Ubuntu :: 10.04 Not Booting Properly?

May 14, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my machine. Recently due to power failure, my machine is not booting up properly. When I boot into ubuntu( I have dual boot XP & Ubuntu), A long data sheet scrolls and at the end the following comes Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init

No init found. Try passing init= bootarg
BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.1-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.


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General :: Not Booting Through Nfsroot But Booting Properly Through Flash

Jan 6, 2011

I am using a linux kernel 2.6.36 using mips architecture. I have succesfully booted the machine through Flash memory, but it is not booting through nfs. It is getting stuck at the stage where the image starts loading. In short the vmlinux.img file is being copied properly to nfsroot but the image is not loading.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 No Longer Booting Into Windows Properly

Mar 22, 2010

so after my upgrade to 10.04 I'm experiencing a puzzling problem with Grub2. It can load everything fine except for XP. I have XP on a separate partition, it is detecting fine and the grub.cfg file is created withou a problem when I the appropriate commands to update and upgrade grub. What happens is that I select Windows XP from the list and it goes to a black screen where a cursor in the top left corner blinks 3-5 times and then immediately kicks me back to the Grub menu. I can do this forever but the grub menu just gets reloaded every time. Any ideas?

Here is the windows portion of my Grub.cfg:

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
menuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda2)" {
insmod ntfs


Here is my boot.ini on the ntfs partion I am trying to boot into

[boot loader]
default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOW S


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Server :: OpenSUSE Not Booting Properly

Apr 14, 2010

I am a Java developer for a small company that develops web based solutions to our clients. My Linux skill levels are somewhere between newbie and experienced.The company I'm working for has hosted server that is self managed due to the nature of the software that we develop. The server is located in a data center and the host is fully responsible for maintaining the hardware.Recently the motherboard of the server failed and had to be replaced, this happened promptly, however when the server was booted up I was notified that our Linux is giving problems starting up.I was given access to the server via a Raritan lara (KVM-over-IP).

This enabled me to configure the network again.A few things I've noticed with this however. The old network interface was named eth0 while after the swap the new one is named eth1. There is a failure message for bringing up the NIC named eth0 (old non-existing one).Further after the re-configuring of the NIC (IP, subnet etc) I could connect to the server via SSH, our Apache was running without any visible issues (didn't notice anything in the Apache erroe log). The web frontend on JBoss was running good but I kept getting the failure to start eth0 message on startup. As well through the KVM device you never saw the login prompt, it just hangs on some point (once it was after saying httpd2 started up successfully and another after CRON).I have no idea of where to go look for this issue and I can't even say for sure that it's after the motherboard issue as I could use SSH without a problem after the NIC configuration as I used to connect to the server.I've further looked at dmseg but that also doesn't give any indication for me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Properly Multi-booting Grub With Windows First

Mar 5, 2010

I wanted windows to appear first in my grub2 menu so I renamed the 30_os_probe file(or whatever it felename is) to 09_os_probe so that it comes before the 10 linux file, problem is whenever these files get updated the updater is unable to find the 30_os_probe file since I renamed it and recreates it... leaving me with two versions (09 and 30) with 09 being of course outdated.

The updater also fails to run update-grub and instead attempts to update grub.cfg manually... and fails. I had to manually do a sudo update-grub.

Is there any way to fix this so its all updated automatically while leaving windows the top choice? No manual intervention required beyond clicking "install updates"?

Also, is it possible to JUST have the Windows and Ubuntu choices, no Ubuntu recovery, memtest, alternative(older) kernels for Ubuntu, etc in the grub menu?

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Ubuntu :: Updates Have Caused System To Stop Booting Properly?

Feb 9, 2011

Scaleo Pentium 4 system with several HDDs 3Gb RAMUBUNTU 8.04 (I think) inside a 50Gb partition (J:)Operating dual boot with Windows XP all OK until ......sanctioning the updates. Now Ubuntu will not complete a boot up.Studio Starts to scroll its name then screen goes back to A/numemeric reports and hangs for time-outs which never resolve. Power - down only way to exitExample of screen report at point of stopping:-

Starting hardware abstraction layer hold
104.628464] ata3.00 revalidation failed (errorno -5)


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General :: Backtrack 4 Final, Not Booting Properly?

