Ubuntu :: 11.04 Graphics Card (nVidia) Not Working?

Jun 3, 2011

After upgrading (from 10.10), i get a line command prompting for login. I cannot get past this line/prompt. How do I bypass this prompt? So that I can access a prior version, if possible.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Graphics Card Not Working On Mint

Aug 24, 2010

I activated my graphics card on Linux Mint which is Nvidia GEFORCE GT 130M. Now when I boot up, after bios the loading screen looks like in the picture (sorry its crappy quality). When it gets to the login screen and afterwards it is just blank, but i can tell its running underneath because i can shut down by doing ctrl alt backspace and then tab and enter. I tried entering recovery mode but it was the same. Atm im using a live cd.

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Hardware :: NVidia GeForce 8600GT Graphics Card Not Working Properly

Jan 28, 2010

I have a problem with a new GeForce 8600GT graphics card. I just installed the card into my Dell Optiplex 745. When I boot the PC I have no image until the Ubuntu logon box comes up. No bios info, no boot menu, no grub menu, nothing until the Ubuntu login. Once I get to the logon prompt everything seems fine except when I use CTRL+ALT+F1 to get to a console. Then I get nothing but a blank screen. When I press CTRL+ALT+F7 my desktop loads fine and all is OK again. I had a problem trying to get the nVidia drivers installed because I didn't have a usable console. I had to use SSH to install the drivers. I'm using this card with an HP 1755 flat panel that's about 5 years old and a Dell Optiplex 745 with Intel Dual-Core CPU.

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Ubuntu :: How To Properly Use Nvidia Graphics Card

Jun 21, 2010

I'm just starting out with ubuntu (10.04), and installed it using a live cd on my alienware m5500. I had the update manager update everything, and then went looking on how to properly use my nvidia graphics card (geforce go 7600) because the graphics weren't looking very good, and I couldn't use any desktop effects.

I followed the directions found here in order to blacklist nouveou and enable the current nvidia driver. However after rebooting, and every time I time I turn on the computer, it never makes it to the desktop, i usually end up seeing the ubuntu startup and/or the nvidia logo before it proceeds to one of several screens (none of which allow me to click or type, although sometimes i can move the mouse).

-black screen
-black screen with light gray bars top and bottom
-black screen with vertical green line
-orange and purple horizontal stripes
-purple and light purple horizontal stripes

Thinking that it could be one of the listed bugs from the directions, I followed the work around for "Screen Blanks/Monitor Turns Off", but the problem persists. I have used the live disc to do a fresh install and attempt it about 3 times.Anyone know what this could be, or have advice for troubleshooting? Let me know if I can provide any other information that may prove useful - I'm fairly new to linux in general, but I can probably get some information from recovery mode if I've got a little guidance.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Graphics Card Not Detected?

May 8, 2009

I got Linux Ubuntu because my Vista installation messed up, and I couldnt find the recovery CD. Im pretty glad I installed Linux, as it seems really freidnly, and a bit more open that Windows, I must admit. The problem is, I am trying to install my Nvidia GeForce 8600GTS on the system, and it isnt working. It was working fine on Vista before, so it shouldnt be a hardware problem. I have followed various instructions on websites, whioch take me throguh some stuff about stopping GNOME, removing * linux restricted module * and so on. But when I get to the crucial point, with the agreements and installations for Nvidia, it tells me it cant detect any graphics cards.

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Ubuntu :: Graphics Card Is An Nvidia 8400gs, Which Is Not That Good?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm running Karmic on AMD64x2, and I have Compiz. I have been running fine, but when I run top, I see that compiz.real always takes up 100% of one of the cores of my CPU. this happens even when I change the visual effects to none in the appearance preferences. This problem starts as soon as I log in. My graphics card is an nvidia 8400gs, which is not that good, and I've installed my drivers using envy. Does anyone have any ideas about this problem?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which Driver For Nvidia Graphics Card?

Jun 6, 2010

After having some trouble with Intel graphics I decided to pick up a PCI Nvidia graphics card. Now I am wondering what driver to use. Is the open source drive good enough to use or should I install the Nvidia driver? I know that things are generally easier with the default driver, especially for support on older cards, but I would like to get the best performance I can. This is for my Dad's computer, so he won't be playing any games, but if it will help with 2D and video that would be great.

The card is an Geforce FX5200 fanless card, I've heard they are well supported in Linux.The computer is a P4 Dell 3000 with Ubuntu desktop 10.04 32bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Nvidia Graphics Card In 11.04?

