Ubuntu :: 9.10 Dual Boot With XP - How To Remove Partitions

Mar 28, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 dual boot with Windows XP, on my 120GB hard drive I currently have the following partitions

a) 42GB - with WindowsXP installed
b) 10GB - for WindowsXP storage
c) 3.1GB - accidentally made when installing Ubuntu
d) 62GB - With Ubuntu installed
e) 2.7GB - swap space for ubuntu

I very rarely use WinXP and have nothing on b or c, so my question is can I get rid of those partitions to make d 75GB total without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - No Dual Boot Option For Both Partitions

Jul 3, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 10.04 as my only OS. I then booted from the Ubuntu CD and divided my HD into two partitions, one for my Ubuntu and the other I formatted to NTFS so I could load Windows. I booted from the Windows CD and installed Windows on the second partition. I am now unable to boot into Ubuntu and I do not have a boot menu at start-up to choose what OS I want. I went back in with my Ubuntu CD and selected the "bootable" option for both partitions through Disk Utility but it still boots only to Windows. If I change the Linux partition to "bootable" and deselect that option from the NTFS partition, my computer starts up and then give the error, "No operating system present." What do I have to do in order to have a boot menu show up that will allow me to choose what OS to use at start-up?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Rid Of Dual Boot Screen And Partitions

Jan 24, 2011

My brother installed ubuntu earlier this year, ended up not liking it, and somehow managed to delete all the Ubuntu folders from Windows XP without deleting neither the partition nor GRUB (which is what I'm assuming is keeping up the dual boot screens).

Dual boot - windows xp (SP3) and ubuntu
Laptop - Dell Vostro 1510

How do I get rid of the dual boot screen? AND how do I get rid of the partitions? I already tried to run Mbr fixer, but it hasn't worked. When I boot from the Windows XP CD I have, the recovery console doesn't detect the hard drive and therefore can't repair windows. I have the latest version of Kubuntu on hand - will installing this alongside or inside Windows XP wipe out the Ubuntu partitions or will it just create more partitions in the disk?

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Slackware :: How To Dual Boot 2 Partitions

Apr 22, 2011

Slackware 13.0 32-bit is installed on /dev/sda5 with lilo written to that partition. Everything works and I have a nice lilo boot menu (for a WinXP bootable partion). Recently I installed Slack 13.0 64-bit on /dev/sdb5. This also succeeded (apparently). After reboot I was presented with my old boot menu, selected the 32-bit Linux option (/dev/sda5) and after login went to /etc/lilo.conf where I entered a boot stanza for /dev/sdb5 (64-bit linux), and then ran /sbin/lilo. No errors flagged. After reboot there was a 64-bit entry in the boot menu, but when selected it led to kernel panic. Further although I can mount /dev/sdb5 from the 32-bit partition there is nothing in it except lost+found.

So the current position is that I can't access my 64-bit linux partition (/dev/sdb5) to change anything in it (even boot: root=/dev/sdb5 at the boot prompt doesn't seem to work).how do I obtain access to /dev/sdb5? Second question is what items do I need in the 32-bit lilo.conf boot stanza so as to be able to boot to that 64 linux partition?

PS: OK I noticed one warning when I ran lilo.....

bash-3.1# lilo
Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
Added Slack *
Added Slack64


Maybe the problem is with the 32-bit addressing? How do I get lilo to use LBA32 for the 32-bit partition (/dev/sda5) and LBA64 addressing for the 64-bit partition (/dev/sdb5)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 And XP Dual Boot - Resizing Partitions

Apr 15, 2010

I have a dual boot system 9.10 and XP. The hard drive is 234. For some reason during the install I only allocated 128 to windows and 16 to ubuntu. Or at least, gparted tells me I have 127.99 NTFS and 104 unallocated (=231G ??).

System monitor tells me I have the following:
/dev/loop0 is ext4 = 16 G total
/dec/sda1 is host = 128 G total
this is 134G total

From windows, the partitioner tells me the same. I have 104 of unallocated disk space and 128 of NTFS. I assume the 16G allocated to ubuntu is inside the 128G?. How do I get that additional 104 into ubuntu without screwing up the MFT of windows. Or can I? Is it as simple as telling gparted to format the space? or will that mess windows up?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Partitions For Dual Boot?

