Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Database Connectivity (JAR Files)

Jul 2, 2010

I don't have any idea where to place the "mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar" file in ubuntu 9.10. Yesterday I did this in xp successfully by placing this jar file at following locations
Moreover, the jar file which I am using for xp; can be used for ubuntu 9.10 or not. I am using NetbeansIDE 6.7.1 (installed from Software Center), MySQL 5 Server (sudo apt-get install mysql-server) is this enough?

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General :: JDBC Connectivity (From Java To MySQL Database)

Apr 22, 2011

I have installed open suse linux 11.3. I have mysql database and jdk How do I connect from java to mysql database?

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Server :: Database Stopped Showing Up - Files Still There - Restore The Database From The Files?

Jul 8, 2011

I recently moved into a new place and when I hooked up my webserver, I wasn't able to bring up my page, even from localhost. With some digging, it seems that I can't access the database that housed my posts (wordpress installation). I looked for the datadir in MySQL and that directory shows the wordpress directory that should be holding the database and all the files are still there. 1) why the database no longer shows up 2) how to restore the database from the files?

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Ubuntu Networking :: AR5001 Chipset - Wireless Networking Randomly Loses Connectivity And Can Not Regain Connectivity

Jun 25, 2011

Wife's laptop has AR5001 Wireless Adapter laptop model is Toshiba Satellite A215

Problem : Wireless networking randomly loses connectivity and can not regain connectivity, the only apparent solution is a full power down , this is not even certain to work. The card works under Windows, she hates Windows. (I love her for this) I know it's not faulty hardware , because it will work for days on end under Windows without problems.

Things I've tried : madwifi drivers (any and all versions available) : These increase stability of the signal and seem to delay the inevitable however it still happens. When using these drivers the only option is to unload them modprobe -r then reboot then remove them again and re add them. It makes no sense why this works, and if I don't remove them prior to rebooting it will not work.

ATH5K drivers : These are pretty much junk, results are unpredictable at best, sometimes it will work perfectly for a few hours, sometimes it will not work at all. Nothing is repeatable, I can't seem to force whatever condition is causing this. rfkill does not show the wifi being blocked (hard or soft), unblocking it anyway does nothing, only way to make this work and it's iffy is to fully power down wait 5-10 minutes turn it back on and it MAY decide to work.

Firmware update : Updated the Toshiba BIOS to the latest version of the firmware 2.0 no joy here either. Same issue both sets of drivers.

Tried different distros and kernels : I've tried Mint 9, 10 ,11 ; Ubuntu 10.10, 10.04 , 9.10 and 11.04 (which is currently installed) , Fedora and OpenSUSE. All are giving the same problems. I have also tried a slew of different kernels no joy from any of them (I'm not at the computer with the issue now I will post exactly what kernel versions I've used when I have access to the machine).

Another useful bit of information, the hard switch to disable/enable wifi WILL disable it but turning it back on does absolutely nothing. The hotkey does nothing at all. The bios does not have an option to disable or enable the wireless card.

I will also post the typical lsmod , lspci , iwconfig all that good stuff when I get back to the computer in question. I'm probably just going to buy a PC card for it and give up on that one, but this is driving me insane and I would really like to see it resolved even if I do replace the hardware.

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General :: Dial-up Connectivity - Configure Kppp With Firewall - Find Lock Files

Mar 16, 2010

I have a desktop computer running Debian Lenny, a 56 K modem, and a dial-up account, currently configured like this: computer -> modem -> UPS -> phone jack

When I run off a Knoppix live CD, I can use kppp to configure pppd (using PAP/CHAP authentication and hardware control flow) to dialup and surf. When I try to user kppp to configure pppd exactly the same way on my hard drive installation, I get nothing. Both my Knoppix live CD and Debian Lenny use exactly the same version of kppp, but the pppd related files in /etc/ppp look a bit different.

Under both Knoppix and Debian Lenny hard drive installation, when I try to connect, the login debug window of kppp shows:

ATDT [phone number]

At this point I hear the modem dialing out, and when using Knoppix, after a few seconds I see


Which I think corresponds to my route to the InterNet being established through my ISP. When using the hard drive install, I never see the CONNECT, and all indications are that my modem is not sending authentication information at all, but getting stuck right after dialing out, so that my ISP gets a phone call from a modem which... refuses to speak. I never had any problems before, so I am baffled.

So apparently my system is currently misconfigured in some way which prevents point to point protocol from getting out.

