Slackware :: Prioritize The Use Of Physical Memory Instead Of Swap?

Oct 24, 2010

I have a system with 2G of memory and swap memory of 4G.

This is the output from :

PHP Code:

How could they do to the memory cache to be used as much? Because, occasionally, swap is used and note that the system could use the memory cache does not swap ...

Slackware current 64 multilib.

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General :: Why Set Swap Space Twice Big As Physical Memory

Sep 12, 2010

When we want to setup a linux system, there is a common a suggestion like set the swap space as twice as big than your physical memory, I want to know why do we need this and how is this suggestion come from?

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Server :: Free Physical Memory Available Then Why Swap Space Used

Jun 20, 2010

Why linux uses swap space, even if there are free physical memory available.

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Server :: Clear Cache Memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) As It Consumes Almost 100% Physical Memory?

Jan 11, 2010

let me know how to clear cache memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) as it consumes almost 100% physical memory.

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Hardware :: Why Dmesg / Grep Memory Gives Two Different Physical Memory Amounts

Oct 20, 2010

I am monitoring physical memory in a server I administer, and my hardware provider told me they had increased physical memory size to 4Gb... However, using several tools (free -m; top; dmesg | grep Memory; grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo I discovered that I actually have 3Gb, not 4... But, my doubt comes from the fact that dmesg | grem Memory tells me I have 3103396k/4194304k available The first number is effectively 3Gb, but the second one, is 4! so, why I am looking at this two different numbers?

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Ubuntu :: Swap Or Swap File On Flash Memory?

Aug 16, 2010

RAM for older machines like I use is fairly cheap these days. But flash memory is just as cheap or cheaper. So I'd like to ask about the feasibility of expanding my system's memory using flash memory. And about whether creating a partition for swap on the flash memory, or whether a swap file on the flash device, is the better way to go.

By flash memory I have in mind mainly USB sticks or what are sometimes called "pen drives." But I do also have CF and SD cards that, with the proper cheap adapter (one of which I already own for adapting CF) could be used to create extra swap space. So, what is the current consensus on the feasibility/advisability of using flash memory for swap? I've read about the limited write cycles of flash being an argument against using it for swap. But recent reading indicates to me that the limited write cycles problem applies mostly to older, smaller-capacity flash memory. Some will come out and say that, for larger-capacity flash memory, the life of the device is likely to exceed the amount of time your current computer will be useful (I think I've seen estimates in the range of 3-4 years life--minimum--for newer, higher-capacity flash memory).

A more persuasive argument I've heard against using flash memory for swap is that access times for these devices can be much slower than SATA, and maybe even IDE, hard drives. That would certainly dictate against using flash memory for swap.

So, how about some input on this issue? Anyone using flash memory for swap? If so, what kind (e.g., usb stick or SD/CF)? Are you using a swap file or a swap partition? How's system performance? Likewise, has anyone had flash-memory-used-as-swap die on them? The consequences would undoubtedly be dire. Also, has anyone measured flash memory access times to confirm or refute claims about slow access times? Are some types of flash memory better/worse than others in terms of access times?

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Slackware :: How "to Clear" Memory Swap

May 9, 2010

I have 2G of physical memory and 1G of memory swap. Very rarely the memory swap is used and when usage is around 1% while, then gets a lot of free physical memory...My question is:It is possible to "clean up" the memory swap. Or better still (I think). It is possible to spendphysical memory for data that is in memory swap?

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Server :: PAE Kernel (2.6.18) Fails To Swap With Large Amounts Of Physical Ram?

Dec 8, 2009

We're load testing some of our larger servers (16GB+ RAM), and when memory starts to run low they are kicking off the oomkiller instead of swapping. I've checked swapon -s (which says we're using 0 bytes out of 16GB of swap), I've checked swappiness (60), I've tried upping the swap to 32GB, all to no avail. If we pull some RAM, and configure the box with 8GB of physical ram and 16 (or more) GB of swap, sure enough it dips into it and is more stable than a 16GB box with 16 or 32GB of swap.

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Hardware :: How To Increase Physical Memory

Jan 23, 2011

I'd like to ask you how install new physical memory in my hp ml350 g6 server with linux redhat operating system>

i sugess it is easy like in windows operating system but there is frind told me you must make mount , i am new with linux os .

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General :: Configure Physical Memory Map?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to build and bring-up Linux (embedded) for a piece of hardware which have MIPS 74K proccessor 16MB Flash, 128MB DDR and network/usb support. How to configure/set into the kernel the exact addresses of the physical memory map? How does the kernel know where is the system ram, i/o memory, root FS? I have read some book and I found how the applications can go and read some special files like /proc/iomem to find out info about memory but what I need is how to set those addresses at the beginning when I build the kernel and FS in order to boot the kernel on my h/w.

