Slackware :: Ffmpeg Crash On Libx264?

Jun 12, 2011

I was trying to run record it now, and switched from recordmydesktop to ffmpeg and it kept crashing. I tried it with the command line

ffmpeg -r 30 -s 1680x1050 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpg2v2 -qscale 2 filename.avi
I have the following installed, but it's wanting libx264 which I don't see at


Where should I start looking for missing things or...?

I also looked for xvidcap and kazam at but didn't see them there. Are those available?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ffmpeg: Libx264 Error When Using Presets?

May 25, 2011

OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)

I have installed the latest ffmpeg using this tutorial : HOWTO: Install and use the latest FFmpeg and x264.

What ever I do I always get the same error when trying to use ffmpeg with the new presets setting. I've searched forums and google the whole last day and now I'm pretty lost.

Here is the command I use (I've stripped it down to it's simplest form.):

$ ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/input.mkv -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_slow ~/Desktop/output.mp4
and this is the error:


I've tried changing the bitrate, adding -pass 1, bitrate tolerance, quality based etc... I've tried at least 60 different things... reinstall ffmpeg countless times using different tutorials. It's always the same error.

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General :: Installing Ffmpeg From Tarball With Libx264 Enabled?

Jun 19, 2010

(1)I got ffmpeg-checkout tarball dated 5 june 2010 . It was bigger than ffmpeg-export of same date but I noticed the binary ffmpeg & ffplay generated after './configure' & 'make' are same size.

(2)I am using ubuntu 8.04 with GNOME. I am able to compile ffmpeg with following options


Do I have to get tarballs (of libx264 & libtheora) & compile them .

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CentOS 5 :: How To Install Latest FFMPEG With Libx264 Support

Apr 8, 2009

I would like to install on my box FFMPEG with libx264 support. First of all I've tried yum install ffmpeg, but it occurs that it downloads a version from 2007 (?) and without libx264. Than I've tried this: [URL]. And everything goes ok till last ./configure:
./configure --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-nonfree --enable-postproc --enable-libfaad --enable-swscale --enable-avfilter --enable-pthreads --enable-libxvid --enable-libx264 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libfaac --disable-ffserver --disable-ffplay

And in this moment I do "make" and get:
-bash-3.2# make
gcc -DHAVE_AV_CONFIG_H -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_ISOC9X_SOURCE -I"/usr/local/lib/tmp/ffmpeg2/ffmpeg" -I"/usr/local/lib/tmp/ffmpeg2/ffmpeg" -fomit-frame-pointer -pthread -g -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wall -Wno-switch -Wdisabled-optimization -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wno-pointer-sign -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -O3 -fno-math-errno
-c -o libswscale/swscale.o libswscale/swscale.c .....
libswscale/swscale.c:3409: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
make: *** [libswscale/swscale.o] Error 1

And as you can see I get a lots of errors. Tried to install it for 5 day now, How to make this work??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ffmpeg Crash When Trying To Overwrite File?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm getting some funny behavior from ffmpeg when I'm trying to increase the volume of an mp3 file and have it overwrite itself. For example, if I execute the following command:

ffmpeg -i name.mp3 -vol 1024 -y name.mp3

it will code the first 5 seconds or so and then quit with:

[mp3 @ 0x2db16d0]incomplete frame
Error while decoding stream #0.0

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Slackware :: Ffmpeg Slackbuild Fails In 13.37

Apr 29, 2011


Trying to build ffmpeg in 13.37 but it fails with the rror above.

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Slackware :: Eclipse Crash In Slackware 13.1 Every Couple Minuts / Fix It?

Feb 11, 2011

I run Slackware 13.1 x64. Problem is when I run eclipse, it works couple minuts and then crash. I run from shell and this is message what I got. code...

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Slackware :: Ffmpeg Slackbuild Fails In Current Multilib

Jan 9, 2010

I was trying to use alien bob's slackbuild mentioned in another thread [url] and it failed everytime, so I tried to do it individually, building dependencies with sbopkg which worked except for Schroedinger and then ffmpeg still fails. I don't have access to the logs or fail messages at this moment, but I'm wondering if it is failing due to the newest gcc-multilib version? I'm also running kernel 2.6.33-rc3 with multilib-current.

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Slackware :: Sbopkg - How To Install Svn Versions Of X264 - Ffmpeg - Mplayer ?

Jan 29, 2010

How users to install the latest svn versions of x264, ffmpeg and mplayer. Primarily, this is important for users who rip movies from dvds.

How do I perform the same tasks using sbopkg? I believe some compilation options must be changed to reflect the svn changes.

Has anyone done this before? Are the steps important when using slackware 13 x86_64?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ffmpeg 6 Is Out For Some Time When Will Lucid Afford Such A New Ffmpeg?