Jun 2, 2010

So I wanted to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 7, but have no idea how to partition out Ubuntu. At the moment, I'm working with a 300GB harddrive that will solely hold installed applications and stuff like that. Any shared/storage data will be put on separate harddrives altogether.

I plan on using a 40-50GB partition for Windows 7 alone (no installed applications and stuff). And here come the questions about Ubuntu partitioning. From what I read, do I only need three separate partitions? (/, /home, /swap) Even then I'm not 100% sure what each of these partitions represent. But my research says... / = equivalent to my Windows 7 partition, /home = the partition where installed applications go and other non-essential Ubuntu stuff, /swap = virtual memory

With all that said, to comfortably run Ubuntu can I have my partitions be these sizes?

/ = 10GB
/home = 20-30GB
/swap = 2GB (Do I even need this if I have 2GB of ram?)
Windows 7 = 40-50GB
W7 Apps = remaining space

I don't know what exactly I want to do with Ubuntu, but is a /home of 20-30GB adequate to install lot's and lot's of apps?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot, Sharing Files On Different Partitions?

Jun 28, 2010

Setting up an old machine for some family members that are not so tech savvy. It will dual boot Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04. The partitioning is as follows:

sda1 12 Gb ntfs WinXP
sda2 ----- ---- Extended
sda3 10 Gb ext4 Ubuntu


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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions For Dual Boot Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm setting up a new Dell as dual boot. I'm leaning toward first partition for Windows 7, a second partition that can be accessed from either OS, and an extended partition that will have root, swap, /home, etc. For the partition to be accessible to both, what is the preferred format? I've read that FAT32 or NTFS will suffice. ext4 is what I understand should be set for the linux partitions. For the linux partitions, is there an advantage to setting one or two of the partitions as primary, rather than logical? Also, any clear advantages or disadvantages to having a /boot partition? It is likely I'll only have installed one version of Ubuntu at a time.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Dual Boot / Partitions

Dec 18, 2010

I'd like to dual-boot it with Windows 7, but I'm not sure exactly how I should set things up. Searching has helped but I would really appreciate advice specific to my scenario. Windows 7 to run a couple games (mainly Starcraft II) and for anything that doesn't run on mac or linux, and Ubuntu to do most of my normal everyday stuff (documents, programming projects, web browsing, listening to music).Hardware: 1TB hard drive, 4GB RAM, AMD Athlon II 435 processor.

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Ubuntu :: Windows XP / Dual Boot - Resize Two Different Partitions?

Jan 6, 2011

I am running a dual boot with XP and Ubuntu - what I want to do is increase the partition size of Ubuntu and reduce XP. When I run " G Parted" it shows both partitions with Xp being NTFS. I guess the boot loader is Grub because Ubuntu takes priority at Boot. I cannot persuade G Parted to allow me to resize the two different partitions. I am using the G Parted Live CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Partitions For Dual Boot?

Feb 22, 2011

I would like to install Ubuntu in a separate partition. I currently have Windows XP on the C drive.

I have the following config on my Presario Laptop:

60gb SATA hard drive
41.6gb available
3% fragmented

I would like to partition the hard drive to install Ubuntu as a dual boot. how I need to do this or point me in the right direction? I did begin an install from a cd I burned from ISO. I started by just going for the auto installation and what it recommended. However, when I tried to install, I got an error message that changes were uable to be written to disk and had to abort??

Assuming I can get past the error I would like to know how to create the partitions for root, home and swap and how much space for each.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot XP And 10 - Can't Read From Windows Partitions

May 19, 2010

I am editing this post to save people time and effort. This is one of those "Pilot Error" issues or faulty readout issue, not sure which. It turns out that when I saved a document in PDF format to my NTFS Drive (the one I want to share between Windows XP and Ubuntu 10) the .PDF file extension was missing.

