Ubuntu :: Can't Install Driver Because My Machine Thinks It's 64 Bit / Fix It?

Jul 13, 2011

I have an older Pentium 4 machine. I'm trying to get 3-D by installing the NVIDIA driver. However, the 32 bit driver won't install because my machine thinks it is running x86_64. I was under the impression that a 32-bit pc could not run a 64 bit OS? code...

How do I fix this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Error Because E2fsck Thinks Ext3 Filesystem Is Ext2 ?

Jan 19, 2010

During the file system check of an ext3 partition at boot I get the following output:

The super-block could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is still valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate super-block:

I'm then forced to login in as root and given the following prompt:

I'm reluctant to do as advised by the output and run e2fsck -b because it is not an ext2 filesystem.

Although I can still enter runlevel 5, it doesn't seem to recognise mouse and keyboard input in KDE so my system is effectively redundant at the mo. For this reason any short term workarounds are welcome, but a fix is needed. This problem is part of a longer saga to do with recovering a Windows Vista installation which started failing to boot. I have used both Vista and SUSE tools to try and recover my bootloader to no avail, and this has been the result. If more detail about this is needed please ask and I can explain what I have done.

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Thinks PDF's Are Dangerous?

Dec 13, 2010

I know, it's really weird.Chromium version 8.0.552.215 in Ubuntu 10.10 is thinking that PDF files are dangerous.

This type of file may harm your computer. Download anyway? (Yes/No)I don't need this fixed immediately, as it is only a minor annoyance.

I know my sources of the PDF's so I know that they don't have any malware attached.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xine Plays Dvd's But Thinks It Can't (8.04)?

Jan 21, 2010

In Hardy Heron, after installing xine and the usual stuff, and setting xine as the default dvd player in /etc/gnome/defaults.list in the usual way, and also linking /dev/dvd to /dev/dvd2, when I pop in a commercial dvd for autoplay, or select xine from the context menu to play it, it starts to play fine, but also produces the "source can't be read" messagebox, which goes away after being OK-clicked 10 (exactly!!) times.Launching xine directly from the application menu does not produce this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Aspire One Thinks AC Adaptor Is Plugged In?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a problem with an Acer Aspire One Netbook running 10.04 (although this problem occurred in Karmic as well). The problem is that if the laptop is unplugged from the AC adaptor, the power indicator doesn't pick up the change, although the screen dims (I think the BIOS dims the screen). This usually wouldn't be a problem, but when the laptop runs out of battery, the machine goes completely dead, rather than hibernating at critical like it should.

I've followed the instructions on the wiki page but it still doesn't work. Obviously I'm quite worried about data loss here, especially since it's a physical hard disk!

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CentOS 5 :: USB Thumb Drive Thinks It's A CD-ROM?

Mar 13, 2009

When I insert a USB thumb drive into a USB socket a "CD-ROM Disc" icon appears on the desktop. When I double-click on the icon I get a "CD/DVD Creator" window. Messages in "/var/log/messages" shows Vendor (Sandisk) and Model (Cruzer) for the USB thumb drive. Those are correct. But for Type it says CD-ROM. What's up with that?

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Debian Hardware :: Mobo Swap - New NIC Thinks It's Eth1

Mar 27, 2011

Had to swap out my sandy bridge mobo. The new mobo is more or less the same. Interestingly the NIC is being detected as eth1. Curious if anyone knows how to make it eth0?

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Programming :: Bash Thinks String Variable Is A Numeric One

Jul 7, 2011

Bash 3.1.7




I think read A1 A2 makes A1, A2 string variables. Then, when A2 gets the value 01, '01' should be a string. But for some reason bash takes it as numeric. I know there are no types in bash.

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Fedora Installation :: Install Packages Of Online Machine Into Offline Machine?

Jan 20, 2009

In Ubuntu I can easily transfer packages from offline machine into online machine using APTonCD feature. In fedora ,Is there anything similar by which I can transfer my packages of online machine into the offline machine

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Disable Tapping : Gsynaptics Thinks SHMConfig Isn't True" / Fix It?

