Software :: Easy Way Of Managing Virtual Mailboxes?

May 3, 2010

I have been tasked with setting up a server (Well 2 actually!) I have a test bed set u and configured the way i require it. The only thing i'm still missing is some sort of management for Virtual mailboxes. Currently using Postfix/Dovecot combination. Dovecot is using separate user and password files per domain, But I cant expect other people to be able to manage text files and commands to update users.

I have been looking at virtualmin for complete management, but am wondering about how restrictive it will be on the rest of the server.So the question, is there an easy way (Or easier) of managing virtual mailboxes? (Users/passwords can be stored however works best.Currently using Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 but server installation will be either 8.04LTS or 10.02?

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Server :: Postfix Management Web Interface For Virtual Mailboxes

Nov 7, 2010

I'm looking for a Postfix Management Web interface for user, domains, etc... The problem is I'm not using mysql for domains/users, so I can't use postfixadmin. I use virtual mailboxes as described here: [URL]

Basically all mappings are saved inside an /etc/postfix/vmaps file. The users/passwords files are in /home/vmail/passwd and /home/vmail/shadow. Users are in /home/vmail/$domain/$user

I searched for a web management tool that supports my config for weeks now, and can't seem to find any...

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Debian Configuration :: Make Mailboxes For Each Virtual Host On Server?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm using Debian 5 with Exim 4 on my VPS. My purpose is to make mailboxes for each virtual host on my server. What do I have: 1. Exim is set correctly - receiving mail from [URL]... is successfull. 2. Mail for [URL]... is delivered, and the mail for [URL]... too. But [URL]... is the site written to /etc/hosts (it's localhost), and [URL]... is virtual host. But mail from both boxes writes to /var/mail/mail. Now what do I need: 1. Make mail for [URL]... store in [URL].... and mail for [URL].. store in www/Maildir. 2. Make mailboxes like [URL].... to receive mail by Thunderbird. 3. Set passwords for [URL]... and [URL]... (I don't want to enter my system user/root passwords).

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Server :: Migrate Some Mailboxes Using Postfix?

Nov 8, 2010

I have postfix and mysql set up on one server running Ubuntu 6.10. I have to upgrade all them at their current versions and ensuring current email service on line. So, I installed in other machine the current versions of the same programs. The oldest server is the current MTA, the new machine is on line but I don't know where I should make changes that allow me move some mailboxes from one to other. I tried reassigning priorities in them MX's records but it didn't work.

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General :: Mutt Nested Mailboxes Navigation Possible?

Feb 18, 2010

I receive a lot of emails daily, and with the ever-growing amount of maildirs I'm in need to structure/optimize the browsing in mutt. My maildirs follow this naming scheme: .domain.category.sub_category

My goal is to break domain, category and sub_category into nested levels when browsing through the mailboxes. This is sort of achieved through the use of imap. But I stumble upon a few snags, so my questions are:

Is this nested mailboxes view possible by directly accessing ~/Mail and not using IMAP?
E.g. set folder="~/Mail" and set spoolfile="~/Mail/.INBOX"
When I start mutt I'm presented with all mailboxes available, which is what I want to get away from. I want to get directed directly into my default/main inbox like I do when accessing ~/Mail directly. How?

When hitting c (a defined macro, see configuration below) I again get presented with all the mailboxes available, and not the mailboxes at the current browsing level, e.g. mailboxes containing a specific category. To get this view I need to hit c+TAB. I've solved this by adding a <tab> to the c macro's. When finally getting mutt to present me mailboxes in nested levels they are only enumerated and not annotated with N, indicating new mail, or even better, total number of new mails in or under a folder. I know it's possible to define format on the different views, but is there one for this view? If so, which?

My mutt configuration:
set autoedit
set edit_headers
set reverse_name
set from='blapp'
set realname='Blapp'
set use_from .....

# Automatic viewing of html mail, but always prefer text/plain
set implicit_autoview
alternative_order text/plain text/html

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Server :: Moving Postfix Mailboxes To New Machine?