1. Ubuntu identified the files as a PDF document (even though the file extension was not there)

2. When trying to access it by double clicking it, the message was "Unable to open document, Permission Denied"

The problem was not permissions, and it was not a PDF file according to the default Document Viewer, but it WAS a PDF file according to the directory listing. The permissions message really had nothing to do with the problem, and identifying the file as a PDF document when it didn't have an extension, was another problem. What SHOULD have happened is a file without an extension should not be identified as a PDF file or If Ubuntu says it's a PDF file, and I double click it, why is the message "Permission Denied" ?? How about "No File Extension" or something like that?

Read the following if you want to see what my problem WAS before I just appended ,PDF to the filename, and now it works fine. On the positive side, installing XP first, then setting aside a large chunk of space for a shared NTFS drive, and THEN installing Ubuntu in the free space works fine. I installed a new 320 GB drive on laptop. Installed Win XP in 32 GB Set aside 250 GB for another Windows partition using MANAGE and formatted D: as an NTFS drive Then successfully Installed ubuntu 10 into remaining unused space. Problem: Ubuntu cannot access files from D: (NTFS Windows) partition. but it can WRITE files without problems, and create directories, just not read them. Have set properties of the Windows drive to shared, still nada. Any trick I'm missing? If I plug in an external USB drive, Ubuntu can read/write to it easily, it just can't read from the 250 GB partition formatted in Windows XP that I wanted to share between operating systems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Takes Up 4 Partitions Already (dual Boot)?

Aug 14, 2010

I would like to install Ubuntu on an HP Laptop, but they have taken up the whole disk with 4 partitions. I have removed Linux partitions and made an extended one in it's place creating new UUIDs before, but i am worried that windows will not recognize the new partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Split HDD Into 2 Partitions (Dual Boot With Win7)

Oct 4, 2010

I'm completely new to Ubuntu, and haven't actually installed it yet, so my questions aren't concerned about how I use it, but rather the problems of installment and more importantly how to get started. The first thing I got a little question for is how to split my HDD into two partitions in order to install Ubuntu, as I will be dual-booting it with Windows 7. The second thing I want to ask about is how big the risk of corrupting my HDD is when installing Ubuntu, and whether I can take some precautions in order to reduce the risk of said thing. The third thing I'm gonna ask about is how to get drivers for my graphics and that alike. And fourth and last: Is it going to make a difference that I'm running it on a laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Remove The Windows Boot Loader

Apr 26, 2011

One thing I notice and hope someone here can steer me in the right direction. When I start up my computer I have the list of options to choose from, if I choose to boot into Win 7 I am the presented again with another boot menu from windows. I would like to remove the Windows boot loader.

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General :: Disk Partitions For Dual Boot With Windows 7 GPT/EFI

Jan 9, 2011

I have a Centos 5.5 system that had 2 primary partitions (2nd is setup as LVM with multiple LVM partitions) and then installed Windows 7 as Dual Boot.

However, Windows 7 has installed a 200MB system partition which is GPT/EFI as partition 3 and the Win7 OS as a Primary Partition.

I have a heap of space undefined after this fourth primary partition.

However, as 4 primary partitions have been used, I can no longer create an extended partition to utilise this.

As such I would like to know what is the best and safest way to proceed, and if possible step by steps instructions for the best option eg:

1. Delete the Windows 7 System Partition and create the extended partition (I expect this will prevent Windows from booting)

2. Use something like partition magic to change the Win 7 OS Partition 4 to an extended partition (Not sure if this will work)

3. Make changes to the overall system including both Linux and Windows so that it will use GPT only (I have
had no experience with GPT so this is a bit scary)

4. Other?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Dual Booting And Got Grub Boot Errors?

Mar 29, 2010

i'm trying to install 98se to a 110gb partition so i can dual boot with ubuntu 10 for 98 and 100 for ubuntu after the resize. when i tried making multiple partitions manually for ubutnu putting it on separate partitions i got grub boot errors. the problem i am having every time i try to install 98 it forces me to scandisk it then i have to hit space bar to fix every error i thinks it finds wich is impossible to press it 2 million times. now if I format in a non 98 format and tell it to format in lba it keeps asking for a boot disc, i burned one off but, still kept asking for it. if i do it in non lba, it only saw 2 gigs in 98 and when i went to install ubuntu it was a giant hard drive no partitions. i did try making 3 fat 32s 1 for 98 and then swap and linux partition but, the i got grub errors 17 and 18.

the problem is that bios a cap of 130gb for each drive or in this case partition. it's 320gb WD blue Scorpio. the short i want to dual boot 98se and ubuntu 9.04 with 2 fat32 partitions for storage 110 +100 + 80 = 320 also some visuals.

