Software :: Netpbm Install - Permission Denied ?
Jul 17, 2009
I'm trying to install netpbm on my dedicated server and I'm getting the follow message every time I try to run ./configure
And I know I have permission to run ./configure because I tried it on a different software and it ran just fine.
And I can't even do the make either because I got a permission denied again. Can anyone help me out here? Thanks.
My dedicated server is running CentOS 5.
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Mar 25, 2011
I have modified /etc/sudoers using visudo command to give the user "runner" to give all access without password.capture of sudoers file
# User privilege specification
But still the "runner" is getting permission denied error when trying to open files with "(-rw-------)" permission in/shutdown
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Apr 17, 2010
I'm trying to install the Aurora engine for themes on Ubuntu 9, and I'm pretty new at all this... so sorry if this error message is a little long... it goes through the installation, then it gives me an error message.
Here it is:
Now run make.
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Jul 16, 2010
I am trying to install an application from the media after typing the INSTALL command I get permission denied even as the root. What is the reason ? I am running SUSE 11.1.
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Sep 1, 2011
I wanted to install Matlab2011 in fedora15 and i receive this following: Preparing installation files Installing ./install: line 589: /tmp/mathworks_2110/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/bin/java: Permission denied Finished. I think the problem was Java, but I updated java and still is not working.
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Feb 18, 2011
After some update every time I run update from the Yast or zypper I frequently get errors like the following (with zypper):
Permission to access '' denied.
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a):
If I type <r> then download continues. Is there any way to fix that or at least make it retry automatically?
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Aug 1, 2011
I'm running openSUSE 11.4 (gnome) and I'm trying to transfer files to my windows partition and it says that I don't have the permission to do so. How do I gain access to it?
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Dec 16, 2009
Firstly, i'm NEW to Linux and my very first time with DSL. I'm installing this on an older Dell Latitude laptop.
I just finally got the DSL installed on my HDD successfully and then I added feh to start and run at start up, then I rebooted and now i'm getting this error:
No, directory, logging in with HOME=/ -bash: cd: /home/dsl: Permission denied
I have tried reading numerous websites but none explains to the level whereby I can understand. I even tried rebooting from the CD, but could not figure out how/what to do next?
The question is, can someone explain how I can use the DSL CD to try to correct this error. More importantly, can you explain in layman terms so that I can actually put it good use.
Also, some additional questions I have....when you download a file where does it save to?
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May 15, 2011
I need to install CmapTools, but it won't let me. Tried to install a .bin but "bash: ./CmapTools64.bin: Permission denied".
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Jul 24, 2010
I didn't back up the blasted /etc/httpd stuff.
I do a "clean" root-only install; i.e., the only partitions that are formatted are the root and usr partition leaving the others untouched (so I don't have to restore the entire thing every time or fiddle with updating). That leaves almost everything in place with only a few edits and additions to make to get back in business; smart and dumb and the same time, sigh.
The partitions look like this for what it's worth:
Anyway, my web server comes up just fine and other applications work as expected except for Bugzilla and I can't remember what the heck it is I have to do to get it going again. I add a file, httpd-bugzilla.conf in the extra directory and include it at the end of httpd.conf:
In the above, /var/www/htdocs/bugzilla is not a symbolic link, Bugzilla is actually installed there (and has worked just fine for a long, long time). And, yeah, I know I'm not really supposed to do that but there it is.
I also run which completes cleanly (it also sets permission masks and group) and double-check that localconfig looks like it ought to.
Seems like that ought to do it, but...
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Nov 10, 2010
I'm running Fedora 14, with a SATA interface CD/DVD drive and I'm attempting to run an installation script on a CD for an embedded Linux learning kit.Logged in as root (su), I receive:bash : /media/EmbeddedLinux/install_tools Permission DeniedI have searched and see similar situations on the web, but not exactly the same.I cannot resolve this issue using chmod, and find no relevant exec rights set in /etc/fstab.Using mount I find the (automounted) CD drive on /dev/sr0.I've searched quite a bit but never could find the thread that was supposedly listed in this forum.I understand that I should be able to copy the contents of the folder to my machine, then execute, but if possible I would prefer to address the real cause, not go around it.Also, where on earth will I find the location of whatever is affecting the ability to execute from an automounted media?
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May 30, 2010
I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an Aspire laptop with Windows XP. I downloaded 10.04 and burned an ISO image. I boot Windows and open the ISO disk. I open the first choice which is to try Ubuntu prior to a complete installation. The installation starts and proceeds for a few minutes. Then it stops and displays a message 'Permission Denied' and a suggestion to check the installation log. The last few lines are:
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Jan 19, 2011
I've just upgraded my laptop to Fedora 14 and installed LAMP on it for a test environment. I've followed the official instructions to install but seem to have a problem that I didn't have on F13 or Opensuse. Each time I try to access index.php on localhost I get a permission denied message and an SElinux alert. I have tried 7 different solutions on various forums and just can't view anything in a browser.
/var/www/html has been set to chmod 777
/var/www/html/index.php has also been set to chmod 777
A standard user can definitely read and write to the above files/folder. Until I commented it out the Welcome/Test page was working perfectly.
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Jan 2, 2010
My linux is Kubuntu 9.04, I encountered Permission denied problem when I wanted to install the openscientist source file (osc_batch_source_16.9) in the following order.
1) cd OpenScientist/16.9/osc_batch/16.9/obuild
2) source
3) ./sh/build in this step Permission denied message appeared.
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Feb 28, 2011
I am installing ubuntu to amazon EC2 by following the steps at [url] The installation works fine.
Then I want to gain Remote Desktop Access to Ubuntu, so I follow [url]
However, fail at sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup --install due to this file is missing.
I then use putty, navigate into /usr/lib/nx to run command below.
wget [url]
But, it always come out with permission denied issue
I also try to upload the .tar.gz file via winscp to any of the possible directories.
All fail with permission denied issue.
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 3
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Apr 3, 2011
I'm trying to install 10.10 but it keeps throwing an error. I'll include the error and log file below:
An error occurred: Permission Denied For more information, see the log file: c:...
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Mar 14, 2010
Running newaliasespostalias: fatal: open database /etc/aliases.db: Permission deniedin my /etc I do not have a aliases.db only an aliases.I cp aliases aliases.db but when I try and install post fix again it gives me the same error and aliases.db goes away.
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm new to Linux, so I decided to try using Wubi to get started. THe problem is, when it finished installing 10.04, I got this message: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso' Is there any way around this? It might just be that overly restrictive thing called Vista (which I have the bad luck to be using). I was considering getting a USB drive for Ubuntu anyway..
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Apr 11, 2011
I recently got interested with with OS.. So I downloaded wubi in Ubuntu website. I opted for the Ubuntu Netbook Edition as am using a lappy. However, halfway through finishing download I got an error. The log shows:
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso'
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a user (let's call him John) who is not able to list contents of several 777 directories even though it appears he has permission to.
Case in point, as root:
If I use ls -a or strictly ls as john, I can list the contents of the nss directory:
That says to me that I have an issue listing permissions. Fine, I don't really need john to be able to list permissions. I want him to have rwx access to /media/nss/ENG which as you can see from my listing as root shouldn't be a problem since the perms on that dir are 777.
I am able to CD into the ENG directory or any other directory or subdirectory in /media/nss that has equivalent 777 perms, but once in the directories I can't list the contents:
I can get anywhere and do anything I want under the media/nss folder as john, except listing files. I even tried using an ACL i.e.
Why this isn't working?
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Apr 12, 2011
I am trying to give an SSH user on my server permission to compile C exploit with gcc, and I have had no luck. Every time i try to run gcc i get: "sh: /usr/bin/gcc: Permission denied. Has anyone else had this problem with this ?
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Jul 17, 2009
I compiled a hello-world code under /media/ext3-datadisk/summary/prog
where ext3-datadisk is on an external drive.
But I cannot run it.
I am not bashing CentOS 5.2, but I don't have such problem with ubuntu 8.04.
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Mar 2, 2011
I am in the process of setting up a new server (Debian - Lenny - now updated to Squeeze) and every things were going fine. But unfortunately from today , whenever a user login to ftp, it says
550 permission denied and not able upload / edit or remove any files ( i am able to see all files and folders)
Yesterday it was working fine..
I tried using bot Pure Ftp and Proftp and the issue is common
What I am trying to do is
add a unix user exalmple through adduser command with default directory for the user as /var/www/ (shell enabled)
owner of is example
and using the above user name and password to ftp files to the folder
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Dec 11, 2015
I have setup my debian 8 web server.
For some reason I am having some issues with permissions of some images. They don't render because they are not set to 644. Now for some reason when I uploaded these files onto my shared hosting with cPanel the files work fine and permissions are fine. I can see there is a permission issue for the files locally on my Mac (OS X - El Capitan).
When I changes these locally on Mac the permissions go all weird and are prefixed with Custom, rather than mac-user-name: Read & Write, staff: Read, everyone: no access. then changes to custom: read & write etc. So then i tried changing permissions on web server see below and I get permission denied and after all the files are gone, i can't delete the images folder through SFTP or SSH. I changed back the image to 755 and tried deleting and still nothing. Not sure what the problem is. Before I chmod I checked that the images are set to the correct user and group as per the rest of the site.
So I try:
Code: Select alluser_name@debian:/var/www/html/_files$ chmod -R 644 images
and I get this return:
Code: Select allchmod: cannot access ‘images/box-icon.svg’: Permission denied
chmod: cannot access ‘images/ie-icon.svg’: Permission denied
chmod: cannot access ‘images/google-plus-icon.svg’: Permission denied
chmod: cannot access ‘images/mobile-ready-icon.svg’: Permission denied
chmod: cannot access ‘images/404.jpg’: Permission denied
[Code] ....
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Mar 23, 2011
The root user of Linux doesn't have permission to read/write a regular file, unless all users have permission to read/write this file, like below:
drwxrwsrwx ....... file_name
However the owner of the file can still read/write this file.
0) not the problem of execution, just read/write
1) not the problem of device because regular user can read/write it.
2) the result of command id:
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
so I don't think it's the problem of group.
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Feb 3, 2010
I have just installed 9.10 netbook remix onto my Eeepc 901. I was previously using 9.4 Rather than clicking on shutdown icons, or going through shutdown menus, I added a keyboard shortcut to run a shell script containing the following code:
init 0
because init needs to be run as root to have the correct permissions, I set the owner and group to be root , ran chmod 711, then chmod u+s to prevent anyone altering the script, and to allow anyone to execute it with root privelidges Since updateing to 9.10 netbook remix, I have been unable to get this to work. have applied the above changes but get a "/bin/bash: /usr/bin/shutdownscript: permission denied" error when I try to run my shutdown script from the terminal (nothing happens when I press the key combination asigned to the keyboard shortcut). If I run the shutdown script with sudo then it neatly shuts down. ls reveals the following permissions:-rws--s--x 1 root root
So it appears as if SUID and SGID are both set, and the owner/group are correct, and the script works, and yet it doesn't have the permissions to work. I installed 9.4 long ago enough that I can't remember if I had to do anything else to get it working, or has something changed between 9.4 and 9.10?
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Mar 27, 2010
I tried to execute the following command: $ ./ -db_user aa -db_pass bb -db_name cc It returned as follows: bash: ./ Permission denied What does this mean? How to solve the problem? Actually, I was following a README, and it says "$ ./eval_online_wiki -db_user <username> -db_pass <pwd> -db_name <db_name>"
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Aug 19, 2010
Forum.Ref:Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid LynxFluxboxOpera 10.61Has anyone a clue how I can solve following (minor but annoying) problem?It takes a relative long time (a few seconds) as normal user before Opera starts in my fluxbox environment. I expected a quicker startup time.Also because when I start opera as root the startup time is shorter.I started opera in a terminal. No messages when started as root with gksudoBut 5 lines of:open: Permission deniedwhen started as normal user. Startup succeeds after these messages.So I figured out that there is some kind of authorisation problem but have no clue how to find out which files opera tries to open and fails and what to do at this point.I searched for similar problems on this forum and also via google but could not find any real answers.
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Sep 17, 2010
Currently I am having troubles getting my ssh key to work correctly. I have had a desktop crash which has been reformatted to use ubuntu. The key residing in has been copied over to the ssh server into the authorized keys of the given user. however When we try to login we get a "permission denied (public key, keyboard-interactive)" error. below is the debug option:
jv@ops-desktop:~/.ssh$ ssh -v jv@x.x.x.x
OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4, OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
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Dec 7, 2010
I have a shared directory on another machine but I can't get it to mount. The permission denied doesn't say where/which permission is denied. Is it on the remote on on the local machine? The remote has sharing enabled for the shareddocs directory and after I have mkdir'ed the local mount point I open it's permissions too.
The verbose response from mount.cfis looks like this:
mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//,domain=WORKGROUP,ver=1,rw ,username=clive,,,,,,,,,,,ip=,pass=** ******
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs( manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) The man page does not have a list of error codes.
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