Software :: Make A "Hand Built" Installation A Distro?

May 17, 2010

I built the Debian system on my laptop from a Net install CD and installed the packages that I wanted.

Now it has come time that I need to build a new desktop computer (CPU's locking up on me after 6 years) and I would like to be able to turn my laptop Debian system into a Distro that I can load on the Desktop.

Is there a program to turn my laptop OS install into a installable distro, or do I need to do this by hand?

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General :: Getting Distro For A PC Built Somewhere In The 80s-90s

Jul 30, 2010

I considered puppy Linux, but it's not my taste. I don't like the Looks of the GUI. That's very important to me. If you need the computer make and model, here it is. It is a Gateway 2000 4DX2-66.

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Fedora Networking :: Make The Ethernet Connection By Hand In The Command Line Mode?

Apr 12, 2010

The GUI for network configuration of Fedora is marvellous such that the configuration is almost fool-proof. But how can I make the connection by hand in the command line mode? It goes okay except the very last step. When I disconnect the eth0 interface from the right-hand side of the desktop GUI, I tested how to bring it back by command line but I failed. When disconnected, the ifconfig still shows the eth0 interface, with just the ip address portion changed.

I tried "ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.xx" to give it an ip address but the connection is still down even if the ifconfig shows an ip address for the eth0 interface. Then I tried "/etc/init.d/network restart" and "ifup eth0" and also "route add defaut gw" but none of these could accomplish the same work as a single click on the GUI to connect. I am very curious about how to do it in the terminal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Make A Distro Of That Offers To Users The Files And Apps For Use With Mono?

Mar 11, 2011

I would like to see when installing ubuntu a choice for users to choose what they want installed on their system or not. I know for a fact that there are some like myself that does not want mono runtime files or mono apps on their linux box and when we try to uninstall all the files or apps that link with mono ends up breaking the linux box.

My question is why can't ubuntu make a distro of ubuntu that offers to users the files and apps for use with mono and a choice for those users to install ubuntu with out the mono files or apps. There are somne of us that think mono is as bad as .net and some of us want a linux box that runs linux and not window files or apps unless they can be written as pure linux code and not C# crap. I feel that C or C++ is the real way to write linux code and anything written in C# is windows and always will be windows. If they want to put more windows stuff on ubuntu, then they shouldn't be calling it linux..

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Ubuntu :: Any Option To Built Solution To Make Backup

Apr 20, 2011

As I checked some online backup solutions I have found information that all of this which I checked have only clients for Win or Mac. But I'm looking for solution with Linux client.As I have read some info on one of the Googled page Linux probably is ready for being an online backup solution as is.So my idea is to create automatic (in the background) backup of my files (photos and docs) with my outside hosting server. I have unlimited shared hosting server with ftp access. Is there any option to built such solution to make backup synchronisation between my Linux comp and shared hosting? What should I get to know to start with such option?

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Slackware :: Make 3.82 Can't Compile Newest Kernel With Firmware Built-in

Jul 30, 2010

after upgrading to make 3.82, I can not compile the newest kernel: 2.6.35-rc6-git5,it failed with:

GEN /home/aaa/tools/kernel/output/35/Makefile
CHK include/linux/version.h
CHK include/generated/utsrelease.h


Maybe 3.82 has some backward-incompatibility that breaks kernel compilation.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Restoring Left-hand-side Widgets?

May 13, 2010

Ignore, i'm an idiot... Is there no way to delete a thread I posted?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Left Hand Launch Bar Menu Not Visible?

Dec 2, 2010

The problem I am facing is the left menu launch bar is not appearing when I startup my machine. The top and bottom menus appear after running gnome-panel in a terminal, but it does not fix the left had side launchbar.If i click in the area where the launch bar is I can start some applications, and sometimes the bar will flash ever so briefly.I am really excited to move away from Microsoft, but I wont be able to until this last piece of the puzzle is fixed.My system details are as follows:

description: Notebook
product: 26684GG
vendor: IBM


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General :: Would You Make Your Own Distro?

