Software :: Desktop Effects Killed Boot Sequence On Fedora 11
Mar 10, 2010
I Just clicked on the Desktop Effects menu item and the system rebooted and now I can only log in through a tty. I have to use "startx" to get X to start up then I seem to have no file manager.
It seems Desktop Effects and my nvidia driver don't play well.
I am attempting to boot Ubuntu off of a USB drive. The USB drive was created via the USB creator in the .iso file dowloaded from Ubuntu. But for some reason when I go into my BIOS and boot from the USB drive, it spits out one line of syslinux and copyright information ending in "et al" and then a flashing cursor but doesn't go any further. I would provide a screenshot but that isnt an option at the moment with not being able to get past the first line of booting. Also, I have never used Ubuntu as this is my first attempt at running it and it is obviously not going the best.
Since the yesterdays updates the boot process lasts terribly long of my Fedora 12 on a x86_64 system. It lasts about 10 minutes or longer. The strangest thing is that if I press keys (any of them) it goes faster (about 1 minute). There are no errors or other things which might be the reason for such a behaver.
fedora install, system with 2 hdd's. 1st xp os 2nd will be xp pro and fedora.question is how to set up the boot sequence so that i can boot from any of the 3 os's?
I have been enjoying Fedora 11 for sometime, and decided to try Fedora 12. All in all it is working, but the boot sequence seemed much slower. I decided to use bootchart to examine the boot process on my old F11 and new F12 installations. The result show F11 booting in ~34 seconds, and F12 booting in ~57 seconds. Interestingly, the first 30 seconds show that only kthreadd, khelper, and ata/0 are running. CPU and disk utilization are both zero during this 30 seconds span, then all of a sudden everything starts loading, CPU and Disk utilization spike up, and ~23 seconds later I get to the login screen. I sent an email to Harald Hoyer about this, and to my surprise he was kind enough to respond. He suggested I check the BIOS to make sure I had disabled the floppy drive, which I did. The problem persists, so I was wondering if anyone here was having a similar issue and if so how they have dealt with it. I have blacklisted the floppy module (just to make sure)
I've sucessfully installed Fedora 11 into a SunVirtualBox machine, but I would like to elimate from the boot sequence the GUI Startup. If I need it I could invoke the GUI from the command line. How I coud get this?
I need to do a NFS mount after my PC boot up. So I put an entry in root's cron to do it:
@reboot /bin/mount sun:/mynfs /mnt/sun/mynfs
The mount occasionally fails. But when I manually mount after booting, it always succeed. So I suspect maybe the cron sometimes got executed before the network was started?
Is there a way to delay the mount until after the boot sequence finishes? You know, other than put the command in a script and add a sleep in front of it?
I've been fiddling about with vortexbox (the one before 1.4 I think), for a while. This is a music ripping and server rpm setup using Fedora 11 as the base.
As it was on a test machine, decided to try changing the logical volume sizes of LogVol00 and LogVol02 to fit a few more cd's on 02 before getting a new pc (just to see how it works).
Logged on and opened up the graphic version of lvm (using gnome). Then selected the LogVol02 logical volume, select edit, changed name to LogVol02-Storage, saved and logged out. Rebooted vortexbox since then its been unable to start properly (is this a kernel panic?).
Read up a lot on lvm on the net, have access to Fedora 11 disk 1, so logged on. Eventually managed (I thought to) to change LogVol02-Storage to LogVol02 using lvrename.
However, still refuses to boot completely.
The message it gives is as follows (sort of): Welcome to Fedora Press '1' to enter interactive startup
Setting up Logical Volume Management: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group 'VolGroup00' now active
*** An error occurred during file system check. *** Droping you to a shell; the system will reboot when you leave the shell.
Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue):
Loving vortexbox appart from this. Will it be easier just to reinstall everything? If so, is there a way of listing all the changes I've done so I can reproduce (I'm thinking of just looking at all the commands I ran on the CLI).
Otherwise, is there a way of listing all of the commands I ran in terminal and piping them into a file so I can see what I need to do to rebuild after reinstalling?
fter I enable the desktop effects on KDE, everytime that I login in to a session,KDE crash.... Im just gettin a black screen.My question is. Can I turn off the desktop effects by editing a file? if so, which file do I need to edit.... and where is the extensive directory tree i can find a the file that holds information about kde crashing "error file or log file" were I can get more info in what is happening with KDE and find out why is crashing.
Desktop Effects could not be enabled. Also, I'm not having any luck installing Catalyst drivers. After installing Catalyst driver for the right kernel version, Xorg goes corrupt when starting up.Kernel: card: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3450$ glxinfo | grep renderdirect rendering: YesOpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
I have installed Fedora 12 on my laptop (Lenovo X61s) and now I have some problems with my OS. Please help me to config my machine.Currently I can not enable Desktop Effects any more. I receive this message: "Accelerated 3D graphics is not available. Desktop effects require hardware 3D support."
