4 i.e if column 4 contains a value between 0-10 then print the lines to a new file called less_than_10.txt

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Programming :: Split A File To Multiple File Using Awk Or Perl?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a single file that contain multi-text something likes this:


No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info
185 27712.068199 SMTP S: 250 2.1.5 Ok
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info
186 27715.068293 TCP suncacao-jmxmp > 44693 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=64807 Len=1380


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Programming :: Split Multi Line Record Into Multiple Files With Awk?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a large file 'NS0923.csv' with data like the following. There are two records in this multi-record sample.


E60898,4578910,03/06/09,BEN BOYD RD,61,82,,,127,3,,52000.3046.001,3155,4.00,,PLT,1356,1.00,05/06/09,Y,Y,0551
,,,,,,,,,,,,4057,1.00,CLEAN CAR SHARE SIGN,LAB,0551,1.00,,,,


2. I still have to create a file 'transaction.csv' that should retrieve data from $13 - $15 with the identifying column $1. Required output:


E60898,4057,1.00,CLEAN CAR SHARE SIGN

3. And finally another file 'quantity.csv'. Retrieving data from $16 - $18 with identifier $1. Required output:




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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Split Wav Files From The Command Line?

Apr 2, 2011

how to split wav files from the command line?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: GUI Programs To Split A Video File Into Smaller Files?

Mar 26, 2010

What are the best GUI programs to split / chop a video file of 60 minutes into six 10 minute videos?

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Software :: Split A File, Without Using 'split'?

May 20, 2011

Im in a unique situation where a box has a 400G file, on FreeBSD, without thesplit' utility available

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Ubuntu :: Find Multiple Files In The Command Line?

Mar 2, 2010

command line, I have a server for work that I ssh into and I need to be able to find multiple files (they have the leading text just the date identifier changes) and then zip the files (with bzip) them and then finally scp(Secure copy) them to another server.

These files are always in the same directory and this is a daily task and just want to make into a script that I run once I am logged into the remote server.

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Ubuntu :: Move Multiple Files Via Command Line?

Sep 15, 2010

I liked the idea of the "cosmos" screensaver/desktop, but wanted to add my own pictures to the application. I navigated to /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos and tried to drag and drop. I quickly found that I did not have permission to do this.

I googled my problem and found some command line tutorials telling me to sudo cp. My problem is that I have about 30 pics that I want to move in there, and I don't think I can just move the directory, they have to be in that folder as the pictures themselves.

I don't really feel like typing the cp line multiple times with multiple randomly named image files.

Is there a way to have the command line cp all of my files from one directory to another?

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Ubuntu :: Split A Tar Archive Into Multiple Parts ?

Feb 11, 2010

Is there any way to split a tar archive into multiple parts?

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Ubuntu :: Split Multiple Images From One Image?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a couple of gigs of png files, each with 5-7 photos on each file. Currently I am making 5-7 duplicates of the file, then opening each one in gimp, and cropping and saving each one. kind of time consuming. Does anyone know of a program that will let me split an image into multiple slices?

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General :: Run Same Command On Multiple Files With Same Extension?

Nov 10, 2010

how to run a command on all files with the same extension in a directory like this:


tex breqn.dtx; tex empheq.dtx; tex flexisym.dtx; tex mathstyle.dtx; tex mathtools.dtx; tex mhsetup.dtx; tex xfrac.dtx;

but in a simpler manner? I found this: Code: find . -type f -name *.dtx -exec tex {} ; but isn't there something simpler?

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General :: Viewing Multiple Files With The Less Command?

Apr 14, 2010

When we view multiple files using less, how to go on to the next file? I gave these two commands:


[root@localhost log]# ls -lt boot.log*
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 11 04:02 boot.log
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 4 04:02 boot.log.1
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 1 19:14 boot.log.2
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Mar 21 04:02 boot.log.3
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Mar 14 04:02 boot.log.4
[root@localhost log]# less boot.log*

This is what I got:


boot.log (file 1 of 5) (END) - Next: boot.log.1 <RETURN>
(END) - Next: boot.log.1

I could not view boot.log.2.