Mar 31, 2010

I don't understand what more i can do, the bellow is what i have done. is there a conspiracy against me??? (ive been through 3 distros and spent the better part of 2 months , i mean literally, all day every day, trying to get one distro to actually function at reasonabe capacity and each one is full of its own problems ) now:

This is the input device section of my old xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Where Are Driver And Machine Configurations Saved On Computer

Jun 20, 2010

Where are Driver & Machine Confirgurations Saved Ccomputer?

I just started using Ubuntu over the last several months and almost have it setup the way I need and want. I understand that a new version comes out every 6months or so and plan on upgrading when it comes out. I would like to be able to reformat and install the latest version, but retain all of my preferences, programs, device drivers, etc. so that it's all ready for the new version of Ubuntu. Up to date, I have spent so much time changing setting, finding drivers that fit and installing them that I don't want to start over with this.

How can I do this? I have made a seperate partition for /home. Will this help or is this folder only for to save my personal files?

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General :: NVidia Proprietary Driver Not Used On Virtual Machine

Feb 4, 2010

I have a CentOS 5 virtual machine (VMware Workstation 7) running under a Windows host, and need the workstation's NVidia graphic card (Quadro NVS 295) to work optimally for my data analysis tools.

When I try to install the Linux driver from NVidia's webpage, I get "You do not appear to have an NVIDIA GPU supported by the 190.53 NVIDIA Linux graphics driver installed in this system". I have found my workstation's graphic card in the list of supported graphic cards in the README.

I suspect this has to do with VMware's own graphics controller having taken over, because when I do "/sbin/lspci" I see: 00.0f.0 VGA compatible controller: VMware SVGA II Adapter

Does anyone out there know how I can let the NVidia driver get installed and take over (it looks like I need its newest version for my software to render properly)?

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Driver Install Killed Display / Remove This Driver When I See Nothing?

Aug 8, 2010

Can do nothing with the PC. New install of 10.04 and was prompted to install Nvidia driver. Did so. Rebooted, now have nothing except a thin line at top of screen. How can I remove this driver when I see nothing?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Install A Driver A Wifi Reltak Driver

May 13, 2010

I just installed ubuntu and I have no wifi connection. How would I download and intsall a copy from my Win XP boot?

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Debian :: Can't Install Driver Dowload Driver From Nvidia?

Mar 5, 2011

install debian 6 on my pc and have big problem with videoadapter driver i cannot install driver i dowload driver from nvidia do something in google but nothing! palit gtx 460 linux debian 6 x64.

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General :: Expect: Line Seems To Match Exactly However Expect Thinks Not?

Jun 16, 2010

I am writing an expect script. At a certain point there is a rule that produces this debugging output:


expect: does " Address or name of remote host [x.x.x.x]? " (spawn_id exp8) match glob pattern " Address or name of remote host [x.x.x.x]? "? no This just times out When I use -exact for the expect keyword it does work What am I doing wrong? THe first should also match in my opinion because it is equal as well. Even if I remove the I still have the same issue if I try without -exact. I don't understand. I tried removing the but still got the same.

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CentOS 5 :: Install Vmware Server On 5.5 - Error "You May Not Power Virtual Machine In Virtual Machine"

May 27, 2010

I have installed CentOS on a VMwareWorktation and that CentOS, i also install VMware Server (suscess) and setup a guest OS that, but i start this Guest OS, an error show "You may not power virtual machine in virtual machine"...

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Short Freeze's On Machine's With Nvidia-Card & Nvidia-Driver?

Aug 8, 2010

The freeze's on my machine only appears when i monitor the temperature of
the gpu. Normally i use gkrellm to monitor temperatures including the gpu temperature. When i stop gkrellm there a no more freeze's on my system. Then i started nvdock which also monitor the gpu temperature and the freeze's are back. Stopping nvdock make the system working normally. I have done a few reboots now, warm and also cold starts und everything works normal.

System data: AMD P2 X4 940, Nvidia GTS 250, openSUSE 11.3, Nvidiadriver 256.44,
Gigabyte Mainboard GA-MA78G-DS3H rev.2,8GB RAM, KDE 4.4.95,

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiple Machine Flash Drive Install Planning?