Sep 1, 2011

Installed Ubuntu 11.04 but i don't know how to install my nvidia 7200 gs graphics card. in the previous versions (ubuntu 9.10) it installed very easly.. But in Natty 11.04, while i am try to install my driver it fails 2 times and after installation (reboot) ubuntu freezes and not working So reinstalled ubuntu 11.04.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - 2x NVidia Graphics Card With 2 X Servers?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a system with two nVidia graphics cards, with monitors connected to each graphics card. I used nvidia-settings to setup a X server for each graphics card. Rebooted with saved xorg.conf file. I do see all monitors displaying their correct image. I am using Gnome 2 supplied with 11.3. The problem is: how do I start applications on the 2nd X server? If I use the application launcher on 2nd X server, the applications appear on the monitors of the 1st X server. I am also unable to move applications windows from one X server to the other.

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Ubuntu :: Missing Graphics Card In Nvidia X Server Settings?

Sep 1, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.4 32 bit. I have 2x gtx 285's in sli that work perfectly fine in sli in windows (so its not a hardware not properly physically installed issue). But in ubuntu in the x server settings only one of the cards shows up. I was wondering if this is a 32 bit issue as in the past running 64 bit they have both shown up fine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - NVidia Graphics Card Drivers Update

Jun 19, 2011

I have a problem with starting ubuntu 10.10, I changed my graphics card from an ATI card to a Nivida card a week or so ago (Machine has dual boot). I've sort out the windows install, but cant get into ubuntu to update the drivers. It boots as far as console but just leaves me with the text screen. How do I update the drivers from there or get a basic console screen to come up so I can update?

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Fedora :: ATI Or NVidia Graphics Card - Suitable For Desktop PC?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm going to be building a new desktop computer and I'm trying to decide between either an ati or nvidia graphics card. I've previously only used integrated intel graphics in my laptop and I've never had any problems. However, from looking at the forums it looks like neither ati nor nvidia will be quite as smooth. What's the current consensus for ease of use?

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Hardware :: Installing Nvidia 8400 GS Graphics Card?

Jul 25, 2010

I have Nvidia 8400 GS graphics card. I am using Fedora 13 on AMD phenom processor. I want to install drivers for my graphics card on fedora 13.

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General :: Install The Drivers For Nvidia Graphics Card?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to install the drivers for my nvidia graphics card. I downloaded the shell script from the nvidia website. However, there's something peculiar going on. When I execute the shell script it says it cannot find my kernel headers, yet I can verify that my /usr/include/linux/kernel.h does exist. I have selinux on, but just installed os with it on, so contexts are fresh. Checked them as well. After doing some research I found something out. When I run a 'uname -a' I get this.

Linux ariel 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:37:44 EDT 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Yet when I ran 'yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers' they installed the following versions.
Shouldn't they be


I see that the error in the nvidia shell script can't locate the header files for the RUNNING kernel version which makes sense. Why would yum install that version instead of the one in 'uname -a'? Or am I misunderstanding something?

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Ubuntu :: Getting The Audio To Work Through The Hdmi Out To Tv Using An Nvidia Ion Graphics/sound Card?

Mar 10, 2010

I am a new Ubuntu user and am having trouble getting the audio to work through the hdmi out to my tv using an Nvidia Ion graphics/sound card.

As far as I can make out Ubuntu recognises the sound card l but i cant get any sound out of it and don't know to go about altering anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Nvidia Card To Work On Dell With Integrated Graphics?

May 25, 2010

I have a PCI graphics card, Nvidia Geforce FX 5500, but can't get it to work. I have 10.04 installed on a Dell Dimension 3000, P4, 1Gb RAM, integrated graphics. I installed 10.04 without the card in the machine, then shut down and plugged the card in and booted it up again (BIOS setting is 'onboard' for integrated graphics, 8Mb; only other option is 'auto'). Checking the hardware drivers I can see the recommended Nvidia drivers (v173, not yet activated) and lspci gives me the integrated as well as the Nvidia listing:

01:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Nvidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 8286G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

So far so good, but that's where it ends. Changing the BIOS setting to 'auto' turns the screen off on reboot, both for the monitor connected to the VGA port of the Nvidia card and for the monitor connected to the VGA port of the motherboard. I have to shutdown, take the card out and set the BIOS back to 'onboard' to be able to boot again (and shutdown, plug the card back in and boot up again to get back to where I was).

