Software :: Bash Input Control - Different Numbers ?
Mar 18, 2011I'm making an bash script.
As input you can input different numbers from 1 to 3.
Depending from the input a text shows up.
I'm making an bash script.
As input you can input different numbers from 1 to 3.
Depending from the input a text shows up.
I would like to create a small C tool. I encounter a problem of how to make a function to check an input chars contains numbers (started from the second element).
Some samples:
char *mychar= "a3547"; (The result of function checking this is true)
char *another_char = "t6548"; (The result of function checking this is true)
char *next_char = "appl3"; (The result of function checking this is false)
char *new_char = "b1aa3"; (The result of function checking this is false)
I would like to know how to make a script that can check that i input 3 letters and 3 numbers in some field.
i am completely noob in this programming scene, but think its quite interesting.
Have this script which is reading in a series of files, one at a time with while-do-done loop, each file goes through various greps/awk's where this info is then saved to various files for later use. i.e....
Script is being run on Linux Red Hat,
In one of the grep/awk's the output (currently) are 2 columns (min max), i.e....| awk '{print $1, $2}' | sort -u which outputs (e.g.)
The number of "min max" pairs varies from file to file. Want to output a single column of unique numbers from the min max pairs & get the number of them for input to a file...i.e...
Where <PROCESS> is some process/technique that will generate a single column of integers (increment of 1) to pipe into the next one (sort -u)
i.e. (example from above)
Have tried command seq - only works for single pair input i.e.
Is there any command like seq etc which will output a single column based on a input of min max numbers (increment 1) to pipe onwards to next command?
Our assignment is to take in two numbers and add them. While the inputs will always be numbers, we are to inform the user if they are doing it wrong. My code:
The code worked fine before I tried to idiot-proof it. I'll probably end up nesting the if statements checking if the first two inputs are not null, but I'm more annoyed at why the script isn't working.
For eg: $NUMBEROFPASSES=6.19 to round up I use NUMBEROFPASSES=$(printf %.0f $NUMBEROFPASSES) What I need to do is round up from eg: 6.10 to be 7 and if lower than 6.10 round down to 6
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm learning shell scripting using bash and I want to generate 4 floating point number with 5 decimal places and write them to a file and a variable. I've done all this except the $RAMDOM enviroment variable does not generate a float number but a integrer.
I have lines in some files that look exactly as below, and the line numbers they occur in are always the same. (Lines 136-139)
W 0.00000000 0.00000000 2.00000000
W 0.50000000 0.50000000 2.50000000
W 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.00000000
as a result of a find command, i have
852065 72: /bin/gunzip
852065 72: /bin/gzip
852065 72: /bin/zcat
(the first column is inode number and the second is size if you're curious)
I want to be able to format it in a way such that:
852065 72:
I know I can get the bottom half using awk- but I can't figure out how to extract the first set of numbers and get them to appear only once
I have a directory with files like this:
And what I'd like is to have the files renamed like this:
How could I code it so that it removes the numerical part of the filename (at the beginning), even with different patterns (like the 01 - artist vs the 01-artist)?
I just need to perform a simple operation of subtracting two numbers - that aren't whole numbers, i.e 200.56 - 67.24attempting to use expr i merely get "expr: non-numeric argument"
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have to read a couple of numbers from a random.txt file. In this .txt file there are random numbers. They are separated by a space. Example if you opened test.txt:
test.txt :1 6 1 3 6 8 10 2 4
I would like to read those numbers using CAT and store them into an array:
numlen=${#num[*]} - (must be like this because it is a part of a larger program)
Am running Ubuntu 9.10 with Skype 2.1. Incoming video comes in as a small window, with no capability of resizing. I don't see a way to control the size.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've got an Emprex 3009URF remote control which I'm using to run XBMC and whilst it works fine for the most part there are a couple of things that I can do with a keyboard/mouse that I'm unable to do with the remote, for instance "right clicking" with the mouse that brings up a context menu, that is totally inaccessible from the remote.
Some things I was able to fix by editing .xsessionrc as instructed by another post elsewhere on the tubes, in the format of:
xmodmap -display :0 -e keycode 127 = space
however I don't know how to find the keycode and I don't know how to map that to a right click event.
I have a program that I run from the terminal that requires manual input (it's matlab in mex debugging mode, matlab -Dgdb, which starts the GNU C debugger with its own custom settings).
Every time I run this program I always type in the same few commands in the program's interactive shell before I actually start working (for example: run -nojvm; stop at mexFunction; continue). I want to avoid typing these commands and I thought I could do this with shell scripting, saving the commands in the mycommands file, then running: myprogram < mycommands
The problem is that this runs all the commands and then exits the program. I want it to run the commands and return control to me so I can run my commands. Is there a way to tell the shell to use a file or a string as the input to a program then immediately return control to the user without the exiting the program?
I created a system restore file.
And hav tried out:
Code has been streaming past for ages. Longer than a fresh install!