Jun 18, 2010

I have two different laptops that I would like to make bootable flash drive installs for, but would then like to have at least /home on a common removable storage (either a big flash drive or USB or ethernet hard drive) to share between the two laptops (I'll only be using one laptop as a Linux box at a time). One laptop (Dell Latitude D410) is only 32 bit capable (Pentium M - I think there's a 64 bit Core 2 CPU available for the socket 479, but I don't know if the BIOS / mobo will support it). If I'm going back and forth between 32 and 64 bits, can I share /home? What else can I share - /usr or anything else?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgraded Machine Boots Slower Than New Install?

Mar 19, 2010

recently I have installed a brand new machine with 11.2. Machine boots so incredibly fast so I decided to upgraded another older machine from 11.1 to 11.2. Upgrade went fine but old machine boots significantly slower. On new I see message "doing fastboot" and few seconds later KDE starts loading. Amazing. On old I just experience regular boot, speed is comparable to old 11.1.What am I missing after upgrade? Same kernel, almost same set of services. Both machines are pretty regular PCs/x86_64, however old one have faster/better hardware (more cores, more GHz, more RAM, 2 disks in software raid-0).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Install On Machine With Intel Raid Controller

Jul 20, 2010

I cannot install 11.3 on a machine with an intel raid controller I have tried with raid 1 using the card and then setting the disks to individual raid 0 and letting suse raid them. With the card doing it the machines crashes as soon as it tries to boot the first time, with suse doing the raid I just get 'GRUB' on the screen It seems a lot of people are having similar problems, does any one have any pointers. 11.2 installs fine. I would try and do a bug report but every time I go to the page it's in Czech

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Install New Virtual Machine From DVD / CD Only Via Network Install

Jan 10, 2010

Why i cant install a new virtual machine from dvd/cd only via network install and which install media url i must paste in the option to install debian or Suse or redhat.

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Ubuntu :: Install / Run TOR On This Machine?

Jun 7, 2010

I just switched over to xubuntu from ubuntu. how do I install/run TOR on this machine?

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Ubuntu :: Will 32 Bit OS Install On A 64 Bit Machine

Jul 7, 2010

I have a 64 bit machine,,,and have tried load 4 various linux distro's (all of them i386) and they all fail when it starts to write to the disk. It finally dawned on me this may be the problem. I was looking at the choices of downloads and 32 bit is recommended for most and the 64 bit isn't recommended for daily use. Which version should I choose?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Won't Install On Machine?

Aug 27, 2010

after f-ing up xp on my brothers laptop, and after much debate, we decided to give ubuntu a shot, considering its all free and windows isn't. installed ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx 32 bit, and let me tell you, it was a breeze. after messing with the os for a while, i was so impressed with linux i decided to install ubuntu 10.04 64-bit on my new rig. downloaded the iso on a disk, popped it in the disk drive, set bios to boot cd, and before i new it ubuntu was ready to download. selected install, then i got this error message.

GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) then my monitor starts randomly switching channels and the installation doesn't progress.( HDMI to analog to digital and so forth).


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Install Anything On Machine

Dec 9, 2010

I cannot install anything on my Ubuntu machine... I get this error if I do try and install something.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install UEC In One Machine

Feb 28, 2010

does anyone know of an article that explains how to install all Ubuntu Elastic Cloud on one single machine?i understand that it should be ideally used with at least two; but i am trying to test it and i do not have two machines to use

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Ubuntu :: Install The 32 Bit Version Of R On Machine?

Mar 16, 2010

Here is my problem. I need to use a R (statistical software) library (FEAR) that is compiled for the 32 bit version of R. I have a 64 bit machine and am currently running th 64 bit version of R. My question is this:How can I install the 32 bit version of R on my machine?

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Ubuntu :: Install Covergloobus Into 10.10 Machine?

Mar 21, 2011

I am trying to install covergloobus into my 10.10 machine and am getting this error when running ./configure

configure:3862: error: cannot run /bin/bash ./config.sub

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Does Not Install On Virtual Machine?

May 8, 2011

Linux ubuntu 11.04 does not install on my virtual machine? I have a problem installing ubuntu on my virtual machine. recently I downloaded ubuntu and burned it to a cd and a dvd. but now I have a problem, when after the setup is nearly 80% percent complete. the installation stops and says that cd or dvd has a problem. but I have tested the cd and dvd and even the dvd drive, also the .Iso file using 7zip and cd checker. I allocated 304 mb of ram out of 896 mb. I am using oracle vbox 4.0.6 and win xp as host.

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