Ubuntu / Apple :: What Means The "@" After The File Permissions

Jun 15, 2010

I have a Ubuntu 10.04 server at home with an additional FAT32 hard disk. From this disk I copied all the contents to an external FAT-disk, then formatted the server's FAT-disk to an ext4. I then tried to move back the content from the external disk to the ext4. However, I always get errors telling me I don't have the permissions needed to do so. I move the files using samba, and I think I got the idea of samba and how to use and administrate it. What I'm currently wondering about is the following:

-rw-r--r--@ 1 Tom staff 67385344 4 Sep 2009 movie.avi

What means the "@" symbol after the file permissions? I don't think it's the sticky bit, but I've never seen this before. It happens that the permission error always shows up when trying to copy/move files with the "@". Please note that only a minority of the files have the "@".

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Ubuntu :: Monster File Means Failed Drive?

Mar 2, 2010

I recently had a problem with an absolutely gobsmackingly huge .xsessions-error file growing in my /home partition (over 200 GB--the only reason it stopped growing was that there wasn't any room left). So, I deleted it, and then to see what problems had been causing the file to grow so huge, I rebooted the computer to regenerate it. Big mistake.Since then, I haven't been able to boot. The process hangs when it reaches the step of mounting the /home partition. Luckily, I have my install CD, so I was able to boot into that environment. First, I checked disk integrity--everything was just fine. Then, I tried booting into the liveCD environment. Jackpot! It reports that the bus between /dev/sda6 and itself is timing out when I try to access the former home partition, but I can get into my / partition just fine.I have just edited my /etc/fstab file to *not* know about /dev/sda6, so hopefully it will boot properly (though of course without any access to the files on /home) soon. If this works, I will update.But, does anyone else at all know anything about this sort of problem and what I can do to fix it? Regenerating my /home partition on / merely postpones the problem and doesn't actually get me any of my files back.

UPDATE: Well, that didn't work. Actually, it sort of did, but not quite the way I wanted it to. I was indeed able to bypass mounting the /dev/sda6, but I was not able to boot into Xubuntu since the graphical log-in manager failed and none of the ttys started. The failure mode was, however, interesting. It did not merely fail, but instead flickered violently with a frequency of several seconds until I tried switching to one of the virtual terminals (C-M-!, if anyone is interested).

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CentOS 5 :: File Transfer By Means Of VNC?

Feb 24, 2010

I have started on CentOS 5.3 VNC server. I am connected to CentOS from a workstation under control of Windows XP using UltraVNC. Connection passes normally, but I cannot transfer files. By pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 the message: "The connected VNC Server does not support UltraVnc File Transfer".

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General :: What Does The Double Less Than Sign (<<) Means In Creating A New File With Cat

Aug 25, 2010

I saw an article use the following cat command to create a new text file:$ cat > first.sh << ENDAnd then after press the 'return' buttion, a '>' sign appeared expecting you to input the content. If I type 'END' then the 'return' button, then a new text file is created with what I just typed...I'd like to know what's the differnece in just type:$ cat > first.shwithout the '<<' sign?What '<<' really means? I cannot find it's meaning anywere... seems it's not in the redirection section.

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions For File / Add These Lines Without Changing Permissions?

Oct 16, 2010

Finally I managed to install my printer/scanner drivers.The last thing I need to do is to add the following two lines to 40-libsane.rules (which is a read only file):# Brother scanners ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes".How can I change permissions for this file or add these lines without changing permissions?

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Hardware :: Change The ECC Code For A Block Of A File Stored On A Flash Drive By Any Means?

Jun 22, 2010

can I change the ECC code for a block of a file stored on a flash drive by any means ? of a file stored on a HDD (though I don't think there would be a difference between the two)Maybe , through some hardware interrupts or anything like that?Also if possible I need the solution to be in C/C++.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Permissions - Still Waiting For Root Device (OS X)

Jan 9, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my MacBook Pro, and now I get the infamous "still waiting for root device" when booting mac os x. I couldn't find any solutions that worked (macbook pros don't have a BIOS, or any drives that are easily removable). Anyway, so I have ubuntu working, and I need some files from OS X before I would consider reinstalling, etc. So I mounted the drive, went to users, etc. and it says that "I don't have the permissions necessary to view the contents of ****".