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General :: Get The Physical Memory Used By A Couple Of Processes?

Sep 3, 2010

I am doing a test to get the memory used by apache`s apache2 processes. I used a script to get VmSize and VmRss from /proc/pid/status, and loop through that to get the sum of VmSize and VmRss of all the apache2 processes.

I found the VmSize (about 4GB) and VmRss (about 3.4GB) are much larger than the physical memory (1GB) when apache server was saturated. It was said because of the multi-counted libiraries size used by many processes simultaneously. Then , how to get the physical memory used by apache2 processes? Or how to get a more reasonable memory data?

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Server :: Why VMrss Is Larger Than The Physical Memory

Aug 30, 2010

I got the VMrss used by a process as about 2GB, but the physical memory of my computer is only 1G.

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General :: Virtual Address To Physical Memory Access ?

Feb 21, 2010

A process is trying one access to memory, for example through an array (ex.: vect[0]=123. What happens?

Here below what I guess but I'm not sure and accept any comment (please, distinguish between "the system" and "the CPU" in case).

Let's suppose swapping to disk disbled.

We have two scenarios: without and with cache.

If no cache is present in the system:
1. The CPU must discover the phys addr of vect[0] virtual addr. To do that, has to read from 3 (or 2 depending on the system?) pages tables, stored in memory as well.
2. The CPU writes to the final address.

These mean 4 memory accesses.

If cache is present:
1. Like above but, if the pages tables are in cache, we have 3 accesses to that.
2. If the req. page is not in cache, it's reads from ram and transferred to it. Afterwards, cache is written.
In the best case we have 4 cache accesses.

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Hardware :: RHEL5.3 Is Not Showing Total Physical Memory?

Aug 27, 2010

I have rhgel5.3 installed on IBM blade server having 16 GB of physical memory. But it showing only 4GB.

#cat /proc/meminfo
#free -m


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General :: Physical And Virtual Memory Upper Limit For 32 Bit?

Jun 26, 2010

I have a 32 bit Ubuntu installed and my Laptop has 4GB RAM, but only 3GB is considered by Linux. My question is: what is the reason for the upper limit on physical memory ?

dmesg | grep Memory [0.000000] Memory: 3052428k/3112960k available (4673k kernel code, 56364k reserved, 2121k data, 656k init, 2200904k highmem) I am familiar with the virtual memory concept where linux splits upper 1GB for kernel and lower 3GB for user processes. In total, linux 32bit can address 4GB virtual addresses. Does this meant that 1GB of physical memory is already mapped to 1GB of kernel space and Linux only shows the remaining 3GB physical memory left for the user in the above command.

I did some searching on the internet and found some articles related to this, but it only confused me further since some articles suggest 4GB is the upper limit with mentioning whether it's virtual or physical memory, some bring in the concept of PAE, etc. I'm relative new to Linux's memory management, so it'd be really helpful if someone could answer this.

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Server :: Physical Memory Lost After Running SOSreport?

Jan 2, 2011

Before running SOSreport, the free physical memory is 5389Mb out of 8Gb.

After running SOSreport, the free physical memory is 3229Mb.

Why is this so? how we can free up the physical memory.

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OpenSUSE :: Created A Tab To Look That The Physical Memory In The System? Monitor Program?

May 11, 2010

I have a system with 1 GB RAM. I'm running KDE 4. I created a tab to look that the Physical Memory in the System Monitor program, which I assume appears to look at the same stats that "top" looks at. In that Physical Memory tab I have 3 tables: Used Memory, Free Memory, and Application Memory.The Used Memory table shows that the system is using .94 of .98 GiBytes. The Free Memory table shows that the system has .5 GiBytes of RAM free.

However the Application Memory shows that only 339 M-Bytes of RAM is being used.Note that "top" shows the same info.So where is the other .6 GiBytes of RAM that the Used Memory table shows as being used?If I look at the process table which is supposed to encompass all of the processes running, including the ones for the OS, then it appears to add up to the 339 M-Bytes being used in the Application Memory table. Is the rest of the memory being held in reserve by the OS to be used as needed? If so, then why when another application is opened the Free Memory goes down instead of staying constant?I also noticed this memory "black hole" when I was running 11.0 on a system with 4 GB of RAM. The OS appeared to "take up" a large chunk of memory that was NOT being used by any applications and making it "disappear" - meaning that the applications were using about 1.3 GiBytes of RAM and Free Memory was showing only .7 GiBytes instead of the over 2 GB of RAM that should be free.