I'm sure that I could enable the functions of compiz when I used fedora 11 and Fedora 12-beta on my laptop before.Besides, when I represent my slides, I can not see my screen on my laptop any more. It's dark. When I used Fedora 12-beta, I can see my screen and another screen for my representation.Is my Fedora lack of some necessary packages? Is it necessary to reinstall the VGA driver? How can I do?
I just installed Fedora on my system. What should I do to get some nice desktop effects?Is there something that needs to be installed? or do I need to change some settings?
I've just recently come back to Fedora from OpenSuSE, where all of my compositing worked beautifully before my hard disk took a big dump. Now that I have Fedora 13 installed, I've gone through the ridiculous hassle of eliminating nouveau so that my NVIDIA drivers can do all the work. Everything seems fine except that some of the animations of desktop effects are very slow and choppy. For example, the minimize window animation looks great, but upon un-minimizing, the animation gets choppy and slow. Same with the slide animation for the dialogue windows. Transitions of the desktop cube work just fine. Show windows animation works good on zoom out, but zooming back in is slow and choppy.
I'm quite puzzled here. Originally I used the NVIDIA driver from rpmfusion. I've had troubles before (with OpenSuSE) with the version in the repos, so I tried installing the latest version from the NVIDIA website. No changes though.
After I updated to KDE 4.5.3 in Fedora 13 I've had 2 things stop starting up when I boot up. They were working fine before the KDE update.
The first is desktop effects. I turn it on, but once I reboot then desktop effects are disabled again. When I turn them on I get a KWin message that it has been turned off by another application. How can I find out which application that is and why?
The second is Yakuake, which I want to start automatically when I boot up. I don't see where I can set it up to start automatically (and I don't remember how I did it before, or if it was automatic when I installed it).
UPDATE: I just found the autostart configuration and added Yakuake. It worked, now it runs whenever I start.
I am trying to active desktop effects but when i click resume desktop effects the kwin says : desktop effects have been suspended by another application I am using Kde & fedpra 14
I have installed Fedora 14 on an old Pentium IV with 1 GB of RAM to experiment with. I enabled desktop effects and now I cannot log on to KDE. The computer freezes while loading the KDE Desktop environment.Any ideas on how I can fix this via the command line?
how I can make desktop effects work on F11. it used to work on F10. Now I get the garbled screen every time I enable it on gnome.Google search said to disable the metacity composite manager using gconf-editor but I'm not sure I know how to do it. When I type in gconf-editor it just opens a blank configuration screen . It would be better if someone one can help me how to do it probably on the command line, also what is the equivalent of xorg.conf on F11.
Does anyone know where the file is or what the name of the file is that is used for the top of the desktop cube when desktop effects is enabled? This is the Fedora logo that is displayed by default.
I am running F11 and want to spanky up my Gnome desktop a little by adding the desktop effects. When I try to enable it, my screen flickers then returns simply "unable to enable effects".I don't know where to go from here, I tried to google this but the 15 billions hits made me weep.One link seemed to provide some hope but after following the instructions, things went totally wrong and screwed up my X server; this could be because at first I didn't realise but a default install of F11 puts the PAE kernel on.
When trying to set up desktop effects with Compiz I get this message: Accelerated 3D graphics is not available Desktop effects require hardware 3D support.
I have used Fedora 10 last year and the 3D effects worked fine. I have a Nvidia Geforce 6100 video. I also have another hdd on the PC with Mandriva 2010 which I use and the 3D compiz effects work fine. I'm running Omega 12. Isn't it Fedora 12 w/ codecs added? isn't video detection the same?
i 'am try to enable desktop effects for compiz .., but i get this message Accelerated 3D graphics is not available Desktop effects require hardware 3D support.
My laptop is Hp Mini notebook 2133 im using Fedora 13,
Has anyone in here had the luck to enable desktop effects with GeForce 7300 sametime installing the proper geforce 7300 drivers on a twinheaded monitors? Twinheaded meaning im on a dual head monitors.Can't seem to have desktop effects working. I was able to install the nvidia drivers vi installing the rpmfusion repo's and installing kmod-nvidia-PAE.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686. Rebooted and it worked, Now when i try System>Prefs>Desktop Effects i get "Accelerated 3D graphics is not available. Desktop effects require hardware 3D support".
How to speed up the menu "fade" (or get rid of it all together) in desktop effects? I need a composite manager for docky but the slower response on menus annoys me as they have to fade in and out. Anyone know which key in apps -> compiz I should change? Is it one of the plugins or one of the general keys?
I am running Fedora 14 x86_64 with KDE and I cannot enable desktop effects. My graphic card is : 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] (rev a1
I get this Bug report when trying to run Desktop settings from the menu:
Code: warning: section .gnu.liblist not found in /var/cache/abrt-di/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/93/99abcf4da713fff800d716589479f03cdab6de.debug warning: section .dynbss not found in /var/cache/abrt-di/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/93/99abcf4da713fff800d716589479f03cdab6de.debug warning: section .gnu.conflict not found in /var/cache/abrt-di/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/93/99abcf4da713fff800d716589479f03cdab6de.debug