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Debian Installation :: Dual Boot Windows And Linux Partitions

Dec 28, 2015

I have Windows 10 and Deb 8 dual boot, and I need to re-install Windows but want to avoid (or at least plan for) losing Grub/Linux boot.

Last time I re-installed Windows after Linux I ended up having to re-install Linux again afterwards as well, because I couldn't recover it (seemingly due to complications from encryption). So this time I'm wanting to plan and avoid that.


Code: Select allsda1  |  550M   |  EFI System
sda2  |  128M   |  Microsoft reserved
sda3  |  175.8G |  Microsoft basic data
sda4  |  286M   |  Linux filesystem (Boot)
sda5  |  28.2G  |  Linux filesystem (Root)
sda6  |  91.3G  |  Linux filesystem (Home)
sda7  |  1.9G   |  Linux swap

[Code] ....

As there is a "Microsoft Reserved" partition and a separate Microsoft directory within the EFI partition, if I just go ahead and reinstall Windows will it install it's boot loader/image to one of it's own partitions? And NOT affect anything else like Grub and other Linux things?

Logic tells me yes, but there seems to be many issues on the internet about installing Windows after Linux.

My primary concern is whatever happens with Windows or anything to do with dual loading etc, is that Linux will still just boot, or I can get it working again without much hassle.

Why is there a reserved Microsoft partition AND a Microsoft directory in the EFI partition? Which one boots Windows?

Why is there a separate Linux Boot partition AND a Linux directory in the EFI partition? Which one boots Linux? Where is Grub invoked from, is one redundant, etc?

How these work. It is possible I've set them up wrong, or with redundant partitions, but both systems have been booting ok for months.

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Partitions - Trying To Dual Boot With Vista

Aug 24, 2011

Partition limit is 4 on my Inspiron 1525 so even with the space available I cannot create a Fedora partition because:

50MB for Dell Diagnostics
**GB main vista partition
10GB recovery partition
2.5GB MediaDirect partition

I'm trying to dual boot vista/fedora. I know I can delete the MediaDirect partition but that causes boot problems if the button is pressed while the power is off. I'm not sure which of the 3 Dell Partitions to remove.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Syncing GPT / MBR Partitions Tables On OS-X And Dual Boot

May 30, 2011

I've been successfully dualbooting OS-X and various debian based linux distros for a while now on my macbook pro. I use rEFIt. gptsync gives me the following error message:


Status: Analysis inconclusive, will not touch this disk. Is there any way to force the partition tables to sync? Currently, I have to use the OpenSUSE live DVD to boot into my OpenSUSE install.

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General :: Any USB Tool To Recover Partitions In Dual Boot System?

May 23, 2011

I have a dual boot Acer Aspire One, after reinstalling Windows back to "original factory", the way it was straight out of the box, it now will not boot up at all. It goes to the Windows start screen goes blank, and loops there infinitely. Is there a USB tool I can use to figure out what went wrong and recover either my Windows or Linux partition with out having to do a complete reinstall?

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General :: Upsize Partitions On New HDD - Dual Boot (11.04 On Win7 With Grub)

Aug 12, 2011

I have been an MCSA for the last 20 years, but recently I have been very impressed indeed with Ubuntu 11.04, having dabbled with and then discarded Susi Linux some five years ago. My problem may be summarised as outlined below: Using the downloadable ISO I installed Ubuntu 11.04 as a dual boot on a Win7 100GB HDD on my Lenovo T61 laptop. No problem they both rock and I'm very impressed. During the installation procedure I selected the largest partition sizes available from the Ubuntu installer wizard being 25GB Extended split into 18GB Ext4, and 3.2GB and 3.2 GB swaps (I couldn't suss out any way of manually increasing them any further).