Feb 28, 2010

So i have decided to start with backtrack as my first linux operating system. i have the live cd, it works just fine (tested with vmware) i have several options as to how to boot in, I choose my option but it just goes to a black screen unless i select boot using ram. I have 4gb memory, 500 gb hard drive, 2.5 ultimate core dual processor.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Server Edition Not Booting Properly - Monitor Shutting Down

May 16, 2010

I 10.04 32bit server edition on a box I had lying around, set it up for samba+upnp, and everything was going great.

When rebooting, the server now turns the monitor off, and I'm not sure if anything's loading. I see the initial dell splash screen, and hear the hard drive start to run, and then the monitor goes into standby.

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Fedora Installation :: System Is Not Booting From Disc Properly

Aug 17, 2010

am running fc10 and windows xp on my laptop.As usual my windows got crashed.When i inserted windows xp cd, the system is not booting from disc properly. It shows inspecting systems hardware and then turns into a blank screen.

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General :: Custom Built Live CD Using Gentoo Not Booting Properly On All Machines?

Dec 12, 2009

I've been working on creating a Live CD with the tools I want, just for my use with system recovery and repair. For the most part, things have gone very well. The Live CD actually works fine, somewhat. I have run in to a problem where it doesn't actually boot on a lot of hardware.

What happens is during boot, while the modules are loading, the boot process hangs and the disc drive spins down. While I thought it might be a kernel problem, I'm using the .config from the latest gentoo Live CD, which boots fine on the same hardware.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Not Booting Properly After Install ?

Jul 20, 2011

After I've installed OpenSuse i don't get to desktop, instead i get to this: ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

And that's all i get. If i login i just get to do commands. I'm a first timer so I have no freaking idea what I'm doing wrong. I just want to get to desktop.

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Slackware :: Slackware 13.37 64bit Not Booting Properly

May 13, 2011

I bought a new laptop HP Pavillion dv3-4170ee that has Core i5 2.53ghz dual core with hyper threading, intel hd graphics and Ati Radeon HD 5470 512 mb dedicated. It came with windows 7 64bit. It also has 6 gb ram(2gb in first slot + 4 gb in the second one).I installed slackware 13.37 64 bit. It installed just fine. installed lilo onto mbr. When it boots up it shows the slackware screen. I am able to boot into windows just fine. When I select Linux it boots into linux bios data check successful. lots of stuff goes on the screen the normal linux boot stuff. and then it goes to the next screen and stays blank

Nothing happens and even the hard disk light is not blinking.By the way the HDD is Western Digital.

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Fedora :: Set Up Multipath Properly To Two Devices Properly?

Mar 29, 2011

How can I set up multipath to two devices properly? I'm sure that I need to do something more then just: /etc/init.d/multipathd start

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Ubuntu :: Booting After Installation (Dual Booting With Vista) - Error: No Such Devide Found

Jun 24, 2010

i decided to install ubuntu in my PC,i downloaded the .ISO image and i installed it in my USB. After trying it and all that i observed that i really liked it and i decided to formally install it to my computer in the hard drive. When i reached the partition thing,i selected to dual boot with Vista and select between each them in every startup,when i clicked FORWARD it gave me an error which i did not read(because,again im a noob) so i clicked cancel.

Today i wanted to go through the process again and now really install it,so again i went to the time zone part and i clicked forward but then,instead of taking me straight to the partition phase,it appeard a window saying "The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions: /dev/sda ...." I clicked yes,to unmount this partitions so it took me to the partition thing,once there i selected the option to install Ubuntu with Vista and select between them i neach startup,then i clicked forward and went to the username/computer name process,once i finished i continued to the next part,the installation,but i selected to import all of my WIndows VIsta default user data,after that i clicked forward and went to the installation process,i went down stairs to eat soemthing while it finishes,i came back and it was finished,it asked me to reboot so i clicked in Restart Now.

When it tried to boot,appeared an error saying: Error: no such devide found: #################### Grub load(or something like that) grub rescue: and it was a command line,since there i havent been able to boot into vista or Ubuntu,im really scared because is the first thing related to OS installing ive done,so i booted my USB and ran the trial and right now im trying to find out what to do from that trial version.
I just went to the INSTALL UBUNTU 10.04 LTS application under the System>Administration Menu and found out that in the partition phase the Install and allow to select between both systems in eahc startup option,i dont know what to do,i foudn out that my HD has still all its data(MUsic/Videos/Folders/Programs/ect.)its just that i cannot boot from it. Also in GParted it appears as /dev/sda1/ and a warning icon besides it,also when i go into information, thers this warning there [URL]

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General :: Booting Live Cd Of Fedora 15 / Change Argument During Booting Mode?