Aug 22, 2010

I think that the logical conclusion of the greater self-reliance of Linux users is wanting to make one's own distro entirely. Using that Linux From Scratch distro, probably--at least if you're not a programmer. (I am guessing that if one knows the right programming languages, one doesn't even need LFS.) In an ideal world where we had the time and will for this, most or all of us would make our own distros. I'm interested, but it's much more work than I'm willing to do. Am I right?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Make ISO Image From Distro?

Apr 17, 2011

i am a new user on opensuse 11.4, i want to make an iso image from my current distro without my personal data,to share it with my Friends,just like "remastersys" program on Ubuntu,how can i do this? but please use a simple Language,because i am a Arabic user and i do not speak English very well.

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Ubuntu :: Can Make A Distro Using 10.10 ISO File

Jan 19, 2011

Can i make and release a distro using the Ubuntu 10.10 ISO file? (my distro will be using a different window manager and different programs).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dvd - Goes To Black Screen With Flashing White Bar In Upper Left Hand Corner

May 12, 2010

i thought i would give ubuntu 10.04 a try. So i downloaded the iso twice from two differant sources and burned to 2 diff dvd with diff burners and get the same problem. When i boot off of the disk i get the menu but whether i choose install are run live cd it just sits there for a sec are 2 then goes to black screen with flashing white bar in upper left hand corner and thats all it does. even tried my 9.10 disc which i know works. but it does the exact same. I have purchased a new video card since i last ran ubuntu and its the nvidia gtx 260 core 216. would that be whats causing my problems?

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General :: How To Make A Debian Based Distro

Aug 2, 2011

Ubuntu, Knoppix, etc are based on Debian.
What does that mean. How I can make my own distro based on debian.

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Software :: How Hard Would It Be To Make Custom Distro?

Feb 20, 2011

I would like to take say, CentOS5, customize it to my needs, then make an installer ISO for it.Basically I'd like it to be a next next next install, and it has everything already in it like sshfs, basic config files, and other custom stuff preconfigured. I tend to do all these things manually every time I install, and I'd like to just automate it all, and also not have to depend on an internet connection each time. How would How would I go about doing that? I don't want to just take a disk image, since then I'm restricted to that platform. I still want it to be a true installer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gnome Shell Replace Doesn't Work - No Application Launcher In Upper Left Hand Corner

Mar 4, 2010

So, supposedly Gnome Shell is available through synaptic. I just downloaded and installed it and then ran gnome-shell --replace. It doesn't work at all. I hit the windows key and get nothing and there is no application launcher in the upper left hand corner and Alt-f2 produces nothing at all. Alt-tab gives me the option of choosing the windows that were running when I ran gnome-shell --replace but nothing else works at all. Just a vast expanse of digital nothingness. Does anyone know why this might be? I have an nvidia video card (see sig below) and two monitors running from "twin view".

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OpenSUSE Install :: Make A Distro For Laptop In The Living Room?

Apr 7, 2010

Im kind a new to open suse, though I think its a very nice alternative to the ordinary Linux distroes.Recently I tried to make a distro for my laptop in the living room, -the only thing its supposed to do is play music, and be able to connect to the internet from time to time. However, I must have forgotten some packages or something, cause when I booted the engine after installing,-(wich btw went smooth:-)) -I cannot play any music, -getting some fail message. -Now iVE installed all the g-streamer packages and the totem player, what else do I need ???. -Have been looking through the packages, but I dont seem to find any other packages related that i think i shound use...

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General :: Want To Make Linux Distro Occupy Previous Window OS Space

Jan 30, 2011

When I first started with Fedora I tried a dual boot situation to see if Fedora 13 was going to meet my needs. After being totally satisfied I deleted Windows from my computer. How can I get Fedora to also occupy all the disk space Windows once occupied? I have a 15 GB USB drive to work with if needed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Qt 4.7.0 Built And Installed

Aug 13, 2010

I wanted to develop using some of the bleeding edge features of the new Qt framework, but there is no easy way to get 4.7.0 installed on lucid. The build is relatively easy with a few minor annoyances.

