Software :: Need An Iotop Based On File Access

Aug 17, 2010

The process is a good start for seeing what's using file io and how much... however, is there a way to take it to the file level?

ie: I've got a lot of load in the /var/lib/pgsql area. I want to see which files are the consent io, so I can put just that directory/file(s) on a faster disk.

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Debian :: Can't Access PhpBB3's Web-based Install

Sep 12, 2010

I know this is probably something small that I'm missing, but I haven't got a clue to be honest with you. I've setup a proper LAMP and everything on the server is working properly. I'm thinking maybe it's a file permission..? Well let me get to the problem. Everything is installed and it's time for me to complete the web-based install. I've tried going to just phpBB3/,phpBB3/index.php, phpBB3/install...etc! When I insert any of those in the address bar with my FQDN obviously, it decides to just download .php files all over my desktop.

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Programming :: Splitting A File Based On The Values Read From An Input File?

Jul 27, 2010

I am splitting a file based on the values read from an input file. The below one is the script.

1)How do I add the header which is present in the original file to the new split files created?(For eg. pharmacyf conatins header as table column names. The new files created (ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat) are without the header).

2) Also the script is creating 0 byte files for the pharmacyids which are not available in the intial file? Can this be avoided?

for pharmacyf in *
tablename=`echo $pharmacyf |cut -f4 -d'.' `
while read pharmacyid
grep -w $pharmacyid $pharmacyf >> $OUT/ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat
done< inputfile

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General :: Why Use Patch Files Based Upon Different When Can Directly Overwrite The Old File With The New File

May 29, 2010

i want to know why do we need to patch files based upon diff when we can directly overwrite the old file with the new file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Deny Access To Tomcat Based On Ip?

Feb 11, 2010

We need to only allow access to a web page only to some ips. We want to do this via Apache but it seems like the standard way of denying all and allowing some ips doesn't work because we mount a webapp using tomcat.

The sites-enabled file looks like this:

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/app_ssl_error.log


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Ubuntu :: How To Access Completely Flash Based Websites

Dec 14, 2010

I have been using lynx for sometime specially when on a slow connection. I was wondering if there's a way of accessing flash-based websites (completely flash-based) using lynx?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Not Access Web Based Email / Get It To Work?

Jan 12, 2011

I can connect to the Internet. I can not access gmail or yahoo mail. It doesn't matter what browser I use.

If I switch to a wired connection, I can access gmail. Other wireless networks work fine.

MY router is a Belkin N, but it allows me to access other sites. The settings seem pretty vanilla, not different than wireless routers where I can access gmail.

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Server :: User Name Based Access Control In Squid

Aug 20, 2010

I have configured squid proxy on centos 5.5 and some of my squid.conf file has following lines


http_access allow ncsa_users office

There are 3 users called "user034, user035 and user050" in the /etc/squid/squid_passwd file need to restricted access to internet except sites form anywhere in the lan. Once they logged in any ip, rule should apply.(that means no ip related acl, only user name related) How can I configure this in squid.

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Server :: Allow Wireless Clients Access To Network Based On Their MAC Address?

Jan 11, 2011

Using CentOS 5.5, FreeRADIUS 2.1.7.

Objective is simply to be able to allow wireless clients access to my network based on their MAC address (I have about 10 WAPs around the country which I need to be able to manage user access centrally). Not interested in LDAP or dishing out keys/certificates etc.

I have been trying to follow the guide here. Sounds like it's exactly what I need but I'm not sure about a few things.

1) For each of the conf files am I supposed to be replacing everything currently existing in the respective file with what is suggested?

2) "raddb/modules/file" does not exist, so I assume I should use "raddb/modules/files"?

3) If I uncomment the line:

under the "raddb/sites-available/default authorize{}" section, the radiusd startup gives me the following error:
/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[69]: Failed to find module "rewrite_calling_station_id".

If anyone familiar with FreeRADIUS 2 could answer these queries I might be on the right path

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Iptable Rules And Access Superuser Permission From Web-based?

Mar 30, 2010

wrote a network emulator program in c programming. It can run for ubuntu terminal with good performance.But i have to make it for web-based user configuration. So i had setup apache web server and write this program in cgi script and try to execute this program from web page.This program must be run in root privilege($sudo -s) and add the iptables rules such as (#iptables -A OUTPUT -j QUEUE). So my question is how to add iptables rules in my cgi scripts? How to set the superuser(root privilege) permission to access my program through web server?

