Ubuntu :: 10.04 : Shutdown / Logout Panel Missing

Jul 12, 2010

I added a Netspeed applet to my top panel. It screwed up my Me Menu and Logout menu, so I removed it, rebooted. However after the reboot my menu's are still screwed up. See the attached screen shot. The Me Menu works however if I click where the logout menu is supposed to be I don't get anything.

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Ubuntu :: Shutdown - Restart And Logout Buttons Will Not Do Anything

Nov 5, 2010

On two of my machines that have Ubuntu 10.10 on them, I cannot shut down, restart or log out by pressing the "power button" on Gnome panel. I can not even do "Alt + Ctl + Backspace" either. However, I can shutdown or restart by: Quote: sudo shutdown -h now sudo shutdown -r now

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Ubuntu :: User Can't Shutdown, Logout, Restart?

Sep 29, 2010

My normal day to day user can't shutdown, restart, logout, etc...It just doesn't do anything at all when I try. This wasn't the case three days ago, just fresh installed and seeing the same problem (so it must be some setting saved in my home folder which wasn't wiped).

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Debian Multimedia :: Kde 4.4.5 Can't Shutdown Or Logout?

Aug 5, 2010

I just installed debian unstable with kde 4.4.5 on a new hp desktop. Just about everything is working fine except when I try to logout or shutdown by right clicking on the desktop. No matter which option I choose--logout, shutdown, or restart--the screen goes black and nothing happens. I'm forced to do a hard shutdown or use alt-SysRq-B to reboot. I can reboot or shutdown using the command line when logged into kde.

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General :: Run A Prompt At Logout Or Shutdown?

Feb 20, 2010

Is there a way to run a prompt at logout or shutdown? I added the following code to .bash_logout, but apparently the �read� command doesn't work from there.

echo "Make a backup now? (y)"
read answer
if [ "$answer" != "y" ]
echo "Backup aborted."
I am using Ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Suspend/restart/shutdown/logout Often Freezes?

Oct 21, 2010

Lenovo X200 notebook, 64bit maverick, external monitor connected through DisplayPort, fast SSD drive, encrypted homeI'm almost positive these issues were non existent after installing 10.10RC, but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe I will install it again to check it outAnyway, when I try to suspend/restart/shutdown/logout the system often freezes, showing the console with the similar output:I know this guy is running Ubuntu in VM, but I have very similar ouput, except the last usplash line.But the first line I always have in the output is the infamousQuote:GLIb-WARNING **: getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)On a very rare occassion, the system hanged while booting (showing the above glib line as well. But that's quite rare, so I'm not that concerned.

Now, sometimes it does respond to ctrl+alt+delete after freezing, and after I hit this combination, another line appears (from memory):Quote:Init: rc main process killed by TERM signalChecking for running unattended-upgradesBut that's it, I cannot do anything else, only hard reset, which is especially painful when I suspend in the middle of work...There is no interesting information in the logs - a few messages in the kern.log, but nothing I think would show the culpritEDIT: other than that, the machine is very stable and I have no issues with it. It also worked perfectly on lucid 32bit.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Shutdown/Logout/Reset Through Graphic Interface?

May 9, 2011

working on KDE, I cannot shutdown, reset, logout or switch users through graphical interface (you know, bit blue button, 'leave' tab and all these buttons).I've googled the problem, and here's what I have found:[URL]Guys on the Arch forum related the problem to the OGG files and phonon-xine - indeed, I cannot play OGG files anymore.I tried to install phonon-vlc, but the package is not in any of my repositories. I tried to remove libqt4-phonon, but it would also remove half of the system, which isn't the best idea. Someone else suggested to install speex, but it's already installed on my Kubuntu.I'm out of ideas, and I'm not really sure how to reinstall xine and phonon without deleting half of the system like this:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
akregator amarok apport-kde apport-qt apturl-kde ark calibre digikam dolphin dragonplayer


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Unable To Logout Or Shutdown From KDE?

Jan 31, 2011

For some reason in the last few days I can no longer logout of KDE, nor will it let me shutdown the system. The only way out is to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and then shutdown from there. Weird thing is other users can. For me the logout box just disappears and I carry on working or if effects are enabled, the screen blurs and I carry on working. After this the logout box doesn't come back up until I have restarted X (logged out).