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General :: Command Syntax To Modify Multiple Files

Sep 26, 2009

I have a program I use, rrdtool. I need to modify a ds value on every file at the same time. However, using a wildcard (*) to try this operation of all files does not work and instead only updates one file.

Here is the command syntax:
rrdtool tune <file> --maximum traffic_in:100000000000 && rrdtool tune <file> --maximum traffic_out:100000000000
So, how can I do this on every file in the directory?

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Ubuntu :: Command Line - Find And Replace Text Within Multiple Files?

Aug 28, 2010

I'm pretty sure this is doable from the command line, but my CLI skills have degraded a lot since my pre-Y2K admin days. The goal is to search all the files in the directory for a very long string of text and replace it with another string of text. The text being searched for is my Google Adsense code (which will be stripped from my website) and it will be replaced with a placeholder so I can easily tack something else in there in the future.

Seeing how I have that long snip of code on about 100 pages, automating the process would make life easier.
If I was searching for a single word, I can see ways to do this.
If I paste the code I'm searching for into a text file, is there a way to:
find (contents of oldstring.txt) and replace with (contents of newstring.txt)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Split Video Stream Across Multiple N/W Interface?

Sep 15, 2010

I want to do a video streaming to a remote PC across the internet. The video bitrate is around 600 kbps. But my internet connection supports only a maximum upload bandwidth of 400 kbps.So I thought I will get one more connection and use the combined upload b/w of 800 kbps to stream the video. I hope there should be a way to split the stream across two interface and merge them together at the remote endpoint. All this has to be done at real time.

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General :: Inserting Multiple Files To Mysql On Command Line?

Mar 5, 2011

I am using ubuntu and mysql.I have a list of many .sql files, like 1.sql, 2.sql, 3.sql ... 100000.sqlI need to insert them into the database mysql mydb < *.sqlGives me: -bash: *.sql: ambiguous redirect

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Split Files In Order To Burn Files Into Two Different Dvds

Jan 2, 2010

the VBO file that i want to burn into a dvd is around 7.9 gb. i want to know if it's possible to split them in order to burn the files into two diferent dvds.

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OpenSUSE :: Count Lines In Multiple Text Files From Command Line?

Apr 27, 2010

I want to (from the command line) be able to counte lines in a bunch of files of a specific type in a folder and all its sub-folders. How would I do this?

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Server :: Sendmail To Split Single Envelope Into Multiple To - Addresses

Aug 4, 2010

Our system uses email to send fairly time-sensitive status messages between programs running on various servers on a WAN. Each email message is sent to two addresses (different servers). The problem occurs when one of the destination mail servers is off the network. I think because it's trying to send one email to two addresses, sendmail attempts delivery to the first address, then to the second address (i.e., serially). When this happens, it hangs for two connect timeout (CONNECT_TO) periods trying to connect to the offline destination, then after the timeout, it then delivers to the other destination. I'm trying to figure out how to work around that connection delay so it doesn't delay delivery to the other destination.

I'm working with the network guys to enable the right ICMP messages that signal when a network is unavailable, but I would also like to try having sendmail split the emails into two envelopes, then use parallel, independent connections for delivery.

After days of reading through the docs (O'Rielly Sendmail book + sendmail docs) I think one way to do this is to use multiple mail queues, but I can't decipher exactly how to do that from the docs.

There might be other, more elegant ways to do the same thing, but again, trying to decipher the docs has my head swimming. (This is my first experience with sendmail.)

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Ubuntu :: Add The File Type Extension To The End Of Multiple Files?

May 30, 2011

I have made the simple mistake of using dolphin to rename several picture files of types jpg and png. I have no problem viewing them and Ubuntu still knows which is which (if i view their properties it will state File Type: JPEG or PNG) but unfortunately Ubuntu Tweak does not allow you to chose them without the extension (I am trying to change my login background using this) So what i need is something that can scan several files, determine the file type, and add an appropriate extension to it. I have found several to do so for music files but none for images. I am using Ubuntu 11.04 at the moment.