Jul 20, 2010

Since ffmpeg 6 is out for some time, when will Ubuntu Lucid afford such a new ffmpeg package from its repository?

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Software :: How To Get The

May 1, 2010

My system had a child related crash(apparently glowing switches are fun to play with) while mplayer was running and now is missing. I've tried searching for it and can only seem to come up with RPMs

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Install VLC Missing

Jun 19, 2010

It's been days and I still haven't found out how to install VLC. It says it requires I have libx264, and some other package listed as what's available in the following output when I issue "yum install vlc"

Code: [root@yoshii <myusername>]# yum install vlc-core
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies


You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest can anyone shed some light on this? I need/want VLC for some videos I have that wont play with MPlayer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Finding The .dev Files For Libx264?

Jun 3, 2010

were do i get the .dev files for libx264 0.98 i think is the version it is asking for.I install the latest libx264 from git or does that install the .dev file also.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Find Libx264 Or Libxvid

Jan 29, 2011

I'm using mencoder to encode a DVD on my computer (reading it is not an issue), and I'm having trouble getting the codec to read a certain library.My command includes these options:


-ovc lavc
-lavcopts vcodec=libx264 (I also tried with libxvid)

It spat out this error at the end:


Cannot find codec 'libxvid' in libavcodec...
Couldn't open video filter 'lavc'.
Failed to open the encoder.

Unless I can get this working I'll fall back on mpeg4 but I would like these codecs. I've had good experiences with them. I've checked and the libx264-98 package is installed, along with libxvidcore4 and avifile-xvid-plugin Is this a permission problem? Or do I have to set a conf file? DO NOT suggest using a different -ovc or vcodec. If you have one that works for you, keep that for yourself. I am going to use lavc.

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Slackware :: CLI Apps Crash Over Ssh (and Locally)?

Dec 11, 2010

I often connect to my main box via ssh and then run 'screen.' The client machine is running Slackware64 13.1, the box I connect to is running Slackware64-currentSome time ago I noticed the following phenomenon:1. Sometimes (relatively often) cli apps just freeze usually at the very beginning (when they start) and I have to either use Ctrl+C or kill a screen window. It happens both with screen an without it. I've noticed it with vim (never with emacs -nw, or nano), "slackpkg upgrade-all", sbopkg).2. Sometimes/some CLI programs display 'weird' characters. For example, sbopkg's border. It does not happen when I run the same app locally.Is it something to do with encoding? It happens both with and without 'screen'.Both 1 and 2 happen with sakura (my main terminal emulator), terminal, konsole and xterm.

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Slackware :: Firefox Crash When Exiting?

Jan 26, 2010

This happens on my machine almost every time i exit firefox. FF starts normally the next time though. [URL]

I noticed that it may not occur if i use firefox for short duration. But i usually open FF for at least some hours, so this is rather annoying.

Do you know the reason and the fix for this?

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Slackware :: GL XScreensavers Causing KDE Crash?

Mar 29, 2011

After a recent update to Slack64 current, GL xscreensavers cause KDE to crash every single time they are run. The crash actually happens as the screensaver exits (ie it runs fine until a mouse or keyboard event, then crashes).

Here's the relevant Xorg output:
(EE) intel(0): [DRI2] DRI2SwapComplete: bad drawable


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Slackware :: KDE Crash After Upgrade / Solution For This?

Nov 24, 2010

So I did an update to my slackware current and as many people here found that KDE crashes... Mine I am unable to find a fix for it.... I get the following error as I log in...

Warning Can not Open ConsoleKit Session Unable To Open Session: Failed To Connect to Socket: /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No Such File or Directory.

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Slackware :: (ver. 13.37) After Delay, New User Causes X To Crash?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a new installation of Slackware 13.37 on an old Dell Optiplex P4. Right after installation (when I only had a root account) I found that X (regardless of window manager) would develop video problems after a few minutes (horizontal lines, slowdown -- though without crashing). A message board informed me that that there was a bug in my onboard Intel video chip that would require me to enable shadow buffering (which amounts to disabling 2D acceleration). I made the change in the Xorg.conf, and the issue disappeared.

However, once I finally got around to adding a new user, X began acting up again, though I have no idea whether it's related to the earlier problem. Now, after a few minutes, it actually crashes -- though only when started under the new user. Root still works fine. I'm new to Linux, and still trying to sort through all the different logging tools, so I'm not sure what I ought to be posting. Here's the relevant bit from Xorg.0.log:

[ 1886.178] (II) intel(0): Modeline "800x600"x70.0 45.50 800 840 920 1040 600 601 604 625 -hsync +vsync (43.8 kHz)
[ 3090.195]
[ 3090.195] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80e72fb]
[ 3090.195] 1: /usr/bin/X (0x8048000+0x5dbf5) [0x80a5bf5]


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Debian :: Libx264-98, Libavcodec-extra-52 Etc Are Missing In Testing

Jul 1, 2011

I like to install kazam a screencaster, so added the ppa. But during installation I get following dependency issue


Obviously I like to ask the repo from where I can get those, but before that ; why debian missing those in its repo ( I am using testing ) and how ubuntu manage those to include in their repo ? May be a topic for debian decision maker, though interested to know.