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Programming :: Find Physical Address Of Memory Provided By Kmalloc

Oct 22, 2009

I allocated a chunk of memory using kmalloc in a Device Driver. Kmalloc provides a pointer to the allocated memory. This is one of my first few drivers.

I assume that the address returned is a Virtual address. I need to find the physical address of the memory location. I am working on an Intel 64 bit Fedora machine. I used the virt_to_phys() routine present in <asm/io_64.h>. I found that this routine returns an unsigned long value (32 bit) instead of an unsigned long long value (64 bit). Moreover, it seems that it simply returns the address - OFFSET instead of extracting the value in the page tables.

So is there any function / system call in Linux which will allow me to see the actual physical address on the Intel 64 arch.

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General :: Mapping Kernel Virtual Address Space To Physical Memory Zones?

Nov 4, 2010

As i undertsand - out of 1GB of the virtual Address space for Kernel from 3GB to 4GB of the process address space, Kernel image (code, data, bss, stack, heap) resides staring @0x0 address. Vmalloc area starts either at the end of Physical ram size or at 896M. This 896M cap is mandated to ensure that minimum of 128MB is reserved as vmalloc_reserve for vmalloc,kmap etc.

Is the understanding correct? Now trying to map Physical Zones into this 1GB address space

Initial 16MB is mapped to ZONE_DMA
16MB - 896MB is mapped to ZONE_NORMAL
896MB - 1024MB is mapped to ZONE_HIGHMEM

Does this mean that Kernel image is residing in ZONE_DMA area? Any call to vmalloc() in kernel code will return address beyond 896M? insmod of any LKM will internally invoke vmalloc() to obtain contiguous area - where will this code physically located along with rest of kernel code in ZONE_DMA or in ZONE_HIGHMEM?

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Programming :: Physical Memory Leaked By User Application Process Is Not Reclaimed Back After Exit?

May 2, 2010

Whenever I'm running my application process, I've 1M physical memory usage is increasing for every 2 hours.This I observed using 'free -m' command.But 'top' command did not showing any increase 'RSS' size.It is same as it was started initially.Even though I stopped my process,the increased memory was not released back. If I start my application process then again memory usage start increasing by 1M for every 2 hours. increase of memory usage observer with 'free' and that too when my application is running, but top command is not showing any change in the RSS sizeIf my application is leaking any memory which is allocated by new/malloc, that should be released back whenever my application exit and the size increase will be show through top command for that process, right? This is not happeningThis proves that there is no potential leaks in my process.But why physical memory is increasing when only my process is running?

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Fedora :: Swap Never Used And Memory Filled Up

Sep 12, 2010

I've an 8GB swap (I know, overkill, but I don't have space issues, and I'd rather have too much instead of too less). The problem is that my physical memory fills up, and the system crashes, but swap usage is ALWAYS 0%
Mem: 8060580k total, 5193436k used, 2867144k free, 1013788k buffers
Swap: 8388604k total, 0k used, 8388604k free, 2262112k cached
Setting aside the fact that I can't trace why memory usage goes up to 8GB with just firefox/terminals/pidgin, why isn't my swap EVER used?

Also, if I run
# top
2301 hugo 20 0 1887m 665m 38m S 19.9 8.5 267:38.63 firefox-bin
1811 root 20 0 166m 67m 10m S 10.8 0.9 128:04.59 X
1973 hugo 20 0 306m 78m 16m S 0.8 1.0 42:30.04 compiz
2024 hugo 20 0 487m 13m 8836 S 0.2 0.2 2:14.73 Terminal
1980 hugo 20 0 333m 7228 5492 S 0.1 0.1 0:54.49 lxpanel
7048 hugo 20 0 15016 1168 820 R 0.1 0.0 0:00.03 top
(The rest are all "0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0")

If add up all of the RES columns, I get <1GB. If I add all the VIRT column, I get about 3GB. Where's the other 2GB being used? This goes up all the way to 8GB, without being able to add up where my memory's going.

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General :: How To Swap Non-memory Usb Devices

Feb 23, 2011

There are plenty of tools for umounting/mounting/automounting usb flash/pen drives/dongles/hard drives. There's the Device Notifier on kde 4, for example.

But what about other devices like headphones, mice, keyboards, modems, etc? A tool for doing this would be very handy.

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Ubuntu :: Inactive Swap Memory After Resize?

