Slackware :: The Last Character Covered By The Cursor In A Terminal?

Jun 21, 2010

The last character covered by the cursor in a terminal . what can i do?

after this revised i got a kde with chinese, i do not kown if it is right. also,Sometimes the terminal fonts garbled,for example i use the pppoe cmd.


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Ubuntu :: Erratic And Random Character Cursor Jumping

Dec 20, 2010

I have a dv7-4172us laptop from HP, a new laptop. It has AMD Phenom II N950 -64 bits processors. I am running LiveCD version 10.04 LTS 64 bits in "Try Ubuntu" mode. If I type type fast, the character cursor (not the mouse pointer ) moves away randomly, like a few rows up from present typing location. Sometimes, something else, like another application scrolls it self while I am using Gedit to type this posting. the cursor jumps here and there. Typing on this forum page also produce the same erratic cursor jumping problems!

I also disconnect my optical wireless USB mouse, and still have the same erratic cursor problem. I do not have the ANY problems with Win 7 -64 bits. This is a serious problem. It will render any laptop useless with Linux I so look forward to using Linux.

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General :: Use The Man / Info / Apropos Pages - Character Instructed The Shell To Interpret A Special Character As An Ordinary Character?

Mar 27, 2010

1.What character instructd the shell to interpret a special character as an ordinary character?

2.What directory contains some of the utilities available on the system in the form of binary files?

3. What command is used to search the location of a utility?

4. What command is used to instruct the editor to write the file and quit the editor?

5. What key quits the more utility and displays the shell prompt?

6. What command starts a child shell as the super user, taking on root's identity and environment?

7. Which wildcard characters can be used for searching all the files in the system that start with "A"?

8. The user name or login name of the super user is????


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OpenSUSE :: Remove The Tab-like Character In Terminal?

Dec 8, 2010

In my terminal , there's always a tab-like(a long space) between the "pswz-zhangy@linux-buym:~>" and the cursor, how can i get rid of if?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Character Spacing Flawed?

Jul 11, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.04 here and having some frequent problems in the terminal. The characters have "smooshed" together so some strings are unreadable. This happened randomly when I opened terminal and has been happening ever since. I don't know what the problem is.

BTW: I checked forums, two topics on this; 0 answers, go figure.

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Slackware :: Mouse Cursor Is Half Gone And There Is No Toolbar In Slackware 13.1 With XFCE?

Aug 26, 2010

I recently logged into my Slackware 13.1 account and when I issued the "startx" command , there was no toolbar at the bottom and I couldn't see my mouse. I was able to click on a short-cut on my desktop , and my mouse came back. I can't open any thing except VirtualBox. When I open it , the top is cut off , so the minimize , maximize and close buttons are cut-off . I really have no idea what to do.P.S. I have XFCE instead of KDE

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Debian :: Set Default Character Encoding In Gnome-terminal?

Dec 30, 2010

I try to change the default character encoding in gnome-terminal. I want to use UTF8, but every gnome-terminal i start uses "ANSIX3.4-1968".

In the menu, when i go in Terminal => Set character encoding i have a list with two items:
[x] Current Locale (ANSIX3.4-1968)
[ ] Unicode (UTF-8)

I don't know why the first item appears, i have another debian box and it has only the UTF-8 encoding available. I cannot remove the first item in "add or remove" sub menu !! Probably because it is related to "current locale"

Here is the output of "locale", if it can helps:
boulzor@antec:~$ locale


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Content Covered With Pink Layer

Mar 10, 2011

I try to watch flash content but everything is covered with a pink layer... (see attachment file). I am using firefox (same prob with opera!) and flash 1.0.2.r152 in ubuntu 10.10 with compiz disabled and GPU Override set to true (no difference with false..) I tried FlashAID for a clean setup and I have only flashplugin-installer on my laptop (no gnash or libswf...), I also tried it with the package "adobe-flashplugin" same problem. This and the a2dp-skips are my last problems before a perfect setup.

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Ubuntu :: Use The Mouse Cursor In The Terminal?

