Software :: Which Browser Is The Best

Jan 13, 2009

I am currently using Firefox but am considering Google's version

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Ubuntu :: Which Is The Default File Browser (NOT Web Browser) Of 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

Apr 18, 2011

Which is the default file browser(NOT web browser) of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat?Nautilus?Are there any others for Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded Firefox - Error "Your Browser Is No Longer Supported. Please Upgrade To A Modern Browser."

Aug 2, 2010

i just updated from karmic 9.10 to lucid 10.04 using the online upgrade option. so far everything is working great. the only issues i am having seem to involve firefox. when i visit videos i get the message "your browser is no longer supported. please upgrade to a modern browser." i am running 3.6 "canonical" so it is "modern". i am able to watch videos after i close the message. it's just an annoyance to get this message every time i view a video.

next, is on some websites (like this one) it will not supply my login info. but on a few sites (like ebay) it does supply my login info. not sure why some sites work while others don't. the info is there when i look under my saved passwords....

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Networking :: Browser "waiting For ..." Stalling / Browser Seems To Stall For A Long Time?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm surfing along just fine when I select some link in my browser.The status line reports "... waiting for ..." and the browser seems to stall for a long time (minutes). Often, but not every time, I can select the STOP toolbar icon and reload the page. This time things work normally.

I have a similar but different malfunction running Evolution email connected to my hosted IMAP server. I select a message and see "... formatting ..." and then Evolution seems to stall for a long time (minutes). Rarely the stop-reload actions help reading email. Instead,all Evolution windows go dark grey and the entire desktop stalls.[Analysis -- It has the feel of a "network" issue provoking issues within Evolution itself rather than an Evolution-only malfunction.]

Watching the running system with 'htop' and similar, I do not see where some other application or service is sucking all of the available CPU time or such. [Analysis -- It has the feel that either the browser message or the email message were sent into limbo without reaching their intended destination. Stop-reload sends the bits to the right places and so I get results.]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can View A Php Page Only With Links Browser (a Text Browser) - Firefox Error "Content Encoding Error"

Jun 15, 2011

I can view a php page only with links browser (a text browser) But when i use firefox i got an error "Content encoding error"

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Ubuntu :: Cant Set Default Browser To Chromium - Asks For Default Browser?

May 31, 2011

For some reason, i cannot set my default browser to Chromium. Whenever i open up Chromium, it asks whether it should be the default browser or not. I say yes i mean "Set as default" But nothing happens. When i open it again, i am greeted with the same question again.

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Ubuntu :: Run "start-tor-browser"or Display Its Content"start-tor-browser" Is An Executable Text File"

Apr 6, 2011

Ok so i have the tor browser bundle but when clicking start-tor-browser. I get : "Do you want to run "start-tor-browser", or display its content" ,"start-tor-browser" is an executable text file." So i click run but Vidalia doesn't start and nothing happens.

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Fedora :: Can't Even Use Flash On The Browser

Nov 6, 2010

I've been having a lot of problems lately, more than a year after using fedora without a single issue... I've upgraded to F14 but the new kernels can't boot, they show a message I can't read copmletely, so I took a photo ( hope you don't mind):I can't even use flash on the browser.I tried downloading F14 live CD and updating from it, but it just says wating for udev..I don't have any idea on how to fix this problem, so I come to you....

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Fedora :: TOR Browser Not Working

Jan 20, 2011

I unpacked the tor.gz file and doubled clicked "start-tor-browser".I get the message "Do you want to run "start-tor-browser", or display its contents?"I run it and nothing happens. Could you please give some insght?

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Fedora :: 15 No Sounds In Browser

Jul 24, 2011

I have installed Fedora 15. Speaker is running and a sound file in computer is sucess but in firefox or Chrome sounds not running any?

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General :: Accessing URL On SSH Without Using A Web Browser?

May 9, 2010

I would like to find a way to open a URL without using a web browser (which makes my computer system run very slow).