# first grab some general require packages
sudo apt-get install build-essential
# now grab the build deps for the current qt (mostly the same as for 4.7.0)
sudo apt-get build-dep qt4-x11
# need to grab some extra libs that are not build deps
sudo apt-get install libphonon-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev
# grab the source package from [URL]
wget [URL]

# now configure qt 4.7.0 with declarative support
# the annoyances here are all the extra includes that are required
# i am installing to $HOME/qt/qt-4.7.0 but feel free to change that
./configure -prefix $HOME/qt/qt-4.7.0 -I/usr/include/gstreamer-0.10 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -opensource -declarative -confirm-license -v 2>&1 | tee config.log
# build (takes a while)
# install
make install

If anyone out there knows of a PPA that is building Qt 4.7.0, please let me know. I would be interested to abandon building it manually.

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Fedora Installation :: Getting Sudo Insults To Work - Not Built Into The Rpm

Jan 21, 2009

I'm running into an issue on my fedora installations getting sudo insults to work. I'm fairly new to the distro, but in other distros, I just had to add insults to the Defaults line within visudo. Then I could sudo -K to reset my sudo session and it worked.

Since I installed sudo from yum, I suppose it's possible that insult support is not built into the rpm. I'm sure others got it working and I was hoping not to have to manually compile sudo with insults support as I don't want to break yum for updates/upgrades. If that's the only option, I'm more than happy to go that route, just would like it as a last resort.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching Hard Drive Newly Built Rig

Jun 26, 2010

I have just built a new machine and want to transfer my hard drive over to it, can i just plug it in and power up?, will ubuntu 10.04 detect the new hardware and reconfigure. if not whats the best way to backup the data and re-install.

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Fedora Installation :: Madwifi Wireless Drivers For Built In Atheros Adapter?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using LiveCD to test my laptop with FC 14. It booted from the LiveCD image last night, but my wireless didn't work. I need the madwifi wireless drivers for my built in Atheros adapter.

Can I download the latest and greatest madwifi drivers, compile them and use them while running from the LiveCD image?

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Debian :: How To Make A Debian-based Distro Like Pinguy OS

May 29, 2011

Anyone know how to make a distro like Pinguy OS? How do I rebrand it and add stuff like Pinguy OS. Or should I base it on Pinguy OS and remove stuff I don't want in Pinguy OS.

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General :: Distro - Nominate A Disastrous Distro From Past Or Present

Jan 9, 2010

nominate a disastrous distro from past or present that was simply AWFUL and what exactly was so bad about it?

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Networking :: Why Doesn't Distro 9.0 Setup Work For 13.1 Distro?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a linux box set up as a multi-purpose server for my home with three Windows client PC's. The linux box is based on a slightly modified Slackware 9.0 distribution using Linux 2.4.20 and an unfortinately old, slow AMD processor with a miserable 512Kb RAM. The linux box serves the CIFS file system to the Windows boxes, runs the SQUID HTTP proxy, the Apache web server, a print server, does masquerading, mail serving and a very effective firewall using iptables.

This system, although slow, has run perfectly for several years.Let me say that again - This system works perfectly.I had decided that now is the time to upgrade the hardware, so I bought a Gigabyte LGA775 motherboard which has two 1Gb network interfaces on it, an ASUS 256Mb PCI-E display card, 2Gb of DDR3 RAM, an Intel Core2-Quad processor and a bunch of 500Gb SATA drives to set up a RAID5 array (but I intend that the system boot off one of several 40Gb PATA drives I have).I set up the processor, motherboard, display card, RAM, a SATA DVD Drive and a 40Gb PATA hard disk in a "breadboard" layout and installed distro 13.1, being careful to set up the static IP for the local network, dhcpcd to get an IP address from the cable modem (my internet connection) and to enable ip_forward in the network configuration.

Then I installed a script invoked by /etc/rc.d/rc.local which installed all the SAME iptables rules as my old Linux box. There was one minor glitch when I had to change 8 occurrences of "-d ! $LOCAL_NET to" "! --destination $LOCAL_NET" but that was no problem. I also set up /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts , the BIND server files etc. etc. exactly as in the old box.