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General :: Slackware Total Crash / Sort It?

May 21, 2011

I don't understand why, but my Slackware is totally crash after ~10min work. My guess is Nvidia is fault. Which logs I could see where the problem is? X (startx) work fine. My video card is: geforce 240. installed slackware 13.37 64 bit.

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Slackware :: Dolphin Hang And Crash On KDE 4.5.1 - 64-current

Sep 15, 2010

Is there any Slackware-current or Slackware64-current users in the LQ Slackware forum experiencing lags or slowdown on Dolphin file manager on KDE 4.5.1? I experienced this first on KDE 4.5.0, after the current update KDE to 4.5.1 I still have this problem.

Hovering mouse on a file can take a while, opening a text file with kwrite took several seconds and dolphin window will appear blank (like hang). Sometimes Dolphin crashed when opening file, changing directory or hovering mouse on a file.

Quick googling points to this discussion at which suggest a bug in libdbus.

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Slackware :: Odd Crash With Claws Mail After PHP Update

Jan 14, 2011

Until the latest update to php, claws-mail was running fine. Since updating php through slackpkg, Claws will start but as soon as a message is selected it crashes with the following message (caught in terminal)

root[/]# claws-mail
Newmail plugin loaded
Message header summaries written to /home/pat/Mail/NewLog
Segmentation fault

As usual, I'm lost and wandering in the darkness.

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Slackware :: Unwanted Glibc Crash Messages?

Dec 7, 2010

I am writing a script using man2html and some man pages cause man2html to crash ie

gunzip --to-stdout /usr/man/man7/groff_hdtbl.7.gz |man2html -r
will cause a glibc crashdump like so


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Slackware :: Adobe Reader 9 Crash On Print Dialog

Jul 30, 2010

Adobe Reader 9.3.3 on Slackware 13.1 (32 bit). This is the stand-alone reader, not the browser plugin. The Reader crashes the second time I open the print dialog. Even if I cancel, and do not actually print. For example: Open a PDF, File=>Print, Cancel, File=>Print. Then the Reader window is gone, with no message anywhere I can find.

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Slackware :: Print Crash On Firefox And Thunderbird / Resolve This?

Jun 28, 2010

Well, that's about it - the firefox and thunderbird packages included on the first batch of official 13.1 updates keep crashing when I try to print a web page or an e-mail. Seamonkey, updated as well, can print as usual.

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General :: Xvideo Crash On Slackware 13 Radeon Mobility X1400

Mar 6, 2010

I have been using slackware for a few years now and just made a jump from 12.1 to 13.0 recently on my Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop. Everything seems to be working great except for the video players. When I try to start xine I get the following error:

X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 135 (XVideo)
Minor opcode of failed request: 19 ()
Serial number of failed request: 1977


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Slackware :: ImageMagick Crash After Latest Glibc Change / Sort It?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm running Slackware current. After the recent glibc change, ImageMagick display is exhibiting bad behaviour. I open an image with display, left-click on it to get the menus, move the mouse down so I can click on Transform, but before I get there, it crashes and displays this message code...
Has anyone else seen this? Is there a fix for it?

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Slackware :: Udev Start In Current Provokes Kernel Crash Because - Wrong - Boot Option

Dec 24, 2010

I switched today to slackware-current on one of my desktops to play with it and ran directly into a problem.

Since ages my lilo.conf has two entries for slackware. One for runlevel 3 and one for runlevel 4.


Since the upgrade this is no more possible because I get a kernel panic as soon as udevadm trigger is called. The stack says something about an unknown boot option. Because that i removed the append lines from my lilo.conf and i was able to boot the system. The crash happens when udev is called from within the ramdisk and afterwards. I tried both.

My question is now. Is this a bug in udev or expected? I have this setup since at least 5 years and had never problems with that. What do I have to do to be able to select the runlevel at boot time?

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Slackware :: 64 Wine Running A Game Results In Wine Crash

Jun 24, 2011

I have a problem running a game on a fresh Slackware64 install.

Slack version is 13.37

I've followed alien bobs instructions for a multilib environment from here:[url]

And then used sbopkg to download and compile wine version 1.2.2, which went through just fine.

After that I grabbed cabextract from sbopkg and ran this: wget [url] sh winetricks d3dx9 To get the DX9.

But, when I try to run the game, this is the error I get:


The game it self ran perfectly on the 32 bit version of Slackware, tested with 13.0. So now I think I'm missing some libs or something, but I have no clue which.

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