Ubuntu :: 11.04 Shortcuts In Menu Do Nothing?

May 6, 2011

Not sure if it's something I did/didn't do but when I click in the upper left corner to bring up the menu (with Media Apps, Internet Apps, More Apps & Find Files) clicking on any of those doesn't prompt a response, no error is given either. When I type in the top bar something such as Terminal it doesn't do anything (although I can still get to Terminal with ctrl+alt+t).

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Ubuntu :: GNOME Menu Shortcuts Are Gone?

Jun 8, 2010

yesterday I was moving some launchers in the menu editor, going a bit too fast, and I accidentally hit delete on the "Internet" menu. In an attempt to get it back, I deleted ~/.local/share/applications and ~/.gconf/apps/panel, assuming they'd be automatically replaced. I ran the updater today and it updated gnome-panel, so I $ killall gnome-panel 'd just in case, and once again nothing. I have all the custom launchers from ~/.local/share/applications saved onto my desktop, but right now I need all the original launchers back. I don't even have the software management launcher! It just shows me a little tiny black stripe because it's completely empty. BTW, I'm running Lucid 64.

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Ubuntu :: Add Shortcuts To Application Menu?

May 7, 2011

I upgraded to 11.04. A app called Pytrainer did not work when downloaded through Ubuntu Software Center. So I downloaded the latest version from their website. It works! However, it did not add a shortcut to the applications menu. Instead, I copied the executable file to the desktop, which is more convenient. But I'd also like it in my applications menu.

How can I do that?

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Fedora :: Add Shortcuts To KDE Menu?

Jul 13, 2010

I upgraded to F13 and I think its 13 for a reason - very unlucky for me. Screwed up my other Windows partition and I had to reinstall the entire machine (both OS's). Installing from scratch, didn't install everything, like I wanted. This changed in F13 install procedure. So now I'm trying to install Pidgin. Installed it with yum, but there's no shortcut in KDE menu. Why doesn't the install add this link? How do I add it?

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Ubuntu :: Making Shortcuts For 2 Games Menu

Jan 15, 2009

I have some problem making shortcuts for 2 games to my Application/games menu. The menu you can edit by writing "alacarte" in the terminal. So this is how I do, I have 1 game, its a Linux client of the game Tibia, ive unpacked it and its in a folder inside my home folder. If I double click on either Tibia or StartTibia.sh the game starts without any trouble, but if I open alacarte and browse to that location and choose either Tibia or StartTibia.sh and then click on the new item in the Game menu nothing opens. Here is the location I browse to:

The next problem is with a windows game installed with wine, if I drag the existing shortcut file to the panelbar I get the icon there and can just click it and start it without any trouble, but I want it to be inside the applications/games menu. So I go to the alacarte editor and browse to the main directory of the file inside /home/som99/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/gamename/game.exe and press ok but when I try to start it it asks for its main files located at Z:homesom99 the funny thing is that it starts if I move all files inside the games main folder to home without putting them in any folder :/

So I tried to write the following as is written in the working shortcut in wine:
wine "C:Program FilesTibiagame.exe" and I get the same error as it somehow think that the locations is homesom99 :S
Also adding in properties of the new shortcut item the following:
"/home/som99/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/game" wine game.exe
I get this error while trying to start it:
Failed to execute child process "/home/som99/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/game" (Permission denied)
I have put permission on the folders but same result.

As I am going to make alot of shortcuts to many programs both trough wine and games I've unpacked I would like to know how to do this.
I might add that if I open the terminal and write:
cd /home/som99/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/game
to get to the folder then writes:
wine game.exe
Then the game starts without any trouble.

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Ubuntu :: Maintain What Shortcuts Appear In The Places Menu Item?

Jun 15, 2011

Is there a way to maintain what shortcuts appear in the Places menu item. Right clicking shortcuts just opens them.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Add New Shortcuts

Aug 27, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 (with Gnome) and everything went smoothly. Very nice. Now I'm trying to add some additional keyboard shortcuts, but the new ones I add don't work. I can change the keybindings for existing shortcuts (for example, I changed goto workspace 1 to Alt+1 and this works), but I can't add a new shortcut. Specifically, I'm trying to make Alt+F1..F4 move current window to workspace 1..4 but this won't work. Nothing happens when I press the shortcut. Same problem if I try to add a shortcut to any other command that didn't already have one.

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Ubuntu :: Mac Keyboard Shortcuts?