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Security :: IPTABLES - Restrict Internet Access Based On Time Of Day And MAC Address

Feb 6, 2010

I am trying to configure my Linux router to restrict Internet access for one computer on my LAN. It needs to be restrictive based on the time of day and the days of the week. I am using the MAC address of the computer to single out the one computer that needs to be blocked. However, this is my first attempt at making any rules with iptables, and I am not sure if I am doing this right. If some one can take a look at this I would greatly appreciate it. This is what I have done so far.

Here is my thinking. Create a new target. Check the MAC address, if it is NOT the offending computer return to the default chain. If it is the offending computer check that we are between the allowed hours and dates and ACCEPT. If we are not within the time/date range then drop the packet.


Here I am trying to route all packets regardless of the computer on the LAN into the blocked_access chain for checking.


Is it a good idea to route all traffic through the blocked_access chain? I do run other servers that are accessible from the Internet, so I am not sure how this setup will affect that. I also use shorewall on the router to setup iptables for me. How would I integrate this with shorewall?

I am using squid to block access when he is using the web browser. However, he is still able to play games(World of Warcraft) and the like.

I am using Debian sid, iptable(1.4.6), shorewall(4.4.6), kernel 2.6.32-trunk-686.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Access Partitions From Windows On ReFIT-based Triple Boot?

Mar 24, 2011

I have installed reFIT-based triple boot. Here is the partition scheme:1. GPT Protective Partition (GPT and MFT). Mac OS X (GPT and MFT)3. Windows 7 64-bit C: (GPT and MFT)4. Windows 7 64-bit D: (GPT and MFT)5. Ubuntu 10.04 / (only GPT)6. Ubuntu 10.04 swap (only GPT)Windows only supports MFT and thus sees last two partitions (5 and 6) as unallocated space. Can I somehow make it see these partitions to be able to access files from Ubuntu?P.S. I know this is rather Windows problem, but I don't know any good forums where I can ask that, because mostly on these forums the answer is "Why would you need anything but Windows?".

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Software :: Access The Serial Management Consoles Of Various Hardware Devices Via Browser - Java Based

May 22, 2010

Is there any Linux software that allows accessing a pre-configured serial console via Browser using a java applet? I would like to access the serial management consoles of various hardware devices via browser.

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Ubuntu :: Web Based File Sharing App

May 7, 2010

I'm looking for a web based file sharing application. I would like my clients to login and have access to their files only, and no other files.Integration with Wordpress would be nice.

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Ubuntu :: Save File For Window Based PC's?

Mar 12, 2010

My wife works in administration and is always writing letters. Finally got her to use openoffice but she was very upset no one was able to read her letters. Did I miss a step? As new, did I get her to use the wrong program for her work? I am trying to transition the family toward linux but composing letters may be a setback. How do we save files viewable for any PC?

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Ubuntu :: Web Based File Transfer Application?

Mar 26, 2010

I am looking for a little help finding an appropriate application. Basically I am looking for something like a web based FTP client that runs on the file server (I use the term loosely) I have. Basically I want to be able to open a web browser on a different computer in my internal network, punch in hostnameort and get a web page that I can use to move files between the computer.

I don't care if it uses FTP or not. I basically just want the specific functionality. I have vsftp installed on my 'server' already.I have looked at Gollem, but I am unsure if that is the correct application for me to use. If you have used it any opinions would be great.I know this is probably not the most secure way to do things, but it is only for my internal network and kind of an experiment for me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Software :: Lightweight Web Based File Manager For NAS?

Feb 22, 2011

lightweight web base file manager? Its for a NAS with 128MB of ram running debian.

I only need very basic functions. Delete, Move, Create directory etc. I am currently carrying this out via SSH.

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Programming :: API To Get Partition Name Based On File Path In C On OS?

Jul 19, 2011

Is there any API to get partition name based on file path in C on Linux OS?

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Programming :: Remove Lines In A Text File Based On Another Text File?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a text file called file1.txt containing many lines eg.


Then i have another text file called file2.txt contains


Is there a command to remove the lines in file1.txt based on the keywords in file2.txt? note: It should remove line3,line5,line6 based on 3,5,6

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Ubuntu :: Download Locations Based On File Type?

Jan 17, 2010

Is there a way to set Firefox to place downloaded files in different folders based on the file type?e.g. in my Downloads folder place all .doc files in a sub-folder called ".doc", all .jpgs in a sub-folder called ".jpg"I'd assume there's probably a rule, or a script that can be used to accomplish this, but being a graduate student, I don't have alot of free time to poke around and figure it out myself

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Ubuntu :: Search Based On Nautilus File Type?