Apr 13, 2010

I am tossing my old machine with CentOS 5.4. I will be installing a new server with Debian 5.0. How can I move the POSTFIX data files and email accounts so that I can keep the users from losing all of their IMAP and unreceived POP3 email? Or, if that isn't available, how could I restore their mailboxes to the new POSTFIX once all of the accounts are re-setup on the new machine?

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CentOS 5 :: NFS - Mail Is No Longer Delivered To The Mailboxes

Oct 4, 2009

I recently started having a problem with Dovecot deliver on my mail server. Mail is no longer delivered to the mailboxes. The mail boxes are on an NFS share. I tracked this problem to the following system call:


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Software :: Importing Eudora (Windoze) Mailboxes Into Evolution?

Jul 20, 2009

I have recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 JJ on several ex-windoze/dual boot machines for my family. All has gone well apart from one niggle with email. We have used Eudora for years and been quite happy with it. Having looked at the Linux offerings I found the Evolution packaged with Ubuntu offered the most similar feature set (correct me if I'm wrong - I have not looked at a huge selection). All is well except for one or two little problems importing Eudora mailboxes -

1) all 'sent' mails seem to lose the date/time information - I have tried the import feature on Evolution and also manually moving the mailboxes. In both cases the messages are fine but no date information is carried over. Received mails are fine in both cases. This makes proper archiving very difficult.

2) mails lose the 'replied/reply' flags. Now the second is no big deal and may be a 'feature' of Eudora not implementing the Berkeley format correctly (or the feature doesn't exist anyway). The first however is a bit of a devil - if it is incorrect format by Eudora then shame on them.

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Fedora Servers :: Migrate Local Users And Sendmail Mailboxes?

Apr 21, 2010

I found 2 previous posts, one from 2005 and one from 2006. The 2005 post was not very helpful and the 2006 threads are not exactly what I was expecting. So I wanted to ask the question to be sure. I have already stood up the new fedora 12 server. The old server is also fedora 12. I need to migrate local users and sendmail mailboxes. In the past couple of years the environment was small enough to create a copy of the users and then have the users mail themselves, but I want to start migrating users/mailboxes properly.

On a unix level I am a jr admin, but I have extensive senior level experience as a windows engineer and network engineer. I do feel comfortable with using the unix command line, but usually operate the unix systems thru webmin because I am not familular with more complex commands. Ideally a software solution to migrate users and/or mailboxes from one server to another is what I am looking for, but in leiu of a software solution I still need to migrate user accounts and their mailboxes. LDAP is not in place, but if the process becomes easier with LDAP I am willing to do what is needed to set up LDAP. (I have no previous experience setting up LDAP)

I do not want to change my mail server from sendmail to different software. At least right now. Both systems are up and running. They can connect to each other via public ipv4 address' only. The new server has already been installed and configured with all the software to match the old server. How do I migrate users and sendmail mailboxes from one fedora 12 server to another fedora 12 server?

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Debian Configuration :: Local_parts_suffix - Exim Documentation To Allow Suffixes On Mailboxes For All Users

Feb 28, 2010

I'm trying to follow the exim documentation to allow suffixes on mailboxes for all users. For example, if user@domain is a mailbox, I want all mail directed to user-*@domain to be delivered user@domain. I've got the split-config-files option and have edited /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/600 to include local_part_suffix lines as follows:


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Fedora :: Managing Display Driver In 12?

Apr 14, 2010

How do I determine what graphics card I am using in Linux? In windows it's no problem, but I don't know how to determine such things as a) what hardware am I using? and b) what driver am I using? After determining which hardware my display is using, what is the best way to manage the drivers to ensure i'm using the most up to date version?