Mar 3, 2010

How can I get Ubuntu to have sound and screen brightness controls on the keyboard like Mac OSX?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Add/edit Shortcuts ?

Aug 29, 2010

I'm a xubuntu 10.04 user and i recently tried to create a keyboard shortcut to launch the Terminal. I went into Settings -> Xfce Settings Manager -> keyboard

I chose the "application shortcut" tab and there I realized that the "add" function behaves very strangely.

A window pops upp with a text entry that lets me add a command name, but nothing to enter the shortcut's name. Anyhow, whatever I write in there, the window closes when I enter OK and nothing more happens.

I also tried to change the shortcuts from the Window Manager and nothing can be edited there either.

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Ubuntu :: Using Pipe For Shortcuts?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm trying to set a shortcut using the pipe key ("|", this one...) like "<Ctrl>|" and no luck. Is there any special way to set this like <Ctrl><Pipe> or <Ctrl>|| or something?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04: Cannot ALT+Tab Or Use Superkey Shortcuts

Apr 29, 2011

I'm using 11.04 with Ubuntu Classic. I can not ALT+Tab anymore, or use any of the Super shortcuts. I did not upgrade. I used clean install. I can't use any Super key shortcuts either. In 10.10 I could use Super + A to show all windows, it was really handy, now I can't. I have Compiz enabled and everything, along with the advanced config program. Where do I go to enable these features (if they are even in Natty at all?) I have Expose and Desktop Wall module of Compiz enabled, by the way. Strangely enough, it does work in Unity now, I don't know why. It does not work in Ubuntu Classic.

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Ubuntu :: Alt F2 - How To Add Program To List Of Shortcuts

Apr 24, 2010

I downloaded the latest Chromium build but to run it I have to go into its folder and click it, or I can type its full address ( /home/ubuntu/chrome-browser/chrome ). I want to be able to hit Alt-F2 and type just "chrome" How can I add the program to the list of shortcuts? Also I would like to disable the saving of history in Alt-F2

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working?

Jun 21, 2010

I don't think I could be much newer to Ubuntu (I only started using it properly an hour ago) and I'm having trouble with the keyboard shortcuts. Nothing happens when I press alt-f2 to run terminal, or ctrl-alt-tab to switch workspaces. I also cannot use the fn keys to dim the screen, change the volume etc

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Ubuntu :: Set Up Dolphin Navigation By Shortcuts

Aug 23, 2010

I'm a recent user of Dolphin in Kubuntu. I use the split-view mode. I'd like to navigate back and forth between the two main windows with a simple keyboard action such as TAB, i.e. tabbing back and forth as I copy files from one directory to another. How could I set that up? I looked under Dolphin shortcuts but wasn't able to configure this action.

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Ubuntu :: Create Web Shortcuts In Favorites?

Sep 19, 2010

Have just put Ubuntu Netbook Remix on an old laptop for parental units. They pick it up in thirty minutes. I have got the bloody Broadcom wireless working. I have got Skype set up. I have done everything except put some web shortcuts to pages like Yahoo Mail on the Favourites page because... the Hell? How do I do that?

No, bookmarks in Firefox aren't good enough. I want a friendly icons on their desktop. This has to be incredibly obvious

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Ubuntu :: Shortcuts For Missing Characters?

Dec 29, 2010

I am the proud owner of a netbook with Spanish keyboard where the < and > keys do not type the corresponding symbol. Instead they send Home. In addition I write in Norwegian and I would like to type the easily. Alt gr (right alt) combinations do not generate those characters. I would like to type < with the Shift-Ctrl-L key combination and similar short cuts for the remaining keys I am missing Like Ctrl-Shift-o for . I somehow was able to launch gnome-do with the Ctrl-Shift-Space key combination which is great as the Windows key is hijacked by Unity.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-Do Like Keyboard Shortcuts?

Mar 30, 2011

After using KDE 3.5 for years, I defected to Gnome when KDE 4.0 came out. I have recently installed Kubuntu Maverick on my netbook and have decided that I now like KDE again The one bit of functionality that I am missing is the keyboard short cuts of Gnome-Do. So if I type Windows key Em, return and Emacs launches.

The search box in Kubuntu sort of does this. However, I have to click in the box and when I have typed the first few characters I have to click on the icon with the mouse. Is there any way I can do this just using the keyboard and not the mouse? I have searched the help and Googled without much success.

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Ubuntu :: Top Panel In 10.10 - Music Shortcuts Everywhere?