Activating the recommended hardware driver and rebooting (still with BIOS set to onboard) gives a blank screen (screen is still on and there may have been a flash of the purple screen with the ubuntu logo); nothing else happens no matter how long I wait. Rebooting doesn't help, it turns off the screen; same result for booting in recovery mode. I can get to the GRUB bootloader and when I replace 'quiet splash' with 'nomodeset' I manage to boot again with the monitor connected to the VGA port of the motherboard, but am not anywhere closer to getting my monitor working on the Nvidea card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Setup (10.10 / Win 7) And NVidia Graphics Card

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to setup a dual boot of windows 7 x64 and Ubuntu 10.10 i386. Before I got windows 7 and the new graphics card it ran 9.10 perfectly. If I take the card out (Nvidia 8800 Ultra), it will install fine but when I put the card back in, it crashes. It appears that it just doesn't like the card.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Use NVIDIA Graphics Card On Acer Laptop

Jul 10, 2011

Am using ACER Aspire 5745G which has switchable graphics. I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal i updated everything after the installation. Now the issue is that when i go to NVIDIA X Server Settings, its giving me an error message:- " You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. " Error.jpg also tried searching in the forum but it was so confusing, as am Newbie i have no idea where to start.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: NVIDIA Graphics Card Fan Speed Control?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm running openSUSE 11.4 with GNOME. I have an EVGA nvidia GTX 285 installed, which is equipped with a variable speed fan. I'm running the nvidia driver package which includes the nvidia X Server Settings utility. The utility allows me to view the fan speed as a percentage of its maximum speed but does not allow adjustment. It appears that the speed remains at the card default of 40% regardless of GPU or card temp. When running certain graphic-intensive applications my card runs quite hot (sometimes >70 degrees C). Although this isn't hot enough to burn the card up in the short term, it is certainly hot enough to shorten my video card's lifespan.

So, the question is how do I set up my system so I can increase the fan speed to 50% or better yet, get it to increase as the GPU temp increases? The nvidia X Server Settings help indicates that fan speed is adjustable after enabling coolbits, but coolbits is not installed on my system and is not available from the default repositories. What is the easiest way to obtain, install and enable coolbits? I have no intention of overclocking my card. It was too expensive to risk damage to the card.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Nvidia Geforce 7800 Gt Graphics Card Not In HCL?

Jan 22, 2010

I did not find my graphics card in the HCL/Nvidia video cards thread. I looked in YaST for drivers & found none. My desktop pc freezes after the system loads so I cannot use my system. I understand about the level '3' boot option for tty input. How would I download/run the nvidia installer from tty?

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Installation :: Installing Procedure For NVIDIA Graphics Card In SUSE 10.2?

Dec 11, 2008

I took the following path: Yast - Hardware - Graphics Card and Monitor; and it gave me message "the configuration is Framebuffer based and your system does not support changes for resolution and/or color settings". I verified my system's(dual boot system) graphics card using windows OS and it showed NVIDIA Quadro FX 570, but in X11 configuration it shows "Card: VESA Framebuffer Graphics" and the Properties tab is not active.

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Slackware :: NVidia GeForce 9400 GT 1gb Graphics Card Troubleshooting?

Apr 28, 2010

After installing "nvidia-driver" and "nvidia-kernel" through "sbopkg" I ran "glxinfo | grep -i nvidia" as user (not root) Shows: "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". GLUT: Fatal Error in glxinfo: OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display: :0.0" I'm really sure that there is a problem with this or error instead. Or is there any other way of installing nvidia..? "uname -a" "Linux purple #2 SMP Mon Aug 17 11:58:18 CDT 2009 x86_64 Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux"


Linux is not user-friendly. It _is_ user-friendly. It is not ignorant-friendly and idiot-friendly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVidia G92 - GeForce 8800 GT Graphics Card Is Not Fully Functioning

Jan 25, 2010

I already posted this message on another thread but I'd like to start a new thread with it now, and add a few more details. My son and I are having trouble getting the graphics card to work properly in his computer. The resolution is good, but the graphics card is not fully functioning. He works on animation and graphics of several kinds, and the graphics programs cannot run without a fully functioning graphics card.

The computer will not run Blender and other graphics programs. Nor will it even allow for the "normal" "Visual Effects" in the "Appearance Preferences." (It comes up with the error: "Desktop effects could not be enabled," after it tries to find the driver.) The system is:

Graphics Card: nVidia G92, GeForce 8800 GT
System: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, 2.6.31-17-generic, 4.4.1 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ (3 Gigs RAM)

We know the graphics card works because it works in Windows. (We set up the computer to boot off of either of two hard drives -- either in Windows XP or Ubuntu 9.10, karmic.) Neither my son nor I understand much of the terminology on your forums, although I have been using Ubuntu for some years and have read quite a bit. (I also have the "Beginning Ubuntu Linux" book.) I love Ubuntu, but sometimes I just cannot figure out how to get some things running. We have tried many different ways of installing the drivers and setting up the xorg.conf file. We have followed the instructions on this and other threads. We also installed NVIDIA-Linux-x86-64-190.53-pkg2.run, as well as 173 and 185. The screen will only work at a proper resolution when we set the "Driver" to "nv" in the xorg.conf file. The screen goes completely blank and dead if we set the "Driver" to "nvidia." Then we need to reboot in safe mode and edit the xorg.conf file with VIM.