Is there an easy way to achieve this on a command prompt using SSH to access another network?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Run Chromium Browser In 10.04

May 20, 2010

I have installed, un-installed several times but just won't run! Double click on icon gives spinning wheel for a few seconds then nothing!

(PS, it did run OK a few weeks ago, but I uninstalled it because of window buttons being on wrong side Would like to try again as this has been rectified)!

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Ubuntu Networking :: RDP Through Web Browser?

Jun 2, 2010

Is it possible to remotely access my Ubuntu PC through a web browser (preferably Internet Explorer)? I am currently using TSWeb through Internet Explorer at work to access my Windows PC at home. This is my only option as IS will not allow software installation on any PC's and Windows RDP is not available.

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Ubuntu :: Best Browser To Use With Ebay

Jul 25, 2010

I have gotten onto ebay and they never know anything as they are MS lovers. They can't answer as to why Firefox in a linux enviro won't work properly. What happens is i go to set several things like a postal charge or weight of the parcel and then i save the listing but it doesn't save. So many things just don't save when i edit the listing a dozen times it still won't. I downloaded Opera last week and tried that out but that seems to also have problems. It won't let me use the 'return' function on the keyboard when i writing a description in ebay and i suspect it is not saving other things too. As Opera and Firefox are probably the other browsers i have used so far in my 3 years experience with linux i am not sure what to try next. I don't sell that much on ebay so i thought there might be some other ebay sellers on here that can tell me what browser works for them?

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Ubuntu :: Browser Headaches To The Max?

Nov 10, 2010

i have two systems here. ubuntu 10.04 work laptop and ubuntu 10.10 desktop at home.on the desktop at home: i have unusually slowness with firefox. it's as if i'm on 28k. but the thing is, my ping speeds and chromium speeds are wicked fast. if i click out of my browser and open applications on my desktop, they are incredibly fast. all of this suggests my connection is good and my system is not overloaded. firefox on 10.10 so far has just been a huge fail. even with the latest ppa, it's unusually slow. i can literally sit there for 2 to 2.5 minutes until videos finally loads with my favorites listed below. chromium does not exhibit this.

on my laptop: while firefox and chromium both work on my laptop, i cannot log into my web site via wp-admin on chromium. it simply says the login.php link is down or temporarily unavailable. yet if i go to my desktop and use chromium, i log right in. or if i use firefox, i log right in. i cleared the entire cache and browsing history blah blah you name it, yet it still acts up. i'd really kind of like one browser that, oh.. i don't know? a browser that works? something to use on either computer? any input on what could be causing this or how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Need Good Web Browser

Jan 16, 2011

I tried a lot of web browsers, but I can't find a good one.

I want a web browser that:
- can open most webpages and show all content including javascript, flash and whatever (unlike elinks which is text-only)
- is controllable entirely by keyboard and preferably with vim-like controls. (unlike firefox, google chrome).
- works out of the box (unlike uzbl)
- is fast
- is bugfree (unlike firefox and uzbl)
- is configurable

So please recommend a good web browser and tell me what features would make a web browser good.

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Ubuntu :: Most Stable Browser - How To Get FF4

Apr 30, 2011

I used firefox 4 before I installed ubuntu onto my laptop, and since I didn't know how to upgrade to FF4 under ubuntu, I just installed google chrome instead.

Sometimes ..... videos crash when I go to a different tab and listen to it, and I've been wondering which is the best and most stable browser to use? Firefox sounds like a good deal, but I've gotten used to FF4's interface and would like to know how to upgrade

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Ubuntu :: Qt Browser Is Slow

Jan 28, 2010

I installed Qt X11 browser in my netbook which consist of ubuntu 9.10. All are fine but when i start qt browser it is slow.

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General :: Can't Get Any Sound From Browser?