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General :: Making Multiple Duplicate File Copies Using Cp On Command Line?

Jul 21, 2011

I want to take a graphics file and make 10 copies of it to the same directory, each with 001, 002, or some such designation at the end of each file name so they have discrete files names. Is this possible using cp?

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Ubuntu :: Creating Readable File From Multiple Html Files

Oct 2, 2010

Here is the deal: my school purchased a test prep which they distributed to us, the only problem is that it is for windows. When I try to run the exe in wine the program windows pops up but the screen is blank (i can see the menu bar and and the title bar). It appears that most of the information is located in a folder as html files (separated into chapters for each section) with links to all the figures/tables/questions
(also html files). This morning I have been trying to find a way to compile the html files into a format that I can read without having to hunt for each individual html file. I tried navigating with firefox but had to change each individual link before I could do that (very time consuming), I tried using doxygen (the GUI front end) to convert it to Latex/rtf/html/xml (all the formats) but did not have any success (It could be that I am using the app wrong). I tried opening some java applications found within the application data folder in hopes that it would bring up the navigator without success. And even tried installing java in wine (unsuccessfully) to see if that was the missing key to run the program in wine.

My question is, do I just have to fork out the $500+ that it would cost me to purchase the books instead of using the school provided program (free to us)? or is there a relatively simple way to compile these files into a format that could be readable.

tl;dr - have multiple html files for a windows native program that won't run on wine that I would like to convert to a more easily readable format (i.e. chm, pdf, etc), is it possible?the program was legally acquired through my school, I did not download or pirate it. I am not looking to distribute it, just looking to use it for my own studying purposes without spending $500+ or buying a windows license/computer.

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General :: Gzip Multiple Files Into One Gz File?

Mar 29, 2011

I have 100 files: cvd1.txt cvd2.txt ... cvd100.txt

How to gzip 100 files into one .gz file so that after I gunzip it, I should have cvd1.txt, cvd2.txt ... cvd100.txt separately?

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Software :: Rar File, Broken Files Multiple?

Jan 11, 2010

So im trying to un rar my rar. files. I use 7-zip, and winrar, Every time i try to unrar them it says broken file, cannot open file. This happens to nearly most of my rar files in the last few weeks, idk what else to do,

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OpenSUSE :: Program That Will Take Multiple Avi Files And Join Them Into One File?

Nov 6, 2010

I am looking for a program that will take multiple avi files and join them into one file

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Programming :: Copy Lines From Multiple Files To One File Using Sed -w?

Aug 25, 2010

I've been trying to sort this out for several hours and I?m totally lost? I?ve been searching around, but haven?t found the solution to my problem. I have a directory with 100 files. I need to copy 10 lines of each files (let?s say from line 45 to 55) into one unique file. So I guess I could use sed ?w, but I didn?t manage to write the right script. I also tried using a loop to create 100 different files, each one with the 10 lines) to concatenate them later on. But I only got 1 file, not 100.

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General :: Read From Input File And Append To Multiple Files?

Nov 22, 2010

I wanted to be as clear as possible. I have to add hundreds of new servers to hundreds of configuration files in Nagios. Here is a sample structure:

servers.txt has:


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General :: Scan Through A File And Enter The Data In Multiple Files?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a file which contains the data i retrieved through prstat and an array that contains all the unique process ID's of that particular file. i want to compare each and every line in the file with each and every element of the array so that i can create multiple files for the multiple value in the array.

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General :: VIM Command To Split A Line Into 2?

Apr 27, 2010

How can I split a line in vim into 2. example :

original line :

welcome to linux questions

after splitting :

welcome to
linux questions

Is there a single key strike through which i can do it ? like going to the word "to" and striking that key will put rest of the words in new line. ( i want to do it in normal mode , not in the usual insert mode where it obviously can be done by typing <Enter> )

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