Apr 20, 2011

I used Gparted to resize the swap area, and doing so changed the UUID so now the swap memory is not activated automatically and hibernation is also inactive. i got some info about this in a previous thread, which became inactive, and could not fix the problem.the output of sudo blkid is:Quote:

sudo blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID="8bcd1749-f82d-4d4a-967d-ee8a3583e8e2" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda5: UUID="e02d4dcf-a064-4e6b-a014-a0d9db55f00f" TYPE="swap"


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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Allocating More Memory To Swap?

Jul 14, 2011

I did a standard install of Ubuntu 9.10, then upgraded to 10.04 LTS. Whenever I run htop I get:CPU [~3.8%] Mem [100/244MB] Swp [87/713MB]And free -mMem- total:244 used:214 free:29Swap- total:713 used:86 free:626It seems like I should be using allocating more memory to swap. I should be using more swap, or if this looks normal
B. If so, how do I re allocate more memory to swap?I am new to linux and still trying to figure out a lot of things.

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General :: Using Graphics Card Memory As Swap?

Jun 1, 2011

I came across this article, which I found to be very interesting and thought share it with you all.

Graphics CardMemory as swap space or RAM disk.


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Software :: Didn't Use Swap Memory In CentOS 5.4

Feb 27, 2010

I found out that my CentOS 5.4 linux does not use any swap memory! here is the #top output:

top - 10:02:49 up 27 min, 5 users, load average: 4.22, 3.45, 2.24
Tasks: 173 total, 4 running, 166 sleeping, 0 stopped, 3 zombie
Cpu(s): 71.1%us, 26.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.2%id, 0.0%wa, 2.7%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 3081388k total, 1729216k used, 1352172k free, 69544k buffers
Swap: 5140760k total, 0k used, 5140760k free, 865316k cached

I wonder why swap memory is not used! I also face auto-restart issue while running few tasks. Does it relate to the swap memory?

uanme -r -> 2.6.18-164.el5

I remember that my i have allocated about 5G for swap memory. However I put it into different partition and far away from root partition due to diskspace partition. Does it matter?

I do not know how to show the swap memory partition or partition map over here.

here is the mount output
/dev/sda2 on / type ext3 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)


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Fedora :: Swap Memory Full-system Stops Responding?

Jun 24, 2009

i have a RAM of 1 Gb & swap of 1Gb with fedora11 installed, initially in RAM programme memory uses around 300 Mb & cache uses 600-700 Mb , but after some time it starts using swap memory though my programme memory is still around 300 mb, it keeps on increasing swap memory as a result my system keeps on slowing down & finally when swap memory is 100% system almost stops responding but programme memory is still around 300mb.

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General :: Explicitly Swap Out Main Memory Of A Suspended Process?

Apr 7, 2010

I run a memory-hungry process (mkcromfs) which consumes more memory than I have physical memory on my latop, so it is paging and swappin and thrashing all the time and loadavg is about 2 (compcache is already in use with usual swap partition as well), but slowly moving forward (Although I afraid it will finally try to allocate >2GB and crash draining 2 days of thrashing).

When I want to use the laptop for something else, I stop the process, start X server, firefox and other programs. The problem is that when I start Firefox the loadavg jumps to 10 and the system becomes almost unresponsive at all (long time to turn on/off caps lock, slow mouse cursor position updates, slow switching from X server to Linux console, slow login).

The stopped mkcromfs still holds a lot of memory (464.8 MiB and slowly falling) and moves it to swap only when more memory is needed for some other program, which results in a great slowdown.

How to tell the Linux to swap out this process entirely (e.g. I'm not intending to resume it in short term), possibly waking from swap other data? Also it will be useful to be able to specify the exact swap device to swap the given process out (for example, mkcromfs's memory is useless in ramzswap).

Update: Now I just write a 400-600M of data from /dev/erandom to tmpfs and it makes mkcromfs to shrink. Is there more proper way?

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Server :: 100 Percent Swap Usage With Loads Of Free Memory

Dec 10, 2010

Nagios had alerted me that the server had a very high load average exceeding the critical level (17+), when logging onto the server I found that all 4GB of the swap was in use despite the fact that there was 15GB+ of free memory (and that's not even including memory from cache and buffers!) Because it seems all heavily used pages were being stored in swap, the I/O wait on the server became very high, and 4 kswapd daemons were taking up nearly 100% available CPU. This did coincide with an error reported by Bacula during a backup job while changing to a bad tape...