I found that the 11.04 Startup Manager application didn't work at all, so I downloaded and installed Grub Customizer 2.1..and that did work after a fashion.. certainly enough to actually effect changes in the grub configuration settings. Everything worked so well on the 100GB HDD that I decided to transpose the entire disk image to a new 500GB WD Scorpio and make the dual boot my main working disk. Using Acronis I imaged off the 100GB installation selecting the partition by partition, and retain disk signature options. I then recovered the image to the new 500GB HDD and everything works beautifully on the new HDD.

Except of course all the partitions are still the same size. I won't waste your reading time recounting everything that I have done using Acronis Disk Director (V Good) and Gparted (not so good), but needless to say whatever I do Grub won't have it, and I have lost count of the times that I have re-recovered the good image. Basically I want to increase the partion sizes to apportion larger partitions to both Win 7 and 11.04 and obviously I'm missing something somewhere.

Fdisk -l -u produces..
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x9f011ed1 .....

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Ubuntu :: Remove Xp From Dual Boot

Jan 27, 2010

I have a 20gb partition for xp and 140gb for ubuntu, i dont want the xp partition anymore as i found out about virtual box and i rather use it that way when i need to use photoshop which is the only thing that keeps me from deleting xp. I already have my ubuntu configured the way i want it and i dont want to reinstall everything again, i just want to delete the xp partition and give that space to the ubuntu partition and then use xp with virtual box whenever i need to use photoshop.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Dual Boot ?

Mar 27, 2010

Prior to installing ubuntu I had an installation of Vista Ultimate on my computer. I kept that OS and installed ubuntu on a clean second hard drive. The Vista installation included a small program called Vista Boot Pro which allowed me to dual boot to either vista or the empty hard drive. Since installing ubuntu I now have many options when booting including ubuntu and Vista. Ubuntu added a series of other options that were not present originally. Is there a way to uninstall the dual boot option from ubuntu and just use the vista dual boot program (VistaBootPro)?

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Ubuntu :: Remove From Windows XP Dual Boot?

Jan 10, 2010

My sister isn't using Ubuntu on her netbook (that was me that used it), but it fell out of use on it. So I figured that its time to remove it. So my question is: how would I go about removing Ubuntu 9.10 from an Ubuntu/Windows XP dual boot?

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove Windows XP From Dual Boot

Feb 6, 2010

I want to move from Wubi to the full thing, but i have no removable media devices.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Actually Add/remove Programs ?

Sep 29, 2010

So a few years ago I had a guy build me a computer that solely run off Ubuntu. Was a gift to me dad and all was well...my dad just gave me the computer and there are too many problems and I am not exactly good with this kind of work.

I really just want to completely uninstall Linux so I can get windows xp on this laptop. I don't even know where to start, any ideas?

Unless of course someone can give me a crash course on how to fix me being able to download updates so that I can actually add/remove programs, get my DVD to read DVDs and many many more ridiculous things...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove UNR From Dual Boot WIN XP EEE PC

Oct 14, 2010

I recently did a package upgrade on my UNR installation and it killed my wireless connection. After playing around non stop trying to get it to work again, I've destroyed the installation and would like to remove it and start again.

My system is a EEE PC 1005H running firstly WINXP and then UNR 10.04 lucid as dual boot.

I need to remove the UNR installation so I'm basically left with WinXP only. I want to get back to this stage so I can pretty much start again and get back to a working system.

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Ubuntu :: Remove A Partition From Dual Boot?

Jan 9, 2011

I have windows xp on dual boot, however I do not use it anymore also something happened to the boot sector so now it wont work. I want to remove it so that I can have ubuntu reclaim the partition and have grub removed from startup. How does one do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Rid Of Dual Boot \ Want To Remove 10.10?

Jan 15, 2011

I currently have 10.10 and 10.04 installed and dual booted. I want to remove 10.10. Looking at the drive partitioning the 10.10 is the one with the boot flag. I also am worried about just formatting it and loosing the bootloader. Don't care about joing the partitions or anything just would like to remove 10.10. Not sure about the correct way to go about removing 10.10 and not wiping grub out completely.

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