Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.10 64-bit Not Booting Not Installing?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm stuck with a problem trying to boot an Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 x64 CD into a white Macbook (2.1 gen, Core2Duo ) I've installed rEFIt, and synchronized GPT with MBR - all ok.

But when I insert the cd (works ok, the same CD on a DELL laptop ) and boot it via rEFIt, the computer hangs with this console message

Boot from Ubuntu CD-ROM:_
And I can't go further... anyone knows ?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Booting From USB With Mac?

Nov 16, 2010

Doing some experimentation with the XP Home BootCamp on my MacBook, I installed Wubi. (Yes, installed Wubi, on a BootCamp partition, on a Mac). Amazingly, it works flawlessly! But I thought up something while considering the issues with booting from USB on a Mac. My theory is this: Its the EFI and the Firmware which has compatibility issues with booting from USB. But when running BootCamp to use a Windows Partition, it emulates BIOS, which nowadays is good with booting from USB..

So, If I select to boot from Windows, which then leads to another selection asking for Ubuntu (GRUB) or Windows, you could select Ubuntu, which chucks you up at the standard version of GRUB, which to my understanding does support from USB booting? Select your stick and your off. If somebody would be willing to try this theory or correct me, maybe you could think up some easier way in which to boot from a USB with a Mac.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mac Booting With EFI GRUB?

Feb 11, 2010

I just install ubuntu Linux fully on my computer. Now i then install Grub-EFI, and EFI amd64. I also blessed my Linux partition. Now did i install everything to boot grub EFI? if i did. how do i know im booting using Grub EFI and not GRUB?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cannot Use Keyboard When Booting Up From 10.04 CD

Jun 2, 2010

I've tried Ubuntu awhile ago. I popped the CD then restarted my Mac. Upon restarting I usually pressed the C key. The system boots to the Ubuntu CD but when I get to the language selection thing, I cannot use my keyboard. I had to snag my PC's keyboard from the other room to make it pass through the said window.

Is it normal? I selected the "Try Ubuntu" first to get my feet wet.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Error Booting 10.04 On PPC?

Aug 2, 2010

after loading kernel we get /pci@f0000000/mac-io@17/ata-4@1f000/disk@0:3,/boot/vmlinux : input/output

Every install does this.

What is it with PPC ubuntu lately? Starting with 9.04 it has been nothing but snake bit. And is there any other mirrors beside britain for PPC it seem frequently unavailble or slow.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Booting 10.04 On Imac With Osx 10.6

Aug 20, 2010

I just installed the latest version of Ubuntu on my intel-based iMac with OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard), but I don't know how to bring it up.

I partinioned my hard drive for it. I inserted the CD and pressed C when restarting my computer for it to come up, then I installed it on the partition. It was done installing and said the computer must restart now, so I pressed OK. I got a black screen with a bunch of white text saying something about an error. It was pretty much "frozen" (I didn't know how to get off the screen), so I turned off the power manually by pressing the power button. I turned the power back on, but I get no option for Linux. I tried putting the CD back in, and it boots from the CD but it's still the non-installed version. So I thought maybe it didn't install, so I pressed install again. It said to choose where to install it, but my partition of free space said Ubuntu was already installed on it.

I'm really confused and don't know how to get it to start up when I turn on my computer.

EDIT: Here's some more info about my mac incase you need it:

OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
4 Gb of RAM
250 Gb hard drive (29 Gb partitioned for Linux)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Triple Booting On Mac?

Dec 24, 2010

I have an Intel iMac that has about 500 GB of unused space and I was wanting to install Ubuntu or Ubuntu studio or any Linux distro on about an extra 50 - 100 GB of space. I currently have the iMac with a windows bootcamp partition on it as well. Is it too late to partition the main partition and install Ubuntu on it without having to erase it and reinstall the Mac OS and Windows on it? Also, I wanted to try Ubuntu studio on a live CD, but when I hold C and bring up the preboot environment then I don't see an option to "try Ubuntu without changing anything".

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Get Dual Booting To Work

Jun 27, 2010

I can get ubuntu to work fine on its own (except for sound, a problem for another day), but I can't get dual booting to work.I'm using this page as a guide:URl...I started out with a clean OSX snow leopard install. I ran bootcamp and shrank my 320G hfs+ file system to 160G. I installed rEFIt, and rebooted twice (you don't see the menu after rebooting once). Then I booted from my 10.04 CD, and deleted the partition created by bootcamp using gparted.When I run the installer and tell it to use the largest continuous space, it makes the / file system in partition #5, and the swap partition in partition #5.