From /var/log/bacula.log:
10-Dec 02:11 bacula-sd JobId 1898: End of medium on Volume "4097" Bytes=434,170,000,000 Blocks=217,084 at 10-Dec-2010 02:11.
10-Dec 02:11 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 4097, drive 0" command.
10-Dec 02:12 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
10-Dec 02:12 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
10-Dec 02:12 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 4096, drive 0" command.
10-Dec 02:13 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 4096, drive 0", status is OK.
10-Dec 02:13 bacula-sd JobId 1898: Volume "4096" previously written, moving to end of data.
10-Dec 03:51 bacula-sd JobId 1898: Error: Unable to position to end of data on device "Tape-1" (/dev/IBMtape0n): ERR=dev.c:1384 read e
rror on "Tape-1" (/dev/IBMtape0n). ERR=Input/output error.

10-Dec 03:51 bacula-sd JobId 1898: Marking Volume "4096" in Error in Catalog.
10-Dec 03:51 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 4096, drive 0" command.
10-Dec 03:58 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
10-Dec 03:58 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
10-Dec 03:58 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 4098, drive 0" command.
10-Dec 03:58 bacula-sd JobId 1898: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 4098, drive 0", status is OK.
10-Dec 03:59 bacula-sd JobId 1898: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "4098" on device "Tape-1" (/dev/IBMtape0n)
10-Dec 03:59 bacula-sd JobId 1898: New volume "4098" mounted on device "Tape-1" (/dev/IBMtape0n) at 10-Dec-2010 03:59.
At the same time, these messages starting occuring in /var/log/messages:

Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Mem-info:
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 0 DMA per-cpu:
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 0 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 0 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 1 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 1 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 2 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 2 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 3 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 3 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 4 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 4 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 5 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 5 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 6 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 6 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 7 hot: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 7 cold: high 0, batch 1 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 0 DMA32 per-cpu:
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 0 hot: high 186, batch 31 used:162
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 0 cold: high 62, batch 15 used:48
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 1 hot: high 186, batch 31 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 1 cold: high 62, batch 15 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 2 hot: high 186, batch 31 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 2 cold: high 62, batch 15 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 3 hot: high 186, batch 31 used:18
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 3 cold: high 62, batch 15 used:0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 4 hot: high 186, batch 31 used:159
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: cpu 4 cold: high 62, batch 15 used:56
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 3 HighMem per-cpu: empty
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Free pages: 732052kB (0kB HighMem)
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Active:4232128 inactive:3071288 dirty:158210 writeback:0 unstable:0 free:183320 slab:256840 mapped-file:289545 mapped-anon:3805487 pagetables:13063
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 0 DMA free:10796kB min:4kB low:4kB high:4kB active:0kB inactive:0kB present:10356kB pages_scanned:0 all_unreclaimable? yes
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: lowmem_reserve[]: 0 3512 9067 9067
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 0 DMA32 free:213332kB min:2500kB low:3124kB high:3748kB active:1794108kB inactive:1463220kB present:3596296kB pages_scanned:64 all_unreclaimable? no
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 5555 5555
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 0 Normal free:41028kB min:3952kB low:4940kB high:5928kB active:3409444kB inactive:1471120kB present:5688320kB pages_scanned:0 all_unreclaimable? no
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0 0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 0 HighMem free:0kB min:128kB low:128kB high:128kB active:0kB inactive:0kB present:0kB pages_scanned:0 all_unreclaimable? no
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0 0
Dec 10 03:51:47 07 kernel: Node 1 DMA free:0kB min:0kB low:0kB high:0kB active:0kB inactive:0kB present:0kB pages_scanned:0 all_unreclaimable? no
Well to cut a long story short, I fixed the problem by disabling the swap partition with 'swapoff'. After about 30 mins all the swap was freed and the server went back to normal. I don't dare reactivate the swap partition and unfortunately as this is a live server which currently has no fail over, I can't reboot either

Server Spec:
4 * Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8214
RHEL 5.5, 2.6.18-194.11.3.el5 SMP x86_64
Running many KVM VMs (All CentOS x64) and kksmd is used.
bacula-dir Version: 5.0.0
IBM Tape Drive using lin_tape module version 1.34.0 according to modinfo

And before anybody asks
# sysctl vm.swappiness
vm.swappiness = 10

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Server :: Ubuntu Doesn't Move To The Memory And Empty The Swap

Feb 2, 2011

In our cluster, both the server and worker had been gone to swap and the performance is extremely slow. Although currently the memory is free but I don't know why the in the swap area is still being there and ubuntu doesn't move them to the memory and empty the swap.

On the other hand, when I run

sudo swapoff -a
on the server it says:
mahmood@server:~$ sudo swapoff -a


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