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Ubuntu :: Find Video Driver For Nvidia Geforce 320M Graphics Card?

Apr 15, 2010

How can I find video driver for nvidia geforce 320M graphics card for ubuntu 9.l0?

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Nvidia Graphics Card - Driver Error

Apr 28, 2010

I revived my old desktop (failed psu), and installed debian squeeze using netinst. It has a nvidia geForce 7600GT card. The driver in squeeze does not work very well, so I downloaded nvidia driver-installer. When I run it, it comes back with an error saying the kernel (I assume the nvidia graphics kernel) is compiled with gcc4.3, but the system is using gcc4.4. Using synaptic manager, I installed gcc3.3, but same error.

Next I tried to uninstall gcc4.4 and it gave a warning the system might not be usable. I did not understand it, but I went ahead and uninstalled gcc4.4 and guess what, the system is not usable, and I have to re-install squeeze. Not a big loss, since I do not have much in it. How to install this nvidia driver, specifically, how do I get switch to gcc4.3 from gcc4.3? Also, the squeeze install gave me 2.6.33-trunk-amd64, and 2.6.33-3-amd64. How do I get rid of ...trunk-amd64? Do I just delete it from grub?

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Hardware :: Unable To Install Drivers Of Nvidia Graphics Card In Kubuntu 9.10?

Nov 3, 2009

I have just installed Kubuntu 9.10 in my laptop and it did not ditected my Nvidia 8400 M GS graphics Card I downloaded a driver file
NVIDIA-Linux.x86-19042-pkg1.run to install drivers but when i run it it shows the error error:you appear to be running X server, please exit X before installing.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Nvidia 9800gt Graphics Card - Distribution Preinstall Script Failed

Jul 28, 2010

Re: nVidia latest Drivers - im trying to install a 9800gt nvidia graphics card on my ubuuntu i have been reading forums for the last 5 days and still no luck i managed to do a install and it is giving me the following errors distribution pre install script failed install failed /var/log/nvidia-installer.log unable to load kernal module 'nvidia,ko,

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Slackware :: 3D Acceleration With NVidia 8500GT PCI-E Graphics Card - Error: Couldn't Find RGB GLX Visual Or Fbconfig

Oct 20, 2010

I have a Slackware 13.1/64-current system running the kernel that I have installed the most recent nvidia drivers for (as of yesterday or day before) 260.19.12. If I boot up into run level 4 after running nvidia-xconfig in a console and run glxinfo as root I get:


bash-4.1# glxinfo
name of display: :0.0
Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig

If I edit /etc/profile or /home/username/.bash_profile and add the following:



I have set both X=0 and X=1 as reported by [URL] I get the screen of information except it says


direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set)

my lspci -v for the graphics card looks like this:

05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8500 GT] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: XFX Pine Group Inc. Device 2353
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 16


I am sure I missing something from my xorg.conf but at this point I am not sure what I have been searching on this for days to no avail. From the log the only thing that looks like is a problem is it doesn't load the keyboard and mouse but it gets loaded later on in the file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Intel Graphics Card Working G31 / 33

Oct 21, 2010

Just spent about 4 hours upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 thinking it would fix my graphics problems. Basically I have no 3d acceleration of any kind, is there any way i can load the intel drivers? Because what I'm using now is really crappy.


Can i just change something in my xorg to intel and it will load that driver ? I've tried the "hardware drivers" thing but it does not show anything.

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Ubuntu :: ATI Graphics Card Controller Not Working Properly

Mar 31, 2011

I'm having a problem here with my graphics card. Until not very long ago I was using the controller Ubuntu downloaded for me. However I recently downloaded another one from the ATI page, called ati-driver-installer-11-3-x86.x86_64.run and installed it.
So far, I've encountered two new problems:

1. The ATI Catalyst Control Center would not open after I setup the Tear Free Desktop.

2. The computer is running slow. Files take longer to open, minimizing and maximizing windows takes longer. Wi-fi connection takes longer to connect, etcetera. Overall, everything is going slow.

Are these problems related? I would like to uninstall the driver as the computer was working just fine before. In addition to this, I have firefox 4.0 and the colors on most of the images are darker than they should. The images look fine on other browsers except firefox. I read I had to do type "about:config" in the address bar, find "gfx.color_management.mode" and change the value from 2 to 0. What did I exactly do there? I took the advice from this thread: [URL]

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