I'm wondering if i've done something to create a cycle?
How and should i interupt it? If i ctl alt F7, will it take me back to Desktop?
Ubuntu is perfect for me, except that i have to dual boot sometimes to windows 7 for the one application that wont run in a virtual environment (LockDown Browser, and occasionally onenote). Except, i cant find tablet control features in Ubuntu, to change input devices (the touchscreen is awful, but I cant turn off the option to use finger as an input device. Also, when i boot to windows 7, the mouse track pad/left and right click doesn't work (they work in Ubuntu)? The keyboard does, and so does my stylus (which I have to use as a substitute)
View 7 Replies View RelatedNow, I have one script called "defcon" defcon gets the current DEFCON level and outputs it using echo.
DEFCON=`curl -s | sed -n '/^$/!{s/<[^>]*>//g;p;}' | sed '/^$/d' | grep '[12345]$'`
echo "The current DEFCON level is $DEFCON"
The second script ("tweet") updates my twitter account.
curl -s -u USER:PASS -d status="$@" > /dev/null
What I want to do is be able to update my twitter account with the current defcon status (this is really more of a learning thing than something I actually want to be doing). The original script for tweet replaced $@ with $1, but if I use:
tweet `defcon`
it only uses the first word in the string, similarly if I used $2 or $3.So I changed it to $@. The normal function still works, but typing:
tweet `defcon`
updates twitter with nothing.
EDIT I should mention the /dev/null is there to catch the output of curl, otherwise it won't run silently. It still updates twitter normally with the send to /dev/null
i can input chinese in vim ,gvim,gedit ,and also zsh...., but i can't input chinese in bash and sh , i use ibus.
If i login with another account , i can input chinese in bash and sh !
i also diff the locale and env between the two account ,they are nearly the same;
example: when i input chinese ""i type "wq" and space,then bash print :
Display all 4063 possibilities? (y or n)
I've written my script so that it reads in the variables $1 $2 $3 $3....$12I have an input file as follows
word1 1 1 2 3 4 5
word2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
word3 1 1 2 3 4
I've written a bash script that allows a user to input a directory location to find out the size of the directory. However, if the user inputs a directory and finds its size then inputs another directory then wants to quit, the script asks the user numerous times if he wants to quit!! The script won't exit until the number of times the user looks at a directory is reached! What gives?
Here's the script:
I'm basically setting up two sshfs mounts and I have it set up so I run one command but type my password twice.Is there an easy to way to input a password using bash and pass that variable to another process asking for a password?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I use the scp command, here is a command prompt "Input password:",Now I want to use a one line command to perform the scp command.I tested the "echo "password" | scp xxx", but failed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs I'm starting to learn bash scripting I'm trying to automatize some tasks I usually perform. I have a notification mail I need to send several times a day. It has this structure:
Dear user,
blah blah blah blah
You need to contact the following people:
To replace "user", I found this:
read -p "Please enter username: " username
echo "Dear $username,"
Which probe to be very useful with other simple notifications like this. But I don't know how to manage the email addresses as they are usually more than one and could vary from 1 to 10. They should appear one above the other. I found this: "Here is a little work around. The only thing the user needs to do is hit enter without anything else on a line and it will close out"
until [[ $word = "" ]];do
I tried to use it and modify for my needs but I failed, I don't realize yet how can I use it. If possible, I would like to use the until loop like the above example just for learning purposes but any other form will be accepted as well.
I've been using python/bash to help myself automate things for a long time, however I am curious. One reason I use python more is because I don't quite know how to work with user input in Bash, such as getting it to ask for input and wait, and then placing that user input into a command.
Here's an example of a script I use from time to time for converting OGG video files into AVI.
How could I write this same script in Bash? Keep in mind I am mostly self taught, so I am by no means an expert programmer.
I'm trying to make a script to make it quicker to encode videos.
echo "Type the path of the video file"
When in the interactive envirment, my Input and Output are all mess-up. So i want to color the Input and Output with two different colors.. so i can figure them out..
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I have an interactive program, e.g top, which, after launch, can be fed with key strokes and changes its behavior, for example, after launching top and then pressing "1", you can see the CPU utilization per core. I was wondering if there is a programmatical way to do so, so I don't have to press "1" every time. I would think it is an easy task, but so far my attempts have failed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a prgramme that output the lyrics when I give it an mp3...
fetchlyrics mymp3.mp3
based on its data inside of mp3
The goal of the script is the following:Whenever I leave my house, my wife comes to my computer to check her mails (She has two computers of her own but they have a dangerous operating system, so they have been banned from the internet).She shuts down qbittorrent so as to download all her mails, and she forgets to execute it again on 98% of the times. End result: my computer is sometimes turned on for 10 hours doing absolutely nothing.I had therefore two choices: a) get on my wife's nerves until she gets the problem or b) write a bash script.If you are married, you will understand that bash scripts are easier to deal with than spouses.Ergo, I wrote the following script:
#!/bin/bash -x
while true ; do