Aug 10, 2010

Is there any application that will let me restrict search results, by, for example, whether it is a plain text document or a jpeg image (not by extension, but the same way nautilus knows if something is a jpeg even if it doesn't have an extension)?It would be nice to have an easy way to search for, e.g., just images, just videos, or just music without relying on file extensions.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To For Secure Web Based File Hosting

May 5, 2011

Know any documentation or software packages to do a open source "File Hosting" or also known as "one-click hosting" server.I want to create my own private secure site to easily have clients download sensitive files. If it could be setup to use SSL that would be great.

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Applications :: File Processing Based On Alphabetical Order?

Jan 22, 2009

In Linux, the files were processing based on timestamp. How to process the files based on alphabets? My application is in windows. Here I am processed the files based on alphabetical order. While coming to linux its coming wrong.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: File Based Disks Lost After Restart

Mar 14, 2011

At first I wanna say that I'm (quite) new to Linux and Fedora.Currently I have to use Fedora at school, but I'm running into some problems. To make things faster at school, I'm now trying to do the same thing at home using WMWare virtualbox.Our task is to setup 2 file-based disks using 4 image files and loop-devices. I can create and mount and use and do whatever with them, but after restart they are gone. Also all physical volumes and volume groups I created are gone. I used /etc/fstab to automount them at startup, but it doesnt seem to work.

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General :: Processing Log File Within Certain Dates Based On Filename

Apr 8, 2010

I am working on the script parsing specific message "TEST" from multiple file. The log file name looks like:


I am using the following command:
zgrep -a --text "TEST" * | awk -F"[ .,]" '{sub(".*:","",$6); sub(",.*","",$7); print $1,$6,$7,$10}
and getting
N3 2009-11-25 20:12:57 TEST
N4 2009-11-28 10:42:18 TEST
N6 2009-12-01 10:00:24 TEST

If I only want to search the log file after 2009-11-29, what shall I change the command?

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General :: Recreating A Column Byte-based File?

Nov 5, 2009

I have a file that stores employee login IDs, names, types, and permissions. Our software reads the information based on byte-columns, so it reads a column as any ASCII character (spaces, letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.). I want to create a web-interface for adding and removing users, and storing the data in a MySQL database. However, if I am creating the files from the MySQL output, I need a way to write to specific column locations in the file ...

User ID: Columns 1-4
User Name: Columns 6-30
Type: 32-40
Permissions: 42-45

I want to use a scripting language, preferably C-Shell, to call MySQL for the data and write the data to the correct columns of the file. I wrote a script that takes the data from the file, and dumps it into the MySQL table, so maybe I can pad the remaining space in the table column to fill with spaces ...

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Programming :: File Renaming Based On A Pattern Match

Jan 8, 2011

What I am attempting to do is rename some television shows into the format that my PVR will understand for the naming convention. I have a script that cleans them up about 95%, now I just cant figure out the last little detail..

For example: NCIS_01.mkv
I think it can be done in sed, but I just figure out how. I need it to be renamed to: NCIS_s01e01.mkv

How can I make sed (or something else) match the last "_" and any numbers after it until the period and then insert text between them reliably?

Depending on the show, it can be something like: This_show_name_243.avi so I need it to be more flexible than I can figure out how to do..

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Programming :: Remove Many Lines Based On Content Of Other File

Jun 21, 2011

I a csv-file (A.csv) with a total of 4.600.000 lines. Thats to many and only a few is necessary. I have a txt-file with 150 lines (X.txt) (all lines is dataset from a mainframe and looks like abc.def.123.456. How do I remove lines from A.csv where none of the dataset from x.txt is present?

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Red Hat :: Count How Many Backups Are Successful/failed Based On The File

Jun 28, 2010

I just wanted to count how many backups are successful/failed based on the file. My file look like following..Quote:

# Directory Backup was successful on server1
# Directory Backup was successful on server2
# Directory Backup was failed on server3


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General :: Debian Based - Arch Based - What Is The Practical Difference?

Jun 7, 2010

I notice that on DistroWatch, the descriptions include "debian based", "arch based", etc. For the newbie, is there any practical difference between the different bases, or is it a Coke vs Pepsi type question?

Is a distro based on Debian say, easier for a newbie to learn or work with than say one that is FreeBSD based?

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