May 5, 2011

I have been doing alot of work in the terminal lately (mostly just for fun) and I was womdering is there a way to use the mouse cursor in the terminal? So I could select and copy/paste text? I know it can be done because I have seen it in slackware before.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Color Of Terminal Cursor?

Feb 2, 2010

Is there a way to change the color of the blinking cursor without changing the color of the text?

Or, if this cannot be done in gnome-terminal, is it possible in another terminal (yakuake, etc) ?

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General :: How To Set Character Set Per Application In Slackware

Jul 9, 2010

I am attempting to set a character set of IBM850 on slackware linux for a particular application (epic5). I am using rxvt-unicode and have setup LANG/LC_*=en_US. Now if I set the encoding to IBM850 in kde's konsole program im able to display certain characters correctly. I'd rather not use IBM850 for everything; is there a way to set/alias a command for a per application execution?

I've tried things like:
LC_CTYPE=IBM850 epic5
LC_ALL=IBM850 epic5

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Slackware :: Can't Even Enter Chinese Character

Apr 14, 2011

I built and installed the latest 3.3.2 and also the Chinese language pack from SlackBuild. [URL]... whenever I open a file whose path has Chinese characters, the LibreOffice always tell me that the file does not exist. What's worse, I can not use SCIM in it, so I can not even enter a Chinese character. what goes wrong? LibOffice or my KDE(4.5.5)? And how to solve it?

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Fedora :: Gnome-terminal Cursor Bug In Jove Editor?

Apr 3, 2010

I use an ancient text editor - Jove - that I maintain and update myself. It has worked fine on Fedora 6, 7 and 8 under gnome-terminal (known to the Jove editor as xterm). I just installed Fedora 12. When moving around a file being edited, the cursor often 'replicates' itself into a series of blocks (or underlines, depending on the cursor type setting) that seem to correspond to tab-stops. I initially thought it was stumbling on TABs, but it does this weirdness on long strings of blanks, as well. Clearing and redrawing the screen cleans things up until the next movement command.

I _intensively_ checked the code for anything that might be sensitive to the new termcap strings that have come with F12, but nothing. I could live with this if the underline cursor blinked so that I could SEE it in text, but alas, there ain't a blinking cursor. Just found out how to get the cursor blinking on another thread. But, I'd _still_ like go get the 'block' to work right. I compared the termcaps used by Jove in LF8 and LF9 and they were identical. Since the "7-block-wide" cursor bug happens in LF9, 10, 11, and 12 but not in LF8, I can confidently conclude that support for termcap/terminfo has been broken as of Fedora 9. And people ask me why I have four computers. (So I can run F8 F9 and F12 and compare their performance!).

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Ubuntu :: Weirdness With Terminal - Cursor Keys Don't Work

Aug 23, 2010

I've never seen it before and its entirely possible that I may have done something to my system to cause it. Basically, when I open any new terminal window I have a '$' sign instead of the usual blah@blah etc. Also, the cursor keys don't work

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General :: Change Cursor Shape In Gnome-terminal?

Nov 21, 2010

i installed red hat linux on my computer. how can i change my gnome-terminal cursor from block size to underline.

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Server :: Gnome Terminal Cursor Keys Produce Garbage?

Jun 17, 2011

Ubuntu 10.04 - Gnome Termainal - BASH pressing cursor keys in certain users produces garbage. For example:

pressing up arrow produces: ^[[A
pressing down arrow produces: ^[[B
pressing right arrow produces: ^[[C
pressing left arrow produces: ^[[D

Naturally, I'd like my bash history instead of this. For root and my main user I have no problems. I have a few system users (who don't have a standard home directory) and this seems to occur with those users. For example, my amandabackups user has a home directory of /var/lib/amanda.

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Slackware :: KDE Cursor Keeps Resetting To Classic

Jun 28, 2010

Yesterday, my mouse cursor in KDE/Qt apps suddenly changed. I always had the 'classic' theme set in systemsettings, and that resulted in a standard pointy arrow cursor. Yesterday, however, as soon as i logged on I had a weird 'triangle with a circle cut out' cursor. In systemsettings, it says this is "KDE Classic Cursor", 'the default cursor for KDE2 and KDE3'. I personally find it rather horrid, so I changed it. However, When I exit X and log back in, the 'classic' cursor is back. No matter which alternative cursor I choose, it only lasts for that session, although the cursor I actually selected is shown highlichted in systemsettings... I have tried deleting my .kde to no avail.