I have a firewall on my computer which I set up using guarddog. I have enabled point to point protocol from internet zone to local zone. I know that ppp is a symmetrical protocol, but my understanding is that I do not need to enable point to point from local to internet zone. I have not enabled irc protocol because my understanding is that this is only relevant to software flow control using chat scripts. Does this sound correct? Is there some additional protocol I need to allow in order to use pppd to dial out?

When I reboot my computer (off the hard drive) I sometimes see that the system complaining about a failure to stop every process, and sometimes I see mention of an eth0.pid. I have been looking for lock files; would they all be in /var/run?

When I use kppp to configure pppd, I want to do that as my ordinary user for at least two reasons, correct? don't want to run pppd as root user for security reasons kppp is a GUI and root user can't use X (on Debian)

So I should see in home directory of my ordinary user

But not in /root directory, correct? What pppd related processes should I see with ps -ef if everything is working?

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Server :: MySQL Database Recovery From Files

Mar 22, 2011

My server crashed due to a HDD failure, but luckily I could somehow retrieve all the files from the HDD and made an .image using dd on my workstation. Now my question is there someway to retrieve mySQL databases from these files? I hosted about 25 sites and I'm really not to into making them again from 0.

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General :: Recover Deleted MySQL Database Files?

Sep 4, 2010

Some a$$ hack me MySQL and deleted all my databases, I have older copies on my system, but is there a way that Ubuntu server can recall or recover deleted MySQL database files ?

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Software :: Importing Text Files Into Mysql Database

Jun 1, 2010

We have an archive server where the administrator, via a web interface, can import text files into a mysql database. The files are typically local to the machine. The operating system of the server is CentOS 5.4, and that of the mysql database is 5.0.77.The database was originally on another server which was replaced by the one that is currently in use. The migration of the database from the older server involved creating a dump file, copying the file to the new machine, and importing it into the database. The version of the mysql database on the previous server was 5.0.45. The problem that has started to occur is the following: When the administrator goes through the motions of importing a text file to the database, the text does not get imported even though there are no error messages appearing on-screen or in the mysqld.log file. The administrator can see what is already in the database, but he cannot add to it.

The web interface to the database utilizes perl modules and cgi files. I ran the cgi files from the command line to see if there were any error messages. There were none. The perl modules that were on the previous server were copied to the new server with the permissions kept intact. I also verified the user and database permissions on the new server match those on the older server. I am at a loss as to why this is occurring, and I would appreciate any help I can get on this. I have enclosed the files that are involved with the importation of the text file into the database as a single text file attachment. The files are all cgi files with the exception of the last file being the perl module.

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Programming :: DataBase In Python - Compile .py Files Into A .exe File

Jun 20, 2011

i am new to python programing and i have a couple of ?'s

1- what would i do if i needed to find the closest, bigger number, from a list of numbers when the user types a number in.

2- (windows) i need a program that can compile .py files into a .exe file so that it works on a machine without python it also needs to work with python 3.2.

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Programming :: Rename Files Based On Database Entry?

Jul 8, 2010

I was hoping to get some pointers on how to rename files based on database entry. I got hundreds of thousands of files that has GUID name assigned to it. only way to find out the file name is to look up the database table. Its obvious that this is not efficient. I couldn't find any tutorials on how to do this. Please point me to right direction. A starting point would be very helpful.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Can't Move The MYSQL Database Files

Nov 8, 2009

I just installed mysql and need to move the databases to a new location.I say 'no problem' I shutdown mysql (service mysqld stop) I configure my.cnf to point to the new location, which in my case is: /mnt/data/mysql. I know not very original naming. I do the old chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/datal/mysql AND I copy all the files over (cp -R /var/lib/mysql /mnt/cgsvol/mysql) chmod 777 /mnt/data/mysql I ensure the chown worked (ls -a -l) and the files are there from the old directory. I can't load the daemon again. I check the log (/var/log/mysqld.log) and it can't write any test file to that directory.

(log file exact data).
091107 23:22:21 mysqld started
091107 23:22:22 [Warning] option 'max_join_size': unsigned value 18446744073709$
091107 23:22:22 [Warning] option 'max_join_size': unsigned value 18446744073709$


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Programming :: Convert The XML Output Files To SQL In Order To Create Or Update An SQL Database?

Dec 7, 2010

I've a program which manages my pdf and references. I wish to put some of the information on my website but that program (Mendeley) does export only in XML (or bibtex). I'd like to simply convert the XML output files to SQL in order to create or update an SQL database.I'm not an expert in either XML or SQL (use only PHPMyadmin). Does someone get help me to figure out?