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Ubuntu :: What Program To Use For Managing Music

Jan 6, 2010

I'm looking for a program to manage my music, and if I keep using Banshee, I'm likely to break something in my house. All I want to do is edit file tags (like genre, artist, and album title) - but it won't let me do that. I can't edit the files directly - first I have to get them into the "library", and in order to do that, I can't drag and drop them - it forces me to actually open up the files (which plays them, and sticks them smack into the middle of the "library", and I then have to go searching/scrolling through the whole thing in order to locate them and then finally edit them). And after all this, spending like 4 hours doing all this, I find out that IT DIDN'T ACTUALLY EDIT THE FILES. It edited them in its own mind - for the duration that they were in the "library" - but it didn't make a change to the actual files.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Have Grub2 Managing Two Installations On Same PC?

Jan 27, 2010

Is there a way to have grub2 managing two installations from ubuntu on the same pc ?I have two partitions, one with karmic, another with lucid. Grub is detecting automatically the two or more kernels, but assigning them to the same root partition.Is there a way to make update-grub, detecting lucid kernel, and assigning it automatically to lucid partition, and the same for karmic ?It seems, that os-prober, detects the lucid installation from karmic, and print the correct corresponding partition on the screen, but in the config file, the root partition is the wrong one, and os-prober doesn't detect karmic...

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Ubuntu :: Managing Files Like PS3 With Tag Folders?

Apr 12, 2011

What I've noticed recently in file managing is that sometimes one file might fit multiple categories yet you must fit it into just one (without linking the file). It is most essential when managing an ebook library or a project library (for example have I placed a particular script under PHP_Scripts folder or CMS folder... I tend to forget).

What I'm looking for is a Tag categorization type of management for files. The PS3 file manager is a good example for this since I could make it generate folders by the artist's name, the year etc. for music files, then I would just navigate to the particular folder to find what I was looking for. Now my question is if such thing already exists as a nautilus extension or as a stand alone application... If not would you guys think it would be worth creating? If you do should it be approached as:

* A Nautilus extension? * or as a python script? For example one that creates a folder with folders in it, made up from the [nautilus] tags of the files you want to browse, then creates links of all the files [you wanted to browse] automatically to the appropriate tag folder[s] generated.

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Programming :: Managing Instances Of A Program?

Mar 23, 2011

I finished a program that connects to a remote server and does some stuff there for a while. What I want to do is to run several instances of the program to have different connections at the same time, and to be able to manage those processes automatically (for example, if the connection stops, detect it and reconect).

I guess I will have to use the pid of the processes and handle them somehow but I dont really know what to do because I haven't used c++ in a while and I never went that deep. All this will be running in suse, debian and/or yellowdog distros Maybe there's a tutorial or you guys know some tool that i can use,

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General :: Managing Iphone On Archlinux + Kde

Jul 19, 2011

I'm having a little issue managing my iphone on archlinux+kde. This is the only way I got it to sync.

sudo killall usbmuxd
sudo usbmuxd -f -v

And then the only program that recognices the device is Clementine and it works quite fine. What I'd like to do is to make that automaticaly, so I wouldn't have to do it everytime i turn on my computer.

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Server :: Best Script For Managing Bind?

Feb 22, 2011

Currently i using webmin,but it missing some important things like $variable -where $variable would be automatically replaced with added domain,and it's kind a strange since plugin for managing other dns server on webmin does that. Also i was not able to generate 100% correct all records,only partial,which make it useless since i was need to fully replace it anyway.So can someone recommend any script/tools for it?I would be even happy with combination of batch tools(which might be even best solution since then i would not need to bother with installing script). How my dns records look:

PHP Code:
$ttl 38400
@    IN    SOA root.localhost. (


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Software :: Managing Duplicated Files

Sep 11, 2010

I reckon I waste several tens of gigabytes of storage by holding unwanted copies of personal data and media files over very many partitions. Sometimes they will have identical names, dates and sizes. Other times they may be slightly different in terms of metadata but nonetheless essentially identical in respect of content. It is becoming a nightmare. Any suggestions for how best to get rid of these unwanted files?

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CentOS 5 :: GUI For Managing Users And Groups?