The only change I made before this started happening was adding a line to my .xinitrc to enable a menu called 'yeahlauch' which is part of yeahwm (Although I use xmonad as a WM and no desktop environment, so these cursor troubles happen only in KDE/Qt apps). EDIT: I have tried commenting out the new line and the problem persists.

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Slackware :: Starting X11 Session - Get Blank Screen With Flashing Cursor

Oct 19, 2010

Slack 13.0 X sometimes fails to start after boot about 50% of the time. linux says "starting X11 session" then I get a blank screen with a flashing cursor and absolutely nothing else. I can <ctrl>-<alt>-<F7> and get a text prompt, log in, and startx from a command prompt. After that, I can reboot once or twice and still get a graphic login, but will soon revert to the dumped condition. I have reinstalled X and KDE twice now as well as deleting my .kde folder. This condition started when I inadvertently ran out of disk space on my /home drive. Since then I have migrated /home to a larger drive and watch it's disk space very carefully.

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Software :: Keyboard In Slackware-13.0 - Getting Double Letters All Over The Place - Cursor Blink Has Slowed Too Near Zero

Jun 1, 2010

I have XFCE and xorg-server-1.7.7 in slackware64-13.0. I have my keyboard set up in xorg.conf. X ignores that and takes info from hal. So I have a US keyboard, when I have a UK/IE keyboard actually. When I added openoffice, i found I was getting double letters am getting double letters all over the place, and the cursor blink has slowed too near zero. So when I want to remove them again, the mouse will not land the cursor in the middle of a word to delete the extras. An average of 3 double letters are happening each line. Mouse sometimes works to remove them, usually not. I have set 'repeat delay' at maximum, 'repeat speed' & 'blink delay' at minimum. No effect. Disabled key repeat - still happens.

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Ubuntu :: Frozen Panel - Messing Around With The Alternate Character Panel App And Made A Custom Character Set

Jun 12, 2011

I was messing around with the alternate character panel app and made a custom character set. I then wanted to put it on a new panel and created a new panel. I moved the character set to that panel, and then started to mess around with the panel settings (auto hide, show hide buttons, and expand, to be specific.) So far so good, until I moved the panel from the right side of the screen to the top. I already had a panel here, and it seemed not to like hiding a panel when there was already one on the top.

When the new panel hid itself, all my panels stopped responding (any clicks on them did nothing) and my processor started going at 100%. I tried a reboot and the only thing that changed is that now I can't even see my panels. I'm guessing I need to change the settings back manually through the prompt, but I don't know how to do that. I am using 10.04 and have not upgraded gnome since upgrading to 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Cut Random Text And When The Cursor Focus Jumps Back To The Location Of The Cursor On The Screen

Jul 1, 2010

Im running netbook remix on a eeepc 1005ha. It is my only OS and Im loving it except for one obnoxious quirk. It randomly cuts text and randomly pastes it. If there is something in the clipboard, it will usually paste that, but just as often it will cut random text and paste that. The pastes occur when the cursor focus jumps back to the location of the cursor on the screen. I dont know a better way to phrase that, but thats what it is doing. Say... I put the cursor over the word "pastes" in the paragraph above... even though Im typing in this paragraph, the focus will "jump" to the cursors physical locale (the word "pastes") and then paste whatever is in the clipboard. If the cursor is outside of the textbox, the page will jump to the bottom.

This behavior occurs across programs and in any place text can be entered. I can find no rhyme or reason for it... it just... happens. Sometimes even when Im away from my computer, so its not like Im hitting some key on accident. I have loved everything about this ubuntu distro, but this issue is just toany obnoxious. Writing psych papers on this thing is going to be near impossible if I dont get this fixed before I go back to school.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cursor Is Always Busy Cursor After Upgrade To 10.04

May 1, 2010

Am running Ubuntu NBR as the sole OS on my Dell Mini 9. Switched over in March to 9.10 NBR. Everything worked fine.Upgraded to 10.04 when it was released. It's awesome EXCEPT for this busy cursor thing.As soon as I log in, all the time my cursor is the spinning wheel of busyness.... It works just as a normal cursor would - my computer also does not seem to be slower due to any operations.If I open an application, the cursor will behave as usual within the window but if I more my cursor to the title bar or switch out of the application, the "busy cursor" resumes.