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Fedora :: Reliable Search Engine For Searching Particular Content On The Files In The Storage Database?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm looking for a simple and reliable search engine for searching particular content on the files in the storage database. The output will display files' name and their path. Google search found following site:- "List of search engines";[URL]..There are many of them. I have no idea how to make my selection. Could you please shed me some light. Furthermore can a simple shell command do the same job?

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General :: Monitor Database IO And Available Database Threads?

Mar 7, 2011

am using zabbix open source solution for systems monitoring. I am facing a problem and discussed it on zabbix forum. my post was as "My zabbix server is behaving abnormally, approximately daily from 9 to 12, the server stop accumulating logs. I observed that the server report is RUNNING but it did not accumulate log values and also the machine have no extra load. Its shown in the graph image attached.t the following reply,"database performance?are you monitoring database IO and available database threads? "So any one have any idea that how can I do this as I am using MySQL as backend database on RHEL 3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error Occurs. "(Reading Database . . . 55%dpkg: Unrecoverable Fatal Error , Aborting: Files List File For Package?

Feb 11, 2010

i have ubuntu karmic 9.10 and when i try to update anything or install anything the a very similar error occurs."(Reading database . . . 55%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error , aborting: files list file for package `com.palm.net.precoddr.fcoaster' contains empty filenameit repeats this message 3 times then gives up i believe.

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Debian :: Tool For Squid Reports (not SARG) - Generate Less Amount Of Files - Optimal Is To Save Reports To The Database

May 9, 2011

I got the following task from my boss. I have to find out if there is some alternative tool for create reports from Squid except SARG. Now, we use SARG, but my boss told to me, that the main problem of SARG is, that SARG generate huge amount files, which cause problems during migration our servers. He told to me the following condition for change of current tool (SARG):

* standard package of Debian
* generate less amount of files, optimal is to save reports to the database

So I would like to ask you if you know about some tool (I can not find some by google)... and the best would be if you told to me some practical experiences.

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General :: Application Running As User Foo Log Onto Database As (database) User Foobar?

Jan 5, 2011

I am writing a simple application that will run as user foo (i.e. Ubuntu user foo).However, the application will connect to my database as (database user foobar). IIRC, database users have nothing to do with Linux system users - but I just need to clarify that.So can an app launched to run as user 'foo', connect to a database as user 'foobar'?

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Networking :: Database Error: Unable To Connect To Database:The MySQL Adapter "mysql" Is Not Available

Jun 16, 2011

I've setup a CentOS apache web server, and loaded a site onto it. The site previously was functioning under windows xp (before I "stepped in") and wamp. What I did was copy the site in /var/www, reconfigure the httpd.conf (DocumentRoot /var/www/site, etc). Although when I try to open the webpage I get this error: Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:The MySQL adapter "mysql" is not available.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Different Connectivity Under Different Kernels?

Apr 19, 2010

I use a laptop with a built-in WiFi card (Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] using iwl3945 module). It's OK but sometimes is not very stable, occasionaly it simply dies and I have to reboot. It was even worse but I improved it by applying a new driver.I also have a very nice USB WiFi card (D-Link System DWA-140 802.11n Adapter [ralink rt2870]). It's much better and faster.

So the problem is that in Ubuntu 9.10 (2.6.31) I can use only the built-in one. The other one (D-Link) also works but I can't make it connect to my router. The built-in card connects to it but the D-Link even does not list it among possible connections (but it lists other possible connections which I do not want to use).The funny bit is that this problem disappears when I use an old Kernel (2.6.28-18 ) : both cards work fine and can connect to the router at the same time (obtaining different ip's). I then disable the built-in one and happily use the external card.

Unfortunately the old Kernel has issues with sound and video, so I would like to use the latest Kernel with the external card. I tried WICD but it didn't change anything.I can add that under the old Kernel the USB card is used as a ra0 device while the new Kernel lists it as wlan1.

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Ubuntu Networking :: DWA 547 Connectivity Stability?

Apr 4, 2011

I have an issue with my Dlink DWA 547 802.11n PCI adapter, I'm under LUCID fully updated.I have no trouble connecting to any wireless but after a few minutes I'm loosing the connectivity strenght (getting ping reply from my router that vary from 2ms to 200ms). But as soon as I'm rescanning the network using the command (sudo iwlist wlan0 scan) everything is fine (constant 1-2ms ping). I'm using wicd as network manager. I have tried to schedule a job in crontab to launch every 10min a network scan command, but didn't succeed to have it working, morehover I don't think that's the good way.