Mar 31, 2010

I have centos 5.4 installed (2.6.18-128.2.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jul 14 06:36:37 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux), and I am using WHM/Cpanel to manage my server. I am looking for a GUI utility, so I can graphically manage users/groups.

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Debian Configuration :: Roaming Wifi Without Managing App

Aug 23, 2010

I have finally weaned my laptop from network manager by setting up my /etc/network/interfaces file. # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface allow-hotplug eth0iface eth0 inet dhcp
# Wireless Setup auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wireless-essid linksysn

wireless automatically connects to my home wireless network (linksysn). But suppose I wanted to take this laptop to the coffee house where they have free wifi. I am assuming that my wireless will not automatically connect to any other wifi hotspot except linksysn. So how do i set it up to roam like NM did?

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Fedora :: Managing File Access (without Using ACLs)

Oct 10, 2009

I've been banging my head over this Linux assignment for a few hours now and just can't figure out a proper solution. Basically we're acting as a system admin for a fictional company, and we have to assign permissions to various directories based on groups. The Executive Group (exec) -exec-normal, exec-secure directories The Project Management Group (pm) The Design Group (design) -preliminary design (des-prelim) and Revised design (des-rev) directories. The End Users group (users) the following users must be made: exec1, exec2, pm1, pm2, des1, des2 ,user1, user2 all files from each group are stored in /home/docs/ The directory tree is as such /home/docs/{exec-normal,exec-secure,des-prelim,des-rev,share}


So what I thought of and tried to do was this: since people of different groups need rwx on same directories I decided to group those people up into their own groups and assign that group to the given directory. So for example design(des1,des2) and pm(pm1,pm2) both need to modify files in /home/docs/des-rev therefore I grouped these 4 users together in a group called GroupRev and made GroupRev the owner of the /home/docs/des-rev/ directory with the permissions drwxrws--- and this works for those users and all but 'users(user1,user2)' need to be able to view docsuments in /home/docs/des-rev as well and if I set the others permission then the WORLD has those permissions. and this problem is consistent in my planning. With this idea I grouped exec1, exec2 into GroupExec and des1, des2, user1, user2 into GroupPrelim and assigned the groups to the proper directories.

so currently my permissions are pretty much the same for each directory drwxrws--- and with this each user can modify files in directories they're supposed to.. but if users from another group need to view documents in another groups directory, they can't. I can't use ACL's and must do it this way. I guess all I'm really asking for here is a push in the right direction.

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Ubuntu :: Managing / Adding Users In Lucid?

May 7, 2010

Basically if you go through System > Administration > Users and Groups then I do not get prompted for a password, I cannot see the root account, nor can I add/modify other accounts.

I understand that Ubuntu has now moved away from allowing the root account desktop access which is ok by me even though it's very much in line with something Apple would do. (odd that this comes right after Ubuntu went all apple style with the default theme too.) However, I would like to add other accounts to the machine, for my wife and anyone else i choose for example. Anyways, pushing the "add" button does nothing. Thankfully the "help" button did work which allowed me to do the following workaround.

I managed to get around this by working through the command prompt, open terminal:

user> sudo -i
type in your password
root> users-admin

This allows the addition of accounts, also seems it allows the root account to be enabled though I haven't bothered to test it. The one thing I'll say is that it runs VERY SLOW!

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Ubuntu :: Stop Nautilus From Managing The Desktop?

Nov 5, 2010

How does one go about stopping Nautilus from managing the desktop? I want to use Conky, but every time I click on the desktop, it disappears. (Don't refer me to the supposed fixes by changing "own_window_type" because that's not what I want, it doesn't work) I don't use my desktop for any icons and I have no wallpaper, it's just #131313. Does anyone know how I can eliminate the file manager from managing the desktop so I may use Conky? (I have had similar problems on different distros with different file managers controlling the desktop, so I assume stopping Nautilus from managing the desktop will solve it this time)

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Ubuntu :: Managing Pairs Of Web Pages And Folders?