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Slackware :: Konsole - Terminal - In Kde After Update

Jan 31, 2010

At yesterday night i run a slackpkg update and then slackpkg upgrade-all. i deselect all kernel related entries,and all others ( dont remeber precisely, but approx 15 - 20 packages, i e kde related) i get to update.

After that i shut system down and going to sleep. today i start my eeepc 900 with slackware 13.0 after that update and see i cannot run "Terminal" link on desktop. ok, go to "start", "system", "konsole terminal". from first look in konsole window i see whatever not ok - window background is grey, not black as usual.
when i run mc in this window, look like a monitor contrast is set to minimum, and brightness to maximum - very hard to see files, etc. all is very much light and small contrast.

I check kde windows - all its ok, brightness and contrast in konkueror windows and overall is ok -as same as previously times. i switch to ctrl-alt-f6 to native console - again, all is ok - background is black, all is ok.

i e problem is only with Konsole-Terminal under KDE. looks for configfiles / etc - nothing faund. no man entry for terminal nur console.

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Slackware :: Home And End Keys In A Terminal

Apr 22, 2010

I am having trouble using home and end keys in a terminal, to go to the end or beginning of a line. With xterm it will only work with the bash shell, while under zsh nothing is output. With urxvt, mrxvt and aterm pressing the keys in either bash or zsh always just results in a tilde being printed. Is this perhaps because urxvt, aterm and mrxvt are emulating a different terminal type to xterm by default?

Why does xterm work for bash but not for zsh? I don't just want a solution, I want to understand why it doesn't work by default. As a side question, is there any way to press alt+enter within a terminal? I tried to use wicd-curses where you have to use alt+enter to save settings, and it didnt register in any of the terminals, even xterm.

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Slackware :: Profiles For X Terminal Emulator ?

Jan 21, 2010

Is there a way to set up profiles for X terminal emulator such as one can do with konsole? and if so, can they be configured to launch at xfce startup?

Tab called "mutt".
When tab is opened, mutt is started.
Tab starts when xfce starts terminal emulator.

1)Using slack 13.0
2)Comfortable with command line, vim and command line tools.
3)Python programmer (and some shell)

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Slackware :: Getting Random Text In Terminal?

Jan 6, 2010

I installed slackware recently and noticed that when ever i open up a konsole i get some random messages ,i wont get these in other terminals like rxvt or xterm Where are these texts fetched from and can i modify those text messages to put something of my own ?

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Slackware :: Set Display On A Terminal And Run An Xwindow From It

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to run an Xwindow application from terminal but I'm unable to do it. What I did:

Code: oracle@firefly:/usr/local/temp/database$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
oracle@firefly:/usr/local/temp/database$ xhost +
No protocol specified
xhost: unable to open display ":0.0"

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Slackware :: Terminal Opens In Documents?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm using slackware current, when I open a terminal, it opens in Documents.

repo@cannabis Documents]$

Can this be changed, so it opens in the root from my home directory?

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Slackware :: Black Screen When Trying To Go From GUI To Virtual Terminal

Jul 28, 2011

I am new to slackware, but not new to linux. I recently installed slackware 13.37, and am enjoying it very much so far. The most annoying problem I currently have is that, after starting X, I cannot switch to a virtual terminal or even end X without having a problem. For instance, from the GUI if I hit ctrl-alt-F1, instead of going to the 1st virtual terminal, the screen fades quickly to black and does not return. I have not been able to make any progress on this problem, so any input would be greatly appreciated.The only thing worth noting really is that I'm using Fluxbox as my default window manager. Other than that I haven't done a lot of modifications to the base system other than installing some basic packages, but I had this problem since booting directly after installation of the os.

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Slackware :: Change Root@darkstar In My Terminal?

Jun 10, 2010

Can someone tell me how to change the
in my terminal?

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