Apr 28, 2011

I am having quite a bit of trouble in Ubuntu 10.10. I was going along fine yesterday, listening to music in Rhythmbox. When I closed Rhythmbox, a bunch of little musical notes appeared in the top panel; see pic: Notice the little musical notes on the top panel. Also, whenever I click on Applications, Places, or System; it opens a song.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working In 11.04?

May 2, 2011

Keyboard shortcuts set in Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Application Shotcuts do not work. They worked in 10.04. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts In Lxde?

May 7, 2011

Is there any way of using keyboard only in lxde?

Lxde wiki does not seem to be working so am struggling to find keyboard shortcuts.

Need to find keys that will let me use number pad to move mouse.

Or even access main menu

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Ubuntu :: New Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts?

Jun 25, 2011

I switched to Ubuntu a few months ago. The only thing I miss from Windows 7 were their new keyboard shortcuts for moving windows between a monitor or multiple monitor. This allowed you to take one large monitor and easily use it as two by pushing certain windows to one half of the screen or another via the keyboard.The keyboard shortcuts:

WIN+Up Arrow
Maximize the window.
WIN+Left Arrow


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Ubuntu :: Edit Applications Menu To To Hide Games They Stay On The Menu?

Jul 8, 2010

When I edit my applications menu to to hide games they stay on the menu. Everything else hides when prompted.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Global Menu Bar Applet For Top Panel / Removed Menu Bar

Jul 12, 2010

I installed the Global Menu Bar applet for my top panel, thus removing the menu bar from most, if not, all of my apps on Ubuntu. I removed the applet, mainly because of how God-Awful and inconvenient it was. Now, I don't have any menu bars on my apps!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The K Menu > System Settings > Advanced Tab > Disk And File Systems Menu

Mar 16, 2010

i found a tutorial to auto-mount ntfs drivers at kubuntu start


but i can't find the K menu > System Settings > Advanced Tab > Disk & File Systems menu.it disappeared in kubuntu 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Not Possible To Right-click On Another Part Of Menu Bar To Change Menu Properties

Jul 2, 2010

I'm brand new to Linux and Ubunto 10.04.On the menu bar at the top of my desktop I seem to have attracted some kind of bug!The Log Out Symbol repeats itself across almost the entire menu bar and I cannot remove it. If I remove other buttons from the menu the space is immediately replaced by more Log Out Buttons.When I hover on the icon I get the message 'Log out of this session to log in as a different user' and when I right-cllick to click on 'Remove from Panel' or 'Move' nothing happens.It is not possible to right-click on another part of the menu bar to change the Menu Properties.

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Ubuntu :: Hide - Remove Menu Icons In The Gnome Menu Bar

Jul 8, 2010

I'm looking for a way to hide the icons in the Gnome menu bar.

The only thing i've found is the gconf-editor and unchecking /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons, but that only affects the System menu and not Applications and Places...


Must be like:

How to disable them ?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS with Gnome 2.30

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Ubuntu :: Deleting An Applet From The Top Menu Bar And The Entire Menu Bar Disappeared?

Aug 5, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for about 5 years now. I just installed it on one of my neighbors computers.I tried deleting an applet from the top menu bar and the entire menu bar disappeared. I click on the add new menu bar and it just throws something up on the side. I'm using 10.04. I never had this problem before.

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Ubuntu :: Main Menu Doesn't Show In Global Menu?

Oct 14, 2010

i am using the global menu applet on ubuntu desktop edition. almost all of the apps shows its main menu on the global menu applet, but lyx doesn't. am i the only one experiencing this problem? i am using updated maverick.

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General :: Setting Keyboard Shortcuts In Ubuntu?

Oct 27, 2010

Is it possible to do the following in Ubuntu? If so can someone point me in the right direction.Say you want to set a keyboard shortcut to do the following: For examples sake, set Alt+F to open Firefox and maximize it, but only if Firefox is not already running. If it is running and not maximized, then maximize the most recently touched Firefox window. If it is maximized, then minimize Firefox.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts - Unrecognized Buttons?

Jan 4, 2010

I have the keyboard: HP 6511-SU and it has a lot of buttons that would be useful to me; however, Ubuntu does not even recognize and does absolutely nothing with the majority of the buttons it has. The ones that it does pick up, it is mapped incorrectly (ex.: the media button, "stop" would be mapped to "eject". That's easily corrected by remapping it by going to System> Preferences> Keyboard Shortcuts. Is there a program or configuration file that will map the unrecognized buttons?

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