I figured that might cause problems with a MBR partition table, so I partitioned manually, and set up / in sda3 and swap in sda4.When I tried to configure the installation of the bootloader, I had a menu of possible places to install it. I picked /dev/sda3, but then the OK button was grayed out.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Triple Booting On A Macbook Pro?

Nov 18, 2010

I would like to triple boot my Macbook Pro. I don't want to use rEFIt. Although it worked on my iMac, it would randomly not load the OS's sometimes.

1. Is there a way to use Boot Camp?

2. I know how to use Mac with the windows xp bootloader. How can i put Ubuntu in too? I got this thing about taking 512 megabytes of the bootloader grub or something like that but I don't get it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Drive Will Not Read On TMac After Booting

Mar 21, 2010

Drive will not read on the Mac after booting in Ubuntu!I haven't booted Ubuntu in months (October?), but no hardware changes except for the expresscard. Ubuntu runs nicely in a virtual machine from the Mac side, so I made a fresh VM with Karmic. Couldn't remember the cool apps I had running before (it's been a while), so I booted into Ubuntu to check it out. The HDD was connected and on. (Oops.)It was fine last night on the Mac. I did not notice if it mounted this morning (still in OSX, 10.6.2, Mac sleeping overnight and HDDs on for an unrelated backup). So there is a very slim possibility this has nothing to do with Ubuntu.

Back to Ubuntu, the other external (Firewire 800, HFS+) mounted as usual. Again, I cannot recall if the Fantom mounted. I have not installed drivers for the expresscard/eSATA in Ubuntu (separate driver install is required on the Mac a rarity). I scribbled down the names of the apps I was looking for, and rebooted the Mac to OSX. Where's my HD? Disk Utility sees it as unformatted, and oddly enough, SCSI. If I plug it in via USB, it simply sees an unformatted disk. eSATA is OK with another drive on the Mac.DiskWarrior failed to see the disk entirely with either connection, same in Leopard and even Tiger.Could Ubuntu have confused the partition maps or something? Any thoughts on how I might get it running before I give up and restore the backup?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Shrink Mac OS X Partition On Dual Booting MBP?

May 28, 2010

After four attempts and diverse partition map problems, I finally managed to install successfully clean versions of both Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Ubuntu Lucid Lynx on my old MacBook Pro C2D (2,1) and a new 320 GB HDD, by following these instructions:[URL]

Now, I've got a big partition for Mac OS X (286 GB) and a small partition for Ubuntu (30 GB, as well as two smaller partitions for grub and swap). However, I'd like to shrink the Mac OS X partition to, say, 35 GB, and use the freed up 251 GB as a shared partition to keep files for access from both OSs. But Mac OS X Disk Utility won't let me resize the Mac OS X partition (and warns that it might not be a smart thing to do, as the disk has been partitioned for Boot Camp, etc).

Is there some way I can resize the partition, or do I have to start all over again?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: When Booting Can Only Acces A Broken GRUB?

Dec 26, 2010

when booting I can only acces a broken GRUB and this is how I might have done it wrong. I installed Ubuntu the first time using dual-booting which I think is the worst way since it could be done better by using a Virtual Machine such as Parralels or VMware. Well later I noticed that after removing Ubuntu there was still 2 problems 1.when selecting a OS during startup When I select "Windows" it goes to a broken GRUB which displays something like this " Use tab to complete the first commands" GRUB><where you're suppose to type> and I can't type so I hard reboot it. 2. I could not get rid of LinuxSwap. Much later I removed LinuxSwap by booting in a Ubuntu live disk and then removing the partition as well as the Linux "/" and after booting to Mac OS X leopard disk0s1 the Mac OS X system partition was mounted which was bad since it was suppose to be invisible to even the root user unless viewed by terminal on any user.