I did chmod 777 /media/os x/Users/* but that led to "Could not access: No such file or directory" (there's a space between os and x, I think it counts it as two commands or something and I can't rename the drive). Any way to give myself the permissions to access my files, or maybe just to copy over the whole hard drive to my main computer, or maybe somehow solve the "still waiting for root device".

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cross-system Users And Permissions?

Oct 24, 2010

I just finished installing Lucid Lynx on an iMac7,1. I would like to still be able to access my Mac Documents directory from within Ubuntu, so I can have a common directory that both systems can access. Right now, however, I am unable to do that. It looks like it might be a permissions issue- ie I am a different 'user' on both systems, so I don't have access to my Mac files. Is there a way to have the same 'user' account for both systems? If not, could a common 'group' be created in both systems that both of my 'user' accounts have access to?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Establish Server For 45 Users With Appropriate Permissions

Nov 18, 2010

I've been living a dormitory for a while and our net connection is very slow because of the download via torrent or rapidshare, hotfile etc.(we have 4megabit speed unfortunately) I want to establish a ubuntu server and there are 45 people in our dormitory. Which ubuntu server version I'll use? How much storage that I have (i thought 4 tb is enough)? What kind of commands do I going to use and permissions. I want to appoint one person as a admin others just can add a file (music, movies vs.) they wouldnt have to delete!

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Username To One That Have Permissions For The Folder?

Feb 9, 2011

So I'm trying to put together a birthday present for my girlfriend. Here's the background. She just got back from a semester abroad in Rome. She's having a hard time getting used to living in the states again, so I want to make her a photo album with all of her pictures from Italy and the rest of Europe. Its a surprise, so I can't just get them from her. I've got her Time Machine, which has all the photos on it (I'm 'debugging' it for her, she's not so tech savvy). I've found the pictures folder, but I don't have the permissions to access it.

So the question is, I have her username and password, what do I have to do in order to read the file with all the pictures in it? I'm not a crazy stalker, in case you were wondering, I just don't know how to change my username to one that have permissions for the folder.

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General :: What Does "mounting A Root File System" Exactly Means?

Sep 29, 2010

In the boot process of Linux we have the initrd that is a root file system and is mounted before the real root file system become ready to mount. What is the procedure of mounting? What should happen so we can say that file system is mounted? And another little question why we say ¨root¨ file system instead of just file system?

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Ubuntu :: Showing File Permissions In File Roller?

Aug 23, 2011

How do I show a list column in file roller that shows permissions and ownership of files?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Failed To Create File '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.AC7YXV': No Such File Or Directory

Jun 22, 2011

I have iMac 2.4GHz with rEFIT installed. I installed Unity on one of the partition. Kernel is still I am getting error message when I run the command
sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf

The error message is

(gedit:2139): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.AC7YXV': No such file or directory

(gedit:2139): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to set the permissions of `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: No such file or directory

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Debian :: NTFS Backup - Create Ever Expanding (to 320Gb) TAR File That Will Retain All Original File Permissions

Sep 20, 2015

I want to back up an entire Linux system on a 3Tb external Western DIgital USB3 drive.

I do not want to reformat it from what it is, apparemtly NTFS.

Is there a utility that can act like a file manager like mc, that will permit me to create an ever expanding (to 320Gb) TAR file that will retain all the original file permissions. I have had nothing but disappointment with Linux backup utils with a FAT32 external drive, and I am concerned if I just try an tar the entire drive at once, with around 3 million files, I might run out of memory.