Jun 1, 2011

I am in a situation to boot fedora 15 live cd in to command line mode, not graphical mode, for some testing purpose. how to change argument during booting mode

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Ubuntu :: Slow Booting Of BIOS When Booting?

Jan 18, 2010

I've been searching the forums for any posts that cover my problem, but most of the booting problems I've found are different from mine.Anywho, the situation:ell laptop, 2 partitions, first is Windows XP, second is Ubuntu Karmic.Whenever I turn on my computer the first loading screen that shows up (is this the BIOS? Excuse my little knowledge of this stuff), before GRUB loads, is really slow. It takes about a minute to load.However, whenever I restart from my XP partition, it suddenly loads fast! And this does not happen when restarting from my Ubuntu partition or anything

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Ubuntu :: Vi Not Working Properly?

Dec 21, 2010

Does anyone know why vi text editor would not work. I'm running Ubuntu server with SIP service and apache and when i try to edit config files with vi it gets messy.On the bottom of the screen it would not indicate if I'm in backup mode or not. I won't same changes, and it messes up the layout when you use arrow keys to move between the lines. Also sometimes when I use arrow keys it will insert capital A, B, C or D.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Will Not Boot Up Properly?

Feb 16, 2011

Due to some prior issues which I believe to be self inflicted I decided to wipe my system and start fresh. My fresh install appeared to do the trick for a day or two but after running the update manager recently I found myself in trouble. When starting up I receive the message Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! Nothing seems to jog the computer from this black screen except shutting off the power. I've read through some threads of people having similar issues but can't quite figure out what I need to do. I have a Nvidia graphics card which has popped up as a potential problem, too, but not sure if it is my problem or not.

Here is a little history that may or may not be relevant. I'll try to make it brief. My original install was Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala which always worked great. I upgraded to 10.04 Lucid Lynx (through update manager) when it was available and it too worked great until I tried installing a program one day forgetting that I had the update manager running already running as well. The computer didn't seem to like this and never worked well after, thus, leading me to wipe and start fresh. What's odd to me is that I had made a CD for 10.04 from the Ubuntu website as well as the one I had for 9.10 but I could never get it to work when I needed help. I always have to revert back to the Karmic disc when I want boot help. If I put the 10.04 disc in whatever issue I'm having surfaces just the same. Is this because I didn't originally install from that disc?

here is the promised boot script. FYI, I ran it today 2/16/11. I guess the date is incorrect because I'm running the system from the CD.

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for /boot/grub.
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu :: Can't Get 11.04 Working Properly

Apr 28, 2011

I have a Lenovo W500 ThinkPad. It is running XP on first partition, then Ubuntu. I've tried both 10.10, 11.04 beta 2, and now 11.04 release.With the release I just installed, it seemed OK till reboot-after-install, at which point nothing came up. I rebooted several times and just got errors and kernel panics in the ATI video driver. I also saw a lot of these messages:"udevd[80]: worker [XXX] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it" URL...

I had download updates on, I'm trying again with a clean install without updates. (Although, I said don't download while installing, and it says it is downloading language packs...?)Now, I also had issues with 10.10, where it would intermittently boot and fail to get video, I'd just be at a tty, and have to reboot and try again. I found it usually got video if I had just booted Windows (XP Pro SP3) beforehand, and not otherwise So what's going on there? Something up with the actual video card? I want to run Gnome anyways, is there a way I can specify that during the install?At any rate, if I can't get 11.04 working properly, I'll have to run 10.10, which I didn't want to do. I'm starting from scratch and wish to start from 11.04 if at all possible.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Not Working Properly?

Apr 29, 2011

So yesterday I upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 and now when I enter Ubuntu only my background image appears. No files, programs, or anything. It worked right after it rebooted to finish the upgrade but when I turned my computer on this morning I got nothing but background.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Does Not Shut Down Properly?

May 1, 2011

after installing ubntu natty in my pc and when i shut down it the monitor stay on purple colorand the funn of the cpu is runing and the facade indicatore of my pc stay on i d ont now why i have a asus mother board and intel ship set family i have a new installation not a upgrade from 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Getting The PHP 5 To Work Properly?