I have tried disabling the desktop effects to no availe and I have looked in the messages / kdm logs. So far the only thing I can find is in KDM.log

The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOn
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOff

I have no idea if this is at all relevant but there are several threads from Google relating to this and GDM, although no cures as far as I can tell.

I would rather not delete my ~/.kde folder again if at all possible as it takes ages to reset everything back to normal.

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Ubuntu :: Shutdown/hibernate/logout Etc Has Disappeared From Indicator Session?

Apr 5, 2010

For some reason the shutdown/hibernate/logout options has disappeared from the Indicator session. I can still set my status in EmpathyI have tried reverting to gnome panel defaults (gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel), removing and readding and I've checked synaptics and it seems I have everything indicator-related installed.

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Ubuntu :: Logout Delay - Countdown: Will Be Logged Out Or Shutdown In 60 Seconds

May 23, 2010

When I click logout or shut down I get a countdown saying I will be logged out or shut down in 60 seconds, then it counts down. I can click the "shut down now" button, but I find this behavior incredibly irritating. When I click logout I would like to logout NOW.

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Fedora Installation :: Fresh Install Of F13 - Cannot Shutdown Or Logout

Sep 14, 2010

I've installed F13 on a DELL computer. Everything works fine except that under KDE menu if I click on 'shutdown', I have the confirmation windows but the computer never shutdown. Same issue with the the logout button. If I want to stop my commuter I have to open a terminal and type " shutdown now" or "halt".

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Fedora :: Shutdown/Restart/Logout Buttons Do Not Work After An Update?

Mar 8, 2010

I am running Fedora 12 with KDE on an Acer Aspire One netbook.

A recent update has caused the KDE shutdown/restart/logout buttons (found for example through the Fedora -> Leave menu or by pressing the power off switch)to stop working. I am having to shutdown using shutdown -P now command.

So I have the following questions:

a) Has anyone else had this issue and knows a workaround/fix?

b) Does anyone know what package these belong to so I can try an older version?

c) Does anyone know where this package writes its logs, or if I need to install anything for it to do so so I can have a look?

d) Does anyone know the command-line interface to these commands - that may give me either a more gentle workaround than shutdown -P now, or some insight into why the command is no longer working.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Record/save Logout/shutdown Messages For 11.2

Jun 20, 2010

how to record/save logout/shutdown messages for OpenSuse 11.2.

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Fedora :: Normal Users Cannot Logout Or Shutdown In KDE FC14 After Upgrade?

Dec 23, 2010

as a normal user when I click logout from a KDE session nothing happens and I can't re-launch logout again, shutdown is doing the same.I have just upgraded to fc14 from fc13 yesterday tried to delete .kde folder and it has not been succesful tried to create another user and log to kde session and the new user also failed to logout or shutdown Root user is able to logout and shutdown I have no probs on GNOME for root or users.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Shutdown / Restart Screen Distortion With Logout Desktop Effect

Mar 28, 2011

When trying to "Leave" the system (either via the small button on the lower right of the taskbar or by right clicking on the Desktop and selecting "Leave") the logout / shutdown / restart screen comes up. I have the "Logout" desktop effect activated, which is supposed to desaturated the background when the Leave screen appears. However, instead of simply greying out the background, the image on the desktop and the rest of the screen also gets slightly distorted, with seemingly random distortion effects cropping up all over the place (e.g. horizontal lines or large blurs).

These distortions are different every time the Leave screen comes up. The Leave screen itself is displayed fine, and apart from the dodgy background I have no other issues with the whole process (the system shuts down or restarts properly according to my choice). I am using the Radeon drivers, and all other desktop effects I have on (Magic lamb, cover switch, present windows, etc) work fine and without a hitch. It's only the Logout effect that seems to glitch. Are the distortions intentionally created by the effect in order to emphasize the focus on the Leave screen?

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Fedora :: Logout And Cancel Are Only Options In KDE Menu / Lost Ability To Do A Shutdown Or Restart?