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Ubuntu :: Installed 11.04 And Now Wireless Connectivity?

Jun 5, 2011

I have an older Gateway with model number: 4024GZ, and I just installed Ubuntu on it and I am not able to connect to my home's wireless network. I am assuming that this is because of a driver issue, whether there is none or the old driver isn't compatible. So is there a website that I can go to to maybe find a driver that will work with both my wireless card and ubuntu? My wirless network adapter is internal and is a Broadcomm I believe. (btw I am a beginner here and if I have posted this in the wrong section,

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Ubuntu :: No Internet Connectivity On Win 7 Platform

Jul 20, 2011

I am using both win 7 and ubuntu using grub. If I connect to internet in ubuntu its working fine
but if I connect to net using win 7 internet is not working. However if I connect internet in ubuntu and restart win 7 without switching off router I can access net in win7 even if I switch off router and start again its working fine. But when I shut down system and router and switch on in win7 its not connection.

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Ubuntu :: Wi Fi Setting And Connectivity With Broadband?

Jun 1, 2011

I have the latest version of Ubuntu installed on my Dell INSPIRON laptop with dual booting. while wi-fi activation has been done on the window OS, i need to set up wi-fi on Ubuntu as well as set the broadband connectivity with my service provider. Can someone give me detailed information how to achieve. Please note i am the first time user of Linux and is not familier with intricasies of Linux.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Integrated Wireless No Connectivity

Mar 13, 2010

I've been trying to use the wireless adapter that came shipped with my computer for a while now (it is NOT a USB adapter; it seems built into the computer). However, I can't seem to get it working.HP says that the driver is Lite-On USB Wireless 802.11 b/g Adaptor. I am currently connecting to the internet with my netgear USB adapter (I think the driver is something like prism_usb)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 New Install No Internet Connectivity / Need That

Oct 5, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as a dual boot with Win/XP, using the text based installer. Installation seems to have completed OK and Ubuntu boots as expected - but Firefox cannot find any web-page.

How do I start look for the problem cause?

I should say that I previously had installed Kubuntu 10.04 (64 -bit). It was installed for a few months up to May 2010, but then it suddenly lost all internet connectivity after I hibernated the system. Win/XP continued to work with no error. Despite some months of help and advice from the Kubuntu forum, I was unsable to solve the problem. Indeed one piece of advice resulted in the overwriting of my Win/XP installation. I have now re-installed Win/Xp and decided to install 32-Bit Ubuntu - but I am back into the 'no internet connection' problem again. Win/XP works fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Local Lan Connectivity For Sharing?

Nov 21, 2010

I can see the network shares, but when I click on one of them, I get the message:Unable to mount location (header)Failed to retrieve share list from server (body)This worked fine for me in the previous versions, so I don't know what to try.On the windows machine, the share can also be seen but not permitted to connect.

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Ubuntu :: Mythbuntu 10.10 - Lost Internet Connectivity?

May 2, 2011

The internet has been working happily on my Mythbuntu machine for many months but stopped working overnight.If I try to do "sudo start networking" I get a "Job failed to start" message.There's also a solid orange light on the ethernet socket.As it's been working for months, I don't think my interfaces config needs updating.Looking at what's been updated recently on the system:

1) I've configured the machine to wake from USB. It was working for a couple of days so I don't believe this is the issue.

2) I set up wake-on-lan with ethtool. Again, this was working (although it did seem to disable wake-on-usb and required a reboot to fix)

3) Update to 11.04 - I said no to this, as 10.10 was working very nicely indeed.

I've disabled wake on lan and rebooted. No joy.

ethtool detects the ethernet controller ok and it's listed in lshw.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Enable Wireless Connectivity

May 15, 2011

I am new to linux. I just installed linux on my PC and wanted to configure wireless network connections. I have entered SSID and mode is set to infrastructure. I don't know what is BSSID do I need to enter MAC address (of router?)?I need to connect to internet wireless can you please guide me ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Air-CB21AG-A-k9 With 11.04 - No Wireless Connectivity

Jul 2, 2011

I have a Air-CB21AG-A-k9 cisco Card and trying to run it with Ubuntu 11.04. But this card doesnt seems to be plug n play device with ubuntu 11.04. As soon I inserted the card both the leds are flickering but no wireless conectivity.

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Ubuntu :: Not Getting Network Connectivity Via Ethernet Cable?

Jul 14, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu Desktop and connected the ethernet cable, but I don't have network connectivity. Why?

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