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General :: Cannot Change File Permissions On A Mounted File System

Apr 6, 2010

I have an ntfs partition that I wish to access as a normal user(non-root). For this I did the following. As root I created a folder /windows and did a chmod 777 -R on /windows. Then I added the following line to /etc/fstab


/dev/sda3 /windows ntfs-3g defaults,nosuid,nodev,umask=000 1 0

Now, the partition is mounted alright but the problem is that when any other user (non-root) creates a files in /windows (say by executing touch newfile) the newly created file has the owner and group set as root. The non-root user can create the file and he can also delete the file, however, he cannot change the permissions of the file and also the owner:group is always set as root:root. How do I get across this problem, i.e. how do I mount a partition, so that a non-root user can also change the permissions and ownerships of the files he creates.

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Ubuntu :: Setting File Permissions For A File?

Jan 6, 2011

I have system at work I am setting up that runs on linux, it was powered up back in september but we didn't get the details to configure until this week, unfortunatly var filled up with 100% spaced used due to a log file that keeps being written to until its intizilized, I can't just delete the file so (will not be recreated), I pulled it off and took it home and split it into a smaller file (from 740mb down to a 15mb chunk)I'm really just a linux newbie so can someone explain to me what the permissions are on the current file and then what chmod would make smaller file the same. clusternet.log is the orginal and clusternet1.log is the one i made from split. I know its read, write and execute (whats the r write after x on clusternet.log?) but I'm not sure on what it means in the position its in, the clusternet.log should have permissions only for root correct?


-rw-r--r-- 1 luke luke 16613376 2011-01-06 20:10 clusternet1.log
-rwxr----- 1 luke luke 740130816 2011-01-06 06:39 clusternet.log

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Security :: Setting File Permissions For File /var/log/Xorg.0.log?

Jul 7, 2009

i am trying to set the file permissions for the log files "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" and "/var/log/gdm/:0.log". These files seem to be created when a user logs into a whokstation (my guess so far). I am trying to comply with a security mandate that all log files in the directory /var/log are set to 0640. The two mentioned files always seem to have the permissions 0644, does anyone know where and when these filea are created and how I might set the permissions when the files are created

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Ubuntu :: All .rtf Files Have "Allow Executing File As Program" Box Checked Under Their File Permissions

May 17, 2010

A bunch of my .rtf files suddenly (within the last few days, not sure when) have the "Allow Executing File as Program" box checked under their file Permissions. So whenever I try to open an rtf document, it asks if I want to run it. What's up with that?

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Ubuntu :: Get File Permissions In Terminal?

Mar 23, 2010

Is there a command I can use to get the permissions of a folder in a terminal? Everything I've seen says how to change permissions, not see current ones.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Allow All File-permissions For Everyone

May 11, 2010

on certain folders on a samba-server I would like to allow everyone everything.(Note: This refers to the filesystem-permissions. External security is cared for by samba. No problem here)That means: every local user and every remote user should be able to fully create, delete and modify every file in certain folders and all subfolder of these folders. This should include file contents and timestamps and permissions. And it should include modifying files owned by someone else, again meaning create/delete/modify/timestamp etc.

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Ubuntu :: CHmod And File Permissions

Dec 10, 2010

I have installed php, mysql, and apatche. And i need the /var/www/ folder to be able to be read witten, and acsessed by anything. I have tried chmodding 777. But it still doesnt work.

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Ubuntu :: File Permissions Over Samba?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a problem with file permissions over samba. I am running a web server, and this web server needs to be able to delete a file. The php code is correct, because it works on other sites. The php code is failing when it deletes a file because it is being ran as the www-data user. And the permissions on the files that are created on the share are as follows:

ns$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 129628 Feb 6 08:16 20110206071748532.pdf
This directory is mounted on:
This is done with the /etc/fstab file:
// /var/www/files/23982dbb7a454425ce17a22bedc00776/scanned smbfs username=administrator,password=somepass


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Ubuntu :: Changed File Permissions Of FS To 644

May 10, 2011

I've made a really critical and simple mistake and now I am trying to recover my computer. I accidentally logged into root and was trying to change permissions for the current directory with "." but instead used a "/" which started changing permissions of everything from / recursively. I quickly realized the mistake I made after it started and aborted the process by pressing ctrl+C. However I know many things are still not right because, even though I tried to reboot and change the permissions back to 0755 from the recovery mode root console. I still get errors when gnome tries to start..Here is the exact error I am getting. "There is a problem with the configuration server (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256". I'm pretty sure because of the way I aborted or because of the time the filesystem was running with 644 permissions, some amount of damage was done. Any way to recover it to normal? Or is there a way to recover it from the Ubuntu CD?