Dec 16, 2008

I have lost my ability in KDE Menus to do a shutdown or restart. My only option is to logoff or cancel. This started occurring about 2 weeks ago, possibly 2 KDE workspace updates ago. I have been assuming it would get fixed with an update but so far it has not.

I am running Fedora 10 x86_64, kernel =, and the KDE version is:

kde-filesystem.noarch 4-20.fc10 installed
kde-settings.noarch 4.1-4.20081031svn.fc10 installed
kde-settings-kdm.noarch 4.1-4.20081031svn.fc10 installed

I have 3 different systems all running the same OS and KDE versions and it is happening on all 3 systems. All systems have the "Offer Shutdown Options" selected in Session Manager. I have even turned this option off, rebooted, and then back on to try to jumpstart it but that did not work.

Additionally, I have tried deleting the contents of the /tmp directory while in single-user mode and also the .kde under my home directory. This made no difference.

Another symptom I am noticing is that any desktop widgets that I create all get moved to the upper left-hand corner of the display whenever I reboot and log back in. Any extra shortcut widgets that I add to the panel are also gone the next time I log in.

Again, these same symptoms are occurring on 3 different machines.

These symptom do not occur after a fresh install of FC 10. It is breaking during one of the yum updates but I have not narrowed it down yet as to which update is causing this to happen.

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OpenSUSE :: Logout / Lock Widget Display On Panel

Jun 22, 2010

I remember this was discussed some time ago but I cannot find the thread any more. I was just wondering if others are still seeing the same problem . I've had this all through 4.4.3 and now with 4.4.4. For some reason if only the logout or lock button is selected and placed on the far right of the panel then part of the button is chopped off. This only happens with the panel locked. If both buttons are selected then they display correctly. I also notice that when only one button is selected that it's size is slightly smaller than when both are selected. Also it only seems to be the logout/lock widget that has this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Panel Configuration In Home Directory - Logout And Login

May 22, 2010

I've just made a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04. When I right-click a panel and choose "New Panel", the panel is made, but is not visible. The panel is placed on the left side of the screen, and icons on the desktop is moved to the right. Also windows does not use the full width of the screen when maximized. I've tried to remove the panel configuration in my home directory, logout and login, installing ATI drivers and running a gnome-panel command (from another post on ubuntu forums), but nothing works.

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Debian Multimedia :: Missing Logout In KDE?

Aug 19, 2011

I seem to have no end of strange problems. Ctl-Alt-Del no longer presents me with the logout/shutdown dialog. I have no idea what caused it to disappear. I have to use Ctl-Alt-Backspace to kill X now in order to shutdown, reboot, or log in as a different user. I can't find any setting in kdmrc that might affect this. I'm running straight squeeze. I have been removing and re-installing a variety of packages, (see my post on Kaffeine, e.g.) but have not seen any errors or found any broken packages.

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Ubuntu :: Resolution - Top Panel Is Slightly Cut Off - Missing About The Top 20% Of The Panel

Mar 23, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu and really like it so far, having come from a PC background up to now. I've installed it on my Acer laptop and all is well there. However, on my desktop, the screen resolution doesn't match the Ubuntu desktop and fonts and graphics are very blurry. The hardware I have is:

HP Compaq dx2450 micro-tower FE281EA
Samsung 23" widescreen monitor, native resolution 1680x1050

When I check the resolution using System > Preferences > Display it says that indeed I'm using 1680x1050, which should be correct. However, the bottom of the Ubuntu desktop is cut-off, below the bottom of the screen, so I can only see the very top edge of the bottom panel. The top panel is also slightly cut off, missing about the top 20% of the panel. Left and right seem to be in line OK. The resulting blurriness of fonts makes it fairly unusable until I get it fixed.

I've searched fairly extensively and I realise there are other threads on this so sorry for posting again, but they all seem to be slightly different problems and all the responses are fairly or very technical. Maybe I can't avoid a technical solution and getting my hands dirty with a terminal prompt, but I'm hoping I can fix this without resorting to stuff I don't understand and might get wrong. I'm a technically minded end-user but not a unix guy.

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Ubuntu :: Panel Missing In11.04 - Most Of My Effects Were Missing

Apr 30, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 11.04 last night. I noticed most of my effects were missing so I tried to put them back on. This didn't work so I disabled the effects. Then, my panel at the top and the Launcher is missing. .How do I get these back?