I am able to ping (this is at the heart of Australia's internet hub network - if it's down the whole bloody thing is down) and have the system find the correct IP from the designated nameservers and contact that server with a return trip time of 35ms. I am able to run a telnet session from one of the Windows boxes and edit files on the Linux server. So both network interfaces work and I've got them the right way around.I am able to run FTP on one of the Windows boxes and connect through to, although it seems to hang when I try a DIR (but then so does the old linux system).

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Vostro 1700 - Input Doesn't Work Correctly Neither Built In Microphone

Mar 20, 2009

I've installed fc10 but I got some problem with the audio driver for my Dell Vostro 1700. In particular line input doesn't work correctly neither the built in microphone, neither the line input. Is there a special driver?

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Ubuntu :: Editing Partitions By Hand?

Apr 26, 2010

I am looking to set up a separate /home partition and am getting somewhat confused. On an old system I practised resizing the partitions and feel reasonably confident in the mechanics.

Currently my drive is /dev/sda1 an ext4 file system with a mount point of / ;
/dev/sda2 and extended partition and /dev/sda5 a linux swap.

I propose to reduce the sda1 to about 10GiB for Karmic and allocate the bulk of the remainder to /home. It is this point that I start to have difficulty. I have seen screen shots which show a mount point of /home and for the life of me I have been unable so far to see how this is created. This has been further confused when looking at the subject in my latest copy of Linux Format (132) where it shows an example where dev/sda1 if NTFS, sda2 as ext3 and a mount point of /home, sda3 as ext4 and mount point of / finally sda4 being a Linux swap.

I wish at the end of the day to have Karmic as my OS with a separate /home partition with the view that once Lucid has settled down that I adopt it.

What I would like to know is how having reduced sda1 do I proceed. As sda1 is an ext4 file system should the /home be also ext4 or like the example in the magazine of ext3? How is the mount point for /home named? Finally should I attempt to have /dev/sda number sequentially or let things stick as at present I imagine that if I delete the current extended and swap before reducing the /dev/sda1 then that should get things to run in sequence.

I intend to use a live DVD to let me work with the partitions as this should be safer than messing about with my current partitions when mounted.

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Debian :: Compile Ffmpeg By Hand Want X264?

Mar 1, 2011

As I understand (and remember) debian does not package x264 with its ffmpeg. [I say remember because I have a debian-multimedia line in my sources.list that I believe I added when I wanted a x264 enabled ffmpeg]

Is this status still the same? Do we still need to compile ffmpeg by hand if we want x264?

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Fedora :: Using RPM Nvidia Drivers Or Building Them By Hand?

Aug 6, 2009

For a new project at work, I'm looking into building a processing farm of a few dozen Tesla 1U servers from Nvidia. This has lead us on to figure a way to let the developers run tests on their own workstations (with the appropriate gfx card).The cards we're looking at are Quadro FX 1800 or 3800's to provide quite a bit of poke.

Thing is, I'm having issues with running any Cuda code successfully on systems installed with the pre-built nvidia drivers from RPMFusion. I can only get code running if I download the nvidia or cuda drivers from nvidia and install by hand. Not something I'd like to be maintaining across all out developer workstations. Is anyone out there running Cuda on Fedora/RHEL5 platform? If so, are you using RPM nvidia drivers or building them by hand?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.5.8 Hiding Right Hand Text

Apr 8, 2010

In viewing some web pages, the right hand dozen or so characters are hidden unless the left-right scroll bar is used. When Firefox 3.5.8 32 bit is expanded to full screen on a 1920 pixel wide monitor on Kubuntu 9.10, Firefox changes the word wrap so the new dozen or so characters are STILL hidden, forcing me to use the left-right scrool bar.

There no longer appears to be any Word Wrap option. I tried several solutions Googled, including userContent.css hacks and a couple of add-ins, but they all appear to apply only to the preformatted tag. This is not a "pre" issue. The text in question is not inside the preformatted text tag, and the site CSS is not under my control.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Right Upper-hand Notifications?

Mar 17, 2011

I'm referring to the right upper-hand notifications (e.g when someone types on Pidgin or a DropBox mesage)

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