Programming :: AWK (or TCL/TK): Matching Rows And Columns Between Multiple Files?
May 26, 2011
I've been hitting my head against a wall for awhile with this one:As the last part of some data analysis I performing I would to construct a matrix from a series of different files. These files have the format:
file 1 file 2 file 3
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Aug 10, 2009
I bet this is a Perl one-liner (or very simple python script).I have a tab separated files in which each row looks like:Unique_Eight_Character_Sequence [3 tabs] data1~moredata1~moredata1 [3 tabs] data2~ moredata2~ moredata2 ... dataN~.The output file should have each column converted into a row (with the unique character sequence copied in for the first column), and then each "~" replaced by a comma.
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Jul 18, 2011
In linux terminal; how can we get the number of rows ad columns from linux kernel? I tried from environment variables(LINES,COLUMNS) but, I could not retrieve them as my editor program is a child process to linux terminal process.
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Aug 27, 2010
I have been messing with a2ps in order to print a text file I have that has 130 columns by 80 rows per page. It appears that a2ps automatically scales the number of rows based upon the number of columns I try to print.The file prints properly for the columns but a2ps scales the rows to be 97 rows per page. So the 80 rows print but the next 17 rows are blank. It is not scaling the font for for 80 rows.
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Jul 29, 2011
I would like to transform rows into columns from a file in bash.
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Jun 28, 2010
I need to create an out put file, last two columns as a row of data (using the first columns as heading) with the file name as first row. For an example the out put file should look like; system_name,0900_in,1000_in,1100_in,1200_in,1300_in,1400_in,0900_out,1000_out,1100_out,1200_out,1300 _out,1400_out
I need to run a script to do above conversion. Need your help.
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Feb 23, 2010
I have a folder with only 24 files named <number>.dat (i.e. 4.dat, 6.dat and so on) where <number> is between 0 and 256. Each file has just two columns of data and nothing else.
I'm trying to combine all the second columns ($2) together. I've been fiddling around with getline and so far have
awk '{ getline ln < "6.dat" ; print ln" "$2 }' 4.dat
which takes file 4.dat and adds $2 from 6.dat, but I want a single command to take each $2 from every file and add them to (for example) 4.dat (having $1 from 4.dat is no problem). A command that takes every file in the folder and grabs $2 and places them in a common file would be ideal. Frankly I can work around if you combine both columns from every file.
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Sep 22, 2010
I'd like to extract a single column from 5 different files and put them gether in an output file. I saw a similar question for 2 input files, and the line of code workd very well, the code is:awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$2; next} {print a[FNR], $2}' file1 file2I added the file3, file4 and file5 at the end, but it doesn't work. Does anyone know what do I have to do?
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Dec 20, 2010
I want to merge columns (selectively) from several files and create a new file with the merge output. I saw some suggestions to use pr/paste to join the columns and then awk to pick-up the columns.
pr -m -t -s file1 file2 | gawk '{print $4,$5,$6,$1}'
But I have hundreds of files and I cannot manually pick up columns using awk as given in
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Mar 4, 2010
if there's a tab-delimited file under /usr/desktop, how can I determine the number of rows and columns of the file in shell?And, if told the the 3rd column of the file contains only numerical values and all values in the 5th column are unique, how can I verify these in shell?
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Jun 9, 2010
I highlight a column by selecting "D" > format cells > background > I select a color and press OK. But the color on the document remains the same.
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Feb 23, 2010
the color from the table I insert? All I want to do is insert a basic table with 6 columns and 3 rows. I get that, but it has a gradient blue color.
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Nov 10, 2009
Each line of the file I am sorting is in the following format:
<url> <month> <day>
For example:
I wrote the following to sort:
$in = shift;
The script worked fine for my small testing files, but failed in my input file. The input file is 18MB and containing more than 300,000 lines. The output will contains some lines like that:
url_one 10 1
url_two 10 1
url_three 10 3
url_four 10 1
Is that because my file is too big for perl to handle ?
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Oct 19, 2010
I have this complex log file filled with entries like
test1-G1/0/0-100-QOS-7001923-ROUTING (ClassMap)
Action: Resolved New
sysName: test1.local
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Aug 16, 2010
I have written a regular expression (tested in regexpal and regextester alpha something) with which I want to replace something like code...
but it only matches functions which occupy one line only, despite my tests showing multiple line matching in javascript testers online and using the m and s flags (which should make it multi line no?)
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Aug 16, 2010
I have a problem - I have files with rows of data and I need to check if the next row (of the same type) has the NEXT date in it so I need to extract a date in YYYYMMDD format from a row (easy enough) then add one day to it and compare it to the the next date I encounter on a subsequent row.
So if I have
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Apr 13, 2011
I have 2 very long files which are quite similar:
I need this output:
If the fields 3 (serie) and 4 (modello) are identical, the lines of the 2 files should be "added":
If the fields 3 (serie) and 4 (modello) are different, just print the line of both files:
Is there a way to do this without reading the (huge) files with a "while read line" loop?