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Slackware :: Xine Back End, Shutdown, And Logout / Getting The Xine Error?

May 30, 2010

I have just installed Slackware 13.1 32bit. My hardware is a P-4 3Ghz with a gig of ram. Intel on board graphic and sound.

This is the best implementation of Kde I have used so far. Slack 13.1 is amazing. The install went very well and everything we configured properly.

My problem is when I start Kde or try to shut dowm or logout I get the same error for knotify: Unable to use the Xine Multimedia Backend:Could not find plugin 'Xine' for application 'Knotify'

I get this same error with the application name at the end of it. If I open amarok I get the same error message with amarok at the end. If I try to click a misic file in dolphin same error message.

When I try to shut down or log out from menu I get the xine error and nothing happens. The only way I can log out is Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to get to the KDM log in screen and then I am able to shut down from the menu.

I have been looking on the forum and using google but have found nothing useful.

The error pops up when I try to play a cd or music on the hard drive.

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Slackware :: Cannot Shutdown, Reboot And Logout On Slackware 13.37 From Kde Menu?

Jun 11, 2011

I have done 3 clean installs for this problem and it remains, i don't want to do it from the terminal..(Buttons exists but they won't work...)

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Ubuntu :: Add A Shutdown Button To The Panel?

Jun 2, 2010

I moved things around a bit and I added a top panel to make my lubuntu be more what I'm use to with gnome but I deleted the bottom panel and now I can't find a way to add a shutdown button to the panel..

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Ubuntu :: Top Panel Disappeared - Now Can't Even Shutdown

Jul 31, 2010

somehow I right clicked on the panel at the top and then left clicked on something that made the panel disappear permenantly. now when I turn the computer on it goes to the login screen, I put in my password and the desktop has no panel bar across the top of the screen (no way to even run a program) to turn in off I have to push the power button. how do I get my panel back? standard ubuntu 10.04 64 bit not server.

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Server :: Shutdown Server After Website Logout?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a debian machine with an apache2 webserver. I am able to start the machine from the internet (power plug board with webinterface) but I don't know how to shutdown the server automatically if nobody uses the website anymore. It is a homeserver which should only run if needed.

Unfortunately I don't know much about Linux, apache, php, cgi-scripts, cronjobs and other things that might be useful. But I googled a lot and have now an idea how it could work. It seems complicated to me and so I want to ask you guys what you think about it and if perhaps you could give me a hint.

The idea: A cronjob starts every ten minutes a php script that checks when the index.html of the welcome-page was opened the last time (fileatime()). Lets say it was opened last time at 3pm. Then the php script adds for example 60 minutes to that time (=4pm) and calculates how much time is left to 4pm. This time is saved in the variable $timeleft. Now the php script compares if $timeleft is less then 10 minutes (=600 seconds). If it is, the php script starts a cgi script that will shutdown the server. The cgi script will login as root (I think that can be done with the "expect"-command url and then enter the command "shutdown -h now"

Is all this realizable? Isn't there a better and/or easier way to do?

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - No Shutdown Button On Gnome Panel

Jan 9, 2010

I installed KDE on my ubuntu 9.04. I was using kde for some time. Then later on I switched it back to gnome. I found that the shutdown button on the right top of the gnome panel was missing. How to restore it back? and has my gnome panel crashed?

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Ubuntu :: Removed Shutdown From Top Panel And Cant Get Back?

Jun 18, 2010

I just installed Lucid, looks good so far. But In an attempt to move things around I removed the "Shutdown" button from the upper right tool bar and cant see how to bring it back anywhere. So please would someone tell me where its hidden!

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Ubuntu :: No Shutdown Icon In The Upper Right Panel

Oct 30, 2010

I lost the shutdown icon and the sound icon which were there before. I have attached a screenshot depicting the same.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Shutdown Applet Back On The Panel?

Jan 5, 2011

I was trying to get suspend and hibernate on my shutdown menu and I removed it from the panel with the intention of adding it back, hopefully with the suspend and hibernate choices on it.

How do I get the shutdown menu back on the panel?

If I don';t get it back then how do I shut down?

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