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Ubuntu :: Get Permissions Of File Systems?

Jan 29, 2011

How to get the permissions of any file systems
what does it mean?
"permission denied while opening filesystem"

through commands can we give/get permissions of file systems

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Ubuntu :: File Moving Permissions In 7.04 Live?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 7.04 on a live boot right now so I can move from files from a hard drive on a computer that won't boot. This is my work computer, which contains about three years worth of accounting and inventory information that I absolutely must recover from the drive. The computer runs one SATA drive, and has no ports for additional drives. Otherwise I have two USB drives connected and an IDE connected through a USB adapter. (The SATA drive will not work through the adapter for some reason). I have absolutely no access to another computer with SATA support.

All the drives mount on 7.04, and I can view the files on the SATA drive - which leads me to believe the drive isn't completely dead. So i'm hoping to move the files I need over to one of the USB drives.

However, i'm getting flags when I move files. -Without- installing Linux, is there a way for me to grant myself permissions to move/copy/delete files on my hard drives? Otherwise, is there a simple way (that won't compromise the data on the drive) for me to re-do the partitions the SATA drive so I can install linux?

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Ubuntu :: File Permissions Keep Changing On USB Drive

Jan 25, 2010

I use a USB drive to store most of my personal and work files, and I use it both at home and at work (two different machines, both running Ubuntu). The drive is encrypted, and is accessed using TrueCrypt (the entire drive is encrypted as a device rather than an encrypted file on the device). The TrueCrypt device is formatted as ext3/ext4.

I have a problem with certain file permissions being changed to read-only (rw-r--r--) after mounting the drive. This happens after I have used it on one computer, and then I mount it on the other. Even though I have been setting write permissions to all (chmod -R a+rw *) to get around this problem, when I mount on the other machine the write access is gone. I don't want to keep manually changing permissions; I would like the file permissions to stay as I set them.I'm using the same version of TrueCrypt at work and at home. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 at work, and 9.10 at home.I do have different usernames on these computers, and I suspect that is the problem (but don't see why this would change file permissions for all users).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Permissions For A Log File Being Changed?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a recently setup my first linux server (hardy) and am having problems with the permissions for a log file being changed. I believe this is caused by syslogd, but am not sure how to correct it. Bacula will report it is unable to start a backup because it is unable to open the log file (/var/lib/bacula/log) "permission denied". After changing the owner from syslog to bacula, the backup will resume. However, the following day I encounter the same problem because the owner of the log has been changed back to syslog.I see where the permissions for logs are altered in sysklogd, but I am not certain how to make bacula exempt or if this is the right approach.

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Ubuntu Security :: File Access Permissions

Mar 3, 2010

I am setting up a new ubuntu server, and I am quite new to linux. This server will be used as code repository for a project I am going to be working on. I plan to setup 3 groups for users: dev, test, doc

- for various developers, testers and documentation users.

I would like to setup the following permissions on the main code repository directory:

dev - write permission
test - execute permission
doc - read permission
public (anyone outside these groups) - deny all access

I am unsure what chmod setting to use, or if this is even possible in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Unsafe Gpg.conf File Permissions

Apr 6, 2010

I have seen this issue come up previously in the forum: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions But the resolutions previously posted have not worked for me:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Text File Containing Permissions?

Jun 9, 2010

Is it possible to have a text file somewhere that contains a list of all users that are allowed access to a given folder? This would be fantastic for file servers on a network.

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