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Jul 12, 2009
Is there a way, preferably in python or BASH, to rename files from a list? for instance, track1.mp3, track2.mp3 should be renamed to the names stored in a file listing song names. I have tried to loop a variable through directory listing and renamed them, only to find that filenames with spaces can't be assigned to a variable as a whole. To solve the problem above, I have tried the read command in BASH, which enables the program reading line by line from a list. However, It was failed to pipe the results from directory listing to the read command.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have two table files with x (1st column) ,y (2nd column) coordinates and intensity (3rd column). I need to match these two tables and divide the intensities at the consecutive coordinates on the 3rd column. The problem is the size of the tables are not same and I want to ignore the lines if they are not in one of the other file.
Here is Table 1:
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Apr 7, 2011
I need to transpose a file with over a 1000 rows of 5 columns of numbers into a file with a single column of numbers. The numbers are separated by a single space and range from one digit to 5 digits each. I tried using awk, but can only get it to grab one column of numbers.
1 2 3 4 50
600 7 8 9000 10
11 12000 13 14 15
Desired output:
Tried using: awk '{split($0,a,""); print $NF}' <filename> and got:
It only grabbed the last number in each row.
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Feb 4, 2011
I installed gDevilspie and am using that to configure it, and I have Compiz running with a 2x2 viewport layout (2 horizontal and 2 vertical viewports).I have Devilspie working beautifully for any application that is assigned to either viewport 1 or 2. However, if I try to set them to viewports 3 or 4, the viewports on the bottom, Devilspie does not do anything.Devilspie does not give me any errors when I run it from the terminal. What I've noticed is that it only seems to work with horizontal viewports. I changed the viewport layout from 2x2 to 4x1 (so they were all on a single row), and then setting viewports 3 and 4 worked beautifully. However, with a 2x2 layout, I can only use viewports 1 and 2.
Furthermore, I noticed that if I had an application set to, say, viewport 1 (e.g., Firefox), then it would open in viewport 3 if I was currently viewing viewport 4. In other words, it's treating my viewports as if I have two sets of viewport 1 and viewport 2; one set on the top row, and the second on the bottom row.I'm not sure what's causing this, or if there's some sort of trickery that needs to be done to make the bottom row of viewports work, but any help would be appreciated.In case it's needed, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10, devilspie 0.22, gdevilspie 0.5, and compiz 0.8.6. Pasted below is one of the problem scripts (note that if I were to set it to viewport 1 or 2, it would work fine).
; generated_rule XChat
( if
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Dec 19, 2010
I was trying to do a school assignment in LaTeX. The assignment involves having the page split into three columns: the first column is for the quote, the second is for a reaction, and the third is for questions. These columns must be able to break in the middle of a row. I was trying to accomplish this using LaTeX.
First, I tried the longtable environment, but that would not allow me to pagebreak in the middle of a row. Then, I tried parcolumns, but for some reason, the second "row" had a huge space between the first two words. Does anyone know of an environment suitable for this kind of work?
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Aug 18, 2010
I am having a souce file (say SOURCEFILE) as below with 5 columns and many rows.
pol name status loan address
123 aaa 21 100 RJY
234 bbb 31 200 RMY
345 ccc 21 300 SJY
456 ddd 41 400 pqr
i want to compare the file (say COMPAREFILE ) which is below :
I need the following output file (sayOUTPUTFILE) as below :
( ie for file COMPAREFILE i need column 2, column 4 ie name and loan from source file )
ie output file required is to be like below :
123 aaa 100
345 ccc 400
Till now iam using the following method.
1. cutting column 2nd column
2. again cutting 4th column
3. in third, step merging the 2nd and 4 th column.
method of writting single line command or any awk programme to do this in one step.
I need output file (say OUTPUTFILE) as below
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Jul 27, 2011
I've searched everywhere and I can't come up with a good solution. For each line I need to find the average, min, and max. I've seen plenty of solutions where the number of columns is fixed, unfortunately for me these lines can get pretty large. My thought was to read each line individually into an array, loop through the array and find the avg, min, and max that way but i haven't had much luck. I can read each line using a while loop but I'm having trouble with the array part, or perhaps that's not the best solution?
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Apr 3, 2011
How can i concatenate rows of 2 files.
How want file3 to be like?
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Aug 21, 2010
I would like to compare to mysql rows as follows:
Select count(*) from stocks2.historical where close*1.05 < (select open from stocks2.historical where date = date_add(date,interval 1 day))
and year(date)=2010;
The problem is with the "date" in bold... i want that date to be the date of the previous row. is there a way to do that purely with mysql? (naturally, i can write a script to go through and compare each date; what i'm asking for is a mysql solution.)
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Oct 27, 2010
In placing array data into while statement that will be looped to recreate more lines as information is populated.
unfortunately i'm not getting this to work.
PHP Code:
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Apr 18, 2011
Does anyone have a solution for merging files if the number of rows in the two (or more) files is non-equivalent.To exemplify, how about merging the following 3 files:
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Jun 17, 2010
I've been looking though different editors for one that has good printing support. Ideally it should be able to print C++ code with line numbers, syntax highlighting, multiple columns per page, customizable fonts and sizes and a print preview feature so that I can make sure it looks right before sending it to the printer. It appears that notepad++ had at least some of these features, but it is not available on linux. The best I could do so far is to copy/paste the output of 'cat -n foo.cpp' into oowriter and format it into two colums. I don't get synax highlighting though and I have to manually replace tabs with a few spaces as well as some excessive leading spaces before the line numbering.
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Apr 6, 2010
How can I delete selected rows of a table in perl/CGI??
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