Dec 20, 2010

Is there any way to manage pairs of Web pages and folders as one does in windows? it is a handy feature

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Managing Music In An Ipod?

Mar 23, 2011

I have two machines running ubuntu 10.10, one which acts as a media server to which i connect with the other (laptop) using ssh. All of the music is on the media server and I mount it with samba on the laptop.

I want to be able to manage music in my ipod (a very old one, probably G1 or G2) but I can't seem to make it work...

When I connect it to the laptop it looks ok, and the ipod is visible in Rhythmbox but I can't add music to the ipod, not sure why, maybe because all of my music is on the server and not local? If I try to sync the ipod and my library it says that there's not enough disk space since the library is far bigger than the capacity of my ipod.

When connected to the server, I mount the ipod but the Rhythmbox just don't display it. I checked in the plugins and the ipod support is enabled.

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Ubuntu :: Managing GRUB Between Two Seperate Installs?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a client who asked me to setup two seperate installations of Ubuntu on his system for him; the intention being that he would have a fall back strategy in the event he screwed something up with the primary install. We have two seperate partitions set aside for each respective distro's / (root) and a large partition that both OS's mount as /home.

Thinking about this just now I have a feeling that what I should have done was added one more tiny partition to house /boot for both OS's. Would that have been the best thing to do? What is happening right now is both / partitions have a /boot folder and the MBR is mounting the secondary /boot folder (from Ubuntu #2) to run GRUB at the startup. The menu list of this /boot folder is giving priority to the instance of Ubuntu we had intended to function as the backup because the size of it's partition is much smaller. Well anyway, I'm going to guess the best way to fix this is to have a /boot partition that both OSs can share, but I don't know how to change the current configuration for both systems to do that.

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Software :: Managing Source Installed Package With APT?

Mar 30, 2011

Kubuntu ships by default with a crippled K3b that won't rip DVDs to video files. Therefore I followed the instructions here to install it from source against libdvdread-dev. Now KPackageKit is continuously bugging me about 5 updates: k3b, k3b-dbg, libk3b-dev, libk3b6, and libk3b6-extracodecs. If I let those be "updated," I just get the binary versions of the same versions, without DVD ripping capabilities. Is there a way to get DVD ripping in k3b without APT continuously wanting to "update," it away?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Managing Software Raid Arrays?

Jun 10, 2011

With mdadm was only able to add a new drive to the using the --force function. I do not feel comfortable with using the function that way though. When I remove a disk in VMWare, it perfectly says that the drive is lost and the array is degraded (mdadm --detail /dev/md0). Although after re-adding the drive, it immediately shows device as busy for both mdadm and sfdisk when I don't use --force.

Recovery and repairation of degraded array worked fine with sfdisk --force, mdadm --add --force, it automatically started recovering and took not so long. What are best practises to manage software raid-1 arrays?

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General :: SNMP For Managing Machines Remotely?

May 24, 2011

I just narrowly passed another exam on UNIX Academy. Their DVDs are incredible. While I made some mistakes here and there.I was really stumbled upon a question that was formulated something like "SNMP for managing Linux machines remotely".I can't remember the exact definition. I'm not sure what it was about.I was under impression that SNMP it is a carrier protocol for commands like "ping" and "traceroute". I was trying to read about it online but it is way too broad and technical, they're loosing me on very first page. I suspect there's some kind of product or technology that uses SNMP in some way to handle Linux, I'm not sure.

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OpenSUSE :: Tex Live Manager Installation And Package Managing?

Feb 10, 2010

I installed Texlive from Yast2. Everything is ok, but the managing of new packages.The standard installation provides no package managing, and guides don't say very much about how to get it. I'm new in Gnu/Linux OS, such Opensuse, and I don't know quite nothing about the shell (or terminal? -sorry for my English knowledge).I'm now trying to install the package named "parallel" in Texlive. How can I do without a graphical interface? Can I get an app similar to Miktex package manager?

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