Jul 4, 2011

I have installed php5under Apache and addedmysql also. My problem is I have acreated a file in var/www called testphp.php and try to run it from a command prompt. Keep being told it cant find it! It only has one line running info.php. Keeps saying there is a swp file of this name in var/www. How do I delete this and get my copy of php working properly?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Not Working Properly

Jan 11, 2010

The navigation buttons in firefox are not working and I can not access File, Edit, View, and History pull down menus. This just started today i think. I have 3.5.pre8 and 3.7 installed. both are affected.

Edit: Actually it is a problem with all apps when window is maximized. I cannot access the first 3 or 4 pull down menus or buttons on the tool bar unless the window is not maximized. This happens with konqueror, firefox and Banshee. Have not tested other apps yet.

Edit2: Upper left corner of desktop is also affected. The icons in this part of the screen are not accessible. seems that anything in that region of the screen is dead. just switched from compiz window manager to metacity and there is a black square in the upper left corner of my screen about 2.5"x 2.5".

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Ubuntu Installation :: APT Is Not Working Properly

Jan 12, 2010

I can't install software in Karmic - just installed the OS and hooked up to the network, but whenever I 'sudo apt-get install <program>' I get: Couldn't find package <program>I've looked at sources.list and can't find any problems. Is there something else I should look at?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Will Not Boot Up Properly

Feb 15, 2010

I need to tidy up how my PC boots up.
Current sitch:
Windows XP Pro installed to main C drive.

Ubuntu 9.04 installed to an 80Gb USB drive which draws its power from the PC. Switching PC on brings up GRUB menu where I can choose between Ubuntu or Windows. For whatever reason, Ubuntu 9.04 will not boot properly, only getting me as far as the login screen. When I try to type in my username, the screen does not respond - I cannot type anything into the login box. If the USB drive is not connected to the PC when I switch it on, then there is no way to boot into Windows.

I need to change this so that I can boot into Windows without the USB Hard Drive being connected to the PC. The GRUB thing is obviously on the USB hard drive, so I need to keep it connected to the PC just to boot it up. I'm concerned that if I take that drive and try to upgarde it to 9.10, I will mess up the boot sequence etc., and then won't be able to boot up the PC into either Windows or Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - How To Install Applications Properly

Feb 23, 2010

How do I install apps? I was following the instructions, but regardless of the app, the install button was shaded. I tried 5 completely unrelated apps wish no success. I'm running 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Kfind Not Workig Properly

Mar 22, 2010

I have KDE 4.4 from the backports PPA.kfind is not working properly when searching for Contents. Sometimes it finds just a couple of results, sometimes it finds nothing. I know the files have the selected containing text. For instance, it finds a string in two dtd files, while it should also have found it on two js files under the same directory tree.

Additionally, when I delete files from kfind, the list is not refreshed automatically as it used to do in KDE 4.3.This is driving me crazy, because I'm doing a lot of programming this week and need to find strings on several files.What alternative application for KDE I could use?

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Ubuntu :: M And S Key Not Working Properly After Upgrade

May 4, 2010

I upgraded two machines to 10.4 TLS. When I press "s" key, system shutdown menu is displayed, and when I press "m" key, message menu is displayed.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Fonts To Work Properly

May 8, 2010

Ever since installing 10.04 my fonts won't work. I've installed MS True Type every possible way I can and they still won't work.

After installing they seem fine in all applications, except on the internet. Both FF and Chrome can't seem to read (MSTT) fonts, at all. Every website I open fonts are displayed the same as before I install MS True Type.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Installing Sun-java5-jdk Properly ?

May 12, 2010

I have tried to properly install sun-java5-jdk to prepare android build environment on dedicated virtual machine with Ubuntu 10.04 desktop x86 installation. The problem is that packages are not available in canonical repositories for lucid and install from sun packages does not work properly - i.e. for rpm there is a lot of missing dependencies and bin package just extracts directory tree without proper installation.

I know that sun java is deprectaed and we should use OpenJDK but even there are only repositories for JDK version 6 which is unsupported by android build environment.

Synaptic Package Manager command Force Version on JDK6 is inactive (for both open and sun) and I can not find any JDK 5 available for install.

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