Now later I reformatted it as "Mac OS X something extended" and at first it was unjointed and impossible to mount and after I reformatted it it appeared as disk0s3. Now the problem appeared.This is the stuff I can do1. I can type some commands in the GRUB but when I typed find / the output is something like can't find /2. I might be able to boot up a live disk however my Linux Ubuntu live disk is broken.3. this is my dad's second hand Mac G5 iSight, not mine and it was a bargain, it was cheaper than my iPad with Mac OS X Leopard 10.5#

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Ubuntu / Apple :: PowerPC Booting Into A Black Screen

Jul 17, 2011

I've just tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 on my powerpc. It installed fine, and booted first time ok, but since restarting it just seems to boot into a black screen. My monitor says 'going to sleep mode'

I don't think it's hanging on anything, as I can hear sounds if I play around with the keyboard. Could this be something to do with the resolution being too high? If so, can anyone tell me how I go about changing this?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook Lost Its Mind Triple Booting?

Feb 1, 2010

Few days back i was searching for triple booting my mac through this ubuntu forum.and i ran into command name bless

it was like : bless /dev/disk0s3 --setboot -- device --verbose

i ran it on the terminal after booting it from a Leopard installation DVD in a hope to run linux on my macbook(macbook white..intel m/c 160gb HD..2 GB RAM) after trying all the stuff and eventually everything has stopped booting neither leopard nor windows. i can see the grub for ubuntu loading up but after selecting the option for ubuntu, ubuntu is also not working.

i was using refit as well.i cannot even boot from my leopard installation dvd..windows that was priorly installed using bootcamp is corrupted too.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: IMac G4 Blank Screen While Booting Into Lucid

Apr 26, 2011

I downloaded Ubuntu Lucid...something onto a cd and I booted into it on my iMac G4. It brought me to a screen saying things like live is default press tab for more options etc and when I just press enter, the screen turns white, loads a few things, then it turns blank and after awhile, I hear the Ubuntu startup sound but my screen remains blank.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Blank Screen When Booting From Kubuntu Partition On Macbook?

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to install kubuntu on my macbook. I am able to boot from the CD and install fine, but when I try to boot from the linux partition the cursor blinks for a while, then the screen goes blank.I have used the rEFIt partition utility, but when I try to reinstall the grub bootloader as described here: it says "sudo: grub: command not found"When it try "grub", it says:"The program 'grub' is not currently installed. You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install grub"

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Ubuntu / Apple :: External Hard Drive And Booting It From Refit Work?

Aug 12, 2010

would putting ubuntu on an external hard drive and booting it from refit work? and would i was starting up my imac 11,2 my ipod was bootable for some reason?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing OS Apple Powerbook G4 Ubuntu?

Mar 14, 2011

I've had a Apple Powerbook G4 for a while now, but being mostly a Windows user I've never used it. I remember when it ran it's native OSX (Which I can't for the life remember) Probably Tiger? Anyways... I tried installing Ubuntu on it about a year and a half ago, the installation was botched and I left it sitting there with no purpose in life. :O

So I've decided to dust the laptop and give it another go. I've progressed a little further with my Linux experience, having installed and tested a few distros and even switching over to Ubuntu 9.10 for about 4 months. Enough of my life story and more to the point.Has anyone installed Ubuntu, or any distro for that matter on the Apple Powerbook G4? I know there are different versions of the G4 and I'm not entirely sure what my version is, It's the 1.6Ghz version with The Nvidia card (Err I think) and extra Wireless card installed. I am not very capable with Mac - After checking Apples website I believe it's the 15inch.

I've read the FAQ thread and will begin trying to install Ubuntu tonight at home, I just wanted some suggestion and some pointers in the right direction. What distro would be most suitable for my hardware? and What is easiest to set up?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Manual Installation On Already Created Partition To Create Dual Booting PowerMac?

Jul 15, 2010

I have booted from the .iso cd I made on my Mac last night and was tempted to install it on a 6gb partition that I have on my main HDD but was a bit scared to go past the fourth (or so) step in manual installing where I pick that partition and *do what?* Is it going to install the OS on that partition and leave everything else alone to give me a dual booting PowerMac? It doesn't quite say. I am fearful of screwing up my little ol' machine. Can anyone direct me to something that gives a step by step in manual installation on an already created (HFC+) partition to create a dual booting PowerMac?

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Hardware :: Create Boot CD For Booting External Disks On An Apple IMac?

Apr 2, 2010

Is it possible to create a boot CD to boot external volumes on an Apple iMac 7.1 (which has an older firmware version and cannot boot external disks, unlike the MacBook Pro 5.1 which can do it, at least with grub-legacy which is all I'll ever use until EFI boot becomes available). There is some promising stuff on www.pendrivelinux.com, and I'll try it, but the instructions are for Windows, and I am not sure how to translate the menu.lst entry to linux (I suppose it would have to be entered in the "automagic" section). Of course I don't want to create a bootable flash drive but to use my external volumes that already boot on the MacBook Pro without altering them, except for installing the ATI video driver (but I have no problem booting in low graphics mode).

Until karmic there was a trick to make the iMac mistake the external volume for an internal one (the root partition had to have the same UUID as the internal root partition), but this does not seem to work for lucid. Anyway this UUID trick is dirty and causes problems when you want to edit the internal partition (which is the point of the external boot - you get a customized maintenance environment that boots much faster than the CD).

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 On Powerbook G4?

May 15, 2010

Well currently I am having a problem on the installation, when it goes to step 3 "keyboard layout" and I press forward it just stays there loading and does not proceed. It does not freezes or anything but stays there forever and does no proceed to next step. Burned another live-cd thinking it may be the disk itself but still no luck.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing On A Partition Next To Mac?

Jun 5, 2010

Ok my girlfriend has mac and she wants to play games and we will be useing the wineHQ. I've already looked up games thatwork for it and its good. Well is there away to install ubuntu through bootcamp?
her specs is-

Could i get some instructions? We were currently gonna install windows but it wouldn't work cuz we didnt have the original cd. Bootcamp already has a partition setaside already. Her mac is a Macbook pro

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing On MacBook Pro 6.2?

Jul 16, 2010

I would like to know, how could I install ubuntu on Mac. I've gone through the following guide, but there is no option for my machine MacBook Pro 6.2.

[URL].. BTW, i would like to have dual-boot option with Mac OSX pre-installed.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 On Ppc Without Original OS?

Aug 27, 2010

I have an old PowerMac G4 without the original harddrive or OS. What is the best way to install ubuntu 10.04 onto this machine?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 On Ibook G3

Jan 2, 2011

I have an ibook g3 that I'm trying to resurrect with Ubuntu 10.04. However, booting into live CD always freezes it at some point in the installation process. I got it installed but everything takes five minutes to open. any way to make it faster?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 11.04 On MacBook Pro (5,3)?

Aug 10, 2011

I've been trying to install 11.04 on my MacBook Pro for the past couple weeks, and I'm getting pretty frustrated with it. When I try to boot from a DVD, I either get a blank screen with just a flashing cursor, or it will ask me if I want to try, install, or verify the disc, after which I will get a bunch of different-colored blocks all around the screen.

I have installed past versions of Ubuntu on this computer with no problems, so I'm pretty stumped now on why I'm having this problem. Also, I've tried the Ubuntu Wiki and sticky thread on this forum, but nothing in either seems to help. Additionally, I have installed Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. I don't think it'd effect anything, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 PPC On External Harddive?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 PPC on to an Western Digital External USB 1TB drive to run on a:

eMac G4

I would like to only use like 40GB of the 1TB External. I get to the part where I can Manual edit partition tables and am lost on how to do this.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 On Internal HD Partition

Jul 15, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 PPC along side my mac OS on a partition on the inter hard drive that I created with 10.5 disk utility. When I get to the part in the Ubuntu installer where it ask where to install I only see the whole hard drive and not the partition I made, and when I go into the partition menu I click on it there but it won't let me install it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Uninstalling And Installing Mac OS X Tiger

Apr 24, 2011

I recently single boot installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my first gen Mac Mini. Everything was working great and wonderful. Now i am looking to uninstall Ubuntu and reinstall Mac OS X Tiger. I have the install DVD but no where am I able to boot the disk

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 11.04 On MacBook Pro - Can't See Partition

May 3, 2011

I've been trying to install 11.04 on my MacBook Pro5,2, (already have Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Windows 7 installed) but every time I get to screen where it asks me to install, the installation GUI doesn't see my partitions. The strange thing is that if I run sudo fdisk -lu /dev/sda I get:

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size(logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytesI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


Seems like everything is fine, no sectors are overlapping, and fdisk definitely recognizes the partition.

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