Mar 13, 2011

a week ago, i updated my computer from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04, and since then, no sound plays from any browsers (i've tried firefox, which has been my main browser for years, and epiphany web browser, which seems to be the linux equivalent to internet explorer). i'm still able to play videos videos, but i get no sound from them. however, mp3's, skype, and audacity all work just fine; i just can't get any sound from my browser.

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General :: Best Web Browser For System?

Oct 29, 2009

What would be the best web browser for linux(mandriva) in normal conditions ?

Internet connection less than 100kbps
OS - mandriva 08

Monzilla Firefox. I don't want to work on it.

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General :: Can't Close Browser

Jul 13, 2011

The buttons to minimize and close, in the upper right-hand corner, have disappeared, making it impossible to close my browser and shut down my computer.I don't know what to do.

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General :: Neither Browser Will Load ?

May 11, 2011

Have been running Mandriva 11.04 and it's been ok, but now neither my preferred Browser, Chrome, nor Firefox will load?

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General :: Trying To Connect Via Browser Or IRC Nothing Happens

Mar 23, 2010

Host OS - Windows 7 Professional 64bit
VMWare Workstation 6.5.1
Guest OS - Slackware 12.1 32bit
Telstra NextG card

Can ping both hostnames and IP address successfully but when trying to connect via browser or IRC, nothing happens (using name and IP). Ran netconfig and selected DHCP. Checked IP properties for VM-8 on Host OS and everything appears in order, and I have same IP address in the Guest OS. Can ping from Guest to Host and Host to Guest. Previously worked with XP as Host OS and I have a Windows 7 32bit VM which connects successfully.

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General :: Why Is My Browser So Slow

Jun 22, 2010

I tried changing the memory browsing size in firefox which seemed to help a little but the browser became slow again.

How to speed up this system here are some specs:

Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty
Kernel 2.6.28-18-generic
GNOME 2.26.1


749.9MB of memory
900Mhz AMD Athlon
30GB harddrive

My PC Internet runs through a DDWRT flashed wireless G router set on repeater mode which allows me to connect to the router in my basement to broadband.

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Software :: : When Run The Browser Nothing Happen

Mar 2, 2011

I found advertising about a security update for firefox yesterday. Today I downloaded the patch from slackware official site. My slackware is a 13.1 version i686 So I downloaded mozilla-firefox-3.6.10-i686-1.txz I installpkg the file successfully.

Know, when I run the browzer, nothing happen.

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Software :: Browser After X Window ?

Jan 23, 2010

I want to make firefox browser should come before x windows starts in linux system. how to do that?

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Software :: Can't Set Default Web Browser

Jun 9, 2011

I'm running AntiX (Debian testing and Mepis with IceWM and FluxBox) and I can't change the default web browser (which right now is Dillo). I've checked the config files for Fluxbox and IceWM but I didn't find anything (It could be possible that I missed something).

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Software :: How Does Browser Identify The OS

Jan 15, 2010

Starting here on the assumption that this is a browser function.Firefox 3.5.3 on ArchLinuxI just tried downloading a free trial of Acrobat 9 to see if I can get it going on CrossOver. The Adobe site will not download because it sees I am not using Windows.I searched in the detailed about:config file and found nothing that looked relevant.So: How does FF (or any broswer) tell a site what OS is being used?

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Slackware :: No Sound In Any Web Browser?

Dec 7, 2010

This problem applies to Konqueror, Firefox, and Seamonkey. It applies equally to all forms of online sound content, from flash to yahoo media player. Yes, the sliders are up in my sound mixer! I have sound from all other apps, just not web browsers. It also applies to alluser accounts.

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Ubuntu :: Phpmyadmin Cannot Be Run On Browser

Sep 17, 2010

I have a problem with phpmyadmin. I use Ubuntu 10.04. I have already installed Apache, MySQL, and PHP. They are working properly. Finally I install phpmyadmin. Installation is successful by using command'apt-get install phpmyadmin'.I can't understand how to access phpmyadmin from browser. I type the URL... Browser show me file not found.

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