Anyway to reinstall firefox 3.5.8? It seems no matter what I install from the synaptics, 3.6 will be installed. They are all "dummy upgrade" packages I see. 3.6 is really really bad.
Thought I'd be clever and upgrade Firefox to v. 3 using instructions at
Ended up with "Namoroka" which seems to be Firefox 3.6, and it's a prerelease version.
Flash works under my admin id but not under normal user id. Reinstalling Flash didn't help. Want to revert to Firefox 2 that came with Ubuntu 8.04 so Flash will work again.
Can't uninstall "Namoroka" - uninstalled Firefox-3 but it's still hanging in there!
I messed up with my Firefox installation so that I could install a newer version. But when I downloaded from Mozilla it was plain tarball with nothing but a bunch of binary files in it. How do I reinstall Firefox to the exact previous state from repos? And what if I don't wanna install that old 3.0 but the newer version?
How can I remove Namoroka (3.6.12pre) and reinstall firefox? I already tried the sudo apt-get purge firefox-3.6 but to no avail. Can anybody tell me what the ppa packages just are? Is it correct that they are Ubuntu specific packages for optimizing applications for Ubuntu?
RE: Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 64bit Updates from 2-3 days ago.
Since then, Firefox starts and runs fine the first time. Close it down and later try to restart, error says that Firefox is already using that profile and will need to quit it before proceeding.
System Monitor then shows that firefox and firefox-bin are still loaded (although nothing in the gnome app tray at bottom of screen). Jill those 2 processes and Firefox loads normally.
Should I wait this out and see if later updates cure this? Reinstall Firefox? Submit a report to launchpad?
So I was messing around trying to uninstall Nibbles and reinstall since I have an issue starting that game and something happened and removed the submenu under Games called "Logic", which had another whole list of games.
Is it possible to reinstall the games package or reinstall the update?I'm thinking more of the lines of a system restore or something so back 2 days from today.
I recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my laptop which also had windows vista and windows 7, i created a new partition and the installation went smoothly, after i went to boot back into windows 7 i got a blue screen of death, strangely vista boots perfectly.I could just reinstall windows 7 but its a pain to reinstall all my programs and such
i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bit installed and configured and working sweet. I have reinstalled windows 7 and now i can't boot ubuntu i've tried easybcd to add ubuntu to win boot loader which failed and tried to follow the instructions to reinstall grub through a live cd which i am in at the moment. i go to a terminal and type sudo grub and it brings up the grub prompt. i have mounted all discs and entered the command find /boot/grub/stage1 and it keeps spitting this back at me Error 15: File not found
my hd is a 80gb with partions like this /dev/sda1 105mb ntfs system reserved /dev/sda2 45gb ntfs win 7 home premium 64 bit /dev/sda3 34gb ext4 ubuntu 10.04 64 bit /dev/sda4 1.5gb linux swap
How do i roll back firefox5beta to firefox4 and keep updating to the latest stable releases w/out upgrading to beta? The only extension that isn't working is FEBE which is incompatible w/ firefox5beta (profile, extension and preference backup). Have to use FEBE beta7 under Firefox4 so I don't think a compatible release for Firefox5beta is going to come out any time soon.
I recently upgraded (via Ubuntuzilla) to firefox 3.5.7 and now, every single time I close Firefox, the program seems to crash without quitting completely.
First, I receive an error saying that the program will not close and asks me if I want to Force Quite or Wait for it to close on its own. This has been happening ever since I upgraded to Karmic and if I just wait it usually quits fully after a couple seconds.
Now what happens is this: the window still closes, but if I try to reopen Firefox then I get this error stating that Firefox is already open and therefore cannot be opened again. The only way to get back into Firefox is to restart the entire computer. (Incidentally, this is the same problem that occurs whenever I try to Force Quit Firefox)
This now happens every single time I "close" Firefox.
Does anyone know the source of this error? Or a workaround?
How do I force Firefox to recognize a certain default firefox profile I have?
For whatever reason I can't get FF to show all of the add-ons I have. Yes, they are installed and they appear when as icons when I first boot up but after I close FF and start it again there are no icons (like Adblock).
Im using firefox version 3.6.12 and it functions fine. However when i use the latest version of this addon the screen goes grey and firefox crashes. Restarting firefox only results in more crashes. I had a older version of this addon-1.5 i believe that worked fine.
I create/modify web pages on Ubuntu and on Ubuntu it looks good but on Firefox that runs on Windows it is all messed up. The pictures or text is not as intended and that is really annoying. What is the issue here?I really don't understand.
I installed the add-on Greasemonkey for Firefox and since then firefox won't open. If I try to open it on safe mode nothing comes up, it I try it a secont time it tells me that Firefox is already running and if I try to open it normally it shows it on the bottom as if it was opening and then it dissapears.
I have installed dwm as window manager and whenever I start firefox it crashes after a few seconds. When I use the gnome window manager everything works fine.Anyone has a hint for me what I can do?
I have installed dwm as window manager and whenever I start firefox it crashes after a few seconds. When I use the gnome window manager everything works fine.
Installed 10.10 onto a brand new HD. Using the computer to introduct myself to both Ubuntu and file server concepts. I also installed Samba and was communicating wirelessly with 2 Win 7 machines. THEN I upgraded to 11.04, could not get wirless internal card (B43) to work. Everthing is a mess my 11.04 computer is a doorstop. I tried to reinstall 10.10 from the orignal distribution disk I had created. I would like to take off 11.04 and go back to 10.10 with Samba and a functioning wireless card. I have backed up files, I would just like 11.04 off and 10.10 back. I do not wish to deal with the wireless B43 driver and 11.04 for now.
For some reason after I accidentally put ubuntu (meerkat) into hibernation it won't load OS upon turning back on, shutting the computer down does the same thing. I get this error message: No Boot Device Available, Press Enter to Retry.For some reason my OS loads no problem if I am just restarting my system. This just started happening out of the blue.I've already reinstalled a couple of times off the live CD and also deleted and reinstalled GRUB2 with no luck. Now I'm thinking about trying to delete and reinstall my MBR, but I don't know the safest/best way to do this. Can I do this with gparted? Is this something that can only be done in terminal? I've seen commands like install - mbr ... should I use this route?
since ubuntu's decided that firefox needs to have their strange and weird theme for the buttons... what's the easiest way to remove this new way that it decides that the button configuration for when you want to close it and other things? I cannot seem to find this file, and i've already tried to delete my .mozilla file and i've installed swiftfox and it's using it. So where in the world did the Ubuntu UI people put this thing at?
Recently I have installed Fedora 10. It comes with firefox 3.xx by default. Now I was wondering if there is any way through which i can update it to 3.5 version though yum. I have tried yum update firefox but it did not work and returns following messages Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Setting up Update Process No Packages marked for Update I know that one way to update is download the latest Tar package and use it, but I want to totally remove my previous installation and use solely one package i.e. firefox 3.5.
I have been testing Fedora 15 and I love it, everything works fine and is so nice but... I want to instal FireFox with another idiom becouse it is the only thing that my Fedora has in English everything else is Spanish. How do I change the lenguage from FireFox from English to Spanish ?
After several searches on Google and not finding anything remotely related to this question, I ask, how do I update Firefox 3.0 to Firefox 3.5 without losing any of my settings, history, bookmarks ,etc.?
This is really odd - all of a sudden, my firefox says "Firefox can't find the server at" , and my pidgin will not connect saying host not found.However, I am typing this on the same computer using Opera. his is absolutely insane. I have no idea what caused it.. command line nslookup works great, and resolves everything.But firefox and pidgin will not resolve anything.
The only odd thing is this in messages: Sep 8 12:07:41 tklaptop NetworkManager: nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver: assertion `nameserver != s' failed Sep 8 12:07:41 tklaptop NetworkManager: nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver: assertion `nameserver != s' failed
I've been using Ubuntu for a couple of months as a wubi install. I've been able to do everything in Ubuntu and have not had to resort to Windows at all. I do have another Windows computer that is networked to this Ubuntu machine. It must remain Windows so I do have a Windows machine for a pinch. The question is I'm thinking of reinstalling Ubuntu on this machine by itself . No more Windows at all. What will I gain & what will I loose.
I just uninstalled ubuntu using wubi In control panel/add and remove programs. and removed it.
Because i wanted to add more space, So i reinstalled Wubi, The wubi installer came up i filled it out adding the gbs i wanted name and new password and when i click on istall about two seconds in i get an error,
An error occured; Cannot install into C;ubuntu there is anotherfile or diretory with this name. Please remove it before continuing
I have 7 And Karmic and I recently a 1080p monitor, new graphics card and 8 gbs of ram, I reinstalled 7 (using 64-bits per pixel instead) and I tried reinstalling the grub menu in the live usb and it doesn't work like it